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Taikonaut last won the day on March 21 2022

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  1. They don’t have one. Only line. I saw that guy being reviewed by some Thai massage customer hence the interest.
  2. Stopped by Phoenix the other day after conversing with the shop over line. There is a promotion ongoing for a one hour session for 350. The address on google maps is slightly wrong so do take care to follow the instructions from the shop to get to the correct address. It’s about a couple hundred meters south so it was an easy walk. Initially I was set on a specific guy that I saw on twitter but papasan told me he returned to the province. So instead I picked out a tallish Laos lad from the line up mainly based on the fact that he smiled at me. The other boys less so but that could be due to the lateish time I visited. He was great and gave very good service. Started off with the customary wash of the bits during which time he already started off with oral. Also kissing was definitely on the menu. Things proceed to the massage table on my back and he gave for my standard a quite good rub down. Though I am not a massage connoisseur like others here. To my surprise he also rimmed a bit which I did not expect but enjoyed. True body to body did not happen though he did climb atop of me. Things proceed with me flipping around and he gave me more oral and I returned the favor. He also got hard with some manual encouragement. Some more presses and rubs which leads to a happy ending finish as I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I was thinking of some fucking but I left my prep at home. He soon followed with his climax unprompted. Here surpassingly I expected to get some signal that the session was over but he continued with the massage accompanied with sweet kisses and embraces for a good while. For the overall very good service I tipped him 1400 and he seemed very happy. I left a happy camper. I am thinking of trying out 15M next. Or maybe BT house? Any suggestions?
  3. After some tinkering I finally managed to make it work and I am posting the solution in case others might find it useful. You need to have your SIM card (I use a hk based eSIM) AND a vpn that can tunnel your traffic to the country in which the sim card is registered. Signup via sms code this way works. Afterwards turn off the vpn so you are using Thai internet and I can then find all the shops via their official @ line ids. I added the usual suspects (thanks Mac for the diligent work) so am good to go. a couple of etiquette questions: Can I expect the masseur in shops like phoenix or 15m to kiss and cum? Or is that something to be negotiated prior, if at all? what about specific requests like where the…deposit goes?
  4. Searching for shops with official @ids did not work for me
  5. It’s probably some compliance thing. People must have used line for much more sinister acts than a rub and tug.
  6. Searching for a line account seems to not be working if you and the one you want to find have registered your line accounts in different countries. scanning QR codes seem to work but I have not done it myself.
  7. FYI for new comers line did a recent change and won’t allow you to add friends if your phone number or account is not in the same country. that is probably the reason why you can’t find these places on the app. Very annoying
  8. I strongly prefer Rio to SP. Better for both punting and an actual city to take a vacation in.
  9. Do you mind sharing some experiences on prices you were quoted and paid? In the other thread there has been talk about increases. Did you experience the same?
  10. Wait the rate with leche is now really at 400? Or was it just some gringo fleecing attempt?
  11. Great report. Can you make a post describing the scene in China? KTV bars? WeChat groups?
  12. What does an arrangement like this look like in 2024? If you comfortable sharing?
  13. Taikonaut


    Eh it’s a quite cheap lesson for your first time. Sounds like fun nonetheless.
  14. They don’t have a ac in the common area since it’s semi open but the rooms have it. When I was there there was no issue with cellphones.
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