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Everything posted by macdaddi

  1. I would not let that stop you from getting acquainted with the fun-loving caleños. The warning about Cali applies to the regions surrounding Valle de Cauca which are major producers, and the nearby city of Buenaventura is a major export centre, meaning that there a many unsavoury characters running around who have no patience for a clueless foreigner. The entire area from Valle de Cauca to Riseralda (Pereira) is very safe now. The city of Cali is a different Colombian experience to be certain, but the culture is highly social, famous for salsa, lively music and boisterous gatherings where all are welcome. The caleños love a good time and enjoying life. It is certainly one of the cities not to be missed in Colombia.
  2. There is, sort of, a similar service. The owner of El Sillón Rojo has opened up a "massage" studio one block west of the club. You need to book an appointment but there are several masajistas to choose from once you arrive. Massage plus "services" cost 100-180K COP so it is easy to do the math. I will grab the details and add to the Medellín listings later this week. They have been actively posting to Grindr during this trip.
  3. Was at Teatrón club last night with friends. As noted by other members, the rooftop bar Lotus club is once again men-only on Saturdays and the fully nude and erect strippers have returned to the stage.
  4. Fercho's Masajes has had at least 3 locations (that I know of) over the years in and around this area of Medellín. The move to Bliss Suites (a love motel) happened in December 2020 if I recall correctly. The address to search on Google Maps is the Bliss Suites hotel for the correct, current location https://www.google.com/maps/place/hotel+bliss+suite/@6.2485042,-75.5626587,19.78z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x8e4428f76fce8cc7:0x5598b6f866d3728b!8m2!3d6.25152!4d-75.5617654
  5. Thanks for this update. It seems that Fercho (the manager) is no longer hosting onsite and, as pointed out by more recent reviews, the services are only delivered at the hotel. The days of enjoying a beer with the boys before choosing are no more. Need to update the listing here -- it has been more than a year since I last visited. That street is relatively safe and quiet at night as it is a business/school zone. There are always taxis running along Calle 51 (Santa Elena) is it is a major street running East to West in the city.
  6. Greetings from Bogota. There are no Covid travel restrictions currently. All travelers must show proof of a completed vaccination cycle with the vaccine name when entering Colombia. If you are not vaccinated, you must show a negative test from either an Antigen test (48 hours) or a PCR test (72 hours) prior to the arrival time in Colombia. There is a noticeable increase in the presence of foreigners in Bogota currently. I will be visiting some of the tourist zones (La Candelaria y Monserrate) later today, but the airport was much busier than it has been over the past 2 years when I arrived.
  7. Re-reading this thread and following all of yesterday's drama.... For the naysayers, the location of this encounter is very questionable. This street is pedestrian-only and has a heavy police presence. Not a good encounter spot in El Poblado if you do not want to attract attention (Angelo is much taller than your average Colombian). Angelo is a known escort that does the circuit, I have seen his ad in Bogotá, Medellín and Calí and he does the Mexican circuit as well (plenty of Colombian escorts do stints in Mexico City). So that made sense to me until... The hotel named is not a "love motel" but rather a low-cost hotel that caters to backpackers and budget-travellers (including families). So that is questionable, when there is a love motel located in nearby Castropol, so I appreciate @Slvkguy detective work here. Angelo would have known the difference. For the record, I do not offer contact numbers or details about my encounters. So do not waste your time with DM's folks. Going forward I going to ignore these types of requests.
  8. Going to add here that I cancelled my trip to Havana specifically because the problems related to the pandemic (food shortages, unemployment, etc.) continue to plague Cuba. I understand that it is a Catch-22: without tourists, the economy cannot recover. But after speaking with my friends I decided to postpone until things improve. For the member asking about hustlers and guys for hire. Las Vegas showbar (drag) is a known spot, you will see guys by the pool table who are looking for foreigners. Avenida 23 is the centre of young Cubans meeting to socialize and there are plenty of groups of young gay men that congregate along the Malecon on weekends. The ice cream parlour Bim Bom is known for the gay hustlers that congregate outside its patio (and I have seen some spectacular specimens there). You will also find men for hire in the Parque Central situated along the Prado de Marti across the street from the Grand Hotel. Here in the benches of the gardens you will find many young men (many are boxers from the two clubs nearby) offering their wares for sale. Others have described clearly the issue with internet access in Cuba, but I will add that those that can secure a SIM card do have access to WhatsApp. My Canadian phone is able to "roam" when in Cuba (this is just in the past 3 years) so it is easy to contact people once you have a phone number. But cruising apps like Grindr et al. is largely a waste of time in Cuba.
  9. Aparamente se desapareció. Qué raro.
  10. jejeje ¡Que vengas pues parcero!
  11. So this being 2022 and life being crazy, I find myself returning to Medellin next week to cover off some business. Have a couple of days in Bogotá for a procedure but should be in Medellin on Friday for business. Any members around that want to meet up? I will buy the first round at Donde Aquellos.
  12. Hmmmm, having transferred USD to Colombia on Friday, I think the exchange rate (current) would make this closer to $54 USD plus $13 for the room. Just to give you a sense of the current rates. Colombians are seriously pissed that their currency has lost huge value since the pandemic and this is just one example.
  13. Angelo is a sweetheart and one of the nicest scort I know in Medellin. He knows that what he has on offer is valuable and makes his money accordingly. His service is first-rate and worth every penny. He is not playing games. but rather has developed a system to weed out the many that are fascinated by the size of his dick. Dude he has a real 25cm dick that is thick and gets rock hard -- that is not common. This is not a game to him, but rather a business and he handles himself as a pro. Glad you enjoyed his services.
  14. Maybe I can help here, I know a little bit about Medellin. Club 55 (Cl. 55 #45 - 44, Medellín) is very popular on the weekends with a younger crowd. There is an active maze, darkroom and steam room on the second floor. The jacuzzi is a good place to get social, practice your spanish and have a drink while you get to know who is in the building (the main staircase is directly beside the jacuzzi (turco en español). They also have massage attendants until 7pm, but you say you are both uninterested in paying. The attendants will hang out by the bar next to the pool when they are looking for customers. I have been told that Sauna Cruising (Cra. 45d ##57-44, Medellín) is the hot new place that draws in the youngest and best looking crowd. The facility is just 2 years old and easy to get to on public transport, just off the main street of Avenida Oriental. The Thermas Sauna club (Cl. 57 #43 21, Medellín) is an old school sauna just down the street from Sauna Cruising that many locals swear is the best place for hot sex and little posing. El Castillo Sauna (Cra. 45d #59-63, Medellín) is a new establishment that has the advantage of staying open later than most. Finally, if you are comfortable with your language skills and navigating the city, the Glass VIP sauna in Bello (metro station Madera) is very popular and busy on the weekends. You will see many faces that will never appear in El Poblado or Laureles and you will get a very authentic Medellin experience. Good luck!
  15. I am going to add a couple of things to consider regarding hiring from Mileroticos. Note that @Latbear4blk recently posted extensively on this subject here and has reviews on his website. 1. The men that advertise on Mileroticos are pros. It is a paid listing service and these guys make a living escorting. So you can expect a professional experience where you will be asked what you want and the escort will deliver that. Full stop. Many of the men that post on Milerotics move around Colombia from city to city working the circuit (like your friend Maycol) as they develop regular customer relationships that pay their bills. Some even work out of client homes and vacation apartments (this is common in Cartagena). 2. The other listings (Skokka, Escorts Colombia, etc.) and the apps (Grindr, Scruff, Hornet and A4A) offer a large selection of men that escort on the side to earn additional cash. Look for keywords like Disponible, sólo solventes, or masaje which are generally dead giveaways that the guy is escorting. You will find many students in this category as Medellin has several large universities and students gotta eat. I would also add Ferchos Masajes to this category -- men that need to earn some cash and Fercho managing the process for them. Happy travels.
  16. Others noted that I forgot the link https://www.cuandopasa.com/index.php?v=v46953j and then I found this site in English https://www.carnifest.com/the-flowers-festival-in-medellin-feria-de-las-flores-2022/. The Parade of Silleteros (Desfile de Silleteros) takes place on Monday, 15 August 2022 and marks the end of the celebrations. Like the Samba parade in Rio, you can purchase tickets for comfortable box seating to watch the parade or you can watch for free along the street. I tried to find the exact location (it can move around) and did not see anything published. Traditionally the parade makes its way from the Cerro Nutibara to Estadio Giradot along the Autopista Sur. Officially the Fería de las Flores begins on Monday. August 8 this year but the city will be jumping starting Saturday, 6 August as people from the neighbouring regions make their way to Medellin.
  17. Great question. The Fería de las Flores is an 8 day festival that takes place annually in Medellín, generally during the first two weeks of August. It is the most important cultural event in Medellin and was greatly missed during Covid. This year it takes place August 7-15, 2022. Here is a local listing (in spanish) of the major events During the festival there are literally hundreds of free events across the city, from concerts, to live shows, fireworks and car shows, and the main event, the parade of Silleteros. These are elaborate floral displays carried by a single person that can weigh up to 70kg. Some examples below. The awards for the week are presented at the Estadio Giradot, the main fútbol stadium in Laureles in one of few paid entry events. So to answer your question about horny boys -- the city is practically a non-stop party for over a week. Every bar and club will be hosting special events as la Fería de las Flores takes over the city. Think of Rio in the week leading up to Carnival. There are plenty of fresh faces and boys that normally do not go outside of their home neighbourhood. Many Colombians travel to the festival as well. So there are plenty of opportunities to meet and hook up during this festival. I will be in Medellin for La Fería as this year marks the return to street parties and public events like the parade since the pandemic began. It is certain to be a good time.
  18. I was chatting with friend (and former model) about an upcoming trip and I should have noted this: the Ultra Wellness Center gym at the Charlee Hotel in is the local gym of choice for many of the cam models that are also escorting because of the tourists in the area. You may want to book a session there to check out who is on offer these days. https://www.thecharlee.com/es/espacios/ultra-gym/
  19. Congrats -- enjoy the city of eternal spring. The CB and F4F guys that are active escorts will generally appear in the apps. As new face in town, you are certain to get attention, so I would start there. Actually meeting the cam boys that work from the Medellin studios is a process. There are regular private parties that take place where performers will appear to earn extra cash, but you need to be plugged in (and trusted) to gain access. Ask around at Club Oráculo or Bar Chiquita as the owner is very much involved in the local circuit. Good luck!
  20. And now this has been completed https://www.gayguides.com/forums/forum/55-latin-america-men-and-destinations/
  21. Cinco estrellas por el uso de "perrear". Meurto de risas This is the funniest of spanish expressions and I am laughing my ass off while reading this.
  22. Cinco estrellas por el uso de "perrear". Meurto de risas This is the funniest of spanish expressions and I am laughing my ass off while reading this.
  23. Cinco estrellas por el uso de "perrear". Meurto de risas This is the funniest of spanish expressions and I am laughing my ass off while reading this.
  24. Cinco estrellas por el uso de "perrear". Meurto de risas This is the funniest of spanish expressions and I am laughing my ass off while reading this. My apologies for the multiple posts..the system hung on my while loading.
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