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Everything posted by Pete1111

  1. Thank God for Val Demings wanting idiot Gym Jordan to STFU. John Boehner: said about Jim Jordan "I just never saw a guy who spent more time tearing things apart – never building anything, never putting anything together.”
  2. Born October 4, 1941 New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S. Died December 11, 2021 Rancho Mirage, California, U.S. Anne Rice's son announced her passing on Twitter, complications from a stroke. I remember as a Gayby, how excited I was to read Interview with the Vampire. and The Vampire Lestat.
  3. Fair Haven was released 5 years ago. A good, gay flick. Now streaming on YouTube.
  4. An interesting comment Buttigieg made about the film "why wasn't there more policy?" The Tin Man comment came from his own campaign people. Is that kind of a brutal thing to say, the Tin Man having no heart?
  5. Watched Jimmy O. Yang on Prime last night, his stand up show Good Deal. Funny. Vanity Fair has a recent piece on him. "It's Time to Fall in Love With Jimmy O. Yang".
  6. I am scheduled for my Moderna booster today. I still wear a mask at work and in public. Will the new variants coupled with holiday events cause infections to rise? It's worrisome.
  7. 40,000 books that the "publisher" claims have been written about the assasination amounts to approximately 700 per year. Whole lotta books.
  8. We know how gay men can't resist spoiling, whether a movie ending or assassination plot.
  9. Outside the courthouse here in LA was quite a scene. These folks must really take it to heart, Britney's plight. The ones interviewed on the news really seemed a bit off the wall though, on par with QAnon adherents.
  10. The film has been reposted. Check it out while you can.
  11. Sorry, the video has been protected. Here is a trailer if curious.
  12. Harold and Kumar movies have been a secret vice of mine. Kal Penn and John Cho were a perfect duo. (I luv John Cho. 💖) I was delighted to read that Kal Penn has come out.
  13. Very well done short from Sweden. I recommend it. Share your thoughts. ❤
  14. Operation Hyacinth , a crime thriller on Netflix. There are plot twists and more. A very good movie out of Poland. Don't watch the trailers. They all stink IMO, and also spoil too much. It is not a "gay movie" per se, but there is gay subject matter.
  15. I remember when the allegation made the news, and having a sense it could easily be BS.
  16. Sorry everyone. Looks like that was just a rumor. Ryan Guzman may not be cast afterall. 😒
  17. An update, Lin Manuel Miranda is producing a movie based on the prequel. Awesome. If you've read it, you remember Dr Charles. Ryan Guzman will play Dr. Charles 💗💗
  18. Would love to hear Patrick Stewart read that poem. ❤️
  19. Casting a woman as James Bond seems like a stretch to me. 😉 Matt Bomer could do fine in that role. But I doubt the Bond brand would pick an out gay actor.
  20. I knew for sure before 18 that I liked guys. It frightened me a lot. So, at 18, I would tell myself something along the lines of It Gets Better. I came out to my family in my mid 20s and joined a gay group at work. Then I volunteered to take part in a newspaper interview that sampled several companies in the city, what it is like to be gay in corporate America. It was one of those things where I look back and go "what was I thinking?" 🤣 But before that, I had a really hard time dealing with internalized homophobia and the fear of admitting I was gay. It really affected me. So i would try to tell myself to that yes, it does get better, and to try changing my outlook on things.
  21. In two weeks, the sequel to Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe will release. I ordered my copy from my local independent bookstore. I am especially excited because the audiobook will once again be read by Lin-Manuel Miranda. He did a terrific job (of course) reading the first book, a truly poignant, enlightening tale about two Mexican American boys in El Paso. Some call it a love story for young adults, but it is so much more.
  22. Ah, good point, JKane. I'll put Dune in my reading queue. That has been true for me with a recent LGBTQ movie that people were wild about. I already loved the book. But the movie was a "miss" for me.
  23. @JKane, How fortunate you connected with that book club. The Internet knew to find you! I'm glad you commented on the book. I definitely wanted to know if you'd recommend reading it. Thank you!
  24. Mary Renault's birthday was this weekend. Born in 1905. "Truly your journey has been blessed and here it ends."
  25. I watch reruns of Love Boat and am always amazed how many old stars they scooped up to come aboard!
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