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Everything posted by Docbr01

  1. Lucky and beautiful couple! Can’t understand people sharing negative reactions at this day and age! Come on, it’s 2021!
  2. Búzios is about 175 km (105 miles?) north from Rio. I think any would get a much nicer experience traveling there with a handsome guy from Rio!
  3. Sad news. He will be missed. His posts in the other forum where most appreciated.
  4. Damn , that’s why on ordering X-rays always order front and side views ... they wouldn’t have missed the charger was in the bladder.
  5. Wow, I’m totally shocked to hear that Tinder / Grindr app where (or still are) closed in France. I understand the rationale of avoiding meetings but I think it trespass too much civil liberties. I mean, come on, with everything closed one have the right to at least virtually meet and talk people. Dating in person or the serial dating that many guys indulge is other matter, but until “mandatory stay at home / domiciliary prison orders” are at place, people must have the choice. On the other hand , I’m living in São Paulo right now ... and after one year almost locked on home I could visit Lagoa two weeks ago (15 days after my second vaccine shot), but now cases are soaring again and the saunas in SP (and all other bars) are closed again.
  6. TottalyOz, thx for the work on the forums and to keep them working.. being a valuable source of information on the scene on many cities over the years.
  7. Wow, so glad I found this thread ... don’t know why, but I can’t access my old account (docbr) and started this new one. I had no idea of the minimum post requirement to get access to the other sections and will start working on those asap. Unfortunately the Brazil area is off limits for me, so can’t contribute much since I’m here right now.
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