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  1. Jkane, not sure if you truly understand how most authentic VPNs operate using public and private key encryption from a certificate on the local network. It would essentially keep the data private, and some VPNs are known to have denied access to federal authorities by the law of plausible deniability. You can't read what you don't store in your database after the fact. That's the point of the independent audits, to ensure that there is no collection of metadata or anything else that would compromise your security. I wouldn't trust any free VPN service, it's only a few bucks a month if you do value your privacy or need to flout geolocation blocks. Government scrutiny wouldn't really matter because if you were being scrutinized, they would probably install malware remotely using RATs and using the top of the edge zero-days to exploit your system. Unless you were using Live CDs like Tails or Qubes, even then there are tons of different methods.... The NSA are a bunch of wizards. It's specifically designed for researchers and political dissidents but people use it for bad stuff. As long as you don't do truly illegal and immoral shit, you don't have to worry about anything.
  2. I'd recommend any VPN that has independent reviewers that audit the source code separately (PIA or NordVPN). JKane is correct in majority of his comments; however a good VPN will be able to encapsulate that data with valid headers that ISPs will not filter out while going upstream (multiple servers/proxies). VPNs also do help with security, in the form of encrypting data en-route and *can* prevent MITM attacks. Faulty networks without proper encryption (whether in the form of easily cracked WPA2-PSK keys, or an SSL/TLS downgrade attack) can give up sensitive data; don't be fooled by that security icon. One can easily use mitmproxy, sslsplit, or burpsuite and utilize trusted certificates to snoop data,. VPNs help against that. I'd also suggest looking into the tor project. Another layer of security but don't think of it as a tool that will keep you 100% safe - only your judgment and tech savvy will prevent it.
  3. This show was cute. I hated the ending of s2 though, oooh it had me boiling
  4. Ah, so this is how we avoid facial recognition technology... Covid is helping us become self aware, masks are the norm.
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