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Everything posted by macdaddi

  1. Here is a list of the current (February 2022) list of bars that cater to a gay male crowd in Cartagena: Gabanna Club Bar Calle 32 #18B 108 Local 1A, Cartagena The most popular of the clubs at the moment, the Gabanna Club features two bar areas, a showroom, and a dark-room cruising area upstairs. Gets very crowded on weekends. The featured shows are generally drag on Friday, Go-Go dancers on Saturday, and live sex shows on Sunday. These are usually interactive with a roster of performers. Drinks are beer and shots (rum, whiskey) and soft drinks. The Crowd includes a wide range of ages and tastes—generally something for everyone. The dark room can get packed on the weekend, come prepared (and watch your wallet/phone). https://www.google.com/maps/place/Gabanna+Bar+Club+Cartagena/@10.4224301,-75.5363337,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x615c35e5e98e7e35?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi5l4jWj6b2AhXxIDQIHUb2A8kQ_BJ6BAgrEAU City Club Calle 8A ##24-16, Cartagena This large North American-style club above a popular salsa bar features two large rooms with a DJ playing club anthems and latin pop and reggaeton. The entrance is just below the double balcony on Calle 8A (esquina Arsenal), diagonally across the street from the Convention Center entrance. The crowd is a mix of foreign tourists, rent boys and locals looking for a big night out. Prices are very expensive by Colombian standards – drinks will run 10-20K COP each. Drug use is rampant and open in the club – the washrooms are closely patrolled. Expect to be approached by the working boys present, many whom will happily show you shots of the goods on their phones. Open weekends only (Thursday-Friday-Saturday) and Sundays when national holidays fall on Monday. Cover charge depends on the event. Avatar Disco Bar 59 Avenida Pedro de Heredia #30 (2do piso) The locals flock to Avatar, locally known as Aventura, to drink cheap beer and rum, and dance the night away. This bar is comfortable room with plenty of tables and a dance floor above a Chinese restaurant off the main Pedro de Heredia just south of Carrera 59. This is place where the locals hang out and listen to local music (salsa, bachata, vallenato, champeta, and some reggaeton) and socialize. The booze flows and you will have plenty of chances to mix with the locals for dancing and more. This bar goes late on weekends and gets packed as other places close around 2am. Olimpio Night Club 7 Avenida Pedro de Heredia (Urbanizacion Los Angeles – esquina Carrera 62) - Located next door to flower shop Catering to the younger gay crowd, Olimpio is the place to see and been seen each weekend in gay Cartagena. The club is two connected rooms in shocking pink décor with a DJ spinning latin pop and reggaeton each Thursday – Friday – Saturday night. Expect a younger crowd looking to dance and socialize away the night. Drinks are higher priced here, hookah service available. Crowds arrive later – 11pm until 2am are the busiest hours.
  2. It is closed. I promise you, Club de Tobi is no longer there. Just an empty building with a legacy of fond memories (they still had not sold the building as of last week).
  3. Send me a direct email message here is best. The information changes quickly here as the economy comes back to life. I think I will add a single article (one-page entry) for Bogota, Medellin and Cartagena business pages listing the current gay bars and clubs in each city since that information is generally out-of-date on most travel websites (including the Colombian ones).
  4. There are many to be found here. There is also a thriving party scene where you can meet new performers.
  5. LOL -- gotcha. Babylon is long gone -- the block is being redeveloped as a large living complete. Boys Online Cabinas does not ring a bell for me -- so it's likely gone. If that was the cabinas place on Cra 9 at 60 then it has been replaced with a Barber Shop. The arrepa restaurant next door is outstanding (made fresh onsite). Back to hygiene, again I would say 90% of the time there will never be a problem with the physical cleanliness of the facilities (gay or straight). But I have seen a few places that were not up to standard -- and that meant fewer patrons, so keep that in mind when you enter. If there is a noticeable lack of patrons, there is likely a reason for that in Colombia.
  6. Challenge accepted -- I did discover some new and interesting places in Medellin this year. Many changes happening in Colombia currently as the country recovers from the pandemic and travelers return.
  7. Hey, glad to be of help. I am in Cartagena this week for some sun and beach time following a wedding on the coast. On the matter of hygiene, I think you will find in general that most Colombians are fastidious about cleanliness, both in their personal hygiene and in the home. My friend was teasing me about taking a "Canadian" shower this weekend -- I did not spend the 20 minutes of full body washing that a Colombian would do (rinsing off the salt after swimming in the Caribbean sea). You will find that most Colombian men take great pride in themselves and will maintain manicured hands and feet, along with regular trips to the salon to maintain hair and eyebrows (waxing for men is common here -- I can share my salon of choice here). Many men here wax or shave underarm hair as well as it is considered unsightly. As is unkept pubic hair, it is common, particularly on the coast, to keep that area shaved clean and tidy. I would not be too concerned about personal hygiene in Colombia, its a bit of an obsession :)
  8. Hey -- super happy to hear that you have booked your Medellin trip. Hope that the city of eternal spring lives up to your expectations. Unfortunately I have to return home at the end of the week for business and to check in on the home front. Right now I do not have return trip booked -- but feel free to DM with any questions. ¡Disfrútete mucho con los paisas!
  9. Apparently Le Petit has moved to a new location after nearly 20 years. Will post details shortly. The Gabanna Bar Club is the current spot for locals to mix and imbibe, and the show boys last night (live sex shows on Sundays) were a mix of Venezuelans and boys from Baranquilla. So that is where I would suggest starting your mission
  10. Quick note on vaccine status in Colombia. I am seeing more and more businesses in Colombia require proof of vaccination status this trip. I have had no issues showing my info on a phone and explaining what each section means. But be certain that your “guests” have their Colombian vaccination certificate (el carnet) with then when going out, or you may be refused entry in many locations.
  11. Updated February 16, 2022 The bar is closed and the building is now for sale.
  12. Was there for a birthday party in December 2021 at an all-inclusive (which make up the bulk of hotel options in PC). I regularly hear stories about hookups with hotel staff being easy in the large hotels, but that is risky for obvious reasons. There are few options for hiring male escorts once you have arrived. The Apps are mostly horny foreigners and there is no real club scene to explore. Ezequiel is a great resource, but his (growing) business is really boat rentals and organizing private events -- he is happy to help out, but as noted, is not easy to contact. Ezequiel actually referred me to another Toronto contact (we had met previously) who organized the "present" for the birthday boy. As is often the case, language is a major barrier -- I don't think it would have been possible to organize timing/arrivals/transportation with just English. But I could be completely wrong about that -- just my experience (it took many WhatsApp calls to get our boy onsite). As for security, as many resorts in PC are VERY large, it is easy to sneak in a guest, but there are serious penalties if discovered. It is trespassing and they take it seriously. FWIW there were women openly soliciting in the lobby bar every evening I was there. For a full-on manwhore experience there is way more action to be found in the capital. Punta Cana is better to get in some beach time (and maybe bring a favourite boy).
  13. Alex -- unlikely. Has an OnlyFans and is only occasionally on F4F. Try reaching out on his Twitter. Johan - probably. Is not actually under contract with F4F -- didn't work out. Try his Twitter or Instagram.
  14. Personally I do not know either, but my F4F friend arrives tomorrow to stay with me. He will be checking in at the studio, so let me see if I can find out.
  15. Agree 100%. Not sure why there I see reluctance to the use of "sex motels". It is relatively common in countries like Colombia and there are few that would have an issue with a MM couple (or even three parties) checking in. Most are security-conscious and will check to make sure that everyone is okay/safe before anyone leaves the premises. They provide a necessary service in many latino countries.
  16. Just an FYI that El Poblado hotels are probably the strictest when it comes to non-registered guests. Many will charge you a fee for the additional guest, up to the full cost of the night's stay, so this can get expensive (and they will not treat your "guest" very well, in my experience). You may want to consider an AirBNB in neighbourhoods like Provenza, Manila or Castropol which are all easy walking distance to El Poblado that will be easier to entertain "guests". Check whether or not the location has security on site -- that will also play a factor, although most security guards are happy to look the other way in my experience.
  17. New website launched January 2022, covers events, entry requirements and hours of operations. https://elsillonrojoclub.com/
  18. Wanted to update this information for 2022 for how this site operates during the pandemic. As others have pointed out, St Moritz is probably the closest Bogotá has to a Brasillian GP Sauna. Its reputation keeps it relatively busy today. The sauna is located in upper Chapinero on the north side of Calle 65 between Avenida Caracas and Carerra 13. The club upstairs on the second floor. Once inside, the club is made up of two floors. The main floor, off the change and shower area, is where you will find the private massage rooms. The massage boys congregate around the bar on this level and will actively solicite anyone hanging around the area. You can spot the massage boys easily in 2022 – they are obligated to wear a face mask while working – unlike the rest of the clientele. Zero masks seen during my visit, just so you know in advance. There are three private massage rooms in total, so there may be a wait for massage services. On the main level you will also find a video room (generally the Soccer channel (Fútbol) for the latest games and news) plus a small sauna and dark room that can get quite active. The showers next to the bar are often the place to get a preview of new arrivals and the massage attendants. The masajistas are generally looking for additional tips for more services beyond the standard massage. The going rate for 2022 is 65,000COP for a standard massage or 120,000COP for an “erotic” massage. The boy will be looking (and asking) for a tip above this price so do agree on what you want in advance to avoid any surprises. You may recognize them, as many also work at Gigolos House upstairs and Theatron in the Lotus Club on weekends. The second floor contains a maze, and active large spa jacuzzi (“un turco”) and some private rooms and glory holds for fun. The mix tends to run older, but I am told it can be very busy on the weekend. Cost + Hours The entry price of January 2022 is between 20K COP and 25K COP, depending on your age and event. Most days are mandatory nudity – you will be given a face towel to cover up – so if you are modest be prepared. The bar offers condom and lube but it is standard and may not be suitable for you. Strongly recommended to bring your own (you will offend no one doing so). Hours like most Saunas in Bogotá are early 1:00pm – 9:00pm daily. Afterwork (4:30pm - 6:30pm) and weekends can be very busy. Getting there St Moritz Sauna is located at Calle 65 #13 – 30 Piso Dos (Second Floor). Enter at the door and up the stairs to the entrance on the right side. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sauna+Saint+Moritz/@4.6519897,-74.0636787,21z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x8e3f9bfd2da6cb29:0x239d635520a33914!2zQm9nb3TDoQ!3b1!8m2!3d4.7109886!4d-74.072092!3m4!1s0x8e3f9a45c2d88c3d:0xfaec468333e22129!8m2!3d4.6520549!4d-74.0635711 Entrance https://www.google.com/maps/@4.6520138,-74.0635894,3a,75y,57.08h,91.93t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sLo81okUKpG9OYjofXHE3Lw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DLo81okUKpG9OYjofXHE3Lw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D73.04625%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656 WhatsApp +57 319 659 6233 Social Media Instagram https://www.instagram.com/saintmoritz.bog/?hl=es Facebook https://es-la.facebook.com/saintmoritzbaths/ Twitter https://twitter.com/SaintMoritz_Bog Website https://saintmoritzbogota.com/
  19. Sorry to hear that your travel is delayed. I was in Bogotá last week and was impressed how everyone is in masks -- except once in the clubs where it is open season. Otherwise I felt very safe and enjoyed getting reacquainted with the city...had note been since before the pandemic began. Good luck with Noom -- I hear great things!!
  20. No it is not. It is a standard bathhouse set up with bar. Depending on the day, often the bartender is available for "erotic massage". You will be charged additionally for any sex activity -- the idea is to get you worked up where you will pay more. Keep in mind that, from my experiences, there is only one option on the menu for the massage. So it can be very hit or miss. Don't know if anyone has been there lately, but I have been told that the Apolo is pretty run down. But take that with a grain of salt. The owner, a Cuban, is genuinely a nice guy and is sincere about running this business for the community.
  21. I was at Theatron on Saturday night and can attest that things are in full swing and operate as normal. There were perhaps 5 masks that I saw during the evening. Virtually everyone was maskless both in the central, open-air terrance and inside the interior clubs. Lotus (rooftop bar) is mixed on all nights now, and curiously there were no strippers this Saturday but I expect that to resume at some point.
  22. I have some options for you to consider, however i would prefer to do this via email and not in the forums.
  23. I will start by stating that this is not the official name of this location. It does not have an actual name, just a location operating out of a private home located in Chapinero, Bogota. The club advertises on the major escort websites (Mileroticos, Skokka, GuiaGay Colombia, etc.) and has a website that does necessarily contain up-to-date images of the "service providers" on offer. URL is below. The house is currently located in central Chapinero, Bogota on a residential street just east off the major artery Avenida Caracas (Cra. 13). It is easy to identify as it is the only “white” building on the street (all others are the common red brick found in Bogota). To set up an appointment, you must contact the club via WhatsApp with a proposed time you will visit the club. The idea is that you will be shown the boys available during your visit, but the offer does not feel particularly curated. When booking, the response was consistently to message only when I was in Colombia and prepared to visit. I am certain that they deal with a high number of false requests, so be clear on your intent to visit and what time (hour) you will arrive. You can reserve a boy in advance or agree to the services you will purchase in advance. But you must agree to one of these conditions to advance to the next step of visiting the property. The house is easy to locate and access is simple. Buzz from the gate and you will be admitted to the property. Someone will meet you at the front door. Once inside, you will confirm either your original selection and be escorted to a room. Or if you were confirmed for multiple partners -- threesomes (MMM & MFM on offer) and foursomes (MMMM only) on offer – then you will be able to review your selections and make substitutions as available, before heading to your room. The facility is clean and comfortable and they do provide excellent service overall. Discretion is a primary concern and they took effort to ensure clients have no contact with each other – the proximity to the financial district might have something to do with that 😊 The initial contact can be challenging, but I am willing to accept that, and would assume that multiple return visits would improve the experience. Note: I asked about language and they are very limited with English. Be prepared with Google translate through the entire process if you are not reasonably comfortable in Spanish. Cost + Hours The menu of pricing is published in the escort sites. As of January 2022: One male, one hour 120K COP Threesome – 2 males, one hour 180K COP (same price to only watch) Threesome – bisex, one hour 180K COP Foursome – male, one hour 220K COP No interest? 20K COP for the visit. All prices include condoms and lube. The Club accepts all major credit cards. Officially the property is “open” 24 hours, but all is contingent on the time agreed for your appointment. So to be clear, you cannot just drop in to see who/what is available. The advertisements ask for a minimum 30 minute request prior to visiting. Getting there The club is located at Carrera 16 #61-09, three blocks west of Avenida Caracas (Cra 13) which is the major north-south transit artery for the city. Walk east along Calle 61 until you reach Carrera 16. The Casa is the white one across the street with the gated entrance. Parking is available if you organized ahead of time. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Cra.+16+%2361-11,+Bogot%C3%A1,+Colombia/@4.6487691,-74.0669601,19z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x8e3f9a485e8b7057:0x68e6083867fbbe90!2sCra.+16+%2361-11,+Bogot%C3%A1,+Colombia!3b1!8m2!3d4.6485926!4d-74.0671401!3m4!1s0x8e3f9a485e8b7057:0x68e6083867fbbe90!8m2!3d4.6485926!4d-74.0671401 Image of House https://www.google.com/maps/@4.6486594,-74.0669818,3a,83.5y,203.83h,43.86t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBeOLwgBnI_h1GNM_XlrXNw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Social Media WhatsApp +57 324 6138588 Website https://colombiaescorts.co/
  24. Apologies if I was not clear. Yes, I book ahead for the previous night of arrival in Colombia so I can go directly to the hotel from the airport and check in. If I arrive at 3am, then I need to book arrival for the previous day to ensure that I have a room to sleep in. But you need to communicate the late arrival with the hotel in advance. The issue is that not all Colombian hotels allow you to check in outside of their fixed check in window so you need to confirm what is that time-frame with the hotel. If you stick with the large international chains you should be fine, but local establishments may not allow you to check in after midnight, for example. Better safe than sorry.
  25. Greetings from Bogotá. Landed late last night and will be here for the week. 1. You do not require a Covid test (PCR or otherwise) currently to land in Colombia. 2. The gaybourhood of Chapinero (Chapigay to the locals) is fully open and busy. Lots of people out this afternoon and the major clubs (Theatron, El Mozo, Coyote Crazy, et al) are functioning as normal. You will need to be masked to enter, but mask usage is lax inside the clubs. 3. You may want to review these places if you want to get into sexual exploration. I will also be adding a review of the Casa de Boys (private brothel) here later this week.
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