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Everything posted by Pete1111

  1. The right to free speech relates to governments silencing our expression. Even then, there are limits to the information shared. One doesn't have freedom to yell "fire" in a crowded theater or to publish kiddie porn. All kinds of private sector entities are kicking Trump to the curb. I'd say it is Trump that is on a slippery slope.
  2. For the most part, it followed the stage production. Enjoyed it. Kleenex needed.
  3. Inquiring minds.
  4. I love them all, but Sam Pancake is my fave.
  5. A plug for the Golden Girlz Live show coming up on the 31st. I love their live show at The Cavern Club Theater. Hopefully the streamed production will be a winner.
  6. The live show was moving and a sought after ticket when it played here. I would have seen it again but sold out. I hope the film does it justice. Looking forward to seeing it.
  7. I'm totally ok, more than ok, I love her Vogue look .
  8. I'm like a lot of people that lost interest in The Walking Dead soon after Steven Yeun's character Glenn Rhee was killed off. Glenn was a key original character. The writers should have done better. He's awesome. But this post is about an award winning movie he stars in, Minari, which will hit theaters in February and will stream at some point. Looks great! (It's an American film.)
  9. Life is easier when yer stoopid.
  10. I watched Honey Boy because Wes Anderson mentioned it was good. I appreciate all the performances but had a hard time enjoying the film. Perhaps one has to be in a certain frame of mind.
  11. So yeah, it appears the 1st step will be impeachment. Two Congressmen, a Taiwanese American immigrant and a gay Jewish/Italian dude wrote the article of impeachment against Mein Trump. You think it rubs salt in his wounds that it's these two that drafted the article?
  12. With COVID and with the riot, Biden ought to take care how the inauguration is carried out. But yeah he is going to get inaugurated.
  13. I am convinced who will prevail. Sounds like we'll see something later this year but haven't seen a date.
  14. The best part of it for me was how the movie is shot. Many very poignant shots. I especially love the very first scene and the very last, and also when they went to Penghu Island. I liked this movie quite a bit! Anyone that knows or imagines how it was back in the 80s, being sweet on another boy. The stigma. Difficult! Probably more so in Taiwan. We could have a thread on that, the crazy shit some of us went through coming out to ourselves and falling for another boy. There is a director version coming with 40 minutes that Netflix cut out. For example, some clips in the trailer aren't included in the Netflix cut. The downside is the English subtitles aren't perfect and some key plot points aren't all that clear unless you chat with someone that is Chinese and knows how their alphabet works. Still, I fill in the gaps knowing what the director intended, what he went through himself, as some of us did too, way back when. The two leads are very good and easy on the eyes. This still is from the movie, and is included in the Netflix cut.
  15. The crack in our democratic reputation was at first visible when SCOTUS handed the presidency to Bush. But yeah, the Trump presidency has accelerated the weakening in carrying out our principles of democracy, and then today it appeared the bottom sort of fell out. Huzzah for Repbulicans Mitch Romney and Adam Kinzinger for telling it like it is today. They are a silver lining in a dark Republican cloud.
  16. I hope the Cabinet can act quickly.
  17. The Dems must find a way to keep the Stacey Abrams energy alive and definitely show her some love and give her and GA credit for the big save.
  18. Yes, watching the returns was nerve wracking! But worth it. This means Little Marco, Ted Cruz, Moscow Mitch, and LindseyBell can all sit down. The image, from Britannica, may be copywrite material, is used here under Fair Use legal policy.
  19. I recall gay.com went public near the end of the dot com boom. The stock did poorly. There was finger pointing that the board and the executive failed to perform. At one point Bill Gates bought a piece of the company to help out, bless his heart. But the stock never recovered. If or when it delisted, I was no longer paying attention. I visited their chatrooms, but eventually spent most of my time on another site, mygaydar.com which I believe was a British Site. They had a radio stream with dj host that was cool. And they had a chat area a lot of guys used for hooking up. Eventually the gay.com site failed to evolve and the domain was bought by another gay media enterprise.
  20. Listen until the end!
  21. I didn't spend much time in the porn threads, but more in the Think I'll Have Asian thread,. Maybe that WAS a porn thread. I still don't navigate across the forum well. Sad to see those Asian images go. My posts there were not porn. I admit the images originally did belong to someone. I did not realize the problems that might cause. I wish there was a way to overcome this. So many beautiful Asian men images were shared.
  22. That he received so many votes is certainly amazing, but is no reason to applaud him. He only knows how to cheat and take, and not how to run anything. No I can't waste any time admiring anything about him but rather grieve how Americans still vote for him, and how the GOP puppets still line up to support him. Anyway, back to the topic. To the original post, the rhetorical question whether blacks deserve to be shot I might add (in the back.). Or I might add why are these cops shooting to kill? Is this what they're taught in police school or does it represent the lack of value for human life?
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