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Everything posted by Pete1111

  1. Ah, OK, I viewed the YouTube video in the original post. I might have done that from the start! Now I'm on board. Interesting topic. It does seem like a very much needed product marketing.
  2. Chloe Zhou's acceptance for Best Director was so moving. It was the highlight for me. There were some awful acceptance speeches too. Considering what the pandemic has wrought, the show did OK. I liked their use of Union Station as the venue. I was excited to hear about the new Academy Museum opening this year.
  3. Interesting to hear him talk about man visiting Mars in 20 years.
  4. Interesting to know. I never thought about what happens with the monthly cycle as the transition goes forward.
  5. That reminds me, the PS gathering relied on that Website. I wonder what the future will bring for that annual event.
  6. The trailer looks great! Is the movie as good? I'll give it a watch. Thanks TotallyOz.
  7. Half a banana and a few walnut pieces.
  8. Yes, QAF Showtime was a phenomenon back then how there'd been nothing like it on US television. What interests me is having Russell Davies involved. Would be cool if the reboot included Russell Tovey. He's worked on other Davies projects.
  9. From memory, I recall the LGBTQ community claimed the Milwaukee police were not diligent enough concerning J. Dahmer because the warnings were from gay men, mostly asian and black. Vanity Fair published a Peter Lance article on Doris Duke, why she escaped punishment, in the July/August 2020 issue. Interesting read.
  10. My gay friends meet me on Zoom. I miss joining with them for social events, coffee, dinner, etc. So much time gone by. Gay life in LA is like everything else. One relies on streaming events. I follow an improv group and a comedy troupe that have produced some nice shows on line. When I think about the time lost, I grieve a little. Everyone looks forward to opening back up.
  11. Not sure what counts as "1st gay experience" I was 19 or 20. Thought I was in love with my friend. When you're young one really doesn't know what love is. But when I think about him now I remember how it was. Was before internet porn. I knew very little about sex. I was certainly drawn to him and wished I could hold him all night long. We lived on the same floor in our college dorm. Back then there were few guys that made my heart go pitter-pat. John did. I was in lust with him for sure and was very sweet on him. Back then guys wore short gym shorts. His were tomato soup red and made his ass look so pretty, not that I knew what to do about it. I became aware that guys penetrated each other, yes, but I had little awareness of it, that it would feel good. I was very closeted and afraid of being gay, so in my mind I wasn't mindful of being sexual. In a sense I was in denial, yet my eyes knew what I liked, what filled my heart with lust. One night we were sitting on the couch in his room, watching TV. He reclined to snooze, his head pointed away from me. We might have smoked some weed. I drew John's feet across my lap. I wanted John to stretch his legs out across me. I began stroking his calves and then his thighs. John didn't react. My desire overcame fear. I slid my hand higher, inside his gym shorts, feeling his butt. Was so exciting. Eventually I reached around and brushed my hand against his jock. In the dark I saw his head turn and look at me. I stopped. Shortly after that I went back to my room. I was not good at processing so many cues from John. College boys dish out so much teasing and BS. But now I see how much John really wanted to be sexual with me and that he was sweet on me too. In retrospect, he must have had experience, probably with the same neighbor boy that visited campus once to drive John home. He wanted to try with me. We ended up in similar situations two more times. But by the time I was coming out to myself, he had moved on to getting with girls. He still thinks about me. I got an email from him not long ago. I'll always remember my John.
  12. I enjoyed him and so sorry to see the news. He was very well regarded at the other Forum. But I'd only observed and interacted with him here. Had he transitioned out of the Daddy forum?
  13. https://youtu.be/LvCeIXnJv-w
  14. I am aware of two people, both F to M transitioned, where they identified their sexuality, who they are drawn to, had changed. After transitioning, each liked men. Before, they had each liked women. To me, sexuality is so interesting and mysterious. In college there were several guys that showed interest in me but ended up family men, with wife and kids. One could say they were curious. But they were definitely drawn to me, my body. As a boy I liked looking at naked pics in Playboy, large breasted women. They excited me. But by the time I was 14 I was becoming drawn to guys. Perhaps as a boy if I'd seen beautiful, seductive pictures of men, that would have excited me. I think so.
  15. Megan Kelly looked so swept away by the gaslighting. I bet she wished she'd brought the strap on to take care of that Texas b!tch Cruz, and let him know when it's time to shut up, by delivering a good backdoor pounding.
  16. I didn't think I could hate Ted Cruz as much as i hate Lindsey Graham, but now it's pretty close.
  17. A24 Screening Room sells a limited number of tickets each day. They've been selling out. None currently available. Looks like in theaters in NYC.
  18. Same here. I donated to her initiative. I hope the Dems figure it out, what she is doing.
  19. Received 3 SAG Award nominations, including best film ensemble.
  20. Yes I did enjoy it a lot. A movie I have watched a number of times.
  21. Thank you for the heads up. Looks good. Have you seen the Indian movie LOEV, on Netflix?
  22. Do the Rebubs adopt their "unity" sound bite from the same place they adopted their "deep state", "fake news" and "Rosa Parks" references? Cambridge Analytica inputs? Ted Cruz seems like pure evil. Are we fools for even paying attention to their malarkey? The likes of Little Marco, Moscow Mitch, and LintzeeBelle Graham have proven their disingenuous nature too often. As far as their band of insurrectionists..... That's right. Lock'em up
  23. That Fazebuk is blamed for being complicit in inciting Genocide in Myanmar should have been a wake up call to social media how far from ideal we are.
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