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Everything posted by Pete1111

  1. I've continued donating to important House and Senate races everywhere. Strength up and down the ticket helps Harris A lot of people have traveled to support her campaign on the ground around the country. People around here are driving to Nevada to take part in door knocking events. Others are doing phone bank events this weekend. Like Michelle said, pick up the phone and call to find out how to help. I submitted my ballot immediately. The Dems know as soon as you vote. They'll re-focus resources on other voters.
  2. I recommend Trump switch from the MAGA cap to a Diddy straw hat. The young ladies love a straw hat, sir. Besides a Diddy pardon I see a Eric Adams pardon. I can imagine it. Treated very unfair. No one was hurt by what he did.
  3. I appreciate how the Harris team captured the spirit of the Al Smith Dinner event, especially the fact-checking bit. Of course all or most of that is lost on Trump, and most of MAGA. Harris achieved the goal doing the Fox interview. She knows what to say. She knows his type
  4. The lamestream media has never been kind to the Dems. Back in 2015 they questioned Hillary's health as if she might be fading. Corporate media loves to kiss GOP @ss. They won't expose Trump's health issues. Kristi Noehm is barely qualified to turn letters on Wheel of Fortune.
  5. May I just say, with all due respect, how much Kristi ( grab me by the pussy ) Noem was behaving like an assisted living nurse, trying to navigate Trump through the last 30 minutes of that town hall last night! She missed her calling. It's never too to late, South Dakota, to try a Governor that knows shit about governing.
  6. Is back up. No explanation posted.
  7. Is their Website down? https://www.companyofmen.org/ This community is not available Please contact the community owner for assistance. C2 Update, now says ........🤔 503 Service Unavailable No server is available to handle this request.
  8. Don't know why effing EweToob thinks I want to see Trump's ad, but geez King Baby's comb-over looks like a disaster in today's ad where he claims the Dems have all the money blah blah blah.
  9. The role of social media and "big data" may mean that superspreaders will continue to haunt us long after Trump is hunched over his walker, and/or confined to prison. Trump used terms like “drain the swamp,” “crooked Hillary,” “deep state” and “lock her up." Yet those terms were invented by the likes of British enterprise Cambridge Analytica and Steve Bannon who was associated with them. Hopefully the messages of truth and joy will overpower the pathogens, though I worry how in the future we'll be able to hear the truth. Perhaps the world will come to understand that leaders that partner with the likes of Cambridge Analytica (now defunct but replaced by others), and that try to control the news media, ultimate goal is to enrich themselves at our expense. Chinese billionaire and associate of Steve Bannon arrested in $1 billion fraud conspiracy, officials say Who is Guo Wengui, the Chinese billionaire who owns the boat Steve Bannon was arrested on?
  10. Post debate Harris-Walz ad on the GOP election denial
  11. Russia Russia Russia
  12. Neil Cavuto "breaking news" on Fox refered to Smith's filing revealing the J6 crimes that Trump committed. Oh dear!! Poor Donnie spanked by Fox. I'm hoping for a Sextober surprise. A third E Jean Caroll defamation suit could still happen. With a serial predator like King Baby there are likely more stories waiting to come out. There are plenty of Miss Teen Universe rumors. We hear about Epstein's yacht and Epstein's Island, what debauchery went on with underage females. Yet the lamestream media has historically killed stories about sex crimes. Remember Ronan Farrow getting fired by NBC? The court document below is disturbing. Fair warning.
  13. Yesterday, in Wisconsin, the sunbathing thing. WTF is wrong with him?
  14. I agree, by now most voters are fed up with the judicial process trying to prosecute Trump. Whether any of Smith's brief is redacted will be decided by Chutkin sometime after October 10th. There will be unpled charges not heard before according to the lamestream media. Those are probably where they will focus their reporting. The Dems won't complain about another legal bump for Trump but I doubt the lamestream media will make much of it after cashing in on the initial teasing for viewers and clicks.
  15. A Swedish short. Love this! The Night Train. One of the leads was in the beginning of Mary & George...
  16. Remember when the lamestream media and his own Party drove Al Franklin to resign over some silly photo? Has the corporate media asked why the Lt. Governor of N.C. shouldn't resign for evidence far more agregious than a silly photo? Fvck NBC Fvck CBS Fvck ABC Fvck CNN I am so done watching corporate news media. There are way better sources of political knowledge. That said, I expect the Dems are not complaining how the GOP has come up with another cycle of questionable candidates. This was 3 years ago.
  17. Tis true. He is the one that will fix America and make the economy so great, like never before. He knows how to create better health care and fix Housing and Education. He is the only honest voice out there, the one to trust. He's Lincoln, MLK, and Jesus rolled into one amazing man. And if the MAGA faithful lose bigly with DJT stock, it will have been rigged!! So unfair, like the world has ever seen. (The above was entirely tongue in cheek. Anyone that lost their ass owning DJT is a sad, cult member, that got hosed by King Baby)
  18. MAGA cult believer should have sold. But you didn't sell.....YOU DIDN'T SELL.
  19. Studies indicated that higher death rates due to COVID occurred among Republicans compared to Democrats, after arrival of vaccines. Specifically, Pro Trump areas tended to reject the COVID vaccine and as a result suffer higher death rates. With total deaths at 1,200,000+, one might wonder if one outcome of COVID has been to diminish Trump's chances in the election, assuming the death rate for anti-vaccine/anti-mask population means more Trump voters died unnecessarily vs. Harris voters. https://www.npr.org/2023/07/25/1189939229/covid-deaths-democrats-republicans-gap-study
  20. The Supreme Court could rule with no clear winner (thanks to GOP shenanigans) that the House of Representatives shall decide. Everyone needs to be working right now to elect Blue candidates to Congress. Even with a Blue wave the House could still elect Trump.
  21. ....and who could forget the Kremlin's useful idiot inviting two of the best Rooskie's into the Oval Office https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-says-had-apos-absolute-151000754.html
  22. Trump certainly enjoyed the anal tongue bath Benjamin Netanyahu gave him during his presidential visit to Israel. He always praised Jewish employees at his casinos, how one can trust them to count the money, never the blacks. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. WAPO article And Jared. What about Jared? Trump doesn't get it, why Jewish people don't feel the love. 🤨
  23. The alleged new gal pal Bettina Anderson with her brothers. 😛 She is so young vs. Kimberly. So yeah, the poor dear.
  24. Maybe Trump should try humping Israel's flag nicely at his rallies.
  25. Pootie-Poo will sacrifice everything before losing. His power and untold wealth makes Trump's heart go pitty-pat. How long until the Kr3ml!n stops fucking around and figures it out? But back to the OP, Amy Walter of the Cook Report recommends not worrying too much about polling. It's not worth it. Based on history one might see she has a good point.
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