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Everything posted by JBaleUSA

  1. If the Medellin boys look anything like Daniel Montoya and Alejo Ospina, then I'm all in on visiting Medellin Colombia.
  2. PCR Covid19 Return To USA Test Locations In Rio De Janeiro and Sao Paulo: Alta Excelencia Diagnostica https://altadiagnosticos.com.br/ Cost: 340 (RL) $62.00 (Same Day Result) Rio De Janeiro : 3 locations : Botafogo, Leblon, Barra Shopping Sao Paulo: 3 Locations: Jardins, HIGIENÓPOLIS, Parque Ibirapuera 340 Reais ($62.00) PCR Return to USA Covid19 Test same day results Website: https://altadiagnosticos.com.br/ Rio-Botafogo Location: Alta Excelencia Diagnostica R. Voluntarios da Patria 432 Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro - RJ 22270-010, Brazil +55 21 3003-5552 Sao Paulo-Parque Ibirapuera Location: Alta Excelencia Diagnostica Unidade PARQUE IBIRAPUERA AV. REPÚBLICA DO LÍBANO, 725 - VILA NOVA CONCEIÇÃO SÃO PAULO - SP
  3. I can't believe it, no Rio De Janeiro 2021 Carnival this year guys. The Mayor had postponed it to July 2021, and today he just cancelled the whole thing. Rio De Janeiro Mayor cancelled Carnival 2021 due to Covid19. https://www.jornalfloripa.com.br/eduardo-paes-cancela-o-carnaval-do-rio-em-2021-impossivel/
  4. Oh yeah, I would to book him or that other stripper for a muscle worship show in Sao Paulo, https://www.xvideos.com/video49188839/lucas_alves_gogo_boy_sao_paulo_pau_duro
  5. A huge penis and a big Brazilian booty, Sao Paulo gogo dancer Carlos Alves is one hot dude.
  6. Tough decision ,Spaniard men or Brazilian men! Spain is on the top of my list of places, I want to visit in Europe. The men there are just incredible.
  7. Brazilian guys showing off their erections on posto 9 Ipanema beach, that's hot! Sounds like you had a really good time in Rio De Janeiro. Hopefully, that showing off stiff Brazilian packaging on posto 9 Ipanema beach is not a one time NYE thing. On a side note, I have been checking out this site for clubs and bars in Brasil (www.vamosgay.com). There are a lot of clubs and bars in Sao Paulo and Rio De Janeiro listed on this site but not in other reputable gay travel websites. I'm just wondering,if some of these clubs listed on Vamosgay.com are safe, or are even open for business.
  8. Oh my god ,incredible nude pics of Brazilian muscle Sao Paulo gogo stud JOÃO HUMBERTO! http://www.fervecao.com/mix/2019/147.htm
  9. Nice hard Brazilian packages! What's the name of the other stripper?
  10. Excellent meeting sites (garotolandia, garotocomlocal), there are dozens of stunning looking Brazilian guys on these 2 sites. It's much better than RM for meeting hot Brazilian guys in Brasil. RM only has a few guys profiles in Brasil. These 2 sites have a lot of incredibly good looking garoto /masseur profiles, plus all the Brasil RM guys are listed on these 2 sites. I also found some of the Brazilian strippers that I like, on these 2 sites. If you're into Brazilian guys, than these sites should be your go to hook up sites in Brasil.
  11. I would love to see my favorite Brazilian gogo boys perform live on stage at this bar. #JOÃOHUMBERTO #AdrielFernandes #CarlosAlves #MWS
  12. Wow, this bar looks incredible. It looks like a perfect spot to grab a beer and watch a hot Adriel Fernandes and Carlos Alves striptease show. #MWS #CarlosAlves #AdrielFernandes
  13. The gay guys that are getting escorted off the beach club by police in Leblon are freaking hot. Never in my life have I seen so many incredibly hot looking men being thrown out of circuit beach party. Oh my god, I'm in love with Brasil! https://g1.globo.com/rj/rio-de-janeiro/noticia/2020/12/30/prefeitura-bombeiros-e-policia-interditam-festa-de-musica-eletronica-no-leblon.ghtml?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=g1 Is there really a big cocaine problem at nightclubs in Brasil? A gay couple claimed, they were horrified by what they saw at nightclubs in Sao Paulo and Rio, on a recent trip to Brazil. https://www.thenotsoinnocentsabroad.com/blog/cocaine-and-crazy-clubs-nightlife-in-brazil
  14. Best news that I have heard all day. #MWS Adriel Fernandes! Is Instagram the best way to contact Adriel Fernandes?
  15. No info yet on Thermas Lagoa website on the next strip show performance by AF., last strip show performance by AF at Thermas was in September 2019.
  16. Thanks for the info on Adriel Fernandes guys. A day after the Adriel Fernandes post, a Brazilian Adriel Fernandes look-a-like showed up in my town on RM for a few days. I had some fun.
  17. Are the strippers at the saunas available for rent/ PV? I only want to go to Brazil if I can get with the hot gogo dancers and strippers. I'm addicted to the gogo dancers/strippers at the clubs and saunas in Rio and Sao Paulo (Adriel Fernandes, Luciano Lima, Daniel Ferreira,Jeberson Moreira).
  18. Any info on this hot Brazilian GoGo dancer? Does he escort? He's a stripper, I'm just wondering if he does meet up outside the clubs. Here is a video of him dancing at Bubu in Sao Paulo . I have also seen him stripping at Thermas Sauna. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuDqMxxJM6Q I also would like to know if the strippers at the Saunas in Sao Paulo are available for PV .
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