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Everything posted by Pete1111

  1. From the looks of it the company doesn't appear on any kind of profitable path. It's a head scratcher.
  2. I was pondering the polls this AM while driving up the 405 and was wondering if their methodologies are sound enough for these modern times of multiple communication choices. Snap chat. We chat. Mobile. Landline. FBook. TikTok. Email. I'm convinced all corporate news and many vloggers will say anything to get us to tune in or click through. So my trust in the information they present is low. Without exercising my brain at all, 47% sounds like a potential range that might reach 270 electoral votes. That said, I hope your logic is correct! And I hope those polls used a rock solid sampling design. Hopefully we won't have a James Comey kind of surprise to scare away voters still making up their mind.
  3. It's Florida. Lotta Ruskies there. Maybe the Kremlin wants a clean slate. Or revenge. Trump has a few enemies.
  4. Trump was golfing!!! Perhaps his party was planning their next f*cked up election strategy. @Suckrates here's a figure. Poor Donnie is more and more unpopular with some of the gun owners. 🫣
  5. Lucky Blue is a short film from Sweden, posted 2 weeks ago. It's nicely done. There is one small part I didn't quite follow, but that's OK. Swedish with subtitles. It's been on and off Youtube in the past, so this may not be around for long.
  6. Or maybe the Kremlin has pictures of Tim Scott nakey with a pretty young man. Then all bets are off outside of doing what Russia and King Baby ask. By the way, have you seen Scott's wife? She has a sketchy past. Getting chummy with Scott could have been a mutual solution. I had similar thoughts whether Trump would have been in better shape with Scott than Shady Vance. Now that Scott has past the marriage litmus test that LindseyBelle never could, the poor fellow has hitched his wagon but with nowhere to go. As far as Rollins, he is running a nice TV add this weekend. I've been sending him $$ weekly. I hope the voters do the right thing
  7. "Dirtbag", and proud of it. Crypto is a way to easily transfer value in the modern age, so they say. 😂😂😂 Did I hear a washing machine switch on?
  8. I trust Alina still has sponge bath duty while Loomer peers into her crystal ball.
  9. Let's see who will buy. The NYT offered this article explaining possible scenarios though it doesn't provide enough important context how the company is worth dog sh!t. Typical. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/09/business/trump-media-stock-lockup-agreement.html Trump owns a majority of the shares. To begin selling his shares will someone have to turn on the great washing machine? Does it sound like this? !Russia -Russia- Russia-Russia!
  10. Will the Trump supporters that lost much of their nest egg on DJT have to rely on the Nanny State now?
  11. I don't like Chuck Todd at all. He has been sane-washing the GOP garbage for years. I wondered how Trump would perform with Tulsi Gabbard as coach. She is still appearing on Maher's show and bringing up Hillary. Whatever her plan, it didn't seem to prevent Trump from looking like a weak old geezer. I effing hate her, so hurrah!! That Trump killing the border bill didn't define a clear enough policy difference between Harris and the "Mexico will pay for it" approach tells me people are not able to interpret how Harris policy will represent an immediate difference versus the Orange guy. Frankly, Trump doesn't know or care how the government works. I expect the doubters wouldn't be satisfied hearing any policy statements from Harris if they don't already buy her statements on the border and women's health. Maybe a lot of it is their sexist playbook. For me it's tired BS. Why is being amplified so much? Like Michelle said, don't fall victim to the Goldilocks syndrome if we want Trump to lose.
  12. It pisses me off that on MSNBC Chuck Todd and John Kasich are criticizing Harris's debate performance and sewing doubts this morning for her lacking any specifics That is the same playbook used against Pete Buttigieg when he was rocketing upward. Pete sounded good, but what exactly were his specific plans? Typical playbook used to sew doubt but in the end an argument without much merit. How can Harris make promises now without knowing if we get a blue wave or not. And even if we knew the Senate and House will be majority Dem, she is stuck with a a corrupt judicial system, including the Supreme Court, that is shaping the playing field and painting our Democracy into a corner. Challenges lie ahead. For me "we're not going back" is a most important specific. Yet Chuck Todd and John (smarmy pants) Kasich look right past that. In comparison Trump shares a lot of specifics, all crazy. But the media sane-washes Trump's craziness. We're going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it. I'm going to put tariffs on all future imports, and it won't cost Americans a cent. On day one we are going to round them up and blah blah blah... This morning MSNBC reminds me why I follow less and less corporate media. So lame.
  13. Trump channeling Archie Bunker. I saw it on TV Edith.
  14. Afterwards, Taylor Swift released a well crafted endorsement of Harris and included a link to register to vote. King Baby gets hit by the childless cat lady. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/taylor-swift-endorses-kamala-harris-2024-election-1235099608/
  15. To the OP, of course I could be wrong. Does anyone else ever have the slightest doubts? It's human nature after hearing the same lies over and over In Russia the opposition has either given up or they doubt themselves or both. Perhaps Putin and Trump know what's right for everyone. So yeah, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Trump tells the truth. Maybe the earth is flat. Maybe the election was stolen. Critical thinkers and influencers like Mike Lindell think they have pretty solid evidence. Let's give his side a voice instead of fact checking him and ruling against in court. What could go wrong?
  16. There are flat earth critical thinkers that produce charts and graphs just as impressive as yours. The number of people in the West that believe the earth is flat is growing surprisingly fast, thanks to this brand of influencer. More importantly, I think about recent history where influencers caused genocides in Myanmar and Rwanda. Pre-internet influencers made their mark as well. The Khmer Rouge. The Third Reich. Influencers around the world are demonizing journalists so that more and more are being attacked, even in the US. Is there a problem? Merrick Garland says yes. I agree.
  17. Yeah, the handwriting is on the wall. Alina is manning the station on Air Force 1. Otherwise, stay tuned.
  18. I remember growing up in the Midwest, our newspaper was highly regarded. Our Sunday paper was monstrous. So much great content to pour over. We had a weekday edition, and also an afternoon edition delivered 6 days a week. As a kid I recall hearing complaints our newspaper was slanted. I thought to myself "what is wrong with them, complaining about the newspaper?" I lived in a lower middle class neighborhood. Most homes had the newspaper delivered, all the editions. Not getting the newspaper seemed unthinkable. So, who were these cranks complaining about the newspaper, I thought. At one point one of my most respected grade school teachers suggested not everything we read in the newspaper is true. I recall thinking "but how can that be?" But the reality was reporting behind the Iron Curtain wasn't the only place where the editing was jiggered a bit to suit a purpose. Not everything published in the NYT for example was meant to report news as much as to sell newspapers. Fast forward to today, newspaper circulation and readership tends to be digital. NYT now even has podcasts. The idea of media influence is a lot more apparent to me and likely everyone than it was back in the days when we mostly treasured our newspaper back home. There seems to be enough transparency and evidence to learn we should question a lot of what we hear now from corporate media. One might wonder what exactly drives Sinclair, Fox, OAN and Newsmax to color their news into alternate facts. Is it merely greed? I expect so. Why does corporate media tend to parrot the alternate facts already trumpeted by right wing media as if they deserve reporting, while rarely including fact checking of the lies? Today I listened to a corporate media piece on Omaha, Nebraska. They interviewed a couple that supported Trump. When asked why, they agreed how only Trump is willing to tell the truth. That upset me, how ridiculous that story was, and how corporate media needs to take responsibility for their role in fostering such a false opinion of Trump. So what should we think about Russian money that paid for production of propaganda spread by influencers on YouTube? How corporate media has reacted to this reminds me of Captain Renoir in Casablanca. We're shocked how false news was easily spread by funneling money from Russia! Does anyone remember that $20,000,000 the NRA funneled to the 2016 Trump campaign came from Russian oligarchs. The lamestream media is willfully acting stupid. The DOJ is on their game. The media ought to do a better job connecting the dots that the election interference spread by the influencers cited by Merrick Garland directly benefits Russia and Trump. But they don't. Corporate media isn't doing their job. My last point to the OP is if you reach the point where you doubt whether the folks trying to help, such as board members, might actually be on the take, one can't blame you. One fellow on Daddy's board parroted so much Kremlin garbage that I accused him of being a Russian troll. I was eventually banned from that board. I don't miss it. I don't know what to tell you, other than keep on your toes and be careful when it seems others merely want to hit your emotional hot buttons.
  19. My understanding of Halperin and his GOP strategist guest's discussion of the Lichtman prediction model is that the criteria is not applicable to this election cycle. They believe Lichtman is wrong, at least this time. I have just begun listening to Halperin. So far he seems more apt to criticize Democratic arguments such as his comments on the Walz/Harris CNN interview. When there is a mountain of Republican hypocrisy for all to see, Halperin nitpicking the Dem's seems annoying and suggests to me an underlying bias. Perhaps I need to listen more to gain a clearer appreciation. I recall Halperin latched onto Nate Silver predicting Trump would win PA, and therefore probably the White House. I hope I am remembering the correct vloggers. Please correct me if not.
  20. You drift away from Alina and Malaria? Are you really gay? 😉 I expect the media and the Trump cult wouldn't care who is giving King Baby his sponge bath. And by now would anyone be surprised Malaria has probably handed off the (tiny) baton to Alina? As far as tending to him in his jail cell, I listened to a convincing vlog why Trump will never do time for Federal crimes. But that might deserve another thread. Yes, the idea of GOP eradication prompted me to also have thoughts what that might mean and how soon the GOP could evolve into something reasonable. Would Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and the others that have jettisoned from the Party ever want to work with the ilk that remains? I'm certain the GOP won't ever return to the same place. I see how Harris might be considered an emergency candidate, as suggested in the Politico article. I recently made a similar comparison to Obama, how he may have won because Bush was so extremely unpopular. We were ready to try something (anything) else. Back then, Bush's approval ratings were so low the media stopped reporting it. Ultimately Obama was a good President in my eyes. I have faith Harris will also do well. This time it is even more an emergency. I have not lost hope for the Senate, this cycle. I am still donating to Tester and Allred. I am also donating to Dan Osborne for Senate in Nebraska. The latest polls show he is in a tight race. Osborne is running without a Party endorsement. He has a donation Website, although ActBlue also lists him as a Senate candidate. Osborne is not perfect, but he is one less Republican. I will add the Florida Senate race to my list. Perhaps, that race can make the difference! One of the vloggers I follow is excited about Florida and North Carolina for various reasons. I also continue hearing wishful thinking about Texas turning Blue. I sadly have my doubts about beating Ted Cruz. I still want to hope Allred will defeat Grandpa Munster. But Texas is what it is.
  21. Yes, the GOP needs to be eradicated but I won't count on it happening as long as Fox News and the Kremlin have a say in it. As long as there is money on the table, Alina Habba will probably stick with King Baby. I hope gay men don't turn Malaria into some kind of hero. With a decent speech writer, she can travel the right wing circuit. In her own words "stay tuned"! 😆
  22. Malaria is no spring chicken. Alina must have more youthful spunk and talent needed to make Trump's toadstool happy. Her form must be a lot more tight than the former FLOTUS.
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