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Everything posted by Pete1111

  1. Youtube began recommending a lot of short films to me. Perhaps one thread might be a good idea, for anyone like me that comes across short films they enjoy, Here is one I just finished watching that was nicely done. I recommend it.
  2. Peter Thiel does not believe that diversity is an advantage, rather he is against policies to promote it. He needs to open his eyes and see evidence all around us. Corporations know diverse teams are an imperative. But Theil is from a different world. He appears ready to move on from Democracy and from the protections provided to everyone. Billionaires don't give a 💩 It is baffling he had opposed marriage equality even though he has a husband and kids. Yeah, he sounds like the LCR ilk, missing the safety of their closet, or at least longing for elements of that lifestyle and secrecy for some weird reason.
  3. Like the former Broward LCR president that couldn't make rent, or Miss George Santos for that matter, maybe a lot of their world is made up inside of their sad, twisted heads, just like King Baby.
  4. Trump would rather go bankrupt than pay his bills. It's the art of the deal. His slimy lawyers make it work for him. I'm convinced the Russian mobsters that officed in Trump Tower taught him all about money laundering. Almost everyone has forgotten Trump paid cash for his UK golf resort deal. The SPAC that delivered $300,000,000 to the DWAC / DJT merger sounds bigly sketchy, explained in this WAPO article. https://wapo.st/4cQqdcX Trump doesn't seem to aim for a strong balance sheet. Doesn't he aim to cheat and is that why US banks don't do business with him?
  5. I remember coming across a Log Cabin Republican table at Pride in San Francisco, 30 years ago. I got the sense they were made up of rich, white and prejudiced men. That's the word we used back then. Why is this Log Cabin group still around? It's pretty clear by now a lot of Republicans suck dick and love Trump. Is it more of a social group? Is that what it always was? A way to meet other rich, conservative, prejudiced queens? Do they have any token members that aren't white men? Perhaps they've evolved a bit.
  6. WAPO has published several articles on DJT stock. One article quoted billionaire media mogul Barry Diller that Trump Media is a "scam stock bought by dopes". Retail investors have lost much of their retirement nest eggs by sinking everything into Trump Media. Faith in Trump is driving buyers. I'm not surprised his cult is willing to be swindled by King Baby. Some of them claim the Deep State is manipulating the price downward. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/04/14/truth-social-investors-faith-trump/ IMO it's fair to say DJT stock is not a value investment.
  7. We are not going to lose to Trump. I agree, we have had enough. So I don't want to worry about losing. But to answer, it seems ridiculous to predict mass mental illness. I'd say Americans would start counting the days until he is gone, while trying to remain as calm as possible. Sadly, that is how they deal with Putin in Russia. Sad to think that is what we would become. You are absolutely correct. Trump dominates the media. I look for him to appear on the news constantly. We may get effed over by the lamestream media. Let's hope not. I just hope the Dems have put together the right stuff for a blue wave to appear up and down the ballot.
  8. I donated to Mucarsel-Powell in Florida but that race still seems like the Dems would have to pull a rabbit out of a hat to win. I contributed multiple times to Tester, Kunce and Allred campaigns. Montana, Missouri, and Texas. I don't see how Missouri can equate Kunce with woke radicalism if they are paying attention. Same with Tester and Allred. The GOP derailed the Senate border bill. The GOP candidates are beatable. Come on Dems!! “Josh Hawley has never had to run for election as the man that he is right now. He’s never had to run as the guy who thinks that in vitro fertilization and contraception or abortion are murder. He’s never had to run after taking away rights of everyday Missourians. He’s never had to run after being exposed for supporting no-fault divorces and thinking people should be trapped in marriages.” ~Lucas Kunce
  9. An interesting question, how would Americans take the news, if Trump returns to the White House. A lot of people shed real tears the first time he was elected, when the topic was raised during the days that followed. People were distraught. Voters are much more alarmed this cycle, due to Trump's track record and due to very specific issues that pose dangerous consequences to Democracy and to specific segments of the population. It is possible that mental health crisis centers and therapists would deal with an increase in individuals seeking relief. However, Halperin's claim we will face a mental health crisis gets under my skin, too, for additional reasons than what S.K. posted. I don't agree with Halperin. I am not familiar with him. As a first taste of his worldview, I start off with some doubts.
  10. Yes, let's pray. Our poor man-baby is scheduled to be sentenced in less than a month. Bless his orange heart. 🍊
  11. Many of them are too dumb to see they are flawed people who never own their sh!tty choices. Ahshli Babbett is just one example, how many of them can't hang onto a buck and refuse to take responsibility. For them, it's always the Dems fault. Everyone I know that has filed for bankruptcy to avoid a mountain of debt is MAGA. The GOP drives up debt and wrecks the economy yet the MAGA crowd believes Trump when he preaches just the opposite. Trump doesn't know how the Government or the economy work, and neither do his MAGA nitwits.
  12. They've got their JD Vance jizz cups. Sofa proud!!
  13. Lamestream media giving Trump another anal tongue bath this A.M. Lindsey Graham on Meet the Press defending why Trump tariffs are a good thing. What a lying, smarmy $#@&-er!
  14. Trump was live from PA today. He brought a young Latino man to discuss how bad things are under Venezuelan socialism, and how the education system has been modeled after Cuba. After his address he repeated the speech in Spanish. Some of the Dems get it, that Latino voters need their focus. But, thinking back to the 2020 Dem convention, the Party missed a chance to appeal. IMO they fucked up a chance to win Latino confidence. Let's see what happens next week. That said, Florida seems out of reach to me. Yet I am encouraged that Steven K proposes the possibility that voter preference in Florida might shift.
  15. Why does the lamestream media allow Trump to lie, again and again, with no fact checking. Don't believe your eyes...
  16. I wish it was. Kari Lake and Lauren Boebert campaigns have both used the "globalists" scare tactic. I am pretty sure they are scraping the bottom of the barrel for flat earther votes. The Rolling Stone article is shocking to me how a leading Republican in Georgia aligns with the flat earth crowd.
  17. For the Latino voters that equate Socialists with the Venezuela and Cuba experiences, will the Dems be able to counter the GOP claim that Dems are socialists? Have the Dems been busy working on that? Same thing for the flat earthers that hear the GOP refer to Dem candidates as globalists. Globalists further the conspiracy the earth is round, by exposing children to maps and globes. I doubt the Dems even know how many flat earthers are our there. It's a lot. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/kandiss-taylor-globes-anti-flat-earth-brainwashing-1234741082/ Have the Dems realized there is all kinds of work to be done beyond pandering to the women's health issue and how the GOP is weird vs. the Dems are the good guys that really "get it"? I recall how that kind of strategy didn't work for Hillary Clinton. The modern GOP sh!t show helps. But are the Dems smart enough to pay attention to all the misinformed voters that need an alternate message? I doubt it. By now it is probably too late to change minds anyway. With the time remaining, the Dems need to convince voters to vote. Seems like they are busy working that big piece. Will that be enough to keep the Senate Blue? Hope so.
  18. A winning business model is not part of "art of the deal." Stiffing others is. Lot of shady lawyers helps. Selling out to the Kremlin, and money laundering is his final strategy. DJT seems to run with a Russia style bank in Dominica. Let's see how far he can go.
  19. NYTimes article Facts about Walz include he sponsored the first gay/straight alliance when he was a high school football coach in Mankato back in the 1990s. All indications suggest a great choice.
  20. My hunch is Biden and Harris prefer Buttigieg. He is their plan. The lamestream media and Dem strategists are steering the conversation away from him.
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