I’m going to Santo Domingo in January. I have been there a few times in the past and I’ve had Freddy as a guide in the past. Recently his guys haven’t been as hot so I’m excited to hear about Manny. I’ve stayed at Adam Suites before and it’s cool, nothing special but it is a gay hotel and there were always boys waiting outside the building. You can see them from the balcony and if you like what you see you can invite them up to your room. Now it doesn’t really matter where you stay because Uber is super cheap! You can get anywhere in the city for a couple dollars, so look on Air B&B and find something nice outside the colonial zone. I haven’t been to Rio yet but I’ve also done Cuba a few times. I would put Santo Domingo and Cuba on the same level when it comes to the men. I prefer black guys and you will probably find more black guys in DR but there are plenty in Havana as well. Let me know if you have any questions and I’ll help!