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Everything posted by Canadianbtmguy

  1. I'm traveling light with only a backpack and I've long ago abandoned any sense of shame that would keep me from freshening up in the sauna restroom. But, it so happens that on my overnight layover in Paris I met up with a young African refugee who I met last fall on Grindr who literally goes all night (regrettably almost entirely in doggy style, not only my least favorite position but after hours and hours the legs start to give out...) and so I think I will lack both the energy and the requisite desperation when I arrive tonight. Hopefully, I will be fully recovered and ready to hit the ground Saturday night (which pre-covid I recall was the only night without a clear winner between 117 and 202, still true?) I have been to SP several times, although never more than a few days at a time. I always expected as a richer and much larger city it would have the creme de la creme, but on my limited trips to Lagoa (ok, 7 or 8, maybe) I rarely met guys in the same league as Rio
  2. Can I hit the ground running or will I have to cool my heels til saturday afternoon? Arriving from Europe (unlike the usual morning arrival from north america). My first trip since covid and coming on the heels of a trip to Istanbul to go to the (disappointing) Aquarius Spa, (I will be reviewing in the europe forum...) which made me realize there is but one Rio in this world and there is no sense waiting for my planned July trip there. So, I'm eager to get started....I'm thinking I might be able to make to to the sauna around 9? And pre-covid I recall the action lasting a little later on Fri/Sat til maybe 10 or even 11? Just want to get an idea in advance because I have to tell my airbnb host my arrival time (in other words, do I budget for a stop at the sauna "on the way") Subsidiary question...I have 11 nights, which I'm thinking there will be so many new guys in the Rio saunas no need to run off to SP, whose guys (pre-covid) I always found not as good as Rio anyway...but the new Lagoa has piqued my interest. Should I bother with SP or just revel in Rio for my 11 days? Thanks guys!
  3. I'm in France and thinking of taking a few days to visit the Aquarius, um, I mean Istanbul. I like hairy guys. I'm wondering how good is the experience with the guys given that gay sex is so relatively frowned on in their culture, compared to say Brazil. Are they likely to kiss for example? Also I like a long, slow suavecito style of sex; am I more likely just to get 10 minutes of pounding and that's it? And how are the hardness issues? Thanks guys!
  4. Wow, that is a stunning increase percentagewise from when I was there just weeks ago in February (1000 pesos for him, boys starting at 2500 for the nonmuscular, to 3500-4000 for the more muscular.) He seems to have switched from pesos to dollars and baked in an over 50% increase. At these prices, you needless to say, are way beyond Brazil and about the same as Barcelona or Madrid--where you will find most of the guys are from Latin America--and a place markedly more appealing in many ways to spend a week than Santo Domingo. As noted elsewhere, I was not terribly impressed with Manny's guys, even at the old price. I wonder if in some way he saw you as an easy mark and his prices vary? (e.g. I didn't try to speak English with him) In any case, endlessdream, if you can stomach the long flight and a certain amount of Brazilian danger (some statements here that one just needs to be careful in Rio "as in any big city" I would say minimize very significant differences compared to say Spain, where guns are extremely rare) you need to try it.
  5. I was there last month, and for one of the world's largest cities, it was pretty ho-hum I met one escort from mileroticos who was from Uruguay/Argentina. Beautiful face, very tall, great body, nice big dick, nice guy, terrible in bed could barely get hard enough to insert. Seems to be a lot of escorts from Colombia. From the best looking guys online I would get very sporatic replies, like days later, or not really answer my questions. Some that did reply would kiss, only one would bbk. I have a WhatsApp from Croatia and then a few days into the trip I got a Mexican cell number that I sent texts. Prices were about 100usd for the real good ones although there was one that wanted 350usd. The $5 Mex SIM yielded lower price quotes. I stayed half the trip closer to downtown, (free) guys on Grindr noticeably darker there than the second half of the trip when I stayed in Polanco. In 10 days I got diarrhea twice (which certainly dampen's a bottom's sex trip, and one of the 2 times became so ill I was in bed a day and a half. C'mon Mexico--it's 2022. Much poorer countries (e.g. Egypt) while not advisable for long term drinking at least have solved acute problems. And no I didn't drink the water per se, so it mustve been even small amounts on lettuce or something. I too have been casting about for closer and safer alternatives to Brazil (and by Brazil, really, I mean Rio) but CDMX despite other appeals seems not the best for that.
  6. Maybe something got lost in the chronology, but I'd have to venture that these last few hours as I wait for my delayed flight at SDQ are to be my last in the RD, except maybe in the airspace on the way to Brazil. I really do like Brazil, or really Rio I should say, or really Carioca men I should say...I have not been there since the pandemic, I miss it and I plan on going in summer/their winter. I does concern me that out of maybe 20 Brazilians I've met in other countries in the past year, all save 1 have said that Brazil has become significantly ever more dangerous even since the pandemic. Not really sure what to do with that information.
  7. So my last thoughts, as I still wait here 4 more hours for my delayed flight, are much more general, and maybe someone who has undergone a similar journey may have some insight. I have a great husband, but this is about sex, not love, which in the (older) gay context are so often so independent. As I get older and older, I know I need to transition to a paid model of sex. Yes, I'm cheap, yes, it pains me to pay for something I can get for free, but it's so much more than that You know, at least for me, it is such a pale pale pleasure to be turned around and fucked doggy by an escort so that he doesn't have to look at my face....compared to making out, looking into my eyes as, he breeds me, missionary, making me have to think twice that oh, yeah, he is doing this for the money, not because he had me thinking maybe, maybe he was actually turned on. Same with a free guy, who is not as good looking as the escort, but really fuckin wants my ass (like the 20 year old described above) Yeah I'm 50, I need to transition into a paid model. It's so hard though. Yes, it takes ever more time and yields ever diminishing results. But every so often, every so often... There's a French movie about a 50ish female professor who develops an obsession with catfishing a college boy, as told to her 50ish female psychiatrist. The psychiatrist corners her, "You like it when men find you attractive, don't you?" to which she ruefully replies something to the effect of "It is a profound pleasure, and so difficult to surrender." Can I transition to a paid model, spend less time looking for sex, and still be anywhere near as satisfied with it? There was a guy at the 117 I used to have amazing times with and I told him you know, you are either Brazil's best actor or you actually enjoy having sex with me, even just a little bit. That kind of simulacrum, or the one I had on the first of the 2 nights with the Dominican hottie, that, that I think I could transition to. But, this seems both possible yet so difficult to find, how could this save time or effort? So many years ago, I was an escort myself, you would have thought it could help clear my thinking today. No way would I make out with the clients, except the 1% who were attractive. It's so incongruous what I offered then and what I seek now. Yet, to just turn around and take it doggie while I face the wall, it's just too bitter a pill to take
  8. So last day, I go for a walking tour with a member of the white elite (lawyer; not hung), by 10:30 miserably hot (for me) so back to the AC. I engage with Manny half heartedly and he sends a few guys' pics, but I mean after the guy last night, they are neither as attractive in face nor body. Ho-hum. The friend of last night's hottie hits me up asking for an additional bonus to the 1000 additional he says he received last night (um, remember that I gave the hottie 2000 for him; I don't know which of the 2 is lying but I tell him it's between the 2 of them to work out). He asks if I would like to see pics of any of his other friends. His friends are actually just as good as Manny's guys, although Manny is very affable and this guy leans toward creepy. None compare to last night's guy (whose Whatsapp he gave me last night and which I am planning on using). I actually go to Juan BinBin in the afternoon (I sooo much prefer this model, which I think the internet and pictures can never replace, plus also safer...) Nothing too special there, I ask one guy if he kisses and if he barebacks and he says yes, but he walks in with condoms and doesnt want to kiss (there is soooome possibility he didnt hear my questions as I try to ask them quietly enough so that the others don't hear) but I ask to change guys. Good ol Federico, who had stepped out is now back, so I switch to him. He's kinda having an uninspired go, and certainly he is way beneath the league of last night's guy, so pretty meh. I hit up last night's guy and my best friend is like ask him his daily, weekly and yearly price. My flight leaves at 6am (or I should say, it was scheduled for 6am) so I propose 8pm-3am. He says what will you give me. I propose 15000 (which is not much more than the night before's compendium of fees) and we could go out to eat if he likes and the full leche (not just the kind of like yesterday). Surprisingly he accepts and does not try to drive the fee higher (not yet anyway....). I have a couple of free Grindr guys (including one of those short skinny 9-inch guys which does a good job) and look forward to my 8:00 appointment. Not that I actually expect him at 8, though he's actually set to arrive before 9. He texts that he's almost there and we can go to a certain restaurant and he's very hungry. Well I'm hungry too but not for food and I can see this meal dragging on late and him saying he's too tired/full after so I say well, just a half hour upstairs and we will build up an even bigger appetite. He says he's arrived and I go down to find him--and his friend. WTF. Friend renews his incessant pleas for more tips. No mention had been made of him coming. Yuk. I decline request for further tips. Hottie gives his ID to reception (btw new system compared to last year, which is a little embarrassing for the slutty compared to the previous free-for-all, but actually better because more safe. ) In the room, he plants himself on the bed, gives me a granny kiss and starts trying to get the TV to work, and after trying for an extraordinary length of time, retreats to his phone. Declares that he's starving and asks if I have Uber Eats. I don't so he orders some food--from his friend, who luckily is still lurking in the area. Getting pretty crestfallen--so this is how boors spend their evenings. Then he asks how long was I wanting him to stay. Um, yeah, 3am like we had worked out earlier. He's like oh I know you said you had to leave at 3 but I didn't know you meant me to stay all that time. he backs away from this but says he didn't realize how much time there was between 8 and 3, which he then calculates on his fingers as 6 hours. He says for that price he can stay until 11. (It's already 9:30) I say, well we haven't done anything yet, if this is not worth it for you, I think you should leave and I get up and open the door. (I'm kind of scared tbh and this is one reason i think it's better to stay in a hotel, despite the discomforts, than an AIrbnb.) He turns conciliatory and is like baby, I don't want you to be upset, etc. The meal arrives and it falls on me to go pick up the 2 hamburgers from the friend outside--for 2000 pesos (from the Styrofoam containers these did not appear to be $15 hamburgers) After eating, it does turn to sex and about 20 minutes of really awesome sex. Unlike yesterday, dick was rock hard for this and it's extraordinarily large and thick (it's even outside of my range of confident estimation). The only position I ever have pain is doggy and I'm actually getting a little (hurts so good) pain from missionary. I suggest we turn into the kind of side by side position (I never know what to call it) in part because dicks often go a little softer in that position. Unlike missionary though, his hands are free to use his phone, which he does, it's still pretty hot (although rather impersonal) that last about 20-30 until he declares he's tired, pulls out and closes his eyes. That's pretty much it. It's about 11pm. Considerably less sex than the day before, and well, anticlimactic in every respect. I would've been so much better with just an hour. Can someone explain paying for an overnight? As if the guy is going to wake up every few hours and fuck you because he's horny or something? That seems implausibly optimistic. The overnight seems to nix incentives for good performance (compared to start with an hour and go from there.) I really don't have any experience with this and really neither does my best friend whose idea it was. When alarm went off 2:30 i tried to rouse something up, but of course no incentive for that. And by the way, don't count on an Uber to the airport, at least not at 3am. It keeps connecting you to the same few people who uniformly refuse to take you unless you pay 3x price off-app. Kind of a parting insult. Although I must say the AA (female) counter agent made such goo-goo eyes at me, I did melt a bit from my so thankful I'm getting the fuck outta here. All in all, it is tough for me to understand threads with titles like "48 hours of pure pleasure" Am I just going about it so wrong? I can concur that there is pleasure to be had--and intense pleasure at that--but pure?? No. It is leavened with a large amount of displeasure, inconvenience, even some fear. I must dissent.
  9. Waiting for my 6 hour delayed AA flight in SDQ so I have plenty of time to expound. So the next day, met another one of Manny's guys. Pretty good guy, pretty good sex, bb, certainly much better than the other 2. I remembered thinking at the time it would not be like one of my Brazil experiences that I remember months even years later, but after what happened later in the day, I can honestly say I hardly remember anything about it at all. I do remember the price 4000 plus 500 tip plus 1000 to Manny (according to him, the widely quoted 2500 applies only to skinny guys or maybe I'm just an easy mark. On Grindr a lot, I really do (still) prefer the thrill of a guy who wants to fuck me versus one who is supporting his granny by doing so. Also many guys offering for money (called "prepagos" (prepaids") Nearly all of these guys have nothing to offer besides a really big dick, and I can still get a short skinny guy with a really big dick for free (a blondish muscle bottom, even an aging one, still holds considerable appeal). Mostly just ignore these guys entirely. One hit me up with a possibly beefy body under a tshirt but no shirtless pic. He offers a video chat, takes off his shirt to reveal a flabulous body and I politely decline saying that I am into guys with more athletic bodies. A bit later he sends me a pic of his "friend" and says "like this?" WHOA! YES! YES! Exactly like this. After looking at one pic after another of Manny's passable guys, here is a guy with a solid 9/10 body and 9/10 face with a very handsome welcoming smile on his face. But yes, I was not born yesterday. I am like what is the chance that a second-hand advertiser from Grindr is going to be a successful match? Like 5% or less, which a much higher than that percentage that he will rob me. Quote is 5000 plus 1000 for him. I ask questions, waiting for the fault to appear. I say I'm into passionate kissing with tongue, the guy looks hetero so he's probably not into it. He says he is. I say I'm looking to take it suavecito for a full hour, not 15 minutes of hard doggy (they call it "a 4" like on all 4s). He's into it. I say are you saying he's into it or are you actually asking him if he's into it. He says the guy says he's into it. I'm really looking for a way to eliminate these guys, who are surely scamsters but everything keeps coming up roses. This guy--or this fantasy of a guy, probably--is really the guy I'm looking for. I assent to have them come over. A digression, American/Canadian/European whatever you want to call it standards of time have no application here. With the result that unless you want to spend A LOT of time waiting around you need to double/triple/quadruple book. This at least is initially very stressful for me, especially when, 2 hours later, several guys turn up at once. I'm not so much for 3 ways, (which is one solution) so you kind of have to pick the best ones and hit the others with "emergencies". I would never do this in North America, although I have resorted to it in Spain. Tip: when people say they are on their way or "almost there" (haha) make them send their location. Anyway, the guy and his friend show up about the same time as 2 guys from Grindr (including a 20 year old with quite handsome quite athletic pics but modestly endowed). I meet them in front of the hotel and the guy is HOT. And smiley. We do some conversation on translate in part to confirm he's into it. Friend is jockeying for more than 1000 and he wants 5000 plus tips if he does a good job. I'm ok with the incentive-type payments for him and I say if he does a good job Ill also give him an extra 1000 for his friend. In short, he does a great job, pretty much all you could hope for. Really outstanding. Even starts with a condom, but with my only condoms the normal size, oddly the only ones for sale at the pharmacy across the street, he abandons it. I don't even know if I had inquired much at all about his dick because he was so handsome but yes, everything you could ask for there. AT times not super hard (probably in part from me not liking the hard pounding) but very big dicks not super hard are actually quite appealing. After about 45 minutes he starts jockeying for me to give my "leche" (milk) which I have no interest in ending. I say what if he goes for another half an hour, I give him 10000 and he gives me his leche. Some haggling ensues with him inside me. He says it's already 5000 plus 2000 in tip (true) so therefore 13000 (makes no sense). I hold firm at 10000 and he assents but it does seem to take some of the wind out of his sails. After about 20 minutes he starts jockeying again for me to give my leche (i.e., end). I jockey for him to give his, he says he already came a little (of which there is some evidence.) Great time kind of end with a whimper not a bang as he gets up and starts taking a shower. I give him 10000 plus another 2000 for his friend. So, still not having had my big bang, I get on Grindr and the 20 year old has sent like 5 messages, the most recent just a few minutes earlier that he was leaving, but I msg him with my renewed apologies about the "emergency" and he's nearby and so he comes back. We actually sit on a bench outside the hotel and talk a bit (its dusk so getting less oppressively hot). He's pretty hot, pretty masculine, handsome face and since he didn't jump up from the bench to come in the hotel I have my doubts/insecurities he's into me, 2 1/2 times his age. Finally, I ask him up and he heartily agrees. Like I said modestly hung, but rock hard and gives his leche pretty quick. Nice experience and of course, nice validation by a 20 year old. I'm done for the day.
  10. So let me update on how its going so far. I arrived yesterday and met Manny yesterday afternoon. He's a very nice friendly guy. He made it clear to really tell him my preferences and I did...tallish, muscularish (certainly I don't need bodybuilders), and perhaps most importantly a good attitude and someone who will do it suavecito, not pounding. I didn't know whether I should mention my preference for bare (The most important thing for me is the quality of the guy, and I don't want to be limited to those who bbk) but he seemed very openminded so I did mention that it was a preference though by no means a necessity.) He showed me about half a dozen guys, all solidly attractive and muscularish, all I would say were Black. I didnt have a strong preference among them, and he said he would look into who would be available. Later he met me at Pacos with the guy (who I don't believe was one of the ones he had showed me. 1000 pesos for Manny plus 2500 to the guy. This is my message to Manny afterward: Hola manny, I’m definitely eager to meet more of your guys, although I have to say that one was not such a great start. On the good side his Dick was nice and big, but I would not say he was so friendly or interested and he fucked for only like 10 minutes (not suavecito even tho I asked him) and only with a condom. After 10 min he took it off and shot. It wasn’t awful or anything, just kind of boring, and I make the criticism more so we can make the next ones better😎 I have heard such good things about your men, I want to experience what they have to offer. Thanks! Manny very cordial and expressed frustration at the guy. Resolved to do better the next day. In the late afternoon went to Juan Bin bin. These are not Brazilian quality guys. The tallest is 5'9. There was a guy Federico I had met last year and had an amazing time with, despite not being my type really (I doubt he weighs more than 120 pounds!) he really did sex amazingly well. He was there so I went with him, although there were a couple guys there that caught my eye. (When a client comes they assemble to meet you; there were 5 there, they are actually more varied racially, one white hispanic, one looked native american, 2 latino hispanic and one black) Amazing sex with Federico again and then well, I confess I went for a second round with another guy, and pretty darn amazing too (not as good as federico and didnt kiss, as federico does passionately, but well done. 3000pesos each for those keeping track.... Good fried chicken on the way home (facing parque independencia) I'm not all about sex, ok This morning, Manny recommends one, he says is tall and muscular. But these types want more. He says he wants 5000 but will take 4000 (plus 1000 for Manny). Here's my message to manny after that one: Hey man. Really super nice guy, very handsome, nice personality, tried hard to please. He even kissed a little which was great. He was really perfect...except the sex. Sadly, he couldn’t really get it very hard and he tried many times and it was barely hard and never more than 30 seconds would last before it would come out and he would have to try very hard to make it hard again. He was a very nice guy and he tried many times but he just could not get an d stay hard to do the work. It is a pity because I was very attracted to him and he was a super nice guy😪 I hope you will not think I’m hard to please (maybe I am) but to get hard for the penetration it’s a minimum😎 I offered him some viagra, it would have been the perfect solution but he did not want it. Really he’s very good—except for the one important thing😪 Worked out at Colonial Gym (100 pesos, the best bargain in town!) Wish some of those guys were on Manny's roster. Will try again with Manny tomorrow....
  11. I contacted Manny in Santo Domingo and Ezequial in Punta Cana. Manny was very friendly in his replies, hasn't sent any pictures yet. I'm hesitant to push for the pictures yet, since maybe he's worried about pic collectors? I am curious about what kinds of guys to expect. Certainly from BlkSuperman's twitter, enormous endowments are a given, but I am curious about faces and bodies. Most of the guys on his twitter seem to be quite lanky, with the one called Manaconda having some muscle on him. For my taste, I'm willing to give up an inch or two for good bodies and handsome faces (and good attitudes, for that matter...) Ezequial was slow to respond and eventually his assistant Rose responded. She sent me clothed pics of 3 guys. They were pleasant looking fellows, though I wouldn't say they are really the machos I'm looking for. They were young (I'm pretty open on age) but also pretty lanky and at least through the clothes didn't seem to have any muscle to them. I asked her if she knew their height (I prefer taller) and endowments were and she said she would get back to me. Can't really say that I would bother making the trip from Santo Domingo to Punta Cana on the basis of these guys. Have any of you guys met Ezequial's guys? If any of you guys have any feedback of what to expect with Manny and Ezequial's guys (especially if tall muscular guys are available), much appreciated. I know this is not Rio's 117 Island-version so trying to keep my expectations in check
  12. Haha...but what else is there? Actually it's walking distance to Lapa. I don't really care much for Copacabana, Im not a beach person. Some Brazilians have said that Gloria/117 area is actually safer than copacabana because thieves are not really attuned to a non-touristy middle/working class are like Gloria
  13. i have not had visitors stay overnight but i have had visitors come and go late at night and no one cares. the elevator does not require a key or anything so they can come right up
  14. I can put a word in for the Hotel Diamond, which is on the main street around the corner from the 117, probably about 4-5 min walk from there. It's a highrise, somewhat dated but respectable, I think it was about 30 USD last time I stayed there pre-pandemic. As a high rise with lots of people coming and going, visitors are free to walk by, no problem. Fridge in the rooms added bonus
  15. SDU hands down. It is one of the most beautiful settings in the world, just a few blocks, literally, from downtown Rio. Make sure you get a window seat, always amazing views
  16. Last April I went on my post-vaccine trip to Santo Domingo--without benefit of this forum--and had a pretty good time (basically free Grindr guys and pain Juan binbin ones). Fun to the extent I wanted to go back--now all the more so that I have found this forum and info about Manny and Ezekial's guys! Planning to be there 2 weeks from today. First a quick report of what I did last year. Stayed at the RIG Casa Conde for 9 days, it was about $40/night, they gave me one of the few rooms overlooking the street with a balcony, which was a nice aspect, I could sit on the threshold of the door (still benefiting from the awesome AC) and watch the world go by. (I confess I'm not a tropical-weather guy.) No problem with having guests, the reception is on the mezzanine and the guys would walk past the glass-enclosed reception, reception never said anything to them but I like that the guys would have an awareness that it is not a totally unsecured place. As for the fun, yes it was fun. I'm a bottom guy, love big dicks of course, also like nice bodies, handsome faces and good kissers. Started out on the right foot with a Chilean guy a few hours before I arrived who was all of those and ended with a Dominican a few hours before I left who was too. (Nicely, the first and the last were the 2 best!) In between, a lot of guys with 8-9", in their 20s, mostly skinny non-gym, some handsome, some less so. And one guy around 40 with a great body and great kisser who went for hours, reminding me yet again that a big dick is not a requirement for great sex, nor is bareback. (On PrEP and prefer raw; I would say about a third of the guys were down with raw.) I would have about 3-5 guys a day, from about 5 minutes ,to that guy for several hours, pretty slutty although I doubt I qualify for BlkSuperman's league I'm open to paying (and did a few times) , but of course why pay for what you can get for free, plus the thrill that this hot guy is fucking me because he's into me not because he's getting paid is priceless. (I confess it is a thrill very hard to surrender as I get older.) Basically I would Grind during the day and if I wasn't satiated by around 4 or 5, I would heard to juan binbin (a few blocks away). The neighborhood drops off quite precipitously in those blocks, I always walked without trouble, it seemed so silly to order and Uber for 3 blocks, but the owner advised me against it (and once kindly even drove me back). I went there maybe 4 times, went with 3 different guys, the guys were not the super hottest (it's not the 117!) and never more than 10 were there at a time. 2 out of the 3 were very good (one was named Federico) and very obliging (I like it slow suavecito, not pounding and I find it's tough to get straightish escorts to deviate from the doggy-style pounding playbook. Also were good kissers and cool with breeding. You pay the owner, the rate is fixed, about $40 I recall. Once I went by and there was no one I was into and it was no problem that I just looked without buying. (Federico wasn't there otherwise I would have gone with him again.) One time I went with a guy who was boring and not very hard, I mentioned it to the owner and he was apologetic that the guy was new. Virtually no other clients around but this was April 2021, so maybe that's why... Went to Apollo once on a weekend afternoon, it was actually very busy. Although many were wearing masks, it seemed a little excessive risk even though I was newly vaccinated, and since I wasn't getting a flood of attention (I'm pretty fit, but late 40s, so older than most everyone there) I didn't stick around long. Guys were kind of in the same range I was finding on Grindr. Also went to Cine Lido twice (the idea of sucking off straight guys, I confess, does seem pretty hot) but not very crowded (15-20 guys) and guys not very hot, but maybe because of the pandemic. Incidentally, on the corner to the west of Cine Lido, the Chifa (in parts of Latin America, "Chifa" refers to pre-prepared Chinesish food) the fried chicken is delicious, and was surely the highlight of my two visits to Cine Lido and the culinary highlight of my visit. I walked on my 2 visits, only about 4 blocks uphill from hotel, but as with Juan binbin (in a somewhat similar direction) that may have been too cavalier. One last thing that made a nice contribution to my trip was the Gym Colonial, on Calle Conde, around only $2 for the day (yes, I love a bargain!) So, as I say, I had a nice time last year that I was planning on going back this winter (when it is a little cooler) Now that I have read here about Manny and Ezekial's guys (I swear it sounds almost to good to be true!) I am really looking forward to it, I'm eyeing Feb 10-21 with both weekends in SD and maybe 3 days Mon-Thurs in Punta Cana. Is 3 days enough in Punta Cana? I haven't read much about Ezekial's guys here there so think of keeping the emphasis on SD. When I finalize my plans and buy my tickets, probably next week I will contact them and start browsing the possibilities. Are there any must-haves that I should definitely not miss?? Any ones in particular I should start with?(all other things being equal, I would say to start with the guys who have more beautiful faces but are not quite so XXL and work my way up to the guys who are pure XXL dick plays. My preference is for guys who are open to slow penetration that lasts a long time (some pounding at the end is cool), and who are open to making out. Prefer taller to shorter, but flexible. I hope it is ok to ask, do any of them bareback, it's by no means necessary but all other things being equal, I do prefer it (The trip report from Arabcreamer suggests yes) So, thanks again guys for any and all suggestions!
  17. Any security qualms about having the guys over for overnights? I think that's one factor that can keep the Brazilian saunas com boys going even in the app area. I have brought guys home from 117 and 202 back to my airbnb a few times and it worked out fine (ok, in one case, amazing!) but I was kind of aware that I was probably doing something I shouldn't do. Incidentally, I've lost touch with my favorite Rio boy; is it appropriate to post his (G-rated) picture in case anyone has seen him around?
  18. The past couple years (pre-pandemic) in SP I agree the going rate in Lagoa was 150, and for callboys about 300. Rio, which is such a different city economically with less economic opportunity, in the saunas I would say "100 reais, si?" and 80% would smile si (they were pleased with it) 10% would say si without a smile (they were probably planning on asking for more and so were disappointed that I knew the proper rate, and then 10% would go ahead and ask for more. Callboys in rio were 200-250, maybe up to 300 in the most exceptional cases
  19. Great to hear that things are still operating, although sorry to hear it has been disappointing--so far (and it only takes one great night to turn that disappointment around I'm curious (since I haven't been since pre-pandemic), is there any change in the going rate of around 100 reais? (I could see some factors pushing it up--high inflation--or others pushing it down--high unemployment) Also what is the word "on the street" about the security situation? Every Brazilian that I have met during pandemic times, except one (at the Sauna Thermas in Barcelona) has said that the security situation has deteriorated further in the last couple years (some blame covid, some Bolsonaro). But this is a biased sample, consisting largely of Brazilians living in or traveling to Europe. Looking forward to hearing about your third night....
  20. Hi Anyone with an update on Lion? Does it still look like Monday and Friday are the times to go? What are the GPs like? Just arrived in Rio today and awakened from my post-arrival nap and ready to dig in ;) Obrigado!
  21. If one does decide to hire the online escorts (with the admitted increase in danger) any suggestions on minimizing danger? (Same goes for free Grindr hookups) Go to their place or have them come to yours? (I've felt comfortable going to their place is it was in an upscale neighborhood) As far as having them come over my place, I usually stay at Airbnbs and the doorman calls up when they arrives and sends them up (if only they had that system like in the Dominican Republic where the doorman holds their ID until you say everything is OK!) Is it safer/less safe to stay at a hotel than an Airbnb with doorman as far as having guys over? In Rio, I'm pretty much able to stick to the saunas, but in Sampa both the saunas are worse IMHO and the internet escorts hotter (I really like the hairier Mediterranean-type guys that are common on the escort sites in SP) and I have to say I have had pretty good experiences with the internet escorts (some really passionate)
  22. Can you tell us a little more about this MPGym? I searched the forums as well as google and I don't see anything.... Thanks
  23. Boa tarde fellas! SInce my first visit to Rio about 5 years ago (and my near-accidental discovery of 117 on our last day of the trip) I've been dragging my (less slutty) husband there a couple times a year. Well, this time, he's off to Asia and I'm on my own....(a little scary for a few reasons...) I arrive to Rio on Thursday morning (Aug 29), probably the worst day, having just missed Mon, Tues, Wed! The 3 ways I like to hookup there are: 1. sauna com boys (so easy and convenient you get to see and talk to the guy first.) Question 1. How's the Lion's Sauna going? I know it just opened, but is it worth going and what nights? 2. Free hookups from Grindr (nothing beats the energy of a guy who's into it not just for the money) Question 2: I usually stay in an Airbnb, I found Copacabana full of tourists on Grindr, Gloria and Lapa have been better; anyone stayed downtown to get the office crowds during the day? 3. Callboys from Internet sites Garotoscomlocal mostly but also, garotolandia, netgay, vivalocal, rentmen. This I have the least experience with, Ive done more in Sao Paulo because I have found the Lagoa boys kinda lackluster and the ones online really high quality (a bit more expensive, but I don't mind paying a little more if it's going to be a really exceptional experience.) Question 3: Which site is best? Any qualms or safety tips about having them come over your place or going over theirs? (I don't travel with any valuables except I do value my life and safety haha) Any worries about "fake" ads by guys who want to rob/hurt/kidnap you? Thanks guys! Any other new or interesting updates are welcome Obrigado! P.S. lastly but not least, does anyone know Piedro below I met him in 2017 and he really is my favorite ever. Nicest guy. His mobile never worked after the next visit. does anyone know how I can get in touch with Piedro? [edit: sorry I didn't mean to make the pictures so big!]
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