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  1. Ow I've been to Sweatbox as well, I guess pleasuredme is larger but Sweatbox being more downtown means more people. The day that I went there there was a group of people I recognize as porn actors I just forgot the names, but yes when it comes to group actiion I guess sweatbox is the winner here. There was a guy which I suspect has high on something that has a schlong as big as Pringle container. He was fucking bare the men that he picks in a well lit hallways. That was quite a show for everyone😅
  2. Well being London it's very diverse. Though definitely fit and attractive guys gets to picked up first. I hooked up with a Saudian with a very upper class english accent and a Singaporean guy.
  3. I agree to the comment above. I messaged them so many times and no response. This was just November last year. Had I known I should have just went there.
  4. Was here few months ago. A bit dodgy place to find under the bridge with drunk homeless people. However it is near Waterloo station so it's easy to find. The bartender is soo hot. A 6 foot+ 90's matinee blonde that came out of a magazine cover. Entrance is at £20.
  5. Qq: How is the english proficiency of the GP's in the saunas? Is basic Portuguese really needed? Thanks for the help😘
  6. His final words were, "Thank you, baby. Glub, glub, glub." -My apologies I'm just on GG high since Betty bought a farm.
  7. Thanks for this one, copy that. ☺
  8. Question guys, I am considering my first trip to SP and will probably stay in Consolacão area near Thermas Lagoa, do you happen to know the internet speed in the area? I'm using a corporate software that needs a minimum of 25mbps.
  9. Really depends but for places like a massage parlor, these boys are annoyingly straight as an arrow. They wouldnt even kiss sometimes.
  10. I definitely agree plus the safety factor of not bringing in a stranger in your hotel. I always do carry a work laptop with access to personal data and with the GDPR thing so I'm more conscious about this now. But "online shopping" is fun https://garotocomlocal.com.br ( Check Miguel Alves in SP) www.garotos.com.br
  11. Firestarter


    After MAXTUL I think you should also check Zon/Saifah Tandem I'm a fan of Thai BL's but lately it fels like they are just churning a lot on volume just to capitalize on the lockdown, but there are still gems of course.
  12. For muscle escorts rentmen is your best bet in Manila. also there is a place called http://www.realextremetouch.com/ Don't expect much though, most of the guys there is straight.
  13. my former regulars at BKK Massage and Prince charges 1.5k above I guess this is a steal. Thanks
  14. Was you visit just last November? How much is the minimum tip these days for the boys?
  15. oh god SGN is BKK 20 yrs ago. Very few can speak english google translator app is a big help. I didn't went around spas and saunas anymore after getting hooked with one, the place is called Yang Spa https://www.facebook.com/yangspaformen The boys are just amazing and the Mamasan I guess is quite strict when it comes to staff discipline. Side story: I once cought up here in the changing room with a junior politburo member from Hanoi that I met before (long story) we pretended no to know each other. Massage: 300-400k Dong Minimum Tip is 800K though this can be haggled for some less tedious activities
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