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Everything posted by Adam4muscle

  1. Hi Steven, Before I begin, I'd like to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and please ask you to consider having a civil conversation and not to just respond to me with negative labels and epithets. We're both part of the gay community that at one time prided itself on diversity & equality & valuing each other's differences in making up all the colors of the rainbow. It's important to remember that before I say anything more. It's not acceptable nor realistic to say we want to be accepted by society at large for our diversity and for being different and then watch as members of our own community start subscribing to a communist way of thinking - expecting and tacitly requiring that diversity and differences are only to be accepted & embraced provided that everyone in the community subscribe to a rigid monolithic definition of what differences and diversity are acceptable to the "progressives", when in fact the hatred and exclusion your side is exhibiting is no different (and in my mind actually worse) than what we've worked so hard to "overcome" in society for being gay - only to have it come back in an even more authoritarian and dangerous manner from members of our own community. Please think about what I've said, and please don't rush to respond to convince me that you're "right". I ask you to breathe, pause and just think about what I'm saying and take some time to reflect before you respond. Waiting a bit won't change anything and may actually help the situation. The way that true progress occurs in society is one person speaking to another person a day at a time. Where each person doesn't see the other person or the other side as their "enemy" but rather another human being with a different perspective and only by understanding that and having both parties being willing to listen and speak to other in a civil manner without dismissing the other person or the other side or reverting to unnecessary and untrue labels that immediately shut down any chance at dialogue and progress, nothing constructive can be achieved. Ok...that said... I ask that you suspend your perspective for just a moment and ask yourself - is it possible that I'm not accurately describing the situation of what's currently happening or could there be another possible explanation for why I'm seeing things currently as I am -- and is it possible its clouding my ability to see things from another or possibly a more accurate perspective of what's going on? With that in mind, I ask if you've ever heard of or read about Saul Alinsky and his teachings and his objectives for US Society? Or who some of his most fervent followers have been? If not, I encourage you to take some time on Thanksgiving day to turn off social media and the TV and just read about him and his absolutely diabolical impacts on our US society and culture as it exists today. I think you're going to be very surprised with what you read. in short and without knowing it, what you are promoting and reciting in your posts are actually the words of and the desired goals of Saul Alinsky - to take the US from a Democracy to an autocratic totalitarian communist society by creating chaos in society - dividing us along all sorts of racial and 'identity politics' label categories - so that the end effect is hatred, divisiveness and suspicion of our fellow American - no longer seeing them as fundamentally the same as us with different viewpoints & lifestyles - and replacing that view with fellow Americans we don't agree with as "subhuman", our "existential enemy" and a "dangerous scourge that must be removed from society". Not only was this the view of the Stalinist/Marxist Regimes during the Bolshevik Revolution in the Soviet Union -- which led to a dangerous, oppressive, autocratic totalitarian communist regime which worked to wipe out "enemies of the state" for having differing viewpoints, shutting down freedom of speech, censoring the masses from all opposing views that were not "sanctioned by the state", and posed an existential threat to the world during most of the 20th century particularly as their stockpile of nuclear weapons proliferated -- but also reflects the same way the Nazis viewed both the Jews in Europe and the Bolsheviks in Russia to the East as these same things - "subhuman" "existential enemies of the German people" and a "dangerous scourge to German society" which Hitler worked to eradicate from the face of the earth by slaughtering more than 6 million Jews as part of the Nazi's "Final Solution". When WWII ended - the world said it couldn't and wouldn't ever happen again. And yet, in 2020, we seem to be right back where we were in the 20 or so years leading up to WWII where the same dynamics are taking hold - but unfortunately not in Nazi Germany or in Communist Russia, but in the United States of America. So before you say that it's not possible or not the same, I implore you to read over what you've wrote and to think about it seriously. Because while I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't know about it, you are reciting the exact extremely dangerous, divisive and explosive rhetoric that Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Saul Alinsky have embraced and conveyed to the world in their words and in their actions. Saul Alinsky, in particular, being the most recent and most relevant to the US and current times - not only because he was an American from Chicago, but also because 2 of his most staunchest followers were none other than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. YOU MUST READ ABOUT THAT AND INFORM YOURSELF BECAUSE ITS SO DEADLY WHAT YOU'RE PROMOTING - particularly because you are part of a minority group like me, and yet you are reciting a philosophy of regimes that worked themselves to eradicate "our kind", and without knowing it, you're playing right into Saul Alinksy's playbook of serving as a "useful idiot" (his words not mine) to do the bidding and serve the needs of the state "cause" to destroy democracy, dehumanize & eradicate those we don't agree with, and worst of all...and again I'm assuming unbeknownst to you... ...use the untrue state propoganda talking points which have been brainwashed into your head and yet are simply not true. DT is the opposite of what you claim him to be. This is not about him or JB. It's about our country and the future of our democracy and constitutional republic which cannot exist if there we cannot have complete and unwavering confidence in our election system. And the fact is we don't. In 2020, we witnessed the most blatant and flagrant and criminal forms of election and voter fraud in American history. It's been perpetrated on all of us - YOU AND ME - by the dangerous forces at work to institute the vision of Saul Alinksy and his disciples to create a Communist Authoritarian Totalitarian State with complete control of the masses from the top - removing all of our civil rights, personal freedoms and fundamentals of American society that have served us well for 245 years. What you have laid out in your emails are nothing more than the talking points that have been drilled into your head by the State through their governmentally-controlled media - over and over and over again. THOSE TALKING POINTS ARE SIMPLY NOT TRUE. It's a well known tactic of Saul Alinsky and his "Rules for Radicals" as well as what exactly was done in George Orwell's 1984 (which I encourage you to re-read). In 1984, the State had "loud speakers" set up everywhere so that state propoganda was consistently drilled into people's heads over and over and over again. And by doing so, the masses were slowly brainwashed into believing that the lies drilled into their heads were true. When in fact, they weren't - they were still lies - but the masses had become so brainwashed they didn't know any better and came to not only believe the lies as truth - but then to use the lies as their own talking points to do the bidding of the state as "useful idiots". If you don't believe me, please read this from the BBC - a well-known leftist global news outlet - talking about such dangerous propoganda used by the Nazis, etc. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20161026-how-liars-create-the-illusion-of-truth And is also the charter of Alinsky, Obama, Clinton, etc - to get the "useful idiots" of society to first be brainwashed by their propoganda to achieve control over the masses. And then once theve been brainwashed into believing the lies as gospel - and to also see others in society with opposing views as existential enemies and subhuman - they have then manipulated them into doing the bidding of the state for the leaders and also serving as "useful idiots". My friend, this has happened to you. Everything that the left has spewed, you have subscribed as fact, when in fact its not. Everything that they have accused the other side of doing has actually turned out to be nothing more than projections to the other side of the very things they were doing themselves! It's also a well known tactic of Alinsky. Project on to your enemy the exact things you're doing and keep the pressure up and keep them off balance while you continue all the things you accuse your enemy of. Examples: 1. Russia Russia Russia - turned out to be a hoax - concerned about other countries interfering in our elections in 2016. Said it was a huge threat. Was made up and supported by Big Media and Big Tech and the Deep State. Fast forward to 2020 - the most secure election we've ever had (according to deep state leftist operatives - since been fired) - it wasn't. The worst election and voter fraud in American History. The left clearly working with foreign governments both on the "Russia Gate" hoax and now in 2020 with Venezuela, Cuba, China, Spain and Germany, (the ones we know for sure at this time) who conspired and did interfere in our 2020 election and up til now stole the election from the AMERICAN PEOPLE (this is not about one man - its the future of this country). 2. JB said that (and Hillary supported) in the first debate he would not concede if he lost and he not accept the outcome of the election until all the votes were counted and all constitutionally protected challenges were explored. DT is within his constitutional authority during this time to explore and challenge all instances of vote tampering, election fraud and voter fraud (just as JB said he would do and Hillary encouraged if he "lost" (which he did). More to follow. a. The media doesn't have the constitutional authority to call an election. b. The state operatives - even those who claim to be objective and have the power to certify the vote in a given state-- do not have the constitutional authority to do so (which can be explored and litigated for remedy in the legal court system up to the Supreme Court) if there is evidence of them not serving the people of their state by abusing their position of power and trust by either being corrupt themselves or turning a blind eye to corruption because they've been paid off or their families have been paid off. Or, that they failed to follow the constitutional requirements for Presidential elections in their states by usurping the power and authority from the State Legislature to make election-related decisions - which rest solely with the state legislatures - not with the Governor through Executive Order, not with the Secretary of State in a given state and not with the Election Commission. You will see this is the case in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada. Constitutional election laws were thrown out in specific states to serve a partisan agenda, state officials were paid off, the system as a whole was corrupted by outside foreign governments and powerful people with big money, and there was widespread election and voter fraud as a result. When most Americans went to bed at 2am on Election night (which was now November 4th), I've attached the vote counts as they existed in all 6 of the battleground states -- all of which had HUGE LEADS for DT. By 6am when I and many Americans began to wake up, the story was quite different - and it will be shown that these are the hours in the middle of the night when hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots were brought in (and corraborated by hundreds of sworn affidavits) to steal the election. AGAIN LET ME SAY THIS IS NOT ABOUT ONE MAN - ITS NOT ABOUT HIM - ITS ABOUT US. YOU SHOULD BE JUST AS WORRIED BUT YOU'RE NOT. I'LL ARGUE THAT THE POINTS YOU OUTLINE HAVE ALREADY OCCURRED! WE'RE NO LONGER LIVING IN A DEMOCRACY WHEN A FREE AND FAIR ELECTION IS STOLEN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT BECAUSE VERY SINISTER AND POWERFUL FORCES HAVE CONSPIRED FOR THAT TO HAPPEN - SUPPORTED FULLY BY A CORRUPT MSM AND BIG TECH ALL WORKING TOGETHER "FOR THE GOOD OF THE STATE". Do you really think they would care about you or me once you've done their bidding as a "useful idiot" to help them achieve their objectives?? What do you think would happen to you to me to society if they were able to achieve this?? Have you stopped for a minute to think about that? Are you really under the false impression that somehow their end game, which you've recited brilliantly in brainwashed propoganda, would create some type of societal utopia?? It won't! They'll gladly use the support of useful idiots - just like they did in the lead up to WWII in Nazi Germany in getting the vast majority of Germans to conform to the "Utopian" goals of the State-- and then when you least expect it (just like what happened in Nazi Germany), things will become very authoritarian, the government will exert total control (were seeing it now with the fake Corona Virus which has helped them on their way to achieiving their goal by breaking the backs of society and trying to make everyone dependent on government (don't work! We'll send you checks - stay home!). Then, when we least expect it - the screws will come down - it's already happening: 1. The World Health Organization says that regardless of the vaccines, that masks and social distancing may be here to stay - THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MOMENT!! WHy would they be here to stay? Read about the "Great Reset" outlined by the World Economic Forum head (representing interests of all Billionaires) https://www.sgtreport.com/2020/10/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-great-reset/ https://www.sgtreport.com/2020/10/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-great-reset/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJTnkzl3K64 (not true btw - only true if we're all forced to stay home - the anger is because governments want to take away our civil rights and wants to brainwash us with fear and force us to stay home) 2. In Communist Russia and Nazi Germany - the dictators made these same utopian predictions to bring the populace into submission and they never had any intention on providing those things but to force their people to help the dictators achieve their dangerous objectives. THOSE THINGS ARE HAPPENING NOW - It's exactly how they can say business travel should end to save the planet but they're exempt to have their own private jets and fly all over the world. It's how they can tell the masses to stay home and wear a mask and then the leaders can go to very expensive restaurants in San Francisco, have trips to Maui - all without Masks or Social Distancing - while society's useful idiots conforms to help them achieve their objectives and do their bidding. 3. They accuse DT of being the Dictator but that is exactly what they're projecting on their enemy which they are doing! They have to make him the 'enemy of the state' so that the useful idiots keep their focus on him when in fact it should be on the them! ANOTHER TEXTBOOK TACTIC OF SAUL ALINSKY AND HIS RULES FOR RADICALS. See here: https://bolenreport.com/saul-alinskys-12-rules-radicals/ https://www.bizpacreview.com/2020/10/15/the-democrat-plan-to-steal-this-election-and-many-more-984897 4. Finally, the most important thing that has occurred which 99.9% of Americans don't know - because it was completely censored by the MSM - but appears on the website of the US Supreme Court see here: https://www.supremecourt.gov/search.aspx?Search=november+20+2020&type=Site READ THE FIRST ONE "MISCELLANEOUS ORDER" The Supreme Court Justices have been installed in each of the lower Circuit Courts (for which they have constitutional authority to do so) because they are well aware of widespread election fraud and are accelerating the process to hear the and rule on the cases without interference from lower courts who have a history of trying to stall these cases to "run out the clock". It's a very subtle order and like I said it was buried by just about everyone https://channel411news.com/2020/11/21/supreme-court-unveils-new-circuit-assignments-for-justices-here-is-the-breakdown/ So I hope you will take this email to heart - it took me two hours to write it and IT IS FUNDAMENTALLY WRITTEN THAT WE ARE ON THE SAME SIDE AS AMERICANS AND AS GAY MEN - BUT YET FOLKS WHO MAY SEE THE WORLD DIFFERENTLY. BUT WE'RE NOT ENEMIES AND I DON'T THINK OF YOU AS SUBHUMAN - YOU NEED TO SDO THE SAME WITH THE OTHER SIDE AND TO SEE THAT YOU MAY JUST HAVE DRANK THE KOOL AID OF SAUL ALINSKY AND THE COMMUNISTS WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING IT SIMPLY BY RECITING ALL OF THE TALKING POINTS OF THE STATE RUN MEDIA - ALL OF WHICH ARE IN THE TANK FOR THE SAME AGENDA AND THE FACT THAT A LIE IS A LIE IS A LIE IS A LIE IS THE TRUTH IF ITS RECITED OFTEN ENOUGH AND BY SO MANY. Happy Thanksgiving to you and I wish you peace happiness, health and a willingness to take another perspective on your perspective. A
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