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Everything posted by Pete1111

  1. ....so he could lose to a black woman.
  2. Trump said it. He believes he is "the chosen one." Now we know why. Thank you Jesus!
  3. But fucking a couch cushion and wearing men's eyeliner has become the kind of thing MAGA wears like a badge of honor. The Dems need to get with the times
  4. Matt Gaetz becomes Beavis. Matt's body Matt's choice 💩
  5. I enjoyed how Matt Gaetz acted the fool at the RNC. But then I wondered whether Rudy Giuliani was in attendance. Guess he was!! Easy on the bourbon Rudy! From Business Insider article: Rudy Giuliani's ex-wife says that he was "always falling" due to his excessive drinking. https://www.businessinsider.com/giuliani-excessive-drinking-always-falling-failed-2008-campaign-ex-wife-2022-8?op=1
  6. Trump has been warning how the country is headed for blood. Of course he was counting on it being ours, not his
  7. The Harris's and Buttigieg's were pals on the campaign trail, so Kamala might be drawn to Pete as her VP. But a Whitmer/Harris ticket does sound exciting. Next cycle? For now I'm stickin' with Lichtman.
  8. I realize Elex Michaelson has aged out for most of you, yet he'll always have my heart for his interview with gubernatorial candidate Caitlyn Jenner. He asked Caitlyn to outline her budget as governor. Nothing but crickets. Her campaign was all cheese whiz. Here he is with Adam, below. Clyburn is why we have Biden. I guess Biden is no longer useful to him. Clyburn's grandson was all in for Buttigieg, last cycle. I doubt Grandpa Clyburn will swing that way.
  9. All Biden needs is to win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. How will he do that? 1st, fire whoever talked him into a June debate. At least do that much so the media will start to calm the F down.
  10. Poor Donald must cringe when he admits what he spends on his makeup and golden comb over. The Dems will cringe if they willingly give up one of Lichtman's keys. Imagine how Fox News will paint the Dems turning on their own. It won't be pretty.
  11. Silk and Boebert ought to launch Diamond & Silk 2.0 after Lil BoBo departs the House. Or they could re-brand. Two and a half Dingbats?
  12. Such cute Thai guys. Nice smiles. 😊 Advantage of living in Bangkok. Thank you for sharing the photos.
  13. Seriously, President Biden will be appearing with a convicted felon. Perhaps if some physical barriers were staged, the audience would sense the comparison. No way should Biden shake hands with the orange turd, IMO, Keep them separated.
  14. Dog Day Afternoon (1975) is currently streaming on FLIX. There are other free platforms such as Kanopy and Tubi. If you are a huge Al Pacino fan like me, IMO you need to watch this film again. If you have not seen the movie then come back after you've seen it, to avoid the spoilers. ******************************************************************** When I am impressed by a movie I search for Roger Ebert's review to see if he agreed. Ebert gave Dog Day Afternoon 3.5 /4 stars. I figured he would appreciate it (RIP). The world has changed a lot since the 70's. There may be aspects of the film that go over people's heads, such as the Attica prison and the Vietnam references. However, most of the themes of the film have aged well. The story is quirky, yet based on an actual event, a bank robbery in NYC. Today one might frame Sonny as queer. I found a review that said he was bisexual. Ebert referred to Sonny as complex. I love the line in the movie where Sonny explains to Sal not to worry too much about the TV news calling them homosexuals. All of the folks in Sonny's life are impossible. His parents, his wife, his boyfriend. Sal, his bank robbery partner, seemed unstable. Sonny's big flaw is wanting their approval instead of jettisoning all of them. How he suffers for that is played so well by Pacino. Although Sonny looks mostly frazzled throughout the film, Pacino's beauty shines through. Those eyes. He won a BAFTA for lead actor. Maybe it's no surprise the Brits were fine with awarding Pacino for playing a queer role in a film with political undertones. The Oscars rejected the idea of a queer, Vietnam vet, bank robber, anti hero character. I have never run across queer entertainment that lists Dog Day Afternoon as a queer film. Yet, the film is not just another queer story. It's much more than that. Perhaps that is why the vlogs and blogs overlook it. That we are in Pride month, it might be apropos to watch Dog Day Afternoon. I recommend it. Especially if you are a film buff or a Pacino fan.
  15. It's an interesting question. My sense is Zendaya is considered very attractive. The script was pretty clear how both of the guys found her character extremely hot. I had a question about the garbage that was blowing around in some of the Atlanta scenes. That baffled me. I get it, the weather was windy. But so much trash blowing around in multiple scenes did not seem realistic. Not a big deal. Just curious about it. I thought the movie was good but not crazy good like some claim.
  16. Trump never had time for US Security briefings, so napping during a criminal trial seems to fit his MO. Here is an image of Trump napping during a COVID briefing from Pence.
  17. Doesn't take much for the lamestream media to turn misinformation into news
  18. An anal tongue bath would have been too much, so the groveling salute of North Korea worked for President ManBaby
  19. IMO the VP factor isn't much. If Merchan sends Trump to jail, how would that affect Lichtman's keys? The GOP party at the state level has turned into such a shitstorm, that might give the Dems an advantage in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. Those 3 are all Biden needs outside of the Blue states. Down ballet candidates and measures could favor Biden. One can be hopeful justice will be done and Trump and the MAGA cult will fail. I dreamt a dream tonight. Mercutio: And so did I. Romeo: Well, what was yours? Mercutio: That dreamers often lie. Romeo: In bed asleep while they do dream things true.
  20. The MAGA intellectuals envision a Ken Burns documentary that will someday tell the tale of the greatest president the world has ever known. One chapter will review Trump re-discovering and ultimately re-writing the history of Gettysburg. Wow!! Ken Burns will narrate: Not well practiced in reading and remembering a lot of detail, the stable genius reminded all that Robert E. Lee had no cell phones (Trump really said this) to warn his great general. Lee could not text the warning, and so he sent his horses instead. But it was too late. (here we'll see screen captures of soldiers falling in agony, horses whinnying, gunfire, canon fire, and so on, fading to a harmonica) And then Ken Burns continues to narrate: So came the terrible fate of the soldiers , and in an Irish brogue the voice of Trump echoes one last time the warning that failed to arrive to the fray. Never fight uphill me boys, never fight uphill Trump re-writes Battle of Gettysburg: ‘Never fight uphill, me boys!’
  21. The Ukraine vote was delayed long enough for Putin to capture more chunks of territory. That Johnson hears classified discussions in the scif and then heads to Mar A Lago to huddle with Trump is worrisome. How Politico allowed Johnson to trumpet that our borders are wide open is a reflection of our false lamestream media. Republicans scuttled their own border bill. The GOP bring different facts to the mike and the media allows it. You mentioned Wellstone. When he first ran for Congress his campaign set up a booth in Loring Park in MPLS during Pride and staffed it with a hottie. I still remember the attention he got. During a recent John Lovett interview, Al Franken talked about Wellstone. He had been a champion college wrestler. What a tragedy we lost such a bright, honorable politician. Not so honorable, Johnson is clever for sure. That's a good thing for keeping the lights on when his party is willing to shut the government down. We might be thankful for his political smarts. Fingers crossed.
  22. I agree Jonson gives an effective look at how politics can work. These days that has much to do with which Repubs are pro-Putin or not. The GOP has as tough a time working with each other as they do reaching across the aisle. The article seemed unbalanced to me in that it was too anti-Biden/Pro-Trump. One might expect that in a Mike Johnson interview. But the "senior moment" accusation was such a softball moment. Politico made it too easy for Johnson to piss on Biden and even easier to give Trump an anal tongue bath. Perhaps Johnson stipulated that he would not entertain criticism of Trump. But that's not balanced journalism. Some say that O'Neill kissing Reagan in the hospital was a made up story. It does sound almost like a joke, as if O'Neill told it one night, after too many glasses of wine. He hated Reagan. A lot of people did. But in today's light, Reagan does seem quite tolerable. Those were the days.
  23. I recall hearing that Trump = fart in the UK.
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