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Everything posted by Alsfca

  1. That is so true and no additional tips needed.
  2. That's why I am surprised there is not more discussions on the Japanese scene! And Japanese are very specific but they will deliver what they agreed to. I am by no means an expert on this topic but here is an example of what the boy can do. If you look at the yellow highlights on the bottom left of this picture, I believe the Japanese characters mean: 1st left: Atmosphere top (frottage? or) they are the lead in the action and on top. No Penetration. 1st right: Atmosphere bottom 2nd left: "Bareback" top - this means they penetrate you. They don't really do bareback, the words just mean penetration. The little triangle means they are in training. An x means they don't do it. 2nd right: "Bareback" bottom - this means you penetrate them. As you can see, it can be a combination of different services. I imagine if they only do atmosphere top or bottom they will be on top of you most of the time and lead the action. Kissing and sucking you is something you need to be specific in your email as well. Hope this helps.
  3. I haven't used the one pictured above, but I have used a couple of similar services in Tokyo and Osaka. It was pretty straight forward. You go to the website, choose the guy, email them in English and they will response. If you want to visit them, they will tell you a location to wait (usually a 7 Eleven or gas station close to a metro station) and the boy will come and pick you up. The site will depict how much is for each type of service (they call it course) and what the boy will do (top, bottom or massage only). Kind of like going to a restaurant you choose the number of courses and then the protein:-) They typically have a predefined course of action when you meet up. Confirm the time, shower with you, massage, loosen you up, and penetrate. They communicate with phone translation app. Comparing to what I experienced in Bangkok, I am actually pretty happy with the service I received in Japan, but of course the price is a bit more than double. I am actually surprised that there is not a subforum for Japan and Korea.
  4. Got my first pfizer jab yesterday. I was fine at first but my arm started to sore in the middle of the night through the next morning (today). I am fine now with no obvious side effect, but I heard the 2nd jab may cause problem. We will see. The problem is getting an appointment! I was online since 1 am and openings were rare or they were 70 miles away from San Francisco in Yuba City or Modesto! But even those got snatched up in a minute! I slept a few hours and started at 7 am again. Luckily one popped up at 7:30 for an 8:30 am appointment less than 15 miles away and I was able to grab it. You blink you lose!
  5. I have been to Royal Spa several times. They usually take their underwear off during the HJ. Sometimes you may have to ask nicely, but they usually oblige.
  6. I have ticket over Christmas 2021. Hopefully I don't have to do quarantine by then, otherwise, I will change my ticket!!!
  7. I am actually looking into getting this myself. The 45 year old limit is because of the parameters used in the clinical trial. People over 45 can still ask their doctor for it but it is "off label" as approved by the FDA, so not covered by insurance in the US and you will have to pay for it out of pocket.
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