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Everything posted by Canadianbtmguy

  1. One practical method of discouraging requests that I started on my most recent trip is, with my Brazilian SIM I got a second WhatsApp account (the second one WhatsApp Business) and with WHatsApp people can see if you are online and also if you have read your messages. Just don't open your WhatsApp Business and they can tell that not only have you not read their messages, but that you have not even been online. If you have one that you want to talk to even between trips you can just give your regular account to them.
  2. I realized I never gave the ending of this story. It actually hasn’t ended, but at least I can give an update. So it worked out fine with him buying the rx’s (a few glitches with bank that took a lot of time.) maybe a day before he was due to fly from Paris to São Paulo he announced he had just landed in Martinique, that he had taken the offer of a friend to work at a friend’s restaurant there in exchange for room and board, mostly because he wasn’t ready to return to his small town after such a short time (with his tail between his legs, no less). Kind of made sense. After about a month, he wanted to come back to Brazil, I got his ticket and he came back, with the rx so it basically worked out. This all happened months ago. Since I’m on a long flight back home (not from Brasil…) I’ll continue on. So, once back in São Paulo you can either fly or take a 6 hour bus ride to a small city, from which he lives an hour away. He asked me about buying him a flight, and it was only 150 reais, 3 days away. I thought he would be eager to get home to his mother, who he is very close to, but he was fine with it. So, I find him physically stunning, among the very best I have met there, but I don’t super enjoy spending time with him, maybe not even 3 days if it was free, and certainly not if I had to pay. The fact that I speak portugese-sprinkled Spanish actually ends up inhibiting any real communication (I haven’t yet learned how to do the “maxi” conversational translator) and so rather lazily, I suppose, I blather on in what can’t even really be called portuñol, and him in not even slowed down or spanicized portugese (as some Brazilians will do for me); as such, understanding probably about 20% of each other, whereas if it were probably some other more distant language pair we’d be forced to translate. He’s not super high energy and that’s true in sex too. He totally kisses, and cuddles all night and he’ll do some sex, it’s hard to put my finger on why, but it’s just boring. He’s naturally hairy and he shaves his body which comes off as sort of a metaphor, he’s so handsome, just not fuckin sexy, if you know what I mean… So anyway, I said we would have the 3 days til the flight with the middle one like an “Independence Day”, that I would get him his own room for the middle night (I phrased it as he would be so sick of me after 3 days…) and we could each do our own thing that day. For me, I was kind of leery of accumulating 3 days at an unspoken rate and then negotiating at the end (some people would be totally fine with that, for me it’s like a nightmare scenario 🙀) So I think maybe I gave him 500 for the first day, which he seemed fine with. I forget if it was then, or on the last day, I gave him some of my PrEP and some info on PrEP on demand/2-1-1 and told him it was totally his decision but I would love to feel him without the condom (which he had fumbled with) (much discussed in this threadhttps://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/50970-condomless-with-gps-in-brazil/ so please not here). We kinda kept in touch that day, he came over for a little nap and a snack of these cookies I had that he likes, he said he went to a fun fair with some friends he has in SP, and I went to Lagoa. I was glad to see him the next morning when he moved back in, we went to that district downtown where they sell those counterfeit name brand clothes (he bought a few things for himself as well as a Chinese street lunch and I bought him nothing more than an ice cream) it was pretty boring. Later we went home for some lesbian bed death cuddling (I really shouldn’t be so critical…it’s just so vexing, and I mean he can get a hardon at the drop of a hat…One time he’s taking a shower while I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and it’s not he’s even touching himself and he’s totally hard.) next morning he had to leave kind of early for his flight, I didn’t give him any money at all, he warmly said goodbye, thanked me again for the tickets (I guess it’s true that the Paris-Sao Paulo ticket had great value to him, although he largely offset it for me with the rx) He’s kind of an enigma. But I mean I guess he was once married to a woman and that didn’t work out (I couldn’t really understand what he said about why😂). He’s kind of a simple country boy I guess, he said people say he’s as smart as a burro (although when I went to visit him in his city there was a situation with one of his friends that I thought very deftly handled). I asked him once like what did he want in life, love with a man, love with a woman, and I think (to the extent he understood my question and I understood his response…) he said he just wanted some excitement in his life. Sexually, (again I would probably know more if we actually understood each others conversations…) I really don’t know where he is. One thing that can hardly be missed is his close relationship with his mother, who I guess raised him alone after his father took off when she became pregnant. He’s 29 and she really looks no older than 45 (which I guess is possible) and very fit. I have seen videos of them dancing, which by uptight North American standards are shhhhhockingly oedipal (dirty dancing with your mother and bending her over while making pumping motions while slapping her ass is, um, something I’ve never done with my mother, but maybe we are the ones who are frigid and boring). Finishing up, I actually wrote about him on a different thread when I saw him for a day during my April trip.https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/47718-s%C3%A3o-paulo-sophomore-and-freshman-for-rio/?do=findComment&comment=387954 I bought him a 7500 mile AA award, (much offset by his paying my SmartFit arrears with his pix) to go from his town a day in São Paulo to see me and then to Belem, from which he had a way to get back to Martinique. I guess as unappealing as his situation was there, it beats sitting around his mothers house an hour away from an airport which has 3 flights a day to SP and a single “long haul” to Rio (of course he may be exaggerating or even lying about the undesirability of his situation in Martinique.) And sadly, he may be heading for an end there,as a few days ago he wrote me (it doesn’t translate well) that he was in some sort of fight, surprising because I have never seen him anything but calm Tapa no rosto não aceito, poderia ter me ofendido mais n me tocado, n fiz nada pq infelizmente estou no msm teto e ele poderia me mata dormindo ou chamado a polícia e tbm minha passagem de volta esta com ele Well, let’s hope for the best. Coincidentally, moving to the present, during the flight (AF has free access to WhatsApp) he wrote asking if he could have another of those domestic awards (what, does he think they grow on trees?) from Belem, I guess he is coming home from Martinique. So with an hour left in flight, I’ll also give an update on a guy who I also mentioned in my April trip report. He just turned 40, still has washboard abs and super sexy though nowhere near the striking physical specimen I describe above. (At least 6 months ago after I hired him a couple times at Lagoa he invited me to the movies, and then he kinda got a crush on me—I guess—and followed me to Europe at great expense of his own.) He has dreamed of America, he has a US flag tattooed on his bicep. He was able to get a US visa (he has about 120k reais in the bank) and his father owns a 6 story apartment building, so he is in a much different financial position than the other guy, whose mother is a domestica. He has this really appealing sweet caring side (I tend to be kind of lax about tying my shoe and I can’t even say how many times, some without me even knowing, he bends down to tie my shoes for example) Sometime I guess I had joked that in Brazil he has to fuck old men, whereas in the US he could just change their diaper. It so happens that my best friend’s 88 year old father is in that situation, and, well, long story short, he was on the plane to Orlando last Wednesday. He kind of flubbed it at the border and they only gave him 30 days, but it is working out—at least as of now—amazingly. My best friend says he’s the hooker with the heart of gold. His father has regressed to a point where he speaks the language of his childhood, which his nurses don’t understand anyway, so it actually doesn’t matter that the Brazilian guy doesn’t speak English. It seems he is really doing an amazing job (so far) far superior to the existing caregivers(although I’ve warned him they are bound to turn against him for making them look lazy) I really don’t know how it’s an improvement over his life in São Paulo (granted I don’t think he envisions it as a lifelong career, but maybe a year while he learns English). I had warned him that there were people competing at the low end of the wage scale who are escaping violence and deep poverty, so, for them, even a crappy life in the US beats what they leave behind, and his paulista life was nothing like that, but at least as of day 5, my friend is planning to pay to request to extend the Brazilians stay, so we may get a nice story out of this. Maybe I should start a charity to “retool” aging (or reluctant) GPs kkkk Thank you!
  3. Is it ok to mention particular ads, since I did reveal a lot about him and his ad has his face? In any case, I just messaged you his name on rentmen
  4. So, after I sent it I had a moment of melancholy that such a beautiful thing as sex and turned it into x² +2x +3. But I was an economics major, and I really do see the importance of incentives in affecting behavior. And I do hate the possibility of ambiguity and on the spot negotiation. Anyway, he responded that he was busy that day but that we should spend the afternoon together the next day. He contacted me the next morning, and I said I would leave my place around 1, he wrote me around 1, I said I was leaving soon, would be there before 2, a little while later he postponed me to 2:30 (presumably he had a client, but that's exactly what I said I was fine with). He was typically friendly, he said things were going well, that once he advertised in hunqz, not just rentmen, things really took off, the french guys were into a lot of really hard core stuff like fisting. The surprising (and disappointing) thing was that our sex became kind of harder too. When I described meeting in Brazil, I described it as lovemaking: https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/47718-são-paulo-sophomore-and-freshman-for-rio/?do=findComment&comment=387955 Whereas, in Paris, we fucked. I mean it was pretty good, about hour and a half, him hard the whole time, but really the difference was the kissing. Such an eager kisser in Rio and with his eyes open, a month later he more just tolerated my kisses than really got into them. It was a marked difference, although there could be many explanations; the question is if the passionate ones are gone for good. Alas, the condoms were still there (surely many hardcore Parisians look askance at that). I will probably see him again when I return to Paris at the end of my trip. As far as my proposal though, it seemed to work fine. He kind of wrapped it up after about an hour and a quarter (I don't know if he was tired or had someone else coming.) That would have only been about 900 reais but I did leave him the full 200 euros, I'm not quite sure why...I guess it was still a darn good experience although at the same time disappointing as it wasn't a great one like the ones in Brazil
  5. So, I just sent this as I'm boarding...Hey, I was just going to let you know when I'll be free so you can keep it in mind, but you don't need to decide now. I arrive tomorrow (Tuesday) around 9, so I should be free from say 11 to around 14. The next day (Wednesday) I'll be free even longer maybe from 10 to 16. What I was thinking to bridge the gap between the Brazilian price and the prix a la francaise is a sort of compromise....I don't know how busy you are, so consider me a low-priority, second-class client If you get a French cash cow feel free to postpone or cancel me, so that you are only sacrificing time, but not money to meet me. Even when you are with me feel free to answer your messages, leave early, whatever. In Brazil we were doing 300 reais/hr with idea that (if you want) it could be several hours. The rates in Barcelona are about 150eur/hour, maybe a little higher in Paris, I would imagine. So how's 500reais/hr, again with the expectation it would be several hours so that in the end it would be a lower hourly, but could add up to more in the end, again on the proviso that you can just meet me whenever you have "spare time"? If not this week, I will back May 16. And finally, if it doesn't work out here I will be back in Rio June 10
  6. Well, actually <blush> I do like to fuck 2 or 3 hours...or more <double blush> In Brazil, I wouldn't mind if he (or the other guy I used the same "incentive plan" on went, say 5 hours for 1500 reais. I cant say that happened, I wore them out <blush again> One other guy from garotocomlocal who was no spring chicken, and not really a beauty either, (I was a little disappointed when he arrived) but a great fuck and I'd have to say played me to a draw after about 4 hours. He stopped, but another maybe 10 min and I wouldve had to call "uncle". That was on the session price of 300, but most guys if they are getting paid by the session I think are going to wrap it up at no more than an hour. True, most is not all....😆
  7. On Wednesday I will be in Paris, as is one of the guys I met on my last trip to Rio (I describe him my last rip report https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/47718-são-paulo-sophomore-and-freshman-for-rio/page/2/#comments as the guy I had over on Sun/Mon/Tues of my last week. There at my place I paid him 300$R/hour with the idea that we would go multiple hours (I'm not a wham bam thank you man). To my recollection he stayed something like 2.5h, 1.5h, and 2.5h on those nights. In Paris he seems to be charging 200eur (over 1000 reais), which seems a bit above market for Barcelona (150eur incalls), although it's been 9 months since I was in BCN and also Paris may be higher. So what should I offer him? I can think of several analyses. First, I should mention that I have a trip to Brazil in 6 weeks, and I'm not sure that I would even want one hour at 200 eur. Probably I would take one hour but no more. In some ways it depends on the opportunity cost of his time there. If he is succeeding and/or just loving being in Paris his opportunity cost could be quite high. I will tell him that I am very flexible as to the time and that he should feel free to "relegate me to low demand times" as it were, so as not to deplace any full-price Frenchies. On the other hand, his opportunity cost could be quite low. A really stunning GP also mentioned in that post (the very tall one) went to Europe, failed spectacularly (maybe because the tall guy spoke no other language whereas the guy in Paris is English-fluent) and ended up sleeping for several days in Orly airport until I rescued him with a mileage ticket back to Brazil. Sleeping at Orly, he would have been all too happy to have a client for even 300 reais/hour (and, if he is to be believed, even accepted--twice--a room and board for work exchange at a restaurant in Martinique, just to avoid having to sit around his mother's house in a podunk town in the interior). So, I am thinking of offering a compromise at 500 reais/hour, again with the understanding that several hours is ideal and that I am completely flexible as to cancellations and reschedulings (as well as I am largely available in the low-demand morning and early afternoon). By the hour, he would make only half his Parisian rate, but with, say, a 2.5 hour session 2 days in a row, he could come out with 500 eur, all by the time Parisians are having their déjeuner. Sound fair?
  8. I wanted to acknowledge the accuracy of the first paragraph that while both Truvada and Descovy, are approved for PrEP generally, only Truvada is approved for on-demand/2-1-1, and I did not know that. That being said, my PrEP prescriber said it was not approved "yet" and he did not see any reason why this very similar medication would not be eventually approved; he said that if someone was going to have sex and did not have Truvada it would not be an inappropriate choice. (Grated the GP and my situation was not exactly that: the doctor's example was that someone was going to have sex regardless; ours was that he would provided that he had PrEP) As to the third paragraph, I'm not really sure of the harm of such a revelation. To him: is there any doubt that patients regularly reveal taking drugs that are not only not-ANVISA-approval but illegal? To me: dispensing non-ANVISA approved medications without a pharmacy license? 🤣
  9. A member wrote to me and asked about my experiences finding tops who bareback, whether they take offense and whether they upcharge. I thought about just answering him back in a message, but I figure that others have similar questions. And I also thought about just covering the topic in my trip report. Instead, acknowledging that there are strong feelings on both sides of the topic, I thought it best to segregate the information with a trigger warning included. I am reminded of a song, I don’t know the artist, wherein he sings if you don’t like gay marriage, then don’t get gay married. Similarly, if you don’t like condomless sex, don’t do it. And please, close this thread now and read about things that you do like. But— and I think this is pretty good life advice generally— don’t yuck someone else’s yum. I will endeavor to make the post dispassionate and not salacious. So a bit of background on my perspective that informs the experiences I had. I’m definitely not a strict never-condomer. It’s just one factor that I have found is positively correlated with hot experiences. It’s one of a few things I’ve found to be thus correlated, such as big dick, good attitude and attraction (tall, hairy, square-jawed masculine face). So if a lot of these other things are present, I may try to get the guy to forgo the condoms, but it’s not a deal breaker if he won’t. Have I had amazing mind blowing sex with condoms? Yes absolutely. Have I had numbingly boring sex without them? Yes absolutely. So, in the sauna, it’s really most important on the margin, when I like the guy somewhat, but he’s not totally my type--there are quite a few guys falling into that category-- it’s gonna make a difference. As for the guys on the Internet, there are so many of them, at least in Rio and São Paulo, it’s hard to narrow it down, and that’s one way to do so. Still, that being said, There have been a couple of guys from the Internet that I found spectacular, at least in pictures, that I was interested to hire, even though I knew they intended to use condoms. So why does it matter to me? I can think of three main reasons offhand. First., I really love both slow sex and positions in which it can be harder for the top to maintain his erection (I pretty much hate pounding doggy style). With the kind of sex I like condoms typically compound the problem by reducing the friction further. Second, I really love the feel of the head going in and out, and tight condoms especially kind of smush the ridge ring of the head into the shaft (least of the three reasons). Finally, the psychological: I don’t want a barrier between me and the guy I find so hot; I love cum and I confess that I find the moment when the guy shoots inside of me to be, well, among my favorite things in life. Now for some estimations, keeping in mind that my data collection and compilation may be contaminated by all sorts of biases. I would say that condomless sex is at its most prevalent, a bit over half, in free Grindr hookups in the gayberhoods of Rio (copa/ipanema) and SP (consolacao). I have been to a non-GP sauna Only once, but I would speculate that it would be just as high or even higher there. Of the garotocomlocal ads, I would say a little over a third in Rio and SP (at one time I had considered going to BH,at one time I had considered going to BH, where it seemed willingness was much less) I do prescreen for guys who kiss and who like sexo devagarzinho (slow) and I would guess that these guys, who are more likely to be gay and integrated in the gay community, are more likely to be on PrEP and more likely to be ok with condomless. Some do upcharge, but this is pretty rare (less than a quarter of those who are ok with condomless expect a supplement). In the saunas I would say it falls a bit further, with maybe a quarter OK with condomless. There may be some social stigma among the other garotos in doing so. I was very disappointed that 202 was lowering the time limit on rooms to 30 minutes on all nights, previously the limit only on free nights (it was 40 otherwise) it’s not such a big deal to pay the 50 reais overage, but it sets the standard among the GPs how long a session should be, and I fear that the saunas are devolving into fora for low quality, almost furtive sex, with less than stellar boys, short sessions (who can have amazing sex in 29 minutes?) and yes, condom use. I guess you could say I''m the kind of guy who wants it all, and some quick low-quality sex with a guy, no matter how hot, just isn't enough. Among guys in the sauna who are selling their big cocks and not much else going for them, I would think that a higher percentage of these would be straight, less likely to picture themselves as someone who should take PrEP and hence least likely all to bareback. I’m not sure that’s my experience, though. and If anything, it may be the ones with both huge dicks and great bodies who are the ones least likely to agree in the sauna, perhaps because if they did agree, they could earn more on the Internet. There are few, by the way, who noticeably take offense at the suggestion, although I can’t really say what is in their mind. Maybe 1 in 40 will make a snarky comment. So these are my lines: Bem, deixe eu te contar o que eu gosto de saber se nossos estilos são compatíveis? Sou passivo, gosto de penetração devagarzinho, pelo menos no início. Para mim beijar é uma das coisas mais importantes e gosto de beijos profundos e apaixonados. Resumindo, tipo de sexo com namorado romântico…. If they come back cool with that (a few say it’s not their style), then I send: Bem, acho que a última coisa que gosto como namorado é que eu faço PreP, vc também?… bareback é legal o faz so com camesinha? Already previous to this, I had asked their price in the first message, so that may be tamping down on upcharging. Similarly, in the sauna, although after going over this, I do not ask their price, (grave mistake in my view) but rather just as we start toward reception, as if I had almost forgotten, I say, oh, 200 reais, sim? I think it would take nerves of Steel for the garoto to risk killing the deal at that point, And I would say well less than 5% balk (arguing for 250). I’m not really into the guy, like if he short or it’s a slow or if it’s early or late, 150 will suffice. One guy, who I have written of elsewhere, who was 6'4" and so far out of the league of his competition I really didn't know what to say, I did say 250 (although in fact he was a country boy, as it turned out, and probably wouldve been fine, too, at 200). There are 2 very white guys around in 117/202 who refuse R200, but that is super rare. FYI, a garoto at Lagoa told me that at least 90% of the guys there are fine with 150. On the Internet, my favorite guy, now away in London, was charging only 350 in SP. I feel like I don’t quite have enough data points for this, but I feel that even in the last six months, the price for Internet guys continue to rise with a few exceeding 500. It was with one of these, in fact, charging 600, pretty much as high as it goes, that i had a very interesting experience involving PReP. He uses those cursed disappearing messages on WhatsApp, so I can’t recount the conversation with precision, but my recollection, when I asked him my typical question (above) about PrEP He expressed interest in it, that he had thought about taking it, but had not yet, and that he had never had sex with a guy without a condom but he would like to someday. This guy was smoking hot in the pictures, (although as it turned out, he had put on a bit of weight) And I was keen to turn someday into today. I explained to him about PrEP on demand (2-1-1) regimen) and sent him a brief article and explanation in Portuguese from the New York City department of health. I offered to give him the PrEP, Which I have in individually wrapped and labeled doses, so that he would know he was taking Descovy. He also asked if, when he arrived, I could share with him my most recent HIV and STI results, which I have online. I offered to bring it to him in person, would’ve had the advantage of being able screen him in advance to ensure I was attracted to him, but he suggested I send it over via the Uber package service, which I had never used before. I read the requirements for that service, and medicines were excluded, so I put them in with a small pack of cookies although I doubt the driver would’ve cared in the end.. It took a little handholding, but not much, and later that afternoon he came over. At first, I was a little disappointed that he was not quite as good as his pictures, but he was undoubtedly still attractive. He was also not hugely hung, but he was an ardent kisser, fucked a generous hour in my preferred positions and was very smiley with a great attitude. Very enthusiastic afterward as well, said it was amazing and when we do it again.? Of course, there was no way to separate his general eagerness for his presumed eagerness for another 600 reais. I might’ve called him again for 300, but you know how it is, so many men, so little time. Another interesting set of experiences happened last year when I had a medical condition that I couldn’t—or at least wasn’t supposed to--get fucked. In the worst of it, I canceled a trip there, but then I decided making out could still be fun, so then what I would say I was looking for was passionate kissing and not penetration itself, but for the guy to rub his dick against my ass as if he was going to penetrate me. I don’t know what you want to call it, but I had an extraordinarily high percentage of condomless “peek-ins” Very few guys put on a condom for this, and similarly, very few did it while steering well clear of the hole. I wonder if some took it as a challenge. Fairly few progressed to full on fucking, but some did, and exactly the kind of slow fucking I love, with me, fairly genuinely but conflicted, saying things like não, but also só lento (only slow). Now that the condition is healed, I kinda wonder if I should have the guts to keep the schtick going, saying I don’t want penetration when I’m all about it😂 Lastly, looking forward to my next visit, a mention of 2 guys I met in my last trip, that I described in my trip report posted under another thread. The first (Sun/Mon/Tues) guy has a nice big and thick dick in a standard way, and as such, the pleasure of taking it raw is the normally (pretty high) benefit, and, in fact the last time we saw each other he did give it to me about a minute raw before covering it up for a much longer period. The raw part was on a couch, before we moved to the bed, and at one point he took off the condom, after maybe an hour and 5 different positions, and I suggested we move back to the couch with a kind of a wink, wink, (that we should not only continue on the couch, but in the previous manner we had been on the couch....)but alas he put on another condom and continued that way. He is heading to Paris to work and it will be interesting to find out what effect that has on him (prevalence of PrEP in France is quite high and Parisian clients may be quite demanding) The second guy Tues/Wed has a remarkably thick dick and was older (maybe mid or even late 30s) and he could stay hard in doggy style, kind of hard in missionary but not other positions that, unlike doggy, I like. So to get him bareback and/or viagra could be an abnormally high benefit. Even though he kissed beautifully for hours, I do want him to be able to stay hard in positions that I like that give the top less control and less friction (which problem, of course the condom compounds). I haven't asked him about PrEP beyond if he takes it, which he said no. The first guy going to Paris is a full time escort, whereas this one has a regular job in a gym (he sent me a video the other day of him teaching an aerobics class) so I don't know if either are getting pressure from other clients to take PreP. I may, in fact, see the first one in Paris, but it will probably be a couple of months before I am back to Brazil...
  10. By the way, the OP’s impetus to avoid cheap clients by skipping tuesday at 117 in favor of 202 was a tragic mistake, and I would go so far to say it could account for his lack of preference for the Cidade Maravilhosa. Thinking about it, it is true, why would anyone but low-end GPs find it appealing to go on a day when clients are saving 50 reais on a room? Armchair psychologists? Because come they do, in some cases from far and wide. In fact, both the second guy I just spoke about as well as the 6’5” guy at the beginning of the post are residents of São Paulo city and rural São Paulo state, respectively. Just a bit of speculation, but Tuesdays at 117 by their fame, may attract guys from out of town, who are not comfortable working in their own city yet want to give it a try. Anyway, the São Paulo visitor was also a dancer in a Tuesday show, His first appearance are sort of traditional strip, but second one more of a very masculine fitness routine, which he began and ended in a pair of shorts. I had earlier proposed that we go for a second program after his show, but by that time it was almost 10, and the first guy, with whom I still had a date to come over seem to be getting impatient. I proposed to the second guy That he come over the following day during the day and he enthusiastically agreed. I waited for the first guy (to shower and change) near the reception, and to my surprise, in the 10 or 15 minutes I was waiting, it appeared that the second guy did not go upstairs with anyone. I would’ve thought that show would have been very effective advertising, but maybe others did not see his charm to the extent I do, I wonder if it has anything to do with his being quite dark black. With all that excitement, it would be easy to gloss over my night once I got home with the first guy. Fact, he was amazing too! More fervent kisses, more rock hard dick, and even a glorious taste of his uncovered dick before he later covered it up. He was going to be going out of town the next day, Which was my last day, And I really wanted to invite him to sleepover, despite some largely lackluster experiences with that a few months ago, but I knew he had a partner and a two-year-old son, so it probably wasn’t in the offing anyway. It’s so happens that he will be going to Paris in May and we will overlap for a few days there, although we already joked about whether at that point he would be denominated in euros or reais. And so my last day, the second guy came over around 5pm, much later than I had intended (thereby ruining going to 202) and somewhat limiting our time together, because my Airbnb host had agreed to let me stay until 8 really needed to head to the airport by 9. Still, I didn’t cry too many tears for missing 202. Another beautiful make out session, true, with some rather unsatisfactory doggy style toward the end. I have been thinking about it, (maybe overthinking it…) and both these 2 guys of the last few days (who together turned a forgettable trip memorable) both excelled at kissing. The first one could do positions where you could kiss while fucking (nirvana!) whereas with the second one it was basically either or (there’s a little room to kiss with doggy but unless you can turn your head far to the back, it’s pretty limited. And with the second one I’d have to say I choose the kissing. So to get your ass plowed, you can almost think of it like some other service like, say, having your back adjusted by a chiropractor or a manicure, or surgery maybe. But basically paying someone to kiss you for hours on end seems, at least initially, kind of creepy and pathetic. I hate to yuck my own yum, so I have to think about it a little more. I did experience it as more than just buying a service, I experienced it as both of them really liking it and being into it, but I wholeheartedly concede it’s probably that these guys are great at what they do, which includes a big dose of acting. It’s something to think about but so far has not dissuaded me from looking forward to seeing both again
  11. Part 2 It being Easter weekend, I had to take an early morning Sunday flight back to Rio rather than my preferred Wednesday afternoon. I felt tired from the flight and defeated from the guy the night before. I had basically 3 1/2 days left. But the show must go on…after a fairly good garotocomlocal, I headed to 117 on Easter night. It was predictably slow, there was one guy with a beautiful body (a very small waist and very broad shoulders by my definition) that I had seen around. Unsolicited by even eye contact he came over to talk to me, and spoke very thoughtfully slow, with the result that I was actually understanding most of the conversation (by comparison the very tall guy I spoke of earlier we celebrated when I largely understood a 30 second snipet). He was nice and sweet, but somehow I thought he would be a boring fuck. He did start to kiss me, and even when he confirmed, as I suspected, that he wouldn’t do condomless (not that night anyway) [another teaser], and said, not very confidently that he was hung around 20, I thought at least I would like kissing him for half an hour. After nearly an hour of beautiful eye-contact kissing, the latter half combined with many of my favorite positions which many guys have trouble staying hard for, ( his 20+ cm, very thick, irrepressibly hard) I proposed we continue at my place. I offered 300/hour with the idea that he would stay multiple hours until I wore him out. He stayed 2 1/2 for really lovely wonderful lovemaking, if I dare call it that. Monday I had a guy I’ve known for years and is reliably good come over. He was supposed to come at 3 and stay several hours, but he didn’t show up til almost 6, and not only did I want to see last nights guy again, but there was also a guy from garotocomlocal (or actually, I think it was prazerbrasil, another site) Disastrous, must’ve been on drugs, didn’t want to kiss, could get no semblance of an erection, got dizzy getting up from bed. Regrettably these sites only accept positive reviews, rendering the reviews pointless. I don’t know if there is a spot on this site to promote the good and even more importantly, warn of the bad. The guy from the previous night was ready earlier but when I delayed he went to workout and I think we were both a little tired by the time he came over. Also with all this beautiful kissing I wonder if I am bringing a sort of lesbian bed death upon myself. But still a lovely experience. Stayed just over an hour. The next day being Tuesday, of course I wanted to have my cake and eat it too, so we made plans for him to come over after the 117. When it rains it pours. As soon as I arrived shortly after 5, I saw a sort of new and improved version of him (and he was pretty good to start with!) The new one was taller, with a more handsome face, albeit maybe mid-30s rather than mid-20s (which I’m fine with.) He ignored several glances that other GPs would’ve jumped on. Finally I approached him as much as he approached me. He was in the category of the maybe 10% of guys I don’t even ask their endowment or if they bbk, so good that whatever it may be they’re serving up, I want it. And what a fine meal he was serving. Normally when I go over the time limit on the room I argue nicely (typically they waive it if only because they know me) This one I was just glad I was only charged one extra period. It’s hard to say who was the best kisser, they both were so fervent and passionate. The first guy kisses with his eyes open and smiles sometimes which makes for an amazing (sense of?) connection. The second one, although he kisses with his eyes closed, if your lips should stray from his, he immediately chases them down. The first guy has a very large and thick “standard” dick, that pretty much stays rock hard without any friction, while the second one has an extraordinarily thick one with this like quarter inch thick foreskin that seems rather coarse, calloused almost, not smooth and supple. Maybe because he is older or maybe just because the circulatory system is just not set up to deliver to the genitals the large volume of blood that would be required, his hardon is rather “fragile” and he seemed to be able to get it fairly hard only for the all-4s position (my least favorite, with nothing to look at but the pillow) and he would loose it in other positions we tried. My solution: Viagra and PreP, so I will have to work on these next trip. So that was Tuesday at the 117, wait for a room was surprisingly brief. (The previous Tuesday was an even stranger situation where there were only a few hot guys, all of whom white, leaving the guys looking for hot guys of any race competing with those seeking hot white guys, with the result that those few were run ragged, but unprecedentedly in my recollection, no wait for a room at any point.)
  12. I will post my trip report here, as I’m not really sure I have enough novel to say to merit a new thread. I’ve had a lot of trips in the past 6 months or so, in part just because of enjoyed them of course, but also because I keep justifying them as one more trip before the visa requirement comes in, which of course has led to quite a few trips. The plan was to be in Rio Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday nights for 202/117/202, and then in São Paulo for the rest of the time, when I don’t think that Rio has a clear advantage over SP and in the early autumn, SP has some pleasantly mild days, whereas to my taste, Rio does not. (Practical note:Mondays at 202 are dying they really need to do something to revive it; Thursdays are Rio’s worst night with 117 comatose and 202 all but abandoned.) On the previous trip, I did this weekly commuting with Avios awards on LATAM, But this time several weeks before I was leaving, they seem to have been a great domestic fare sale, which reduced the prevailing astronomically high Rio-SP fares to the R$150-200 range. Also, lover of a bargain, I found a round trip Fort Lauderdale-Manaus fare for US220, Which would give me the opportunity/burden to visit Manaus for the first time, before continuing after 24 hours with an AA award on Gol. Oddly, it seems the majority of flights to and from Manaus and go in the middle of the night, which the flight attendant said it is one of the few routes they can utilize the planes domestically that time of day. It made, though, for sort of Jetlag, without changing time zones. I can’t speak for any sort of excursions outside of the city into the Amazon, but the city itself seemed utterly forgettable. There was little remaining evidence, that I saw anyway, of this reputed wealth generated by the rubber trade. Yes, there is the opera house, but you would’ve thought they would’ve left behind quite a few mansions or other opulent buildings as well, but no. The scene with the men, lamentably, was equally forgettable, at least for me. There were only a few on garotocomlocal who interested me enough to initiate contact, and their responses seemed rather slow and halfhearted (the opposite of Belo Horizonte, where I actually had tickets to spend a couple of days, but my contacts to the men of garotoscomlocal, though admirably quick, thorough, and enthusiastic, nevertheless left me only one guy I was half-excited to meet so I just stayed in SP) Really, the first 2 weeks of the 2 1/2 week trip kind of plodded on in a forgettable fashion to the point I started to think that in life you can’t just repeat pleasurable experiences without running into the low-hanging fruit and diminishing marginal returns problems. On my flight back to Manaus now at the end I have trouble remembering even much before the awesome last few days (how’s that for a teaser to stay tuned to the end). I kept up an admirable workout schedule, which is a sure sign of having a lousy time. I met up again with this beautiful (to my taste anyway) 6’5” guy from a small town an hour away from a small city 6 hours’ bus ride from São Paulo. I have talked about him in previous posts. It seems fanciful to remember that we met in 117, a sex venue and had sex within minutes of meeting because now I feel like I am hanging out with, and indeed, sleeping with a straight guy, hoping against all odds for sex, (I guess he was driving an Uber in the small city and a guy he met, a Garoto, convinced him to go to Rio with him and try it.) Both he and a friend of his I met were the sort of inscrutable “Pat” not of gender, but of sexual orientation. We have a sort of Sexless marriage: we kiss some, quite sweetly, We cuddle a lot, and we sleep half the night Embraced with his head on my shoulder, But he has this hardon that seems to pop up randomly at all hours of the day in even completely not sexual situations (he’s not even a teenager—he’s 29) I certainly wish that he would use it on me from time to time last time he did, Months ago now, it was actually rather boring sex, considering how attractive I find him. At the same time, I haven’t given him any cash over this period either. In this case, I bought him a one-way AA award for 7500 miles from his city, so that he could go to Belem, from where he was going to go to Martinique. But I was able to schedule it with 24 hours in São Paulo so that I could see him without going to his distant and I got him to send pic to cover my 2 months of gym arrears for about $60. I’m not sure what lessons to draw from his story, or our story, besides things evolve in ways that would have seemed highly unlikely. Also, I think it is something of a refutation of those who think that guys who sell sex are out to suck you dry (financially speaking) . Some are, to be sure, and what an ugly experience I had the following weekend in SP. But this is basically a directionless guy (possibly with sexual issues, he had a failed marriage with a woman for a couple of years, girls are hitting on him left and right at a bar and I made clear I would not be offended if he went with one and whose relationship with his mother seems as Oedipal as one can imagine) who lives at his mother’s house in nowheresville and has kind of an inkling there’s an exciting world out there and kind of an inkling of how to access it, but is also, despite his Superman appearance, shy and inhibited, and at 29, no spring chicken. (Although his genre has a much longer life, I assume than the twink bottom Speaking of no spring chicken, another guy who I met a Lagoa had his 40th birthday. Unless he is really in it for the long game (which is possible) he’s not really getting anything financial from me. He still has washboard abs, a handsome face and is charismatic over short periods. We are kind of fwb at this point, I think I probably spoke with him in another post. I realize this post is already getting long, so I will just say that this is another genuine guy who is not a scammer. He does have significant personality flaws that come out over longer periods, Which probably leads other friends to dump him, But so do I, And I think therein is the explanation why we remain friends. These two guys though interesting, were small new chapters from interesting previous trips, not properly attributed to this one Met a variety of guys on garotocomlocal, the good, the bad and the ugly. My favorite guy, disappointingly is now in London. He really is worth his weight in GBP. Speaking of currency, I did sense something of an inflation even in the past months, With some bumping up against, and in cases, exceeding 500. (This is with a Brazilian whatsapp account and messages in passable, if maybe awkward Portuguese.None of the ones I met were very memorable, except one on the good end (which I will describe in the condomless thread) and one on the bad. The bad one lied about his height, his endowment, his willingness to kiss and to bareback. Basically everything. His pictures were recent and accurate, but given the lies about his height he was a considerably smaller than the big guy I was excited to meet and pay 600. After a quick embrace he directed me to suck his ho-hum dick (which I guess to slight credit did get hard), fucked me with it and faked cuming after 5 minutes. He even rather than having the courtesy to take the condom with him, left it on the floor as a final post-departure slap on the face, if any doubt remained that he had faked cuming. On top of that he had an Uber scam, where instead of me calling the Uber for him, he called it for himself from his distant home. At first I was taken aback that he had called Uber black (while I typically take the metro or even bus) and only after he left did I realize he probably didn’t even take that Uber black. I had a cold for a couple of days that weekend and he was really the depressing entirety of reality of that weekend in SP.
  13. Maybe the OP and I have different tastes, but I could not disagree more. (Disclosure: my taste is at least 5’10”/180cm, fit to muscular, 8”/20cm+, preferably handsome in a classic masculine way, and preferably willing to kiss and bbk, both passionately not reluctantly). Limiting consideration to Saunas alone, Rio is the runaway victor, if only on the strength of Tuesday nights at 117 alone. In the nearly 10 years I have been going to Brazil, I have never found Lagoa to be the equal of the Rio saunas, And now I find its decline to have been even more precipitous than the Rio saunas, to the point where most trips to Lagoa leave me wondering why did I bother (the answer being, of course, FOMO). No discussion I have a Brazilian sexcation in 2024 can realistically limit itself to the saunas alone. The third leg, if you will, is surely garotoscomlocal. In my opinion, a visitor to Rio, at least on a Tuesday and a Wednesday (202) can have a great experience at the Sauna, and have no need to turn to the Internet. In São Paulo, by contrast, there is no such night for me. Yet, for most seasons of the year, I much prefer being in São Paulo and garotoscomlocal picks up Lagoa’s slack (arguably, indeed, it caused much of it) and brings SP to near overall parity to Rio sexwise. I lament this transition and mourn the demise of face to face shopping, but for me, in São Paulo, it is nearly complete. In Rio, it may be weakened and reduced, but again, a Tuesday At 117 still has magic like nowhere else I know. And with that, if you will excuse me, it is 4:15 on a Tuesday, and I have places to go.... Thank you!
  14. I’m planning on going for a week, splitting my time between Bogotá and Medellín, (reluctantly I guess I will have to defer Cucuta, which sounds like a Shangri-la, albeit a lawless one) As to where to spend the weekend, It seems that there are particular advantages to Bogota, namely because of the strippers at Theatron.(although reports seem quite mixed whether that will get me anywhere other than horny🤷‍♂️) is it still the case that they are there only Saturday 11-2? Or are they around before, but it’s just not busy? (In Brazil I love to arrive early to the saunas when there are few clients and the boys are “fresh”) if that is the case that the Theatron strippers are only Saturday, it is the Gigolo for Friday night? Google lists the hours as 8-1, correct? Is the selection the same at say 8:30 as at 11? Would it also be a good idea on Saturday to begin with the gigolo and then proceeded to Theatron? Despite the many admonitions to make online contacts with cam boys in advance I regrettably don’t have the attention span required, especially since I don’t find the chatting appealing, or bate-ing, for that matter (if it did I probably would be such a slut). I’m a little worried that, as a result, I won’t be giving Colombia its fair chance (kind of like going to Brazil without garotoscomlocal)
  15. Just a brief (un)trip report. I flew Thursday to Santiago's STI airport just planning to stay overnight and head to SD the next day. After about an hour and a half of Grinding, I invited a (free) guy over, in his 40s, not bad but not beautiful body, not bad but not beautiful face, but a big fat cock that (it turned out) would stay hard for hours at a time, even with the low-friction "despacito" sex I love. Nice guy and some combination of eager to please and liked it how I do. I know a lot of the guys reading this are looking for something else, particularly younger, and if I was paying, true, so would I, but it's true there's that trade off when a guy actually wants it rather than just a good actor (or not). In a country with a far different age and color distribution, a dark guy of his age was devalued by the mostly 20-somethings on Grindr, whereas my white ass, still clinging to a few memories of muscle, despite being even older than him, was upvalued, making him grateful for me, in a way that I thing I would be grateful for him in the US/Canada. I felt a little like the game show where you could take the prize you had or trade it for the unknown one behind the curtain. I had tried to get in touch with a super hot (paid) guy I had met before in SD as well as his pimp (neither even received my WhatsApp msgs) and Manny's replies were perfunctory, perhaps reflecting his idea that I was hard to please on my last visit (true) and maybe even a reluctance to get too involved with me as a result. Also, the once-predicted below normal forecast of heat and humidity in SD had fizzled. And, finally, I was/am still dealing with the after effects of sand flea bites from Virginia Key in Miami (~100+ bites per leg) from 2 weeks before, that had faded in itch, but left me with both insomnia and even when I did sleep well, lethargy (I'm hoping this is due to just a strong immune response to the enormous number of bites, not "long" sand flea or some tropical analog of Lyme disease...). But, anyway, my energy and motivation was low, my situation was comfortable, so I took my Santiago prize (a sort of BFE as he spent most of the weekend with me) and did not go check behind the SD curtain.
  16. Certainly a point well taken. Although sex in prison is a hot fantasy, I'm sure that being imprisoned, at least in most countries, is horrible and torturous--in some cases literally. I remember reading of a constitutional challenge to the rights of prisoners in Texas, I believe it was, over the lack of airconditioning. I'm sure that would be just one of many horrors, but for me, that alone would be misery enough right there.
  17. Anyone around next weekend? Besides the usual places, I really would like to visit this "Casa de Campo" (Narsisco's place) and it would be great to have a friend(s) to go with. And yes, I am open to the prison experience as well, or at least finding out more about it, and I would definitely have to have a friend before going there. It really sounds to good to be true....
  18. I'm deciding last minute to go away President's Day weekend and for SDQ it is basically a Spirit flight from FLL in the middle of the night. Or, for virtually the same price, I see a beautiful afternoon AA flight from MIA to the unfortunately--although perhaps appropriately--named STI: Santiago de los Caballeros. DR's second largest city and the 5th largest in the Caribbean, it seems like it could have something going on.... There's always Grindr at the very least. I was thinking of staying a day before taking the bus 2-3 hours to SD. Anyone been there?
  19. I've stayed in the Zona Colonial, not upscale suburbs, and I had pretty good luck with free grindr guys (a majority are free, but there are also a substantial percentage who are charging.) Neither old nor fat. Even one of the hotel receptionists, quite handsome, though regrettably short, saw me on grindr and stopped by unannounced to fuck. (A pleasant surprise that has never happened to me anywhere else...) If you go in winter, the heat and humidity moderate and at least some days will be fairly comfortable, even by my heat-averse standards. It's really the paid guys that lag behind Brazil, I would say, in terms of body and face that make it worthwhile to stay on the plane that additional 6 hours. Whereas if you're all about cock, stop right there, there's no need to continue farther south...
  20. I wouldn't be so quick to assume that most of the GPs are straight though (which I would define as not interested in free sex with any other men, no matter how attractive and no matter the situation) Certainly a large contingent (and I think the advent of Viagra was useful to bump up the percentage) but my experiences don't lead me to estimate half. Among the "pure dick plays", those with a huge dick and little else, yes, I could see over 50%. But not the others. I would say that some, indeed most, enjoy sex with men to some extent (some, not as much as with women, true). And, I would say some, even most, enjoy sex with some clients, even if only a small minority of clients. Last tuesday a remarkably hot guy came into 117 (who I trailed because I wanted to have him first...) and to my shock (and I suppose horror) went to the client lockers (ive seen GPs at Lagoa with a locker in the client room, maybe overflow??) but I confirmed he was a client with that attendant guy (who btw is so much sweeter than that cranky tip-demanding ex-GP at 202) Later, when I was waiting for a room with a guy that Ive been with a few times before, I asked him if he had seen that superhot client. He said yeah, didn't you see me go upstairs with him? ( I hadn't) He made this sort of swooning look, clearly putting him in the category of the some who enjoy it with some clients some times... (As a footnote, while I am on the topic of superhot guys one sees in the sauna but who are not available for purchase, the receptionist at 202, who I guess is the owner's son, is so dreamy...)
  21. In both cases it was before the pandemic, so recollections of the names are pretty hazy. (one was below a sort of elevated expressway.) 100% sure the uber did not enter, but left me off in front of the place. I recall that there is an electric sliding gate for the cars and then each unit has its own garage. I'm pretty sure that the reception is behind a glass window after the electric gate. so instead of approaching the reception in a car, i just did on foot and then when my uber to leave was almost there, she wouldve opened the gate and i wouldve walked out the gate
  22. I’ve been twice in SP, and although perhaps expected, it did not seem to hinder the plan in any way to arrive by Uber
  23. That's a great post and an interesting perspective, basically stressing the humanity of the guy, rather than as a money-grubbing scammer. It's tough because I would venture the industry has a mix of both (even of course, within the psyche of a single guy). So I guess the question is of proportion. Of the guys I mentioned above I could see this advice working with one, and having little effect on the other. The general idea of a GP as fellow human with dreams and feelings vs cold-blooded scammer also has relevance to a question I'm grappling with in another thread of when GPs ask for financial help, whether to believe/help them.
  24. So, a bit of an update. He told me he was taking the tram from Orly into the city, as it creeps through gritty southern suburbs of Paris and oversaw someone reading Portugese on their phone and he forced himself to start a conversation with him (for a tall and handsome guy he's kind of quiet; and I've heard before that Brazilians who encounter other Brazilians don't tend to be overly friendly to each other...) But I guess the guy kind of got him a gig* in the restaurant he works washing dishes or whatever until new years and is staying in a hostel (yeah I guess he slept in orly airport 2 or 3 nights); as he says, it is not exactly his dream but neither was it his dream to return home after 2 weeks in utter defeat. So he asked me to "postpone" (please don't cancel) the ticket until after new years. Sounds reasonable, who knows if it's true... The point of general application, though, is that I think I want to believe him, as I want to believe people generally (and concededly, cute charming guys, especially) How does/should one fight this impetus? And should one try to dull it generally in oneself or trust oneself to engage in a case-by-case examination? For factual clarification, he went there with a somewhat older, somewhat more savvy (not nearly as handsome) GP friend of his who maybe knew that you could book a return flight in case asked and then cancel within 24 hours. Just a guess. He himself doesn't have a credit card so not sure. The medication is over the counter in all 3 relevant countries, (just far cheaper in France) so I don't know if the mule analogies are quite right. Anyway, I will update more as it arises *writing "gig" in another sense of the word than Rio-lovers are accustomed made me remember a few months ago, I was flying ITA to Rio and one middle-aged, overly makeup-ed checkin agent was asking her similar colleague to print my boarding pass(or something) and the second asked the first what was the destination, and she said "GIG....come[as in]....gig-olo" as they cackled at their inside joke that was, in fact, neither😆
  25. I figured out on certain credit cards you can put a monthly limit. I gave him the card number and he put it on his phone. I did it with chase, I put it at $120 and I can raise it after he gets the first one, (and cancel the card when he is done.) I decided to try to have him get 3. We'll see how it goes To answer a couple of questions I do go to Europe often, but typically not until spring. And I think all non-immigrants are supposed to have a return ticket, but I recall only one instance of even being asked, and it certainly wasn't in Rome, where he entered
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