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Everything posted by Pete1111

  1. Original post video was removed. Trying again, but over time this has been a trend, to remove it from YouTube. Quite a poignant short film in Swedish Here with Spanish subtitles.
  2. US banks and New York ultimately admitted he is unprincipled, but to address @Suckrates, how King Baby gets away with holding rallys where he promises to fix everything, it is his followers, like the couple from Omaha on CNN, or the healthcare worker from Ohio interviewed by NYT, that are being fooled. They do not focus on news of his faults. They are low information voters unaware of the facts. Yes Trump is a lying, rapist, felon, but perhaps it's the historically unprincipled nature of GOP politics that Trump has taken to the next level. Bush got it wrong. You can fool them again.... and again and again.
  3. The total revenue compares to two Starbucks stores. So who the heck his pumping this penny stock so high? Anyone? Comrades? Trump must be filling his coffers with billions.
  4. He convinced big banks to loan him money. He swindled New York out of taxes he should have paid. It seems he is good at hiding how unprincipled he is. Voters and so many others are easily fooled. All that matters to him is money and feeding his ego, .....oh and giving a nice blowie to Pootski.
  5. Rollins could have won in 2022 if Dems got out the vote. Rollins' campaign is trying to change that this time. Vote Blue Everyone vote!
  6. ..and speaking of Lichtman, I watched Lichtman live tonight. I love the father/son dynamic Dr. Lichtman and his son have. FYI they will be doing a marathon vlog live on Tuesday ❤️
  7. No way. Shoot your victory shot. I only concede that after Harris wins and King Baby is in jail, we still know what we're up against.
  8. This is a well done, poignant, short film with contrasting themes. It's pretty short. Worth a watch. I watched it today on Kanopy. Seems to be on Dekkoo also. A short trailer, below.
  9. I've thought a lot about this, how the world is moving away from democracy, towards rule by the super rich. Too many countries are run by super rich people now. Sometimes I wonder how the pie will be divided when we have a King running our show. Will there be enough boat slips to park all of their fucking mega yachts? Get ready to roll up your sleeves and pay for that. How will enough people at the top of the pyramid remain satisfied? How will they all deal with each other, competing for what they think should be their share? Will they be able to soak the worker bees for money fast enough to remain satisfied? The corrupt legal system will likely be less and less helpful for a fair resolution to disputes. Who will have the King's ear? Will folks start falling out of windows like they do in Russia? Will the office of tariffs be created for transactional favors? What will the Federalist Society think about the new order? Will they even matter any longer? Will Project 2025 successfully re-define and tear apart how our government has been working? How the New York Times has failed us again, not protecting democracy, not endorsing Harris, harkens back to their podcast about undecided voters, the healthcare worker in Ohio I referred to above, that was worried about our healthcare system and her children's education, so she leans towards Trump, or the CNN piece on voters in Omaha, a couple that leans towards Trump because Trump is willing to tell the truth. Yeah. So that's where we are. The 4th estate which once was respected and powerful, has become something else over the last 30 years. It's sad.
  10. When people in the healthcare industry with young kids lean towards Trump because they think he is the better choice on healthcare and education, makes one question how the lamestream media has failed us. Better how? Little follow up or fact checking is offered.
  11. I do like Residente a lot but IMO Taylor Swift brings the best chance of drawing voters. She writes some good songs too. Will be interesting to see if Puerto Rican voters in the swing states got engaged. Here's hoping Lichtman is correct, Harris wins, Trump goes to jail, and misinformation about immigrants ends.
  12. The Dems are flawed that way, especially the wild-eyed, ranting, liberal gays. 🙃 e.g. Inner city blacks didn't necessarily favor BLM. Of course, fewer and fewer Latino and black voters favor Dems. Today the Dems are hoping the kerfuffle over the Puerto Rico joke at the MSG Trump rally could harvest Dem votes from Puerto Rican voters, especially after the major Puerto Rican entertainment super stars complained about the joke. But really, how many Bad Bunny or Residente fans are even registered to vote? Show me the data Steven. 😉 I have doubts. Back to immigrants, conservatives in the UK Parliament, their version of Marjorie Taylor Green, have blamed murders on immigrants. Sounds familiar, but sounds more like campaign fodder invented by Cambridge Analytica and the like. The alarming murders making the news in LA are committed by mentally unstable homeless people or people on hallucinogens, not immigrants, yet we have a large immigrant population. The thing I liked most about the Will Ferrell song is how the narrative reminds that immigrants are the future, just like the son of immigrants that founded Nvidia.
  13. Lyrics You studied hard, you did your best Filled out the forms and passed the test Now you're part of a land that's so God-blessed Starting today, you're American There's corn dogs and apple pie Fireworks lighting up the sky Nascar, rodeo, barbecue That stuffs American Now, so are you We've got our presidents and our laws I think it's time to mention our flaws We're a real big country with real big problems We're kinda hoping you can help us solve them Televangelists and fossil fuels Metal detectors in all our schools Private prisons and Mountain Dew That stuffs American Now, they're your problem, too Student debt and CTE The war on drugs, Scientology Boeing Airlines, and Ted fucking Cruz They're all American Now, so are you Nowadays, it's harder to be free Hard to be the country that we oughta be You weren't born here, you volunteered To join your fate to the great And the just plain weird (just plain weird) So get ready for it Truck nuts and jetski tricks SantaCon and food on sticks Thousands of medical bankruptcies Plantation weddings and Chuck E Cheese Big Gulps and LL Bean Tornadoes, Spirit Halloween Holy shit, I just remembered the Coup That's just American We sure ain't perfect, but here's to the fight The brightest future is the one you'll write Wherever you come from, wherever you roam Fellow Americans (fellow Americans) Fellow Americans, welcome home **Reprise:** Truck nuts Plantation weddings and Chuck E Cheese Holy shit, I just remembered the Coup I thought the "just plain weird" line was "just plain queer". 😆 Wishful thinking. Great song though!
  14. John Oliver did a sanity check tonight on immigration, naturalization and Lee Greenwood and topped it off with a new naturalization theme... My election denier brother loves Mt. Dew
  15. It's on Prime on the States. https://watch.amazon.com/detail?gti=amzn1.dv.gti.12b55241-b7a1-bd83-5b81-aac1117d2dfd&ref_=atv_dp_share_mv&r=web And YouTube
  16. Longwell is also family. She is so practical and helps reign in Tim and others from driving into the ditch. I love Longwell's podcasts with George Conway. And speaking of cute (Sam Stein) I just ran across a vlog with Lichtman's son. 😍 But back to being serious, I'm glad you haven't drunk the koolaide!
  17. Steven I worry how much time you spend with Halperin that you'll end up drinking their koolade. I honestly feel like I need a hot soapy shower after watching them. Sean Spicer? No thank you. That said I admit I'm hooked on watching the anti Trumpers at The Bulwark, a Republican center-right and anti-Trump conservative news and opinion website, and YouTube vlog. I really like their publisher, Sarah Longwell, a clever pundit. She has been working her tail of trying to make a difference. I also like their managing editor Sam Stein who is closer to center, and kinda cute. Here is Sam on the right with Tim Miller a never Trumper Republican that worked for Jeb Bush. Tim has really been losing it, how hypocritical so many Republicans are about Trump. Sam is keeping it together somehow. Tim and Sarah have been outspoken how too many Republicans are not admitting Trump is a dangerous fool that needs to be defeated. According to Sarah, right now Michigan is in the bag for Harris. Another vlogger I follow, David Feldman is convinced Pennsylvania is going for Harris. Still another vlogger and pundit I follow, Simon Rosenberg remains encouraged Harris will win. So although we all feel as exasperated as @Suckrates does that our country is so close to fucking up our democracy, we can't give up. Everybody do whatever you can!! Every day. I am.
  18. It is available on Amazon Prime in the States. Also for purchase on Apple TV, YouTube and others. Yes it is called Perfect Human in Europe, eg Germany.
  19. Life Like is a futuristic sci-fi kind of movie. I thought it was a decent movie, especially the eye candy, including some erotic elements. You can watch it on TubiTv and make up your mind. https://tubitv.com/movies/100026125/life-like
  20. Undecided voters see what's going on. Kamala's campaign is bringing it every day. Trump is melting down. I'd rather be us than them. Don't believe the red polls. Everyone, hang in there and do all you can.
  21. Trump longs for what Palmer had and so does Melania.
  22. Have the Dems focused energy on the black vote while leaving none for the Hispanic vote? That was my impression 4 years ago. They seemed clueless. Just like their using PASSWORD for their password in 2016? Not knowing or giving proper thought how to protect all the assets. Mexico just elected President Claudia Sheinbaum. If the Dems were on their game they could get creative within Mexican American audiences, vlogs, radio, etc to focus on our future with these two women. I suppose there are laws against Sheinbaum being directly involved but not against using her image.
  23. Has Lichtman offered any recent comment? The Democrats use their own data for guidance and pay less attention to much of the independent polling. Russia hacked their data in 2016 and handed it to the Trump crime family. That had to be a factor in the final outcome in 2016 vs. 2020. The Democrats have a much better look this cycle, much better than the MAGA clowns. Nobody wants to bet wrong, but there is a sense among some of my Vlogs that Harris will either win a close one or possibly a landslide. As far as the Senate, it would be awesome for an upset in Florida or Texas. I am counting on Osborne winning in Nebraska. Would be interesting with Osborne and Sanders in the Senate and Walz presiding.
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