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  1. After 3 weeks in Cairo, Luxor, Aswan and Hurghada, as a tourist, I realized that sex with men in those places is somehow connected with money - for sex itself or for some kind of service that precedes it. And I, too, at the beginning did not understand the hidden meaning of the question "are you married?". To a negative answer, local men began to ask "why is he so handsome and not married?", Or they immediately asked "do you like bananas?".
  2. After reading your comments, the most correct strategy for communicating with you is silence. I hope in November 2023 the bar boys will not fight for the title of bachelor of political science.
  3. Baska


    I still hope to visit Tunisia in 2023 - if you had to choose one Berber camel trip to meet camel drivers, which would you choose - Matmata, Tamezret or Toujane? If so, please provide justification for your choice.
  4. Baska

    Agadir visit

    It would be very interesting to read about your trips to Marrakesh - given the lack of information about the country. Morocco is on my list.
  5. Thanks for the advice. The bad thing is that there is no such function in bars and other places. It will be funny to accidentally meet you in the same A-bomb.
  6. How do you imagine this introduce order? What I'm saying is that you don't have to spoil the fun of others by having political debates or ostracize in places that are not intended for this - I still mean boytowns - you can consider this my request. I, and probably like many others here, want the return of the pre-war and pre-war (meaning the Russian-Ukrainian war) Tialand-Boystown, where there is no need to maneuver between the tables of opposing political parties, and where the A-bomb is the only "bomb" on which I agree to spend my money.
  7. Although I originally planned on my first (and so far only) visit to Brazil to use online support, I quickly realized that there was no particular need for this. The GP from the sauna, having learned about my residence in Capocabana and Ipamena, quite often stated that we were neighbors and then offered their contacts to visit me for a couple of sticks of morning tea. As a result, the following order was formed - in the morning tested GP from the sauna, in the evening in the sauna - a new GP. As for safety, it is safer and cheaper, in my opinion, to take GP from the sauna at your place after a pass at the concierge than to go to the sauna or somewhere else.
  8. Are you saying that Western propaganda is better than Russian? You shouldn't stick your politics everywhere, it's not a dick. And there is no need to draw state borders in the boytowns of Thailand while sitting in the West.
  9. Once at the Paradise Complex in Phuket I had the same experience with MB - I was looking for a straight looking MB and he warned me that he was a "boy boy". And so when he took out the phone and began to watch natural porn on it, while I was on my knees giving him a blowjob - I decided that I could play this game. After all, don't expect a hot guy to have a good erection before the bar closes. Although I can understand the hurt pride of the top in a similar situation.
  10. I don't know about masseurs - I was in Egypt during covid. Looks like toilet adventures should really be avoided - on my trip, 2 out of 3 times the toilet story featured a police officer. But, you should pay attention to the cleaners of the hotel rooms - in my case, they showed their interest by bringing additional water on their own initiative (in any case, there is never a lot of water in Egypt). And also, on taxi drivers - a long trip with a young driver always leads to a conversation about sex (provided that you are interested in this topic). Once you blow the driver (in my case), the next day you will have 1 or 2 young taxi drivers waiting for you at the exit of the hotel, ready to take you on a long ride today or maybe tomorrow. You can look for entertainment at night on the beach, but I do not advise. At night, in the far corner of the beach at my hotel, local guys, including hotel workers, gathered and smoked hashish on sun loungers. Maybe the general wariness would not have allowed us to establish contact, but in my case I was already drinking beer on a sun lounger, and they had already filled their joint and darkness was the best friend of youth.
  11. Well, that's good news. Now the problem of choice - Morocco or Egypt?
  12. Мой опыт посещения хаммама в Каире в мае 2021 года оказался неудачным, так как молодой массажист очень заботился о моей невинности и всячески скрывал мою наготу, хотя я был единственным посетителем в хаммаме. Сам массаж был неплох, но не до качества тайского.
  13. And in Egypt too. You can write in a personal. I plan to give oral service to guys in Morocco or Egypt in May, depending on covid restrictions.
  14. Most likely not - maybe with the exception of Luxor, where there are quite a few Christians. The main thing is not to travel to Egypt during Ramadan.
  15. At 117 and 202 only for the first time at the entrance they demanded provide proof qr-code vaccination (photos were enough), then no longer. Probably because I went there every day and the administrator remembered me. And I asked the masseurs only if they had a condom and lubricant, and they asked me if I liked their dick.
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