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Everything posted by SexyAsianStud

  1. No one knows for sure where things are going, but knowing your own fears and bias helps you see better. As the protests sometimes spilled into burning and looting a few days ago and police forces seemed to back off or blunder, a lot of smart, experienced, politically savvy folks began to wonder whether we might see a replay of 1968 when Republican President Nixon's racist law and order campaign helped him become President. Many of the same folks watched Trump threaten to impose marshal law and wondered as well whether a massive, dictatorial repression was imminent. I went to bed feeling pessimistic. But the young people who are clearly leading this uprising did not grow up in the shadow of Nixon or fascism or Reagan. And when Trump threatened to have Army soldiers shoot them down, they decided to call his bluff, militantly, but for the most part non-violently. Stay tuned.
  2. Think of it as joining an honor society - I was following your postings closely and you wrote nothing that was even a little disrespectful. It just once again proves what everyone already knows about that site.
  3. Although this is probably not the place to request narrative explanation, just please know that I have no idea who "Hooboy" is and how he plays into this whole story.
  4. The only reason he is not as bad as those people you mention is only because he does not have the ability to erect a platform for himself to trumpet his piggishness more widely. Given the chance, I am sure he would gladly claim a place at the all-you-can-eat buffet table with the that Gang of Three, and worse. And, with no disrepect towards you intended (honestly), I do think that we members of this community who have been wronged by Daddy have an absolute right to air our grievances.... as long as (and I am speaking to myself here) we do not derail other discussions by doing so.
  5. Getting back to the title of this thread, racist fuckhead Daddy has told one of the most principled members of that site, our own @Latbear4blk to "give it a rest"... a warning not given to racists and right wingers there By their own "color" she we judge them, but all I say is, truly, FUCK YOU DADDY AND YOUR FELLOW WHITE ROBED FELLOW TRAVELERS TOO!
  6. Can I just chime in to BRAVO the title of this thread without getting too deep into the rest of this discussion? I mean... ain't it all kinda just "obvious"?
  7. Never have I ever... Heard someone push "All Lives Matter" until now.... on that other site..... The last refuge for racist scoundrels.
  8. TRUMP'S THREATS REVEAL HIS WEAKNESS. He now longer seeks consent, but instead submission. He is in for surprises all along the line. Masses of a rainbow of young people, uniting in their insurgency, are not about to tuck their tails. Plus they have allies--among workers, the elderly, the press, the churches, the lawyers, even in some cases among police. Trump may think of his military as a fascist phalanx, but many of his soldiers and guardsmen are young workers in uniform, and many are African American and Latino who has tasted the wrong ends of billy clubs. A wise insurgency will study all of these and win even indirect allies. Most of all, Trump's days in office are short. A growing number of his supporters will start seeing through the bully's bluster and stay home or vote for the opposition. Ten against one can defeat one against ten. Look it up.
  9. Trump did not create racism, but he has used it and exploited it for his political benefit. He has ignored it, belittled its consequences, and courted the support of racists. He has made plain his contempt for his predecessor, our nation’s first black president. When Obama was elected president, many commentators declared that America was finally a post-racial society. With a man of African descent in the presidency, with a racially integrated Cabinet, with a black man leading the Justice Department, the stain of racism would at last be abolished. The commentators were wrong. Racism is thriving. It will destroy our nation until we assure equal justice to every citizen, until we guarantee that everyone has the same rights and privileges, until we provide every man, woman, and child with decent health care, housing, education, and a decent standard of living. We can’t eliminate racism entirely, but we can remove its adherents from the seats of power, we can stigmatize it. We can choose leaders who fight for freedom, justice, and a decent standard of living for all people. Unless we do so, our tattered democracy will not survive. We can’t let that happen. We must be willing and able to pursue genuine change, a social democracy in which every one of us is protected equally by the law and has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
  10. Can't help you with the Bolsheviks of yore - but I just uploaded two vids which feature my ass....
  11. Quotations from Chair B&C: ."being happily heterosexual myself," Some people have no problem being an ass.... I get into trouble for showing my ass! (You do know that I am a/k/a LeonTrotsky, right?
  12. Know thine enemy It is important for us to understand that there are voices.... voice close to us.... that use our community's spaces to espouse truly abhorrent ideas. We cannot ignore these people for they lurk amongst us.
  13. uhhh, yeah.
  14. by the way.... if you want to see white racism raise its ugly ugly face it does so on that other site.... already there is a white hyena raising doubts about the cause of death here.... a pre-existing condition give me a fucking break let the white devil's words speak for itself: I’ve watched the video, and honestly it doesn’t look like a strangulation death. That plus reports that he was complaining of difficulty breathing even before he was on the ground, makes me think that this will more likely play out as a case of ”agitated delirium”. and people wonder why windows get broken!
  15. it is my understanding that these religions do not proselytize and seek conversion - i know that is absolutely the case of Judaism... and believe it to be true for the other too.
  16. Gentlemen.... I think we actually all agree - BUT - I claim an "exemption" here - for those of us who have been personally and viciously attacked, as I have been, by Daddy and his psycho fellow travelers it is important that we get to air our disgust and to hit back in any way and on any forum we can. Mind you. as I have pointed out to a member here already, it is crystal clear that the Daddy-psycho contingent members such as Bnac are deeply angry and unhappy souls who display their misery by their posts (content and tone)... but still I love to kick a person when he is down, haha!
  17. well, yes, of course it is.... they are the barely-human equivalent of that mosquito that buzzes around your head while you are trying to read outdoors, BUT -- we also know that they lurk in the shadows of this site and hyper-sensitive as they are to any criticism, it is fun to publicly point out just what fools those mortals be...(and, to be honest, i just landed myself a great job so i am feeling kinda cocky, haha)
  18. Another import from the West... From Pew Research: In 1900, only 1% of the country’s population was Christian, but largely through the efforts of missionaries and churches, Christianity has grown rapidly in South Korea over the past century. In 2010, roughly three-in-ten South Koreans were Christian, including members of the world’s largest Pentecostal church, Yoido Full Gospel Church, in Seoul.
  19. thank you, my friend... i do not want to derail my own thread, but what you write about the absolutely irrational behavior(s) over at the Despicable Daddy site is true - the Gang of Deplorables run roughshod over all conventions of acceptable conduct and yet Dirty Daddy bans and scolds people who he disapproves of for reasons that are never made clear. The problem with Bnac, in specific, is that he actually seems to believe that his nonsensical postings are sound... He clearly has no ability to reflect upon his own behaviors, and he has a highly inflated sense of self. Forgive me for lapsing into moments of bitterness but when I feel as though I have been dealt a bad hand by someone, my reflex is to fight back which, when you think of it, may actually be related to the purpose of this thread!
  20. You are right, and I stand corrected.... pigs can be cute, and serve (ultimately) a useful purpose. Accordingly, the comparison with the idiot "Daddy" is unfair. But I should think, perhaps, of another animal comparison. Hyena, perhaps?
  21. How very unusual of him. Even sad pigs are correct twice a day. Wish him a speedy recovery.
  22. White people don't get to decide what is racist and what is not.... and don't get to tell people of color what to do about it. That's all.
  23. The rage coursing through the streets of Minneapolis and other cities is born from hundreds of years of oppression, exploitation and violence boiling over. When we see this violence, but we must be clear-eyed about where core responsibility lies. Millions have seen clear video of a police officer kneeling on George Floyd’s neck while others stood calmly by. When peaceful protestors took to the streets, state actions escalated the situation rather than calming it by responding with violence: assaulting, gassing and arresting protestors. Police even arrested a CNN news crew during a live broadcast, further undermining our first amendment rights. The state escalated the situation rather than calming it.
  24. Thanks, man....the quest for gainful employment kind of ate up a lot of time and energy but now that I can move on from that, I promise you will soon grow tired of me here (haha...) SOD (Sad Old Daddy's) don't know what they been missing!
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