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Everything posted by Alexbbb

  1. When Manhattan Rio Sauna near santo Dupont airport closed , I think the owner (Acyr?) move to this location and called it Nova Manhattan, I have been there once, during 2019, it's only opened for couple months and closed again, it's very small on the second is the main room and suites are on the third floor of a building on rua B.A. it's cleaner than Meio Mundo though. Didnt have too many boys when I was there. Yeah the boys are MM types. I hope this new KALAZANS last when I get there.
  2. Killer arrested Serial killer suspected of murdering young gay men is arrested in Curitiba; The individual exchanged photos with the victims and later traveled to the residence, when they arrived at the place, strangled them. by Josué Calebe May 29, 2021 José Tiago Correia Soroka, 33, suspected of being the serial killer responsible for the deaths of three young homosexuals, was arrested by the Civil Police on Saturday morning (29), in Curitiba. He was in a pension in the Capão Raso neighborhood. The chief delegate of the Homicide and Personal Protection Division (DHPP), Camila Cecconello, explained that the suspect will now be questioned at the police station. “He was arrested by DHPP officers around 7 am and is being taken to the police station, where he will be questioned about the facts. And soon after, Chief Thiago will give a press conference to give more details about this arrest and about the suspect's interrogation ”, she said. The victim's victims are David Júnior Alves Levisio, killed on April 27, and Marco Vinício Bozzana da Fonseca, murdered on May 4, both in the capital of Paraná. He is also suspected of the death of Robson Olivino Paim, on April 16, in Abelardo da Luz (SC). Still on May 11, the man tried to kill another homosexual, in the Bigorrilho neighborhood, in Curitiba. At the time, the victim managed to resist the attack, but had some assets stolen. All the victims were homosexuals and lived alone. The three men were found dead on the bed of their homes with signs of suffocation and had belongings taken away. According to the investigations, the serial killer scheduled meetings using gay relationship apps. At first, the individual exchanged photos with the victims and later traveled to the residence, when they arrived at the place, strangled them. After suffocation, then covered them covers.
  3. IR-2021-59, March 17, 2021 WASHINGTON — The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service announced today that the federal income tax filing due date for individuals for the 2020 tax year will be automatically extended from April 15, 2021, to May 17, 2021.
  4. If the USA only require the antigen test, instead of PCR test, you can go to PACHECO drogaria, result in 15 minutes and cost $R 120.00 but I dont know which PACHECO branch in SP do it, they dont do in every stores.
  5. I really appreciate the reply numazu, thanks again
  6. PCR test have to be send to the lab, and will not get the results in 3 to 5 days. If you test too late you will not get the result in time, or if you test too early , the result will not be in within the 72 hours time flame, how do you guy approach this?
  7. PCR covid test has to be negative and tested within 72 hours before boarding, are they really strict on this, does anybody knows?
  8. Garotolandia https://www.garotolandia.com.br/saopaulo.html
  9. This site has lot of porn actors https://prazerbrasil.com/rio-de-janeiro-homens/
  10. Oz, I think I have ten posts now, please I need to find out info on latin forum Thanks
  11. Did you get your 600 yet? I haven't got mine yet
  12. Thanks for this, I didnt know what happened
  13. Thanks in advance
  14. Cannot see latin forum. Forgot my login and password, I guess have to start over I just have question, what are the requirement to enter brazil now? Insurance, covid test, what else?
  15. Cannot see latin forum. Forgot my login and password, I guess have to start over
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