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  1. Lagoa prices are very similar this days. That and the overall boy inflation (heard the older guys working in the trade are pushing newcomer guys to increase their asking price, so more common to see R$ 200-250 starting price and like 400 with cum) is surely having a toll on the Brazilian clientele. Going for a two boys sessions will look like spending R$ 700-800 overall, not something that middle class Brazilians can do 2-3 times a week. So pick up your passports and down to Brazil, the saunas and the Brazilian hunks are needing the “gringo” tourist money more than ever to survive
  2. Docbr01


    You would be better served going to those resorts beach importing a cool GP you like from Rio or São Paulo. Done that on the past and its great for a few days.
  3. That’s my experience too. From time to time I’m surprised by how much some of the “macho huge dick stereotype” that says they are exclusive top enjoys the session as a bottom behind the closed door. A smaller increase in your offer usually unlock that option.
  4. It’s almost unheard of people demanding tips in cash at restaurants or bars in Brazil. By law a 10-13% tip can be added to all bills (and most restaurants do that) and you pay it together with the rest of the bill - with CC , Pix or money. Sure, restaurant workers would love if you leave a cash tip - as most restaurants take a tax cut from it - but they don’t expect it. You even can say you will not pay the tip (they are obliged to remove it - but I would not advice doing it, you will be acknowledged as persona non grata).
  5. Not sure if it’s still that way , because last time I was on Thermas Boa Vista was maybe 3-4 years ago, most GP would hang out or be passing by near the TV room showing porno.
  6. Had one GP from Lagoa saying that Club 555 won’t open anymore. Went there only 2 times when it opened few years back, but rooms were bad and attendance not stellar so I never came back. It baffles me São Paulo only having virtually one GP sauna with the city size (and the amount of GPs on garotocomlocal website so great that you may take half an hour to scroll all).
  7. Been to Lagoa two days last week after a long absence… the number and quality of the guys seemed to increase a bit from my previous visit, a few new faces, some muscular hot guys, 2-3 model like handsome guys (not model tall, maybe 1,8 m)… but many where visiting from Northeast cities, Rio or Minas. So not sure if the attendance of guys will keep high with spring and summer approaching (when movement goes to beach cities). Asking price seemed to be around 200-250, especially for visiting guys, with one odd asking of 350 at almost closing time (but a tall, cute, young and strong guy), that I denied but regretted (it’s a red flag to me when they ask higher prices, by previous experience and I was kinda tired already). But definitely saw more “clock watching” and finish quickly vibe than before.
  8. Well boys think many gringos are a hassle for trying to down pay while clearly having more money than locals. Most boys are not found of that. For myself I never ever go with a boy asking more than the “current price”. Most will lower the price after a no, but I tend to keep my negative as they will often perform bad when that happens. I say clearly to them that asking an overprice upfront is a red flag to me and boys that do that won’t perform well . But likewise I tend to tip very well when the boys performs great - and as boys talks about clients between themselves, word of mouth goes around and when you are somewhat regular this “strategy” works great - they don’t ask higher prices (so I don’t lose money if they don’t perform) but they try to impress expecting a better tip.
  9. Thx for the update in both stories. I really like to know how others deals with some “long” term relations with the gp… While I find easy to connect and make friendship with the guys, most of the times it end up with them asking for more and more “free” money, that’s make me feel bad to deny or even to comply , because I feel explored. But loved the charity idea … I guess there is even commercial potencial for a care home for older gay guys where all the caregivers are tall, strong muscular ex (?) GP Brazilians … I’m sure I would love to spend my last days in one of those.
  10. Would add Recife too, quite a few tourist options (museums, forts from colonial time, Olinda colonial houses) and great beach’s in southern litoral in Pernambuco (well, not really in Recife - unless you dont mind losing a limb to sharks) - like Porto de Galinhas e Carneiros / Tamandaré beach (both like 1 hour car drive from Recife). Also, Termas Boa Vista has some good market boys wise. While the beach’s in Pernambuco are fantastic (with great resorts), the scene on those is lacking - but if you make contacts in Recife, it’s quite easy to arrange for a guy to spend the day (or a few days) with you in a hotel there.
  11. Oh I miss Rio rs thx for the report , nice to see saunas there are doing good
  12. I’m fact the recent spike in Brazilian central bank interest rates (taxa Selic, as we call here in Brazil) from an all time low of 2% per year (unheard of in all Brazilian history) in the middle of the pandemic, a move to boost the economy, to the now actual rate of 11.7% / year, a move needed to slow down inflation, is the main reason that the Real gained value against the USD. High interest rates mean more dollars in the country. As Brazilian inflation rates are always very hard to control , we could expect higher interest rates and the dollar losing more value in front of the Brazilian real (or at least keeping it actual rates) for at least 2 years. On a side note, a window for investing in Brazilian real state is closing now … apartments were a real bargain here for a while (for anyone with USD that is).
  13. This is correct. Except that in hotels there might be (usually only one) outlet with 220 v (all marked with a label or red color). In Northeast states the outlets are mostly 220v.
  14. Most medications (except over the counter like ibuprofen) in Brazil requires (by law) that you show a medical prescription in the pharmacy counter in order to buy it - like viagra or Cialis. It is never enforced. Just ask at the counter for viagra (original or generic) and no one will bat an eye for it , and you will get it. The only medications that the pharmacist will require an prescription are the special drugs (like steroids and opioids) that the law mandates retention of your prescription. Oh , antibiotics too requires retention of prescription now, but not a “special prescription” other drugs need.
  15. Sad to see it go, always liked the old fragata, even with its subpar facilities. The new place (I went twice) was too hardcore to me … only one suite and no bedsheets in any of the other cabines. Besides that the number of guys where low both days I went. I think the challenges of the sauna scene are too great in Brazil now - the internet competition, pandemics and juridical insecurity for owners - nothing helps .
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