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Everything posted by Canadianbtmguy

  1. It should be mentioned that I knew the moment I started reading this that you were in SP, not Rio. Although SP has many advantages over Rio as far as meeting guys (e.g. more than twice as many listings on garotocomlocal) the visitor policy is SP is so $&@“?& annoying, where airbnbs that allow visitors are in the minority, as opposed to Rio, where I have never even heard of a building that did not allow visitors. Because of the differences in economic vibrancy, SP has a lot of new buildings, and despite being safer than Rio, has a lot of these high tech security features. I try to look for older buildings, who more typically have the doorman at a front desk and a phone to call upstairs to ask if they should let your visitor pass. Regrettably, these are pretty rare. I haven’t done the homework to figure out the high-tech system, but it’s in the heart of the gay neighborhood, so somehow at least the gay guys who live in the units (unless they are very atypically chaste) are receiving visitors. For about a year, I had a great place of the old school variety, but the owner sold the apartment. I have a trip coming up next week and in fact, the very first line after the title is “Receive your friends at this comfy….” so I snatched it up, despite some trepidation about the weird air conditioning system described in light of the predicted day after day of 90° heat. In the past though, I have gone ahead and said something to the effect That I enjoy receiving friends for dinner and Netflix and I noticed that many buildings in São Paulo do not allow visitors and I wanted to be sure that yours did not preclude this.
  2. If you want a physical SIM card without any hassle (other than having to go downtown) there’s a guy loitering outside the Claro store at 47 treze de mayo (at least I saw him there 3 days in a row) selling good to go SIM cards (I’m guessing they are maybe in his name?) I was in the Claro store and although I had an active Claro account, I had lost the chip and apparently they could neither make me a new chip with the same number or even transfer my old account into a new account. They said I could go to some other Claro store or, they motioned me over to the door, just buy one from him. 3-4 minutes installed, he showed me it still had all the data. 80 reais for 15 GB, undoubtedly marked up as much as 50% but it was a lovely time saver on a hot day.
  3. As far as I can tell, it’s defunct at any location. It’s instagram pages don’t load and google doesn’t find it at either location. Still, I wasn’t able to have google’s definitive “Permanently Closed” which is basically a commercial death certificate. Regrettably so many businesses these days do not give out their numbers, so no satisfying “You have reached a number that is no longer in service” either. i had even lined up a garotocomlocal from Nova Iguacu (who in fact, didn’t have a local) to meet at a motel to kill 2 birds with one stone. I love bolstering a borderline idea with a backup, but despite a beautiful body, handsome face and thick dick, and a pre-pandemic price (R$150) he was short (1.75) and with some sexual incompatibility, so I dropped the whole excursion
  4. I definitely do choice 2 in the sauna, adjusted up to 250 if the guy is especially hot or down to 150 if I’m not really that into him, but would you do the same online? (The “spread” seems much wider) it seems hard to assess his fair market rate from a webpage (which, alas, is the advantage of the regrettably fading sauna system)
  5. A garotocomlocal?😎 It beats hanging out in a deserted Lagoa.
  6. Ps in case you want to be at ground zero for the Garotos com locals, I would say (from ordering dozens of Ubers for them, a rather annoying convention btw) that there is a remarkable concentration of them about 1km east of Lagoa, south of Republica in the triangle bounded by viaducto Julio de mesquita, 23 de mayo and 9 de Julio. (Google Bella Napoli brixiga pizzeria) I’ve never been to this area, in fact, but I’m assuming it must have some appeal that they all live there (and I’m guessing a fair number of non-GP gays too). I hereby christen the area Gigolandia. (Has a better ring to it than GPlandia) Not to be confused with Crackolandia (it’s really called that) to its north.
  7. I probably mentioned this before but beware of apartments in São Paulo as far as bringing guys over. It’s like night and day with Rio. In São Paulo there are many new construction buildings with all sorts of biometric stuff. Many forbid visitors 🙀. Rio buildings have a doorman who calls up on a phone and ask if they can send whoever up. I have rented a couple of places on airbnb is Sp that said nothing in the house rules but visitors were a big hassle. I found a couple (older buildings; I prefer Jardins) that use the old style and I repeat, to a much greater extent than I do in Rio. You could come right out and ask the visitor policy but I guess I’m a bashful slut. My rule of thumb is if the building has a gym, (which I would otherwise like) forget it.
  8. It seems that a trip report of southern Europe is surely misclassified in a Brazil forum. And certainly those looking for specific details on Brazil will find it useless (although with the migration away from the saunas and onto garotocomlocal, I find I have ever more idiosyncratic experiences, with a much greater YMMV factor than years ago) But, since the Europe trip was really a specific substitute for a Brazilian trip (and I was determined to overcome my usual attitude in Europe “I’m not paying 200 euros for that when I can wait a month and get something better”), I think it is useful to address larger questions of opportunity cost: Is Brazil worth it? At least during this 17 day trip (the usual length of my Brazilian trips) I would have to say, yes it is. The European “substitute” was in fact the idea of my indulgent saint of a husband. We were due to spend 6 weeks in Europe together (not a sex trip) but he unexpectedly had to go home for a couple of weeks in the middle. I began looking into Brazil flights (much more expensive than last year) and he asked me if I could just try duplicating the experience in Europe, he has trouble sleeping when I’m in Brazil and he promised not to complain about the cost. So, I was game. It’s really beyond debate that Europe is more beautiful and markedly safer than Brazil (I would have once added the food but a side effect of my frequent trip is I have found some—admittedly few and far between—world class food in Brazil). So if the experience with the GPs (who flood into Europe, which has no visa requirement for them) could be duplicated even close, there would be no need to go to Brazil. (Indeed I had assumed it would be the same, basically Brazilian, guys I would be meeting in Europe, just with a higher price and hopefully a bit higher quality, but that assumption was wrong) I began in Milan (largely because there are these amazing italian grapes in season Sept-Nov , and I wanted to bring a suitcase of them to my Iberian destinations.) Total bust. Of my destinations, Milan had the highest proportion of its own countrymen online (I used rentmen and hunqz) and years ago I had formed the impression from Grindr that Italians were unusually dithery, whereas Spanish were much more likely to come right over. In all cities far less than half of advertisers returned my initial message “Hi, my name is ___, I am here in ___, I have seen your ad and I am interested. Please let me know your rate, as well as your availability today/tomorrow. Thanks!” (In the local language). This was true whether I used my US WhatsApp or my Brazilian one. There was also great attrition after the two questions wherein I describe what I’m looking for (although none of this is too dissimilar from Brazil) What was striking in Milan was that even of the maybe 10% of initial contacts that had made it that far, few were able/willing to come over right away. Despite 5 days in Milan, I did not meet a single paid guy, and resorted to Grindr from where I met a couple of uglies. Next was Barcelona, which I had high hopes for: it’s known as a sex capital, it actually has a Brazilian-style sauna with boys, and Spain has much easier availability of PrEP compared to stingy Italy, where at least until recently (and probably still, I just don’t have any recent information) PrEP had to be dispensed at a hospital. I had only 3 days there, tues-thurs and as i approached the sauna late Tuesday afternoon, I noticed on that feature on google maps that it was “much less crowded than usual” Hmm, I don’t know how accurate these assessments are, but knowing google, they probably are. I had some calls to make so I made them outside and indeed, extremely few people came or went (maybe 4 total). Instead I went to workout at the gym across the street (day pass only 6 euros! Little did I know that would be one of the high points of the trip.) Just while we are on topic, I returned there Thursday afternoon, went inside (google still saying it was less crowded than usual, but google’s Thursday’s usual was higher than Tuesday’s) it was ok, kind of like Lagoa on a now-typical lousy night. I only like tall guys and there was a gaggle of short guys with unremarkable bodies and faces. There was a tall hairy guy, who I would at least have liked to screen, but shortly after his arrival, he disappeared into a 3way never to be seen again. Otherwise forgettable. Personable Brit with huge dick but mechanical delivery (straight). A few others I don’t even recall. Next, Madrid. In planning I had excluded Madrid because I always found it not as beautiful (kind of pleasantly genericly European). I added it when it seemed there were a markedly high number of hot guys on rentmen and Hunq, more so than the other cities. Well, The good news was in Madrid I found my italian grapes in exceptionally high quality. Also I met the only interesting guy of the trip, the only one whom I still keep in touch with. His rentmen profile pictures were all smiles (I love that, rather than looking serious, or worse, some guys who are giving the middle finger). It also, a bit incongruously with the rather cute, almost innocent pictures, listed “anything goes” under the condoms heading. There’s about a 40-50-10 split between always, ask me (in other words bbk ok) and anything goes. In conversation he seemed friendly I mentioned I was on PreP and he said he wasn’t, but as long as I was it was ok (thus setting up my first flush of paternal concern for him) He came over, fervent kisser but dick just didn’t get very hard. I found him very attractive though, and so earnest and sweet, (his WhatsApp is full of pictures of his baby niece…)we talked more on WhatsApp and arranged to meet again with Viagra. Beautiful thick dick, great kisser, so much potential, but still not hard (reminiscent of a guy in SP I’ve written about before.) I just know what to do with guys in this situation. We ended up kind of cuddling and he told me about his broken heart from a guy who dumped him while I googled getting PrEP in Madrid for him (not nearly as straightforward in Madrid as Barcelona it seems). Met a couple of other guys there, I can’t even remember. I guess not surprisingly, very few Brazilians. (More in Barcelona, even Milan). Finally, Lisbon—I saved what I thought would be the mother lode of Brazilians at modest prices that the Portuguese (only 2/3 of the EU average income) could afford. The prices were pretty modest, most at 120 or 150, whereas the other cities had many at 200 euro. The first guy I found so sexy in the pictures, very hairy, super masculine face and tall. 20cm so not huge. He was a nice guy, pictures probably pre-pandemic, but he really gave a good fuck but alas, I would say it was 19cm normal thick, and well…I’ve been around the block a few times and there’s only so far that can go😂 I also met a utterly dull guy with no moves at all, but could keep his huge and thick dick remarkably hard throughout all the low friction (and sit on it) positions that I like (that really separate the men from the boys as far as ability to stay hard. He was sort of a human dildo really. It was pretty darn good, really because it just stayed so hard regardless (he disclaimed Viagra). But in the end, you really need a combination of the former guy with the latter. But yeah, in sum, maybe my sample size was too small, but it won’t work as a substitute for Brazil. One thing is that I really prefer Latin-style lovemaking, and whereas I expect the opposite in Germany, I did not in Italy, Spain and Portugal. Yet a remarkable number of profiles had this “Recycling point” cartoon and all kinds of descriptions of fetish, domination, etc. (I wrote before of a GP who had gone to work in Paris and when he came back it was quite a different experience, although the second time after, at my urging, he was able to return to his former style.) otherwise, yeah I’m not really sure what the problem was (maybe the best are in London where the rates are even higher?) but I’ll soon be back in Brazil.
  9. Thanks for all the info! The video shows an orderly queue, which seems rather fanciful. Of course, I am more interested in the protocols for getting a ride by the "interactive" top.
  10. I think the danger that some are mentioning is it could be life changing in a rather negative way. For example, it might cause them to give up their studies, even a career as say, a teacher; it could cause discontent with a previously contented life far from the city, or with a previously contented relationship inconsistent with GP work. The money could burn a hole in their pocket, leading to all sorts of negative ramifications… One sees it even more starkly in Cuba, where one encounters doctors who have given up medicine to be parador restaurant waiters because the tourist tips are so much higher than even a doctor’s salary.
  11. I don’t know, if 1000 reais is really such a thrill, at least for those most in demand. Here’s a message from one (granted, very handsome and yes, very white) basically declining to spend further nights with me (at 1000 reais) because I was too demanding (I had complained that at night we had only lackluster sex because he had already came in the sauna, he then fell right to sleep, didn’t cuddle much and only a brief perfunctory sex in the morning before leaving): I understand all your questions and did what I could to try to make you more satisfied! But I'm going to be very honest with you and I hope you don't get disappointed or upset! experiences with you in the sauna are certainly ideal, because for an overnight stay with a companion you expect a lot considering how little you offer! Starting with the place, it is not comfortable for sex as there is a silence rule, it is not well refrigerated and we even had to face problems due to the electricity! Continuing, you don't offer basic things like food, water or breakfast! Don't pay the Uber price to meet you or return home! Pay a lower amount than what I said I charge, do you want to stay longer than normal for an overnight stay... There is no gel or condom! In sex you never finish the act, you don't enjoy it and if we don't stop you stay in the act forever! The ideal is to have sex and for you to cum at some point so we can talk and do other things! but that's something personal to you! So in general, for you to find someone who meets all your needs for a night out, you should pay a much higher price! But other than that, I really like you, I believe we get along well! and I think if you want we can continue meeting in the sauna because it's actually much better for both of us!
  12. I don't think that SP's nightlife has gone stale, but Lagoa has. I've all but abandoned it (whereas I would never consider missing a Tuesday night at Rio's 117). Something has to be done to attract better looking men. There are a lot of huge dicks attached to, well, less than beautiful men. Free entrance for boys with the confidence that it would be made up by more client entrances? A buffet for the boys? Unfortunately, those might attract more low-end boys but not studs. I don't really know what is the solution. 200 seems a little low to me for gozar included. Certainly, I would not be surprised if there were different prices for different boys. Some months ago, there was a handsome muscular blond guy at 117 who would not go below 300. I even offered him 250 on a slow night, but he declined. On the other hand, a guy I used to hire regularly a few years ago approached me around 8:30 on a slow night at 202 when it was clear no further clients were coming and offered +bbk and +gozar for 100. His opportunity cost was slight--what did he have to lose? But in general, though, to gozar, especially when opportunity for further clients remain, does diminish the quality of service and/or increase the effort for the guy to remain hard, so unless it is a guy who feels lucky to just make the 200, it sounds a little low to me.
  13. I believe that those entitled to priority ride free on the metro, but at least in that case, they have a special card. Is that only for the metro?
  14. I would say that's pretty consistent with my experience, but with less concentration at 300 than this would suggest. Especially for the guys with the large pics at the top, (destaques) 400 is not uncommon, and I have seen and occasionally paid more, up to 600 in one case (https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/50970-condomless-with-gps-in-brazil/ ) There is a truly stunning guy in SP who after much (rather odd) conversation gave a price of 1000, which I would have paid, but he was so sketchy that we never ended up meeting (yet). With these prices, I should give the caveat that I only contact guys who at least fit (preferably muscular)are tall or don't mention their height, which could be skewing prices higher. On the other hand, I do have a Brazilian WhatsApp and attempt to converse in Portuguese, which could potentially skew prices lower than someone with a +1 WhatsApp who attempts to speak in English (that's my intention, anyway...) In Rio and SP, bbk is not typically extra (they either do or don't) whereas in BH it was seen as an "extra". BH prices were lower generally, with most in the 200-250 range, although the guys did not seem as hot, so we may not be comparing apples to apples..In Rio and SP far less than half responded to my inquiries so don't be discouraged: there are plenty of fish in the sea...
  15. I'm not really sure where to post this trip report, so I will just put it in the same thread as the last one. It's also maybe of limited use, as I've kind of moved away from the saunas, toward the garotoscomlocal, which is sort of a more idiosyncratic experience than the more standardized experience of the saunas. It also involves the guys from my last trip(s), so in that sense kind of more like a telenovela... This was a couple of weeks ago and the details of the saunas and the new guys from garotoscomlocal are already a bit hazy, so maybe I will start with the familiar and hopefully it will jog my memory on some of the new ones. I will refer to these guys without telling the whole previous story since a lot of it is in previous threads in this topic, and some also mentioned in a topic I started called GPs who ask for financial help. So, the 40 year old guy was back from his stint in Orlando as one of my best friend's 88 year-old father's caregivers. Kind of novel to be sure, but it actually worked out pretty well. My friend said that he was very attentive and sweet to his father, as well as taking him on walks in the wheelchair, way more so the "professional" caregivers who treat him like a vegetable do. It was not a perfect experience, there was a lot of friction with the other caregivers who are all women from the same country that he felt ganged up against him, and once when they changed the schedule at the last minute, preventing him from going to church in portugese he had a kind of meltdown that my friend says was kind of scary. Also, as much a the Brazilian dreams of living in America, my friend could have done a better job of like getting him a bicycle and a US SIM card so that he could really go around town, so it was at times a little boring from Joao. He was only given 30 days in the US (see earlier posts) and my friend wanted him to overstay but he didn't want to break the rules. So he was back in SP, I kind of always have to say I'm just going to be there a day, because otherwise he likes to hang out a lot and he's quite high-energy as well as impatient, and so he really only speaks super-slow, which is what I need to understand Portugese, so hanging out with him involves a lot of talking but very little understanding. I did watch a video of him and my friend's father and I did feel positive toward him. Next up, the super-hot country boy who went to Martinique was back from Martinique. He was in Rio because a straight couple he was friends with were visiting. At one point he had asked if he could stay overnight on a particular night and also had floated the idea of coming over while they were there but it didn't work out and I had kind of forgot about the overnight. So, on the day when we did have firm plans for him to come over at 12, around 11:45 I was getting rid of my guy (which I confess was not even from garotocomlocal, but grindr, which needs further discussion below...) and there are all these texts from the guy that he was out in front but didnt know which apartment. Once the other guy was gone (still before 12) he comes up...with his suitcase. Normally no problem, except a guy from SP had come to Rio (saying he had other things to do too but I think mostly to make money from me..) and I had put him off the night before and I had plans for him to come over at 1:30! Luckily the tall guy was tired from staying up late drinking with his friends so around 1, I encourage him to take a nap. So, I meet the SP guy at the Hotel Atlantic across the street. I thought it was funny. Like I was sneaking off from my "mistress" (I am married 24 years to a wonderful guy, believe it or not) to hook up with my boyfriend... To finish up with the tall guy (it had almost been as long since we had sex as me and my husband...) actually totally unpromted ( I had maybe made some jokes about it on earlier days) after we went to bed, fucked me (bbk!) Regrettably it was in the dark, so I kind of missed the best part (and for the purient, luckily I was still clean from stopping by at the 202.) Also, when we first met he had been so kissy-kissy and this was beijo-free. So, I had told him just one night because it was maybe saturday or sunday, and Monday(202) and Tuesday(117) and my departure wednesday were upcoming, but he really didn't want to leave and after the first day when we spent it together (after dinner we went to this beach kiosk where his friend from home was the manager and they all danced this sort of line dancing to popular songs, that they all seemed to know. After that, it turned unseasonably hot and he would still do some afternoon activity (who knows maybe he wasnt meeting clients?) and at night he would go to the beach kiosk, telling me I could meet him there, but thus leaving me plenty of time for my lurid activities So that worked out well. He stayed until the night before I had to leave. He really didn't want to go home, I mean it's Rio or some podunk town an hour away from a podunk city. I got him to talk about his future (he turns 30 soon). He was married for 2 years to a daughter of a real estate developer in BH, and there he had worked showing the apartments. He said to do the same thing in the podunk city, he would have to rent an apartment there (he lives with his mother in the podunk town a mile away and he said it would take him 6 months to develop clients and even then he still might not sell anything. True, true. Better to learn French (he had a halting start in Martinique)which he figured would take also 6 months and he would be in a better position. He seemed to forget and then he would have to take the six months in France to develop the clients, perhaps also without selling anything. And even more fatal to his plan, he seemed to assume (really without even thinking about it) that just by learning French, he could carry out this (not under the table) activity im France. I tried to gently question/tell him this but at that point he started talking fast again and so I'm not really sure what was said.... Another interesting thing is that at the beach kiosk he referred derisively to a nearby woman as a prostitute. If you recall, I had met him at the 117 and he also had carried out an unsuccessful trip to Arabia and Europe (I really don't know why it failed except he doesn't speak English...) But it did kind of gave me a small insight into why he hangs out with me (which remains a mystery, as the last 2 or 3 times we hung out I hadnt given him any money. I think being a GP is inconsistent with his self image. I have maybe twice given him domestic mileage awards and after his failed european trip when he was living at Orly airport, I gave him a Paris-Sao award. On this trip, I gave him his bus ticket home (about 250 reais) and put 300 in his pocket (since we did have sex...) for snacks on the way. OK now the guy who I met at 117 and also in Paris (which led to its own thread... https://www.gayguides.com/forums/topic/52314-rates-for-meeting-brazilian-gps-outside-brazil/) He too was back from his sojurn. Unlike the others he totally accepts being a GP, he is moving his wife/partner back to their native Salvador while he goes back to Paris for the Olympics. He does speak English quite well and it seems--despite not being nearly as beautiful as the tall guy--his trip seems to have been a roaring success. (also has an XXXL dick whereas tall guy is a "mere" Incidentally, anyone who is in Salvador before July 15 heres your chance to get for 300 reais what will cost you 200 euros in Paris. He also has realistic plans of what he will do with the money. He wants to buy a house not in the favela (the one in the favela he had made with his own hands, he said. And also his father has a small grocery store and he wants to expand it, at least in part because they can then get better prices on the merchandise which will allow them to charge less and attract more clients. His face is not the handsomest, but his body is gorgeous (sculpted in a way the tall guy's is not) the XXXL dick and he is just super friendly and nice, laughing and joking constantly in a very infectious way) And he is great in sex (again tall guy, not so) He was quite busy getting ready to move but he made time for us to meet twice. The first time was a sort of hard sex that maybe Parisians (especially those who call a Black man) expect. It was quite good but not what we had done pre-Paris. I joked about it afterwards and the second time was pure pleasure devagarzinho. Not only has he accepted being a GP, but he is really a great one. I still have more to go (the guy who came from SP to see/make money from me) as well as the new guys but the plane is landing (SFO...not GIG) and I'm not sure when Ill have time to continue...
  16. I hate to be hot (making it all the more difficult to explain my frequent trips to a country that is almost entirely tropical or subtropical). So several years ago I would add at least one city from the south to the usual Rio-SP axis. Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Florianapolis I found really disapponting with the saunas, the garotoscomlocal without much of anything special of touristic value. Foz do Iguazu is, of course spectacular. And high-quality restaurants even cheaper than SP. Worse even were some small towns like Gramado and Campos do Jordao, (The historic towns of Minas Gerais were nice and my favorite restaurant of the whole country, Glouton, is there, but it is hotter there than SP. I happened to have some pillow talk on the subject with a GP who was basically a horny slutty gay guy (probably a bottom in his leisure time but forced into servitude as a top because of his XL cock) He spoke of propositioning men at work, including taxi drivers (he was a good looking young guy so I'm sure his success rate would be higher than mine.) But he said you can kind of steer the conversation to whether they have a wife or girlfriend and go from there. No claim of having a wife or complaining about her is a green light. (I neglected to ask what the next question would be though (Are you horny?? Safado/con tesao?) I asked don't you fear getting beat up and he said that a guy would not want to lose his job, and more so that it's not very stigmatized, almost a compliment. YMMV (considerably!) And unless your target is very friendly, it seems hard to conduct this without some portugese.
  17. For Brazilian internal flights, whatever you do, do not wait until the last minute. A month or two in advance, Rio-Sao can be around $30 each way. (Often cheaper on Brazil based sites vs US-based sites). But with the Gol/Latam/Azul triopoly in place, these rise to hundreds of dollars at that last minute. Recently when I was there, a determined Rio-Sao flyer could have bought GIG-GRU-DFW-AUS for less than $300, tossed away the GRU-DFW-AUS and saved about $200 on the Brazilian domestic flight, which was approaching $500. Rio-SCL(Chile) and back SCL-SAO was also cheaper than RIO-SAO). Another trick that typically works only going into Sao Paulo but not leaving it, is to buy a ticket that connects in SAO that can be much cheaper than flying to SAO alone. I had only about a week's advance and Rio-Sao had already advanced to about $200, but RIO-SAO-SSA was still only around $60. (This rarely works originating in SAO because SAO has direct flights to nearly everywhere and routing from SAO through Rio is not offered). If it does become last-minute, keep in mind that AA has Gol awards for 7500 (good availability) and BA has Latam for 6000 Avios (only spotty availability) For getting back and forth between RIO and SAO at the last minute, also keep in mind the onibus, which is quite comfortable. I also had a nice social experience (no, no, not that kind of experience, although I'm sure that can happen too) For flights to and from Brazil, the calculus is quite different, as fares seem to rise little, if at all, at the last minute. Indeed, a few months ago AA was offering up its cherished GIG-MIA monopoly for around $300 only for the last few days before departure. For those with more time than money, it can make sense to buy a cheap US domestic ticket to a city that has cheap fares to Brazil, which are often to cities other than Rio or Sao Paulo. Some current examples LAX-SAO (AA often, others less frequently), SFO-CNF (AA), MIA-SSA or CNF, (AA) AUS-RIO or SAO (All). Also, in some cases (but not others) there can be little advantage to buying round trip. The LAX and SFO fares are not available as return only, whereas the MIA and AUS are. This opens up the possibility of segment-tossing, although if you have status or miles with a particular carrier, it is not worth the risk. A Brazilian friend wanted to go to Orlando and was going to pay $500 for an awful connection on Avianca, I steered him to a sub-$300 fare on LATAM GRU-MCO(-AUS) I have not seen stopovers (>24 hours) allowed, which is pretty typical for international routes. But not have I seen even the slightest open jaws allowed, which typically are permitted. I don't know why they are so strict in the Brazil context. But, depending on the fare you may not lose much by buying 2 one-ways
  18. Very good point. In fact, one guy did write back and say that he is no longer working as a boy. I probably won't stop looking at the small ones because my favorite guy in SP is there. And I do like the idea of hiring guys for whom it is not their life, they are just doing it a little on the side. Speaking of just doing it a little on the side, yesterday was Brazilian valentines day and I met a guy (sauna not online) who had stopped in because he wanted to take his wife out to dinner but he stopped in after work because he needed to make the money first. Talk about waiting til the last minute Back to garotocomlocal ads, I noticed today that SP has hit 1100 whereas Rio had fallen below 400. With SP's population not even double Rio's, a surprising ratio.
  19. I just spent a long weekend in SP (during which I never even made it to Lagoa) so if anyone would like my recommendation on SP garotocomlocal tops who bbk just let me know. With over 1000 listings in SP it’s a pretty time consuming process (compared to some other escort sites garotocomlocal makes it unusually time consuming as it doesn’t even have the guys fill in their basic stats) I’m looking for tall guys (min 1.80) so I end up contacting a lot of guys that if only it had these sort of fill in fields. In many ways, it seems surprising the low percentage of guys who even respond to the initial contact (long before any talk of condoms) I have a Brazilian number and a friendly WhatsApp pic, yet I would say less than 20% reply to the initial inquiry (a bit more among the “destaque” ads that pay a lot for the higher-up position): “Olá, boa noite. Tudo bem? Estou no SP, vi seu anúncio e me interessei. Por favor, deixe-me saber se Vc está disponível hoje/amanhã, bem como seu caché. obrigado!” incidentally if anyone has some good recommendations for Rio i have far fewer (as does garotoscomlocal with only 400something compared to SP 1000+) and would really welcome some recommendations. when I was here in the other seasons, I would stay in Rio only Monday through Wednesday and then escape to the not as hot temperatures and lower humidity of SP. But now I have the next 10 days here in Rio. (A bit unluckily,unseasonable temperatures as high as summer around 30 every day are predicted throughout the period, although it is true, the humidity is less) I should mention that Really the best guy That I have met in the last year in terms of pure sex, I was lucky to meet him a couple of times in Rio before he rather predictably ran off to Europe (London), where, as of a few days ago he remains, but if anyone finds themself looking for an amazing Brazilian top in London (no doubt at more than the 350 reais I was lucky to get him at) lmk
  20. What time of the night does it get going? I'm assuming it's not an early evening thing like the GP saunas?
  21. OK so I really don't get this only fans. I signed up, thinking there would be a membership fee, but there wasn't but, I'm at the home screen and where's the there there? I did a search for brasileiro and for garoto and no results found. it's not like I need to contact the guy whose video I saw who has the X account. How to I go about finding Brasilian porn stars (or content makers do they call them) and approaching them? I feel like a techno-fuddyduddy 🤣
  22. Do many guys balk at this? I think they might, thinking you were a time waster? I have about 5 questions I like to ask on WhatsApp and as it is, some seem to be losing their patience (although true, if they are impatient, can be useful to know...)
  23. Haha. You remind me of that joke where the man asks the woman if she would sleep with him for a million dollars, and she replies, well, I suppose yes. Then he asks her if he would sleep with her for a hundred dollars and she indignantly replies, What kind of woman do you think I am?! He say, Madam, that we have already established; now we are just quibbling over the price. 🤣 I guess I should've said can I assume they are available as GPs in the same ballpark (even if at the top end of the ballpark) as advertisers on garotocomlocal (i.e., <600 reais) I'm not interested in going to Brazil and paying him 1000USD for instance It certainly could be a scam, but I have also found the guys on garotocomlocal to not be the savviest businessmen in the sense that quite a high number do not initially respond, and then respond sporadically. But in SP (not Rio) I think it is beyond doubt that the guys on garotocomlocal are (to many tastes) handsomer/sexier than the guys at Lagoa. I guess I'm wondering, before I join, if Onlyfans is another treasure trove. (I guess I should just shell out and try it...I suppose I am put off a bit by the name, as if I am joining a fan site, like of a Korean boy band or something....) kkkk (btw, kkkk is Brazilian for LOL)
  24. I'm not a member of Onlyfans (yet) but I came across a guy who has a link to his onlyfans on his video. He is speaking Portugese (and has a very handsome face, a smiley attitude, a super thich cock, and a nice body, albeit probably on the short side). In other words, if I shell out for a membership (I didnt even check the price) am I likely to be able to arrange an in person meeting? I googled his name with garotocomlocal and didn't get anything, (although of course he may go by a different name there.) ps He is also on X (Twitter) so could be contacted there as well.
  25. I think this is a little overstated. I certainly think that scammers, liars and thieves are overrepresented among those selling sex, but like most jobs, there is still some diversity of attitudes toward the job. There are some that genuinely seek to provide honest work for honest pay. There are both the extremely ambitious who want to become rich as escorts and/or escort-related scamming/lying/thieving and others with little ambition beyond earning a little extra money or even putting food on the table for their families. The guy that I described in the beginning post of the thread is fairly ambitious (just to get out of his country town requires some ambition) but I do have fairly high confidence in his story about his foray to europe being a bust. (I turned on the video of the whatsapp well past midnight his time and he indeed was in the bathroom at Orly airport because power outlets in European airports are indeed notoriously rare.) To give an update on him, he is back from Martinique to Brazil; I stalled on the award ticket and he made it to Rio somehow (he lives in rural northern Sao Paolo state so Rio is not obviously on his way home, so not sure if he is working in Rio or what) To give a brief update on the guy taking care of my friend's 88-year-old father in Orlando, things continue to go well, albeit with a few signs of strain. He's really doing a great job, but that causes some strain with the lazy other caretakers who don't like being made to look bad. Also, I told my friend that he need to get Joao phone service and a bicycle so he could be independent, but my friend did neither and is currently out of town on business. So Joao ends up spending most of his time in the apartment even when another caregiver is on duty (he lives there, unlike them). Plus, it has been so hot. So he hasn't really been living his dream of living in America because he has just been spending a lot of time inside the apartment. I would say that he is somewhat ambitious in that he wants to live in America, but at least he says he does not aspire to be rich, just a peaceful life (although he does seem open to a marriage not really based on love). And whatever his ambition, he is really prepared to work hard and honestly to achieve it. True, he may be an exception, but not so rare as some may think.
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