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Everything posted by Kevie770

  1. @brockmillerintroduced me to Sky Bar, it’s a nice restaurant with good food and an amazing view. The hostess is a beautiful black woman! I love her! She’s from Minas Gerais I believe, and a pleasure to talk to.
  2. Wow @SolaceSoul completely agree with you. And thank you for your contribution! When my friends went to Ghana last year they all said it felt like “home” that’s how I felt in Salvador. I’m so great full to you @Badboy81@Latbear4blk Tom from 117 and anyone else who has provided information about Salvador. It convinced me to go and experience what has to date been my favorite place in the world. As @brockmiller can attest I am unapologetically and sometimes uncomfortably black. I don’t mind asking and discussing uncomfortable topics when it comes to blackness. And in Salvador every Uber driver, waiter, or anyone I came into contact with that spoke English wanted to discuss the black awakening that is happening all over the world. It was truly magical.
  3. It depends on the country. But it’s really a numbers game. I can send 50 messages if 5 hit then I did well. But usually I target “models”. I will go to an agency I like, message the models I'm interested in most don’t reply but some do. I really find success in the tagged photos. Many amateurs who seem very open to meeting an American. I’ll go to their page like 10+ pics and then I’ll send them a message saying how handsome they are and I request to meet them. I’ve come into contact with GP but also regular guys who would love an boyfriend with American dollars. In the messages I send out I tell them to feel free to block me if not interested. Yesterday I both got blocked and got a WhatsApp number. For me it’s a numbers game.
  4. I have insomnia, so I figured I would give you all the update on Salvador. I flew from Rio to Salvador with LATAM for about $60, booking the ticket five days in advance. I stayed for a little more than two weeks. I stayed in Barra, Rio Vermelho, and Caminho das arvores. Barra was the best location, with bars and restaurants everywhere. CDA was also a good area for food, but it’s not close to anything. RV is a beach neighborhood and has good food as well. I visited five saunas while in Salvador, 4 with made for GP, and one not. All five had GP working. I first went to Club 11, which was by far the only sauna worth going to. While I was there, I made good friends with some of the drag queens. One DQ in particular, I hung out with a lot during my trip. He owns a modeling agency and opened the gate to an entirely different Salvador than what the sauna could offer. I was invited to one of their shoots, where I met some of the most beautiful black men and women around! I came out of that making many good friends. My friend asked me what guys I was interested in, and he made his magic. He was in no way a pimp, but he just enjoyed knowing I was having a good time. We have become good friends, and unlike ppl from SP or Rio, he never asked me for anything. Like I said, Club 11 was the only one worth going to. The club is the most excellent and cleanest of the clubs I went to. All the guys would be considered black in the USA. 60% was a lighter shade, 40% darker. The cost of a program is 80r in house and 150r overnight. I never had anyone ask for more on my overnight offer. All the boys I would consider the “boy next door” type. The guys avg age was prob 20-23, which feels must younger than Rio and def feel younger than SP. I would say about 3/15 guys worked out regularly, but none were overly muscular. All the guys sell! It’s nothing like SP, where you have to introduce yourself to a GP. I don’t like how laid back the GP are at Lagoa; it’s the opposite in Salvador. I love the staff at 11 and the boys. Signus, this sauna is around the corner from the street with all the gay clubs. I went on bingo night when “The Queen of the gays” hosted. It’s a blue house that has a bar, stage, outdoor shower, and rooms. Programs here are 50r. Nothing nice about this place, but the drinks were STRONG and CHEAP! There were a few boys there, but none were my type. I was told that before COVID, the house would be full of guys! Fox, I went here 3 times, and each time it was empty. With no more than 4-5 GP and 4-5 customers. Uber is extremely cheap, so it would cost less than $5 going between clubs despite their distance. 13, this club was also empty. 4 GP and 5 customers. None of the guys were my type. The boys did not get naked and everyone wore a mask. I only went here once. Once we left the club we went to the beach down the street. The beach was LIT! It had many young gays outside drinking and having a good time. I was taken in as the token black American. I was repeatedly told this is NOT something a gringo should do alone but I a was with a friend and felt extremely safe. Side note black people in Salvador are very similar to black ppl in the American south. We feel the same way about white people (really white supremacy) and the police. I didn’t need a translator to find out that we all shared similar views. Vidas negras importam was a heavy theme! I was happy to be their proxy for the movement. Sharing pictures of protest in Atl they were extremely proud of what is happening in the USA. infinit hotel sauna, I would compare this to a more traditional sauna like the ones you would find in SP. It was a hotel with a small club and gym on the bottom level. Two floors of rooms and a club on the top floor. There weren’t many people at the sauna. I was told this is also due to Covid. We only stayed for a little more than a hour then left for 11. I ended up hanging out with the friends I made most of the time. Half the beaches were open so that’s where we would go. I would provide the weed and drinks and we would just chill. At the end of the day I would go to the sauna and they would go home. I ended up going to the favelas with them which are very different than in Rio. They don’t stack high up and they are much more accessible. I would only hang out in the favela for a day, the guys liked coming to my apartment much more. I'm sure I’m forgetting a ton because of the time. But to wrap it up Salvador quickly became home to me. So much so that I plan on going back in November. Since visiting I don’t feel the need to go back to Rio and I definitely don’t feel the need to ever go back to SP.
  5. It has been an amazing trip so far! I will be back in São Paulo on Friday and Saturday if anyone wants to meet up at the sauna or for lunch!
  6. I’ve found this true during my recent stay. The guys I like are 150-200, and they have provided exceptional programs. I’m not into the too muscular guys, but I’ve had a couple this trip. In the sauna, their cost seems to be only marginally higher. But Online guys are a bit pricer. I offered a muscular black GP off of https://garotocomlocal.com.br/ $250 for an overnight here in Salvador. He told me that was his hourly rate. I read the message and never replied; he messaged me back an hour later saying he could do it for 400 which is still high for Salvador. I passed in favor of a 150. The second overnight program is almost always a lot less expensive than the first. One guys charged me 400 the first night then only 150 the second. I guess it all evens out. Prices really vary wildly based on the boy. To say your personal looks or attitude has nothing to do with how much you are charged is inaccurate. If the boy is truly “straight” then your looks will not matter but your attitude will. But really they are all about the dollar. But the gay boys I’ve had conversations with def change their price based on you! Some members here are wealthy and 150 vs 400 is of little consequence to them. I know some members on this forum must pay the highest amount because their attitudes suck! Lol And if their faces match, it might be scary lol. A small warning though before my trip I made a mistake of agreeing to a 400/night program with guy staying with me for 3 days while in Rio. I ended the agreement a day early and understandably the boy wanted his pay for all 3 days. We came to an amicable compromise but be careful of what you agree to. Just like you would want someone to hold up their end of a agreement the boys will as well.
  7. I will try to finish shortly after I leave Salvador next week. Also a big shoutout to @sfcastro who has been traveling to Brazil for about 20 years and has a wealth of knowledge! And a shoutout to OZ! We killed that Whitney Houston song during karaoke.
  8. I have a little free time, so I’ll say a little about my adventures so far before I forget. I arrived in São Paulo on the 16th and stayed until the 21st. This trip was my first time at SP, and it’s very different than Rio. It’s a massive concrete jungle where the closest beach is an hour away. On my first day, I linked with @brockmiller, who is now my Brazilian travel BFF! We turned Lagao out every night!! We are both very friendly and welcoming people and not to mention massive sluts. Shoutout to everyone else who we hung out with or meet from BT! I don’t remember your user names, and I don’t want to say your real names here, but you all know who you are! Lagoa was decently busy every night and very busy on the weekend. The guys were prob 30% European white, 50% light mix, and 20% darker-skinned mixed. If the European look is your thing, then Lagao is the only sauna I’ve seen that would satisfy. The building was mostly open, everyone was naked, and no one except the building staff wore a mask. Only the actual wet sauna was closed. All other parts of the sauna were open. I enjoyed myself at Lagao, but it is expensive. I prob spent more than twice the amount I spent here in Salvador. But I did find out I was overpaying for programs. I was paying 400 for overnight and 200 for a regular program. A middle-aged black Paulista told me and @brockmillerthat there is NO REASON we should spend that amount for a program. In his words; we were too young and beautiful ever to pay that amount. He said at the very most, 250 for overnight and 100 for a program in SP. When I asked him about Salvador, he said 50 for the regular program and 150 for overnight. I’m here to report he was right! I have not been turned down for a single program using his rates. Being honest, I hooked up with many guys while in SP, and I only remember a few. Two intensely dark-skinned guys we will call Casa and Diego. Both vers and both 5star yep reviews. All others were forgettable or didn’t stand out from the pack. After São Paulo, Brock and I went to Rio, where the party continued. Rio was Rio... some good, some bad as always. 202 had a fair amount of guys working. Some new faces and many old faces had not returned. 117 was damn near empty, and none of the guys were to my liking. I only had one new guy in Rio, and that’s because @brockmillerforced me to have sex with him. In Rio, I had a few favs who entertained me for most of my stay. In particular, a 6’5 deeply dark guy who has done some porn had been working out heavily during COVID and had a nice new buff body. I enjoyed his new body and WAP for a few days. On a side note, one thing I don’t like as much about Rio is that many of the black guys only top. In SP, all of the black guys I was with except two were vers, and many here in Salvador are also vers. Maybe I’m not doing something right, but I know a few black guys who work at 202 who’s asses are calling to be fucked. I will tell you about my adventures in Salvador once I have a moment. Salvador is magical is so many different ways! I hope my spacing allows everyone an easy read this time.
  9. Hi everyone, I will write up a full review of my trip once it is has concluded. I wanted to see if anyone will be in Salvador over the next week. I have meet some AMAZING people from this forum over the past week and I would love to connect & explore the cities offerings.
  10. I just spent a few days at Logoa Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. If Logoa was a disappointment for you I’m here to set your expectations that 117 will not be better. Over the past 3 or 4 days 117 has been very slow. Only 202 was worth my time. But I’m not someone looking for a Greek god type in Brazil.
  11. I hired 3-4 guys from vivalocal while I was in Rio. They were all decent programs, but I ended up having a lot more fun with the guys I took home from the sauna. Sometimes online programs feel a bit rushed. You will learn that sauna guys are truly professional and want you to have fun. Some beautiful guys you will only find online, but beauty doesn’t always lead to a great program. I paid about 400 for overnights and 150-200 for a regular program I.e 1 nut. But one sauna guy only charged me 280 for an overnight.
  12. I will be in SP on September 17th-20th, Rio the 20th-25th and Salvador the 25th-5th. All of these dates except SP can change based on my mood. It would be great to meet some fellow BT members to hang out at the sauna with while I’m in Brazil.
  13. Same... if I get Covid again so be it but I’m done living in fear.
  14. Yes, I will definitely keep up and make an informed decision. I would use the same safety measures I do here in Atlanta. Mask up, wash my hands and social distance when possible. Ga has more Covid cases than the state of Rio does and is reporting twice as many cases daily. So it’s not like I’m going from one safe space to a dangerous space. More like going from dangerous to slightly more dangerous lol. But I will definitely be contacting you about Salvador! I’ve been binge reading your blog the last few nights and I would def like to meet Marcelo!
  15. Honestly, I plan on staying a week in Salvador and a week in Rio but that could change. My company has us working remote until 2021. So I might stay longer if I want to. I had Covid a couple months ago and got over it without symptoms so it’s not a concern of mine.
  16. I’ll probably go out there in a few weeks. I will let the group know how everything is. I’m going to plan to stay for a week but that might change depending on how everything is out there.
  17. @BlkSuperman thank you again for introducing Manny and his guys to myself and this group. He has really come in handy and I would imagine he is essential during curfew. I also agree, SDQ is a very short flight compared to Rio and is much more convenient. But for me saving money for Brazil is more useful than a long weekend in SDQ. Maybe if Christian or Manny send some new guys to my WhatsApp I might change my mind. But I would like to add per Manny’s request that I chose the amount to give him and that my “high rate” comment was based off of that. I gave him 2k and that’s not something he asked for but was grateful. As @BlkSuperman said you can give him $25-$30. I understand he is preforming a service & that’s why I do not send out the phone number of his boys. FYI I’ve had GREAT success in reaching out to guys on Instagram. As far as the DR is concerned I have only had 2 out of 15-20 guys reply negatively. And I’ve actually meet 5 of guys and they all ended up being pretty great session. So if you see a really sexy guy on Instagram do not be afraid to slide in the DMs! You might just get lucky as I have. I’ve gotten the most beautiful men I’ve been with off IG, both in the US and abroad.
  18. I wish everyone positive antibody test results! It gives you a great sense of freedom. Especially when you make it out symptom free! And LOL I think the term 16 comes from the inches... idk what else it could be because I think he is 25.
  19. Hi BT members! Just here to drop a review of my most recent trip to SDQ. After testing positive for Covid a few months back I’ve had the itch it get back to traveling. So When DR opened its borders, I booked my flight shortly after. The AA flight coming in was 100% to capacity, it seemed like tourist and family were excited about getting back to DR. I stayed in an Air B&B per usual as they have no issue with guest. My first night I contacted Christian who hooked me up with a couple new guys. Two tall slim dark skinned guys, they were entertaining and ended up staying the night. Christian’s guys are overall pretty decent. Sure there are some bad apples but overall they are decent quality. The Conde where many gringos go to find locals was not too active. I hung out everyday at Pacos with friends and you could find some trade but for the most part it was dead. For most of my trip everything closed down by 9. This lead to the Parks malecon being lively. I did find two Haitian guys outside Paco’s I decided to spend some time with. Both were entertaining and did everything that was agreed upon. I tend to find that the Haitian guys are much easier and less drama than the Dominicans. My second night Manny introduced me to “16” as he has been called in this forum. I can co-sign that everything said is true. He a truly a great companion, we spent hours together and he never asked for anything more than what was agreed on. He also is great for a cuddle! He loves to sit around and watch Netflix naked after a great session. I truly enjoyed our many sessions together and I can finally say Manny’s very high finders fee was worth it. On Sunday a group of Americans I know were in town for a friend’s birthday party that was hosted by Narcissco. I was a bit disappointed by the quality of the boys. There were about 10-15 at that house for the party but only 1 or 2 were up to my standard. Others were very entertained by the quality of the boys but I was not. On Monday the Government has called for another state of emergency with a 7pm curfew starting Tuesday. That means you had to have EVERYTHING done and be inside by 7pm. It wasn’t something I was looking forward to. But due to curfew coming into effect, Monday night there was a huge party at the gay park! So much fun! The loud Americans that are so hated in this group are surly loved in the DR by both local gays and bugarons. Mostly everyone I knew in SDQ changed their flight and left early. I decided to stay one more day and make a party out of the curfew. Overall traveling with under the current pandemic is definitely different. Mask are used at a much higher rate in DR than most places in the south and even before the curfew things closed very early. If you are planning on going anytime soon I would suggest you wait until September when the state of emergency ends. On a last note, this trip really reminded me how much I love Brazil! I can’t wait to get back and visit Salvador as soon as the border opens back up! Not sure if I will be spending much more money in SDQ after comparing the two.
  20. I’m done addressing posters who only ever have negative things to say when it comes to anyone or thing outside of their little group of fellow bullies. I know being a hater at 40, 50, 60 even 70 years old has to be exhausting. But like I said I’m done addressing twitter fingers. Go hijack another thread.
  21. You’re such a noble sex tourist. I’m sure everyone would appreciate it if you messaged your respectable friends and left the rest of us the hell alone.
  22. @SolaceSoulNo one has time for you and your constant negative comments! You don’t even post anything that could actually help people enjoy their vacation, just constant negativity. Old lonely angry ass queen, it’s not my fault the only time you get laid is on your biannual trip to Rio. But my young, tall, handsome, big dick, morbidly obese ass is done addressing a bitter old queen like yourself. I will continue to travel the world and having amazing experiences, both paid and free...
  23. I just re-read your reports and I LOVE them! I can’t wait to visit Salvador in a few months.
  24. I know and excuse my grammar as well! I’m a developer so writing “words” isn’t my thing lol. I know it looks horrible! I will do better in the future so everyone can read it clearly.
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