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Midguy1 last won the day on December 29 2021

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  1. KPMG have issued a briefing note: https://kpmg.com/us/en/home/insights/2023/09/tnf-thailand-interpretation-foreign-sourced-income-thailand-tax-residents1.html
  2. Good news for those who admire Nicky, he was back on stage last night.
  3. Midguy1

    Sim Card

    I used to buy my SIM at the AIS shop in the airport after clearing customs. Last November there wasn't the opportunity to do that as I whisked away before that point by hotel taxi as part of the Thailand Pass entry system. When released from quarantine I purchased a SIM from the AIS shop in the silom centre shopping centre. The staff were very helpful and set it all up. It was easy and straightforward. I can't remember costs but seem to remember making a mental note that it seemed a bit cheaper than previous purchases at the airport. One piece of advice, don't forget your passport as that will be needed to purchase the SIM (or be like me and jog back to the hotel and back again to retrieve it.)
  4. X - Rock in Bangkok sell sexy underwear and swimwear. They have a website in addition to the Bangkok shop but their Twitter makes interesting viewing... https://twitter.com/xrockunderwear
  5. After all these visits theres nothing like hearing those words then shortly after landing the smells, the heat, sometimes the humidity, the smiles, the hussle and bustle. An assault on the senses. It's magical.
  6. I can relate to this! Seriously planning to retire much earlier (like early to mid 50s) to allow more travel time!
  7. I'm enjoying reading about your trip, thank you for posting. I'm sorry to hear of the bureaucratic problems you've been encountering, but I hope that is offset by the enjoyment you're having. The photos are brilliant.
  8. That seems an odd policy, especially for an established hotel. Can I ask what were the rooms like? It's a place I had been considering for a future trip.
  9. The report of hospital tests being positive and independent tests being negative is unfortunately another dark cloud hanging over. I see reports online of X number of people booking the Thailand pass, but I wonder what that number could be if only people weren't put off booking because of being caught out and the fear of potentially being incarcerated.
  10. When I stayed at the Quarter in December I had no problems bringing various visitors to the room. Sometimes guys waited patiently in the reception seating area for me with absolutely no hassle from the staff. Very reasonable rates too and would certainly back up Z909 suggestion of considering this as a substitute.
  11. This raises an important point of also checking any requirements the transiting country needs as well as the final destination. I very nearly got out last year by not doing my checks. I naively thought I had everything in order (PCR tests, entry requirements for final destination etc.) only to discover a couple of days before that the transiting country also needed me to complete an additional locator form online in advance, even though I didn't enter the country and remained airside in transit. Ive so far found the Lufthansa website to have the best tool for finding out about entry requirements for various countries. It can only be used per leg, but I've found (in most cases) it does give both entry and transit requirements for the destination. Simply enter departure airport and arrival airport. Link here: https://lufthansa.travel-regulations.com/?language=en&apptarget=external
  12. Whilst I wait for Thailand to reopen with sensible entry requirements, it has prompted to me to consider a trip to other countries that have been on my bucket list. The Philippines has been one such place that I have wanted to visit and I'm now seriously considering a trip. Researching flights from the UK they seem very expensive at the moment. For example a trip in March is showing them to be more than double than to Thailand or the South American countries. If I may ask the membership who may have done a UK to Phillipines route before, is this normal? I'm just curious whether to wait to see if prices drop or whether to book anyway knowing that this is just standard. Would appreciate any insights.
  13. I was struck by how many were paying to get their vaccine of choice and were happy to pass up on a free vaccine and wait until their vaccine of choice was available. From my experience the Pfizer vaccine appeared to be like the iPhone - that's the brand they wanted (from who I met anyway). I, however, was happy to receive my android equivalent free vaccine from the British NHS.
  14. Richard Barrow is reporting that the Indian Embassy has issued a travel advisory in relation to tourists testing positive after arrival in Thailand. It got me thinking what prompted them to issue this. I wonder if tourists are being caught out unprepared of what happens. With many SEA countries now reopening as reported by posters and many just with a just a pre-departure and/or rapid on arrival, I still think the Thailand Day 1 and Day 5 quarantine is over the top. I'm very tempted to book another trip but still anxious of being caught out on Day 5, which seems much more likely with the O variant. For now I'll continue to hold off on another Thailand trip.
  15. I miss the EVA London to Bangkok route, too. Over the years I've tried all different routes. Direct is always preferred but if needing to connect in Europe or the middle East both have their pros and cons for me. I can never sleep during the flight but have learnt just to get comfortable and relax. Going out to Bangkok connecting in Europe is preferred, a short hop from London and then connect for the long haul. Coming back from Bangkok is painful though. I'm usually so tired once I get to Paris/Frankfurt/Amsterdam that the final short hour or so flight to London can be traumatic as I tend to fall in out of sleep on that final leg often disoriented and anxious. I don't tend to experience that on the 2 middle East legs of 6/7 hour flights. Let's hope EVA restart again soon.
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