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  1. At the end of the day. You have to be careful no matter where you are at. Doesn’t matter in countries like United States or places like Brazil or Dubai. Thieves like roaches are everywhere. So just be smart about the amount of cash and items you carry. Now to @BlkSuperman honey that dick must have been good. Get it get it get it. Damn I cant wait to be back in Brazil. Two more months.
  2. Or get some where in the middle where you can enjoy both. Be greedy lol.
  3. Yes I have been to Brazil before. Really felt more comfortable because of forum members that shared experiences and gave phone numbers on who to contact. Like tour guides and such. Plus stuff you can read on the forums.
  4. Sadly I wont be in town that month. I will be in Brazil May 3 through May 25. @redxs I hearted your post because our days of visiting are simular but in different in different months.
  5. Manu can help with suggestions. Just ask for either hotel or airbnb.
  6. What @BlkSuperman says is very true. He can find you young guys that are tailored to you taste. But those guys would be more for pay. But his services of providing a list of attractive and nice guys is true. He helped me learn the sanuas and guys outside of the saunas. I will even go as far to say I was like a dog chasing every squirrel. He saved me from possibly making mistakes in spending to much money and going to places that might of been to shady. " Squirrel !" (IYKYK) Plus his tour services are top notch. He's fun to hang with as well.
  7. South America everywhere WhatsApp is the main form of communication!
  8. All I know is I dont trust these designs with floating sinks or toilets. Nope don't trust them.
  9. I gue inflation is a pain everywhere. But can i ask a question not to be crude and definitely not trying to be rude either. But do you all really care that much about one of the boys "busting there nut"? Don't get me wrong its a wonderful feeling of accomplishment while I am trying to get my nut off if they get theres in the process. But I would not necessarily pay extra specifically for that. But in all honesty all I am trying to do with in the 1st hour of having my feet on the ground is plowing some tail. Enjoying young handsome vibrant cuisine of Brazilian men. But to make it clear I want them to enjoy and nut. But I am not paying extra. LOL is all.
  10. I had planned to be in Brazil. But with all the issues I have had this year with family members passing away and the roof needing major repair. I wont make it till May. But I will be home being grateful.
  11. I would also say make sure that whatever that if a place does have that tip screen make sure the math is correct. There was stuff on the news that people were paying more than they should when tipping. Because they would only pay attention to the percentage and not the number above. So as an example it would 10% and of $20 thats $2. Some people were so busy that they didnt recognize that $3.50 or $5 was not correct. This was in the USA and in California . So if they do it in the States they doing the that type of scam elsewhere. Oh and now they are asking for tips with self checkout at grocery stores. Uhhh hell no. https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbnZobzg5M2UzY3pkM2xhZ21oeWh0MGNyemk3ZzVtMGVmejhidGFlaCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/3o7aCWDyW0PJCsxHna/giphy.mp4
  12. i spent 200 reais I think. I just know it was waaaaaaay less than in the states. But it was amazing because I could take my time and not rush. I have remained in contact with him. So I have gotten to see his progression in bodybuilding plus he has never asked for any money. When I got back to California from my trip. But was always willing to show off his progress. Which is rare for anyone that is in the trade. Cause two of the other guys that i hooked up with during my stay. Constantly ask for money for various reason and they say i will send a video for money at an astronomical price.
  13. there really needs to be a drool emoji on this forum for times and pictures like this ........🤤
  14. That really depends on what time of year you go. Also if the guy is having a good night or a bad one. I mean just saying " No thats to much" politely declining sometimes is enough to get them to lower the price anywhere from 10 to 50. Once again depending on time of year and there NEED. I politely declined a hot young kid at Pointe that I had saw at another Sauna. Just turned 18 and all that. Said I wanted to look around 1st. But he was eager. I think because I did what some like @floridarob, @Latbear4blk, and others had said in the forum that "Gratos talk!" That previous night as we chatted and I got him a drink. I grabbed his ass and cock under his towel while we talked.I gave him a monetary tip ( I know if I had said tip where your minds would have went cause mine goes there all the time) and when he saw me at the other club he was very ready to show me what he could do. Baby let me tell you the boy could suck some dick. His as was tight. I have him in my phone cause he slept over multiple times during my stay. So what I am saying is. Know the prices, be willing to tip, and politeness goes a long way.
  15. so good i had to read twice. https://giphy.com/gifs/rhoa-pheadra-parks-11LS2rTHLTbRMk
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