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Everything posted by Novarunner

  1. I will be passing through Saigon, Vietnam soon and trying to figure out what to do there. Does anybody have any experience with Nadam Spa?
  2. I’m very interested. I’ll be passing through vietnam shortly and try to figure out what to do. Does anybody have any experience with Nadam Spa in Saigon?
  3. My prior bad experience wasn’t nearly as bad as what you describe. It was just a whelming massage from a cute thai guy that I could tell wasn’t really into it. Are the pictures generally at least accurate at V Club? I’ll only be in Bangkok for a couple of days so I don’t have a lot of time to spend looking for guys that are my type.
  4. I couldn’t agree more. Part of my fascination with this is why the massage shops would even put this info on the listing in first place. If you’re going to a massage shop solely for sex, you’re probably not going to have great experience. If all you want is sex, you should go to the bars. And, if all you want is sex with guys that need to use the largest condom sizes, you should just go to Brazil.
  5. Vclub 7…. My last trip to Thailand was pre-COVID so take this for what it is worth currently but I’ve never had a good experience there. Still, because Bobby (first picture) is lean and smooth and basically everything I look for in a guy, I’ll probably give Vclub another chance.
  6. What does MT as in MT54 mean then? An example is attached. Thailand is just so different.
  7. Thx! I’ll be bringing condoms with me from Merica for my trip next month but am still strangely fascinated by this. Any idea what the GB in GB54 means?
  8. Interesting…. Is there a reference chart or something?
  9. Novarunner


    Not recently, but I’ve been to Thailand several time before so I should know this and it’s probably been covered somewhere on here before so I apologize in advance but what does “Types: GB54” in the attached photo mean? Lots of massage listings have similar references and I just realized I have no idea what they mean.
  10. Has anybody been to Ganymede recently? One of the guys there is exactly my type but it’s been several years since I was in Bangkok last.
  11. Ughh… I thought I was posting in the Latin America forum. Sorry.
  12. Let’s say, hypothetically of course, that an American citizens was planning to spend 6 months in RJ next year and that this particular American citizen takes PrEP which is prescribed to him by his doctor in 90 day increments so the Rx will need to be refilled at least once but probably twice during the 6 month stay. Minhas perguntas para vocês: 1. The gorgeous 25 year old that this American citizen will be be spending most of his time with says he gets his Rx for free by going to a public health clinic in RJ and telling the doctors there that he has sex with other men. Gorgeous-25-year-old sees no reason why non-gorgeous-40-year-old-American can’t just come with him and also get free PrEP too from the clinic. Could one of the esteemed members of the board confirm that Brazil will not actually in fact give PrEP - which is a rather expensive drug - to an American in the country on a tourist visa for free? 2. Is planning a mid-stay return trip to the States probably the best way to go about getting the Rx refilled? Other factors will probably make at least one return trip necessary anyway so this is definitely an option too.
  13. So, my plan was to travel to Rio for 10 days and work on a project that I need to finish during the days and attempt to make a new gay boy and drink caipirinhas in the evenings with contacts from prior trips. Unfortunately, due to bad luck and poor planning my two most favorite "contacts" are both out of the country at the moment. The apartment I rented in Ipanema using Marriott Homes & Villas also had an issue which was a real departure from my last two trips (no issues whatsoever, highly recommend) but that actually ended up working in my favor. You see, the prior occupant somehow managed to smash the glass top of the stove in the unit. Initially, I was told that it would be repaired the next day but that didn't happen and, on day three when it still wasn't repaired, they offered to let me out of my contract. Since I had just completed two whelming trips to the saunas (both places seriously need to up their cabin game), I accepted their offer, booked a somewhat expensive last minute flight to Salvador on GOL and an absurdly cheap AirB&B with a stunning ocean view that looked really nice in Salvador. Salvador is not Rio and it is definitely not Ipanema. So far though, I'm really enjoying my time here. Clube 11 is pretty decent. I went there this evening and saw a lean, toned, 20 year old that is exactly my type within 5 minutes of walking in the door and getting changed. He could tell I was interested so after a brief introduction he led me downstairs into the steam room and started to go down on me. Free samples are always appreciated but, well, he was very talented and he just kept going and going to the point where I had to ask him to stop which led to the following interaction: Me gesturing toward the cabins on the upper floor, "Quanto?" To which he replied, "Oitena" but, because my Portuguese is not that good and he is absolutely in the same league as the two young men that I had been planning to spend my week with in Rio and, in general, I've probably just spent way to much time in Ipanema, I heard, "Oitocentos" which is crazy high so I responded, "Você é lindo mas isso é muito caro." Fortunately, at this point he said, "Setenta" and drew a 7 followed by only one zero on my chest. I quickly accepted and had an amazing time with him upstairs. He will be coming to the apartment tomorrow afternoon. The view really is stunning. I'm hoping he will let me take his picture with the fort and ocean in the background. I'm staying in the Barra section of Salvador. Would anybody care to recommend a few decent restaurants?
  14. I actually like Brazil best when I am not completely on vacation. Perhaps the next time that we are in the same city at the same time, I could buy you several beers and you could let me pick your brain about how you made the years you spent living in Brazil work.
  15. Some on here are looking only for sex. Others are looking to make connections and experience another culture. Neither position is wrong but I do think it greatly influences one’s response to the are free-Grindr-meets-a-good-use-of-time-while-on-travel question. Transactional sex is fine but I like making connections too. For example, last month when I was in Rio, I learned where to go in Rocinha to buy weed…. The gangsters have a store with with a large black pig named Elizabeth out front…. I don’t smoke but, well, it doesn’t get more authentic than that which is what I was looking for on that particular day of my vacation.
  16. Generally, that’s been my experience as well and, I agree, one is more likely to cross paths with an English speaker in SP than elsewhere. This is no big deal but my question pertained to my last post and not translation in general. I know there are members out there translating these posts from English into other languages and, well, I had just opted to write, “looks like Baron Harkonnen” instead of “not repulsive” which struck me as something that might not translate all that well so I added the question to the end of the post.
  17. I’ve written other posts about this before but the short version is that I enjoy and have had success hunting guys that are exactly what I am into on IG (and to a lesser extent Twitter) while in Brazil. Side note, at least in my experience, this is not a thing that works anywhere else in the world other than Brazil. In both cases, the guys that requested video chat from me I initially crossed paths with on IG and, yes, I think they wanted to confirm that they were not dealing with somebody that looked like Baron Harkonnen before agreeing to get naked together. Strange question: Are my posts difficult to translate into another language? I suspect that they are.
  18. I couldn’t agree more. I’ve now also had two guys beat me to the punch and ask me for vc before agreeing to meet. That’s definitely something I have only experienced in Brazil and never in Thailand. I need to start planning my next trip.
  19. Would it be possible to creat subforums for the discussion of useful Portuguese and Spanish phrases? I have found myself looking for words that don’t seem to be part of the standard Duolingo course on more than one occasion.
  20. Has anybody been to Belém? There is a very affordable direct flight from FLL to there on Azul that works for my next trip to Brazil but the most recent info on here concerning Belém that I could find is from 2016.
  21. I went to Lagoa tonight for a prearranged meeting with one of my favorites but was stopped dead in my tracks by a twink with an incredible body who turned out to be fully vers and able to do this thing with his tongue…. In any case though, we had a threesome and now I am sleepy. If your into 20-ish twinks with an amazing body that give incredible blowjobs, you should stop what your doing and head to Lagoa. And, whether or not that is your bag, vocês should be aware that clients out numbered boys for the first time in my very limited post-COVID experience and prices were firm at 200 for a session.
  22. I was there a few months ago…. Not good. Lagoa in SP is much better. I did have a good time in Porto Alegre but not at the sauna.
  23. I also don’t inquire about PrEP use when in a sauna. The guys I have met in Brazil on Instagram or Grindr or at the beach or exchanged WhatsApp with and reconvened with outside the sauna…. I would say about 90% are on PrEP. That’s just my personal experience though. One 19 year old I met on Grindr last trip had been on PrEP for as long as he had been sexually active. He made a joke about only having ever worn a condom the handful of times that he had had sex with women. He was very well educated and from a well off family though so certainly an atypical example. The comment did make me feel old though. Very, very old.
  24. It appears he has yet to posted a single public message.
  25. I do miss massage in Thailand. In fact, that and as you said “we all need change” are the reason I have started to think about making a trip halfway around the world sometime later this year. I couldn’t agree with you more though, the chance of mediocre sex in Thailand is much higher than in Brazil. I learned to deal with it but I also never really liked the “it’s up to you” payment philosophy in Thailand. I’m so glad that’s not a part of the culture in Brazil. It also seems that the number of guys that just want to fuck a middle aged American for nothing in return is exponentially higher in Brazil than in Thailand.
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