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Everything posted by Kevie770

  1. @Badboy81you should think about going to the sauna in Bangu on Sunday(casa grande?). It’s scrubby and I wouldn’t use the rooms but had some guys you never see in pointe or 117.
  2. Reading through some of the posts here, I get jealous, wishing I could still enjoy the sauna like you all. Enjoy it how I did a couple of years ago when I first came to Rio. Now the novelty has worn off, and I only go when friends are in town or a random Tuesday or Wednesday to see what’s new. And it always feels like a waste of time. I'm connected on SM to any of the guys I’m interested in, and 117 never seems to have any new guys that fit what I like. 202 is the definition of hit or miss. But I must say I went to Bangu two Sundays ago and had a great time. It was full of favela guys, and some were sexy. Anyways I’m going to Santo Domingo for Halloween. I’ll try to write a little here about it. I’m going to reach out to Manny. Hopefully, he’s forgotten my public criticism. Lol
  3. I get usernames a d real people confused sometime but I know you @bucknaway correct?
  4. @bucknaway yes I find our experiences can be very different than others. I find there is a shared connection between most minority communities. But when it comes to GP no matter how much you think they like you it’s about the money. They might give you a little more time at no charge if they enjoy your company but it’s about the real! Lol The community outside the GP world is where I think the difference really shows. Black culture is global and something we can all easily connect on. Plus we don’t stand out too much when we decide to go off the normal Gringo path. No one looks at me weird when I go to Rochina on a Saturday night to listen to Somba in the street. The truth is I have never seen any violence in the favelas. The bandidos don’t allow it. There are steep penalties for commuting crimes in the favelas. I’ve been to more than 50 this year and never saw anything past a heated argument. Now if you go to a favela where you don’t know anyone you will prob get robbed because you don’t know the bandidos chefe. @davet I’ve always taken an Uber there and back and never had any type of delay in catching one. You can go as early as 3 or 4 but I usually get there around 6 and stay until around 9:30-10. The area is safe.
  5. I have been wanting to write about my crazy adventures in Brazil. Because for the better part of the past year I have been living in Rio working remote. It’s been a life changing experience. Once I broke free of the GP scene (be careful it’s a trap). I discovered a whole new world! I have experienced places in Rio that I don’t think many Gringos or expats wouldn’t dare to venture to. Bailes in Mandu, São Joao, Penha, Providencia, CDD, Rocinha, Vidigal and so many other cool places. Which were all very safe for me because I used common sense. Also because I’m a young black man and I’m accompanied by other black Brazilians I never don’t feel safe. It’s been amazing getting to know people and really finding my place in the city. The experience of a younger bisexual black American man is a unique one. And it has gotten meinto some amazing situations. There are also some amazing parties outside the favelas gringos don’t go to. Park Bar in Lagoa on Wednesday night! When I do log in here I get a lot of questions about the sauna in Bangu. It’s called Boate Casa Grande google it for the address and all that info. It’s best on Sunday but open on Friday and one other day I don’t remember. Don’t pay more than 100 and don’t go if it’s raining. Invest in learning Portuguese, the past 6 months I’ve taken it serious and it feels great actually knowing what people are saying around you. I've also spent significant time in Bahia so if you have any questions lmk. And to think just a couple of weeks ago I found out the beach showers is where most people go to take a piss.Especially when the ocean is cold. Lol!!!
  6. No I’ve had covid and I live in Atlanta. I don’t see much more risk of being here. If I get covid again here it would suck but it also sucks in the USA lol.
  7. Panohealth in Atlanta gets the results back same day by 3 or 4pm as long as you take the test before 11am. I took my test yesterday at 9am and got my results back at 2pm for $100. Now I’m back in Brazil. I’ve used them 3 times. If you are in Atlanta do not use “Same day testing”. A few weeks back I paid for 48 hour results and it took them 72 hours to get the results making it useless. I hope this helps someone.
  8. @RiobardFor my flight on the 11th I had not filled out the declaration form before I arrived but I was able to complete it at the gate without issue. I only had to show the confirmation email to The ticket agent. Everything was accepted digitally. @alwaysrio last night 202 was jammed packed! I pretty much only go to 202 on free cabin night. On Sunday I will go to a Sauna about an hour away from Rio. I have never heard it described here so I will provide and update on my thread.
  9. @Badboy81we are prob just going to miss each other, I leave on the 20th. @babybear2ill give a full update when I’m done with my trip. Covid combined with cheap tickets and low rent has allows me to spend extensive time in Salvador these past few months.
  10. Yes!! And I got the dick suckers on video! They didn’t even care! It was definitely wild! Its 72 hours from the time your sample is taken. Not 72 hour from the time you get your results. I think that confused some people. Some also were hours late and tried to get on the flight but couldn’t.
  11. Hi Guys, I thought I would give a quick update about my most recent trip to Rio. I’ve been in Brazil the better part of the past 3-4 months. But in mid-December, I went home for what I thought would be a few months. On a last-minute whim with encouragement from friends, I decided to go back to Rio for New Years'! I booked my flight on the 29th with Delta, a one-way to SP, for about $350 and arrived in Brazil on the 31st. The flight time did not leave me much time for a PCR test as rapid is not accepted. I found a laboratory in Atlanta that would do the test with same-day results for $180. There were about ten people who I observed that were not allowed to board the flight due to the dates on their test. Once I arrived, I headed for my apartment then the beach. The beach was more packed than I have ever seen in my life. All the Paulistas come to Rio for the new year. Thousands of guys flooded the beaches. I ended up having to bargain with someone for two chairs and an umbrella 100real. It was worth it. Guys were making out and sucking dick and showing off their erections. The police raided the beach on three occasions, confiscating people’s speakers who were playing loud music. For NYE, the first party I went to was in Vidigal. It was fun with many people but not the vibe my local Brazilian companions were looking for. So we went to a party in Morro de Providencia. And my god, it was insane. Thousands of people packed into a tent. We partied until 7 am. The beaches remained packed but at a much more enjoyable level. On a side note, a Brazilian told me that the beach is divided by race. White gay Brazilians stay closer post nine while brown and black gays stay around the hot boyz tent. This was very evident after the Paulistas left. For the first 3 days I did my straight thing, then hit the saunas for the first time this past Sunday. The Sauna scene was underwhelming until yesterday at Point. I saw about 5 new boys that I was interested in. And took 3 of them home with me. I tried to upload w picture of the beach but got an error message. Next for me is São Paulo then back to
  12. If you had to write this maybe it was better left unsaid. Your comments were targeted generalization and very much so unnecessary. And WTF is a punter?? I’ve been in Brazil the better part of the past 3 months and never heard that term. Whether you realize it or not you are clearly a bigot and this will be my last time addressing you.
  13. I went to the new Meio Mundo a couple of weeks ago on live sex night. The drag queen was fun but none of the guys were up to my standard. A friend went earlier that night and said there was a fun sex party backstage. I didn’t see any guys I would want to participate in a sex party with.
  14. I arrive in São Paulo on Sunday 11/15 in the morning but my flight back to the USA leaves late that night. Anyone interested in getting lunch then hitting the sauna? Some English speaking company would be nice!
  15. I guess it depends on your type. It’s definitely not Rio. The guys are much more “boy next door” type. I’ve only run into two or 3 guys I would consider 117 quality. I def found a few gems but most of my best connections were made through IG. Or a friend of a friend type deal.
  16. I’ll probably see you in Salvador! I’m planning on going to all the saunas briefly tomorrow, ending at club 11.
  17. Damn we will just miss each other! I will arrive on Monday morning. But I have a friend who is there from ATL. He is very big and tall with a big personality! So big he makes me feel small lol! He’s probably in his mid 30s and knows everyone. We meet on our last visit and he is a Salvador expert! He’s not on the forum but I’ll tell him to be on the lookout for an Asian in the sauna tonight. Lol He told me the saunas have been very slow. Good luck tonight! Hopefully that will turn around when I arrive. Keep us updated I’m ready!
  18. Hi, I’m flying from Atlanta to São Paulo, then I booked a $120 flight from SP to Salvador. Delta has RT from ATL for $500 until mid December.
  19. Hi @Badboy81, just so you understand when I say friends I mean people who I have meet & not had sex with for compensation. All but one of my friends I have not had sex with. One friend I had sex with and the second time we had a GP join us. My friends are both men and women. People who I have meet through random interactions or encounters. Some I meet while smoking a joint at the beach, others while smoking a joint in the Old City. Some were introduced to me by expats I meet on Facebook groups. I don’t consider someone I’m paying to be with a “friend”. Hence why I did not refer to the guy who I’m taking from SP as a “friend”. GP will definitely try and blur that line, it’s on us not to be idiots. As for it reminding me of Atlanta and Harlem, as I stated above it’s because of the blackness, and I’ll add the pride in it. I had family who lived in Harlem but moved down south in the early 2000s so my memories of Harlem are as a child. When there was still rich black culture. Same thing with Atlanta. I wasn’t talking about it on any deeper level than that. The existence of African cultures are different in the USA as we had our heritage rip away while pieces are still preserved in Bahia. I was only providing a simple reference point within the USA. Maybe New Orleans would’ve been a better reference point. It’s actually really easy to make real friends in these countries. As long as you are making friends with your peers. No, a 22 year old is not going to be “friends” with someone 30,40 or 50. Just be smart about it! Have an open mind and an outgoing personality and you will without a doubt find great friends!
  20. I’m leaving for Brazil on Thursday. I’m really excited to visit Salvador again. I’m bringing a guy who lives in SP but is from Salvador with me. He has promised to introduce me to the hottest guys in Salvador. And to take me to the best beaches in Bahia. I made so many good friends and they are all excited about my visit. The blackness of Bahia really reminds me of Atlanta or Harlem. Rio is great but give me the magic of Bahia any day! Wish me luck!
  21. I have a brief review on my previous post. But I will go see many more beaches this trip.
  22. I’m going back to Salvador the week of Nov 8th. Flights are extremely cheap right now so I’m going to work out there for a week or two. Found a great apartment for $30/day, there are even some decent apartments for under $20/day. Let me know if you will be in town and we can hit the sauna together.
  23. I’ve never heard of these sites but thanks! My night is officially gone lol.
  24. @sfcastroi stayed in Air B&b’s my entire trip. Onee very nice apartment beside the lighthouse in Barra(120/night). Normally they would have no issues with guest. But per the gay owner “two gay doctors from São Paulo came and had a huge drug fueled party with 20 people during Covid” which caused the building to add regulations. I had to let the owner know 24(12 really) hours in advance the guest name and I’d number. Due to Covid many apartments are noting no visitors in the house rules. It became a bit of an inconvenience so I rented another apartment beside Salvador Shopping. $30/night and very nice. The apartment would have been $70-$80/night in São Paulo. I still plan on staying in the first apartment during my next stay, despite the rules. It was absolutely stunning and a bargain at $120/night. But I’ll prob rent a second apartment for sexual activities until I find a guy I want to spend more time with. Barra was my favorite part of the city, lively but quiet at night. Many restaurants in walking distance and they were open past 10. And I felt 100% safe walking around alone well after mid night. Which a friend who lives there told me was not safe. The apartment beside Salvador Shopping was also beside a decent sized favela but it seemed very safe. It was on the 23rd floor and the guys LOVED the view. If you don’t care about staying in really nice place with a private pool and huge balcony, set your budget at no more than $40/night and you will find many great places. Others might be able to shed more light on how Salvador normally is.My experience is a bit different than others due to Covid. I hope Salvador will be back to regular form when I go in December.
  25. Don’t go if only for a couple of days. I just spent over 2 weeks there and didn’t come close to seeing everything. You build great relationships in Salvador unlike Rio or SP. From my limited experience it’s a big part of Salvador’s magic. You need a little time to cultivate those relationships. I would describe the guys as sexy boy next door type. They are younger than the other cities, some guys looked far to young for me. Like when you see them you say awwwwwww your so cute but you don’t want to have sex lol. One light skinned boy had a huge dick but he looked so young I couldn’t take him seriously. A few muscle type but nothing extreme. All are black, maybe a few I would consider mixed race. All were extremely friendly. Take some serious time out to enjoy Salvador you will love it.
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