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Everything posted by Pete1111

  1. I recall Mattis was the one in the Cabinet that refused to profess fealty to the President, and instead mentioned his duty to those serving in uniform. Here is discussion of Woodward's book, that Mattis recognized how dangerous Trump was to the Country.
  2. Especially murdering journalists. Seems to be a trend.
  3. My understanding of the Putin model is how opposition eventually grows tired of resisting and arguing against the corrupt leader. Quit Facebook. My thought for the day.
  4. What drew them to the city of brotherly love? Perhaps a happy alternative to LA LA Land and NYC.
  5. His twin brother has cerebral palsy. He has made big money investing in Uber, Spotify, etc. From Cedar Rapids. Married to Mila Kunis. Seems like a decent guy.
  6. Jim Clyburn's grandson Walter Clyburn Reed backed Pete's campaign and recently tweeted how Buttigieg would make a great chief of staff. And though it is off topic, I must say Walter Clyburn Reed is cute AF.
  7. All these sources coordinating the story about Trump makes no more sense than the worldwide deep state conspiracy to undermine POTUS. The Atlantic has already admitted there is more to come.
  8. As John Lovett said, the WH knows this is bad, bad, bad, bad. https://mobile.twitter.com/jonlovett/status/1301711229476429826 https://mobile.twitter.com/PeteButtigieg/status/1302616512046477312
  9. Come on Feel the Illinoise!
  10. Kentucky Derby 1973
  11. I'm not really responding to your post either other than to admit that my Miss Cleo comment is a stretch. She wasn't really Jamaican, just played one on TV, and she left planet earth in 2016, so unless someone can reach her in the hereafter it wouldn't be prudent to compare the perfessor's predictions to her's at this juncture. That said, I don't see his methods taking into account inferior campaigning ability, eg the post that reminded 'tis better to protect votes from being flipped. Hillary discovered too late that Wisconson, etc. were being flipped. Worst of all, effects of how fake news was weaponized against Hillary on social media, and how similar initiatives are underway now, is beyond his methodology. Back to Minnesota, CNN interviewd a blond female 2016 Trump voter from the MPLS suburbs on the news last night. She discussed her concern that Biden has lost a few steps mentally and is not fit for the Oval Office. Shitty unbalanced reporting, I thought. Yet there are lots of folk like her thereabouts. Minnesota is not a slam dunk for Biden, in my uneducated opinion.
  12. I believe in his methods about as much as I believe that Jamaican fortune teller, Miss Cleo. For now, I predict Wisconsin and Ohio will vote for Trump, and possibly Michigan. Some predict Arizona and Florida will swing Blue. Seems like Biden needs that.
  13. Me, I was raised thinking that a huge deficit leads to inflation and worse. And really, when some people in my town pay $1,000,000 for a 1800 square foot home, while other people live along the river because housing is too expensive, perhaps the point has already been proven, how the cost of housing and many other things has gone sky high. That said, as long as the rest of the world believes our currency is the best currency (Trump still hasn't fucked that up) then perhaps we can continue to party like it's 1999. What O'Donnell was getting at was the equivalent of click bait by twisting the facts. In the end, Mayor Pete would probably agree with you.
  14. I was scolding MSNBC's Lawrence O. Buttigieg was stating a fact that Dems weren't talking about deficits. O'Donnel tried to build a case against the comment and Buttigieg. But O'Donnell had twisted the facts. No candidate was talking about deficits. That O'Donnell went after Pete was BS and seemed contrived. That was near the end of my watching MSNBC and NBC. They ought to do a better job of at least appearing agenda-free. It's insulting. As far as Lichtman, I am not convinced his methodology is the perfect predictor of who will end up in the WH, for example Gore v Bush, he picked Gore. Michael Moore also predicted a Trump win. His methodology was entirely different than Lichtman and up until COVID he warned Trump might win again. I'm worried too.
  15. Back in the previous century we had something called encyclopedias. My family had a set of World Book encyclopedias, and would also receive something called a Year Book covering the highlights of news, science, sports and so on that occurred during the prior year. We also had a room with maps on the wall, our home state, the United States and the World maps. I would spend time looking at the maps and then research in our encyclopedias about various places. Back then we also had what was called an Almanac, with more facts and figures one could research. As far as regular books, I recall a few that my aunt gave us but I was not a huge reader of fiction until I got a job at the public library during high school. I do recall a favorite book on weather phenomenon, such as famous lightning, tornado, and flood events. Of course that was well before weather and storm chasing became such a widespread hobby.
  16. For the 40% that love Trump, yes it is difficult to believe so many, including friends and coworkers, support the man, until I remind myself that these people read Breitbart and worse, and watch Fox news and the newer channels that are even further to the right of Fox. I also have those types of acquaintances that believe in conspiracy theories. I even find myself slipping into beliefs of conspiracy, that we are groomed by the media to believe a certain Dem candidate is anointed as having the right stuff, where certain segments of the media are willing to shoot form the hip to vilify anyone that steps out of line. Example below. But for now, all must do the right things to defeat Trump. Anyone willing to continually trash Biden or Harris is suspect, IMO.
  17. He's higher on the list than Steve Bannon.
  18. A liberal use of that contemptuous term for a blacks posted from that account does not fool, no matter if referring to the cuisine at Cracker Barrel or quoting a previous president, the agenda is not too clever, and is not appreciated. I wish it would stop, personally, Besides, one can find audio of Nixon saying worse.
  19. That someone in this thread would encourage most of us to not bother voting is very telling.
  20. Don't mean to interrupt TassJ arguments against Harris but could I quickly mention..... Yesterday COVID deaths: France: 18 Australia: 14 Spain: 12 UK: 11 Japan: 10 Germany: 8 Canada: 5 USA: 1,120 Just so we're mindful of priorities and ..........agendas?
  21. Our beautiful suburbs will be no more. What an oaf! Is he the worst f*cking campaigner? No wonder he needs to cheat to win. Will we ever learn what Senator Blumenthal was warning about last week, Russia's attempt to interfere with the election? The linked article mentions how they sow discord in our media and that they deploy fake individuals on line to divide our political will. Who knows, perhaps there are 1 or 2 or more even here on this forum. Wouldn't that be a surprise!!
  22. Good point. How the production decided who and when certain candidates were tracked. That the SF Chronicle was upset by the politics of boys in Texas doesn't make this a bad movie. I did wonder if the American Legion has considered a similar event for girls or whether keeping the event for boys only still makes sense. SPOILER @@@@@@@@@@@ The dirty tricks and the false narrative used by the Federalists against the Nationalists and how the Federalists treated their own chair was a sad reflection of real world politics. That many of the conservatives boys still supported LGBTQ rights was encouraging. What gave hope was the Nationalist candidate, that the American dream carried on and also how a candidate can understand the workings of compromise while remaining true to his beliefs and genuine in how he addresses his constituents. A lot of the boys were inspired by that. Needed kleenex at the end.
  23. In her Bernie video she admits NO candidate is perfect. Yet her hatred of Biden and Harris makes me think she is OK with more Trump She does not represent all young black people. I'm through with being schooled about "black people". Seriously!
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