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Everything posted by Thomas_88

  1. No, not double but three, five times or more. Guys who can do it don't stop after "only" two times...
  2. If a guy cums inside a bottoms ass & starts again without pulling out, does it have a name?
  3. It were the settings in my Apple-devices that blocked the adult sites, nevertheless Belgian internet companies will block adult sites (very) soon.
  4. Belgian internet companies (including mobile internet via cell networks) block adult sites (including RentMen) so it could be useful to do "research" before visiting Brussels/Belgium. This could be one of my last posts becuase the internet companies are blocking more sites every day & I didn't find a solution to unblock the adult sites yet.
  5. If I'm right there are no overhaad lines in this station but many people don't know this I think: if you're close to an overhead line, you can be electrocuted, even when you don't touch the overhead lines.
  6. https://www.romeo.com/hunq/DoneBoy
  7. Just looked, maybe two minutes ago & there were indeed many guys in or very near (five miles or less) in Sofia.
  8. Yes, in my opinion same sex marriage is a succes: https://www-cbs-nl.translate.goog/nl-nl/nieuws/2021/13/20-jaar-na-invoering-homohuwelijk-20-duizend-homo-echtparen-in-nederland?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=nl&_x_tr_pto=wapp Most gay couples remained married the last twenty years, divorce rates are lower compared to straight marriages, I think because because more people are "forced" into straight marriage. In the Low Lands, over forty thousand gay men entered into committed relationships.
  9. When we decided to marry (almost) twenty years ago, it really felt like pioneering. We didn't know any other married gay couples in real life. Especially the first years, when people saw my wedding ring, they thought I was married to a woman. This isn't a rant at all, it's just how it probably was for the first married gay couples.
  10. If someone wants to go in the near feature, maybe one of us could ask on their social media? (Social media links are on the right top of their page: https://www.saunaspases.com/saunathermas/ )
  11. Agreed. In my opinion it would be worse losing my passport compared to a hundred US$. Many years ago I had cargo pants, it's not as safe as a money belt but I think it's safer compared to an overhead locker.
  12. In my opinion that's a top ten fetish: https://www.advocate.com/love-and-sex/2016/3/04/36-fetishes-every-gay-man-should-know#rebelltitem9
  13. In my opinion, it could be fun watching the guys dancing before hooking up.
  14. Thanks for the link. As I thouhgt, there aren't any go go bars.
  15. Hi Old Daddy, You can post your question here: https://www.gayguides.com/forums/forum/4-gay-asia/ but I don't think there are a lot of gogo bars.
  16. The update about Bizzar is that it closed in February ( https://www.facebook.com/bizzarathens/ ) So, there's Samis, updates about their events is on their Fb: https://www.facebook.com/samisbarathens/
  17. Sorry, it's a translation error from me, it's not an idea, I saw it with my own eyes trough a window next to the stairs. Some cinemas put all the reels together, that's why only two technicians were needed in a multiplex with 28 theathres. Here's a pic: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projection_cinématographique#/media/Fichier:Nonrewind.jpg
  18. No, I've seen long films on reels in cinema (Titanic & others) without intermissions. Although, the reels they used were enormous, the size of a Qeensized bed.
  19. Here's the text: "When can I expect an intermission during a performance? With the exception of Kinepolis Hasselt, all Belgian Kinepolis cinemas only include a ten-minute break during long screenings (longer than 2 hours and 15 minutes) and children's and family screenings. Because the Kinepolis audience in Hasselt has always been a warm supporter of intermissions, there will be an intermission in all performances, with the exception of smaller releases for a more select audience. Depending on the wishes of the audience and the nature of the film, sometimes an intermission can be cancelled or inserted."
  20. According to the site of Kinepolis (world's largest cinema chain in revenue) it is their chose to make: https://kinepolis.be/nl/faq-page/programmatie-en-filmaanbod/wanneer-kan-ik-pauze-verwachten-tijdens-een-voorstelling/
  21. Seems Casanova is member of the same "Saunas Grupo Pases" group as Thermas, do you recognize the pics?: https://www.saunaspases.com/saunacasanova/
  22. Is it usual to fuck outside those rooms?
  23. Indeed, I don't understand why some cinemas don't offer that choice.
  24. Bank ATM not the be confused with "Ass To Mouth".
  25. According to their site: https://www.paragonya.ch/en/Prices they have Wifi & Lockable wardrobes. Currency exchange offices are closed nights, Sundays & holidays so I would get money from the ATM. Sometimes you can pay with euros.
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