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Everything posted by SexyAsianStud

  1. The All Knowing Augustus has come up with a fool proof test for Covid-19: see if you can hold your breath for 10 seconds. This Medical Genius writes that if you are able to, you have nothing to worry about. The Despicably Stupid Augustus ties with his mentor Pat Robertson on the senility meter. A wise man who posts both on the NaziDaddy forum and on this one suggested that The All Knowing (and universally detested) Augustus test that out by holding his breath. Forever. A great idea.
  2. The all-knowing Augusts is now boasting of the fact that he both contracted the Covid-19 virus and spread it to others. In his amoral universe, this is not problematic. Lucky for us, neither his senility nor his stupidity are contagious. I fear, however, that his rabies is.
  3. You know I respect you personally but... no.... I think you are wrong here and now is not the time to "please stop".... we are in the midst of a true global emergency right now and it is all the more important to push back against the Trump Regime and its enablers for their criminal ineptitude that is more than likely directly responsible for the loss of American lives. An emergency situation such as we have now does not give them carte blanche to pursue their immoral and unethical policy agenda and practices. From CNBC: President Donald Trump said Friday that Democrats are using the virulent coronavirus as a “hoax” to damage him and his administration.“The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” he said from a campaign rally in North Charleston, South Carolina.“One of my people came up to me and said ‘Mr. President they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well.’ They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax that was on a perfect conversation,” he continued. “This is their new hoax,” he said, referring to the coronavirus.
  4. By providing a safe and secure space for his marginal views and vicious attacks on other forum members without the repercussions that are routinely handed out to other members, management implicitly encourages Augustus. You cannot possibly believe that all forum members are dealt with equally and the attacks on me by several of them is proof positive.
  5. Augustus is a racist piece of slime who called me a "Boy" when talking about my Asian identity. He is pure pond scum whose rants and attacks are encouraged by the leadership of the forum.... the best we can hope for him is that in his senility he dies a slow and uncomfortable death. All of which I say with the utmost of due respect for that pathetic cretin.
  6. It was my understanding that the all knowing augustus over there has announced that the whole virus threat in an exaggeration... perhaps he will convince daddy & kapos that their show will go on! (reality is relative and a slave to a political agenda to some, it seems...)
  7. do you think i would be welcomed there? what if i wore a paper bag over my head and introduced myself as NYNakedTop?
  8. There seems to be a very small number of posters who feel compelled to write to every thread - I found Mr. Kessler valuable just because he includes links to sources that I might not otherwise read... and, of course, his posts are way too long for casual reading but he deserves kudos for taking on some of the more reprehensible fascists who post there.... I have noticed that some of the more active people on politics there just post the same thing over and over, like BSR never has anything to say or contribute but has this compulsive need to chime in with the same post on every topic - kinda troll-ish but at least it makes him easy to ignore.
  9. understood.... is this "look" better for you?
  10. Remember that Sanders (who I love) is not a socialist - he is a progressive democrat. I guess I live in a zip code pretty far to the left of him, but I still would love to have him as my President. Agree about Biden needing to think very strategically - surround himself with a really dynamic group of the "best and the brightest". Hope he can resist trump's psychopathic/sociopathic bullying and simply demonstrate that he is just simply much smarter than agent orange. Trump may love the poorly educated, but do we really want one of them for another four years?
  11. And....Warren will endorse Biden. I could be wrong, but no other outcome seems plausible given that she clearly stayed in the race this long in order to sabotage Bernie's vote total and has been smearing Bernie for months now. The "Bernie is a sexist who doesn't think a woman can be President" attack was just gross.
  12. At first sight, what happened on Super Tuesday looks like a reversion to something like normality… I don’t think that Bernie’s supporters have any reason to feel discouraged by the campaign’s performance. It’s just that the hopeful expectation that Sanders would steal a march on a disheveled and disorganized Democratic establishment simply turned out to be premature. The establishment got its act together, as it needed to do, in the nick of time – the Clyburn endorsement, Klobuchar and Buttigieg dropping out and rallying to Biden after South Carolina – all of which made sense. Klobuchar of course spared herself the political embarrassment of losing her own state of Minnesota, but in any case I have to think this was all coordinated. Just speculating here, I think it makes sense for Elizabeth Warren to be told to stay in the primaries for now, even at the cost of some humiliation, to suck some votes away from Bernie, and she can be rewarded with a plum speaking slot at the convention. This whole thing is not a “betrayal.” The Democratic Party is, after all, the creature of corporate capital and the mega-donors. It’s not an equally-open-to-all-comers arena. Of course the race is far from over. Bernie will continue to do well in a lot of primaries. But he’s very unlikely to have the kind of big lead in delegates that would force the party leadership to engage in over-the-top flagrant cheating to defeat him.
  13. I totally get that, Mr. RockHard - I don't want to just be "that guy" who is purely reactive to the daddy's bullshit - put up with me for just a wee bit more time, because i am still on anger mode - but I, too, will move on and do less complaining and more butt-showing. (How explicit can the pics here be? Artful nudes? Full frontal with a semi-?)
  14. He "cut and pasted" my first posting in this thread and posted it into a discussion thread on the daddys site as a way to bash me in the middle of a heated discussion - seemed to me (and others there) kinda sleazy/sketchy. But, then again, he was never accused to being too smart.... by anyone!
  15. Not complaining, just bitching (haha).... but, come on, don't we get some sort of pleasure in making fun of the trolls and freaks from that other site? Got that MikeBiDude? But, yeah, I agree - there is a time for me to stop (don't want to wear out my welcome here just yet!)
  16. So the question is what are we to do about it! Build THIS site, make it a welcoming and active place, keep it energetic and vital... Learn from the mistakes of the daddy site and vigorously ensure that assholes and trolls like BnaC, augustus, Bozo The Clown, BSR, and the other freak show stars from there have no home here - and that goes for you, too, MikeBiDude (or whatever the fuck your name is_, because I KNOW you are watching and reading this.... Take the news back to Daddy and his sad bunch of losers that there is Life After Daddy's and it is a far far better place!
  17. Hey RockHard - not to get all competitive with you, but WOW... that is a badge of honor I hope you are proud of. The daddy forum has degenerated into a snakepit and I needed to get banned to ensure that I wasted no more time there -- so I carefully orchestrated a "temper tantrum" to go out in a big way... It was just awesome to give the Gang of Three (Ms. Fawkes, the "proud heterosexual" BnaC, and the ever-so-creepy eStalker MikeBiGuy) a FUCK YOU.... i had been planning on it for a while, and they all just presented me with the best opportunity. AND LIFE IS BETTER WITHOUT THE LOT OF THEM! They are some really good sincere people over there, and I am blown away by the number of emails I have received since I left. It is clear that the vicious nellies are there only because they collectively suck Daddy's cock - and no one takes them seriously at all. My departure has just underscored what a shit-show that place is. So, hope to show off my ASSets here, instead!
  18. Seems as though a bunch of the nasties over there took an instant dislike of me that turned into this weird stalking bullying bullshit.... But I gave a big FUCK YOU to BnaC, MikeBiGuy, and that weird admin GuyFawkes and gave them a view of my lovely smooth Asian butt hole as something to remember me by. Their loss, haha.... I got a three month banishment by the right wing trolls over there, but they will never see my sweet Asian butt ever again.
  19. Hey MikeBiDude! Since you are cutting and pasting my postings to that other site, give this one a look.... "Hmmm... wonder how long the fascist thugs at the Daddys site will survive in their out of control webpage?"
  20. Way tired of getting hated at by the nasties over at the other site so I want to find a home here! Happy to meet new people and see people I already know from the other place (haha I KNOW you are here someplace).... So for now just want to introduce myself while I figure out how to use this site - and hope everyone is good!
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