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Everything posted by Novarunner

  1. Do you have picture of Luis Dias by any chance?
  2. Has anyone been to Porto Alegre recently? I am planning a trip that will include a couple nights there in October and am looking for current info.
  3. I’ve never really been one for writing trip reports. Nothing I put together is going to have numazu’s flare. I also have zero interest in others critiquing my negotiation tactics with the boys which are basically predicated on the fact that a night out where I live that does not involve two “lean and toned and fully vers and passionate” guys that are two-thirds my age costs a good deal more than what I spent at Lagoa on the first night I was there. That said, I have learned a good deal from this forum that was very useful when I first started traveling to Thailand several years ago and, at least of late, there has been a dearth of trip reports containing current info so (and against my better judgment), here goes: On Wednesday at Lagoa boys outnumbered clients by a good bit. Even though there were only two boys that really did it for me, most of the boys there were attractive, especially if you like muscle. Negotiations started at 200 in both cases and ended at 150 because, well, they were both really hot and I did not travel here to quibble over 50 R. In both cases though I’m pretty sure they would have agreed to 100 which leads me to Saturday night…. On Thursday, I met Gabriel at Lagoa who was absolutely gorgeous. Negotiations started at 200 and quickly ended at 100 as soon as I offered it. We ended up spending the entire night together though so I gave him more which seemed to make him very happy. While I was with him I learned that he had literally arrive the day before from Minas Gerais. Friday, I traveled to Rio and went to Point 202. Client to boy ratio favored clients just as it did at Lagoa. At Point there were two guys that did it for me and just as it did at Lagoa negotiations started at 200 and ended at 150. In this case though, I’m not quite as sure they would have gone lower if I had pushed. Unfortunately, both guys were mechanical when we got into the cabins and I don’t think I will be seeing either one of them again. I also don’t like the cabins at Point very much. The ones at Lagoa are nicer. Saturday morning in Rio I met a 23 year old using the apps. He was a total bottom which is not usually my thing but he had an incredible body and said he wanted me to “help him with his English” so I agreed to met him figuring that he would probably try and get some money out of me at some point but, well, that never happened. He really was just a hot 23 year old that liked bottoming for someone that was about 15 years older than him. If you’re wondering, yes, I did help him with his English too. He had a lot of questions which I answered as best I could. We spent most of the next few days together and I never made it to 117. A picture of him is attached to hopefully make my post a bit more interesting. Last night I was back in SP and I spent it with Tiago who was one of the guys I met on my first night at Lagoa.
  4. I spent last night with a 22 year old named Gabriel who was truly beautiful. The only problem was that he had just arrived in SP from Minas Gerais and spoke absolutely zero words of English which meant that we had to get by using my extremely limited Portuguese. Before anybody out there gets too worried about me, I will tell you that he gozar-ed twice so we did figure out how to make things work but I am wondering if there is a list of phrases on here somewhere that would be useful in such a situation? If not, could we make one?
  5. Yes, my “plight” is truly awful. Right now I’m trying to decide if I should invite one of the guys I met last night, Tiago, to my hotel this afternoon which will result in amazing sex but probably also result in me doing little else for the rest of the day. Or, if I should put him off, go exercise and see him (and others) at Lagoa later and maybe also go to the bar a friend recommend, Upgrade. It’s going to take some will power but I think I’m going to choose the latter.
  6. I spent the evening at Lagoa today. The place was filled with boys. Most were not my type (overly muscled doesn’t do anything for me) but I did find two that were lean and toned and fully vers and passionate which made the trip more than worth while. If anybody else happens to be in SP, I’m planning on spending at least a little more time at Lagoa tomorrow too.
  7. We video chatted this morning. He knows I’m real now and he was even nice enough to give me a glimpse of what is underneath the swimsuits he models. I’m very much looking forward to my trip next month. Other than being caught off guard by the initial request, I have no idea why I didn’t just think of video chat in the first place. His picture is attached and I will be in Rio and SP from August 11th to the 16th, if you would like to see what I look like. I’m nowhere close to as attractive as he is but meeting some of the other members from on her could be fun and is something I’d like to try.
  8. Background: I have been to Thailand many times but am still very new to Brazil. I’m hoping some of the more experienced members can tell me if I’m worried about nothing here or not. I have been chatting occasionally with an absurdly hot guy from Rio on IG and WhatsApp. He models but does not do porn and says he does not work in the saunas. Today, I mentioned to him that I would be in Rio next month and asked if he would like to meet, to which he replied, “i scort u know.” I said I was fine with that and we discussed some the particulars of what we would do together and eventually he proposed a very reasonable amount for his time. As I was about to end the conversation though, he asked if I could send him a picture that showed my body without a shirt on and my face while holding three fingers up so that he could be sure that I am real. I am real and if you search the internet it probably won’t be too difficult to find a picture of me shirtless out there running or swimming already somewhere anyway. I’m also not in the closet or anything like that. The request did strike me as odd though and I haven’t sent the picture yet. Is this guy really just looking to confirm that I really am a decently in shape late-30’s white guy that he won’t be repulsed by when we meet in person or is there something else going on here that I should be concerned about? Is this normal for Brazil?
  9. I will be in SP an Rio August 11 to 18. Will anybody else be around then?
  10. I unexpectedly have a week free in early April and was thinking of making a trip to Medellin but gather from the State Department’s website that I will be required to quarantine when I arrive. Is this true? Has anybody been to Medellin recently? I very much want to try Club Tobie. I only have one week free and live in eastern United States. If Medellin isn’t an option due to quarantine restrictions, does anybody have a suggestion as to where I should go?
  11. That is an excellent idea. I will propose that. Thank you.
  12. I have made several trips to Thailand and in the years just prior to the pandemic the boys there generally knew what PrEP was and many of them were on it themselves. I’ll be making my first trip to Brazil in a few months and am wondering what the situation is like there. I have no interest in anything but condoms for new guys I meet in the sauna - I think that’s best for both of us since there are other things out there besides HIV - but since I usually like to see the same guy multiple times after I find one that I click with, what is the chance he will know what PrEP is? What is the chance that he will be on it himself? I’m traveling to São Paulo and Rio.
  13. In preparation for for my first trip to Brazil this spring, I’ve been doing a good deal of reading here. The plan was to spend 10 days split evening between SP and Rio but... I recently started talking to an insanely attractive guy on IG that lives in Goiania. He has the lean swimmers body and dark complexion that is everything I go for. Exactly how bad of an idea is it for a newbie like me to try and wedge a 2 or 3 day excursion to Goiania into my trip so that I can spend some time with this guy? Also, should I not click with the him or grown tired of him, how easy will it be to find other guys in Goiania?
  14. If you know where to look, HCMC is filled with guys. It’s just not as in your face as Thailand. The guys are also less likely to speak English too so knowing some Vietnamese is very helpful.
  15. I love Nadam Spa in HCMC. It is both a sauna and does massage. I have never had a bad experience with either. A friend that lives in Vietnam tells me they are still open and I am very much looking forward to returning post-pandemic.
  16. I’ve been to Thailand many times and think I would like to try Myanmar. How do you meet guys there? Apps mainly?
  17. How hard is it for Americans to travel to Myanmar during normal times (not pandemic)?
  18. I’ve been to prince many times. There are muscle guys but I would say most are the lean twinkish types.
  19. Thank you for all great info concerning HCMC. I am planning a post-pandemic trip to Vietnam and your message was very helpful. I was wondering if you or somebody else out there could help me with something else too though. I am have trouble translating the attached Grindr profile. Specifically, I need help with “ra” and “ks”. Can you help?
  20. In general, if they don’t do nudes or porn though are they available for hire?
  21. Does anybody know if Benjamin is still available in PVR? I met him through Grindr three years ago and he was amazing but have lost touch since then.
  22. I am also more than a little obsessed with pdfernandess. Just curious though, if he wasn’t filming why was he at the shoot? Are there other incredibly hot guys that go to the shoots but don’t film?
  23. Planning a solo trip to PVR for mid-December. Although I used to be a frequent traveler to SE Asia, this will be the first time I’ve gotten on a plane in quite a while and my first time in PVR since 2017. I’m 38 and in decent shape so I plan to use the apps while there some but would certainly not be oppose to meeting a few young very attractive guys in the sauna or bar or at the beach or wherever. I also love a good massage. Has anybody been to PVR in the time of COVID? Any recommendations?
  24. How do you suggest going about setting up a mmf threesome in DR?
  25. I am bisexual and love the few mmf threesome encounters that I have been able to arrange. I have traveled to Thailand a number of times and most of the threesomes I have participated in occurred there. I’m planning my first trip to South America now though and wondering if the group has any advice for me. I have read enough to know that most encounters in South America are going to occur in a sauna which I’m thinking will make this harder to arrange but still thought I would ask.
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