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  1. I just saw this So sad was she ill or was it sudden
  2. its because of his own homosexual feelings
  3. What do you do if your doing #2? Do you stand to pee b4 or after?
  4. Here is an interesting article from the Chicago Tribune, "Kevin Hart isn't the problem. The Oscars are the problem." https://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/movies/ct-ent-oscars-why-kevin-hart-doesnt-matter-1207-story.html
  5. I read that article also. She makes some valid points. One of the things that puzzles me is if dealt with this previously why were the tweets still there wouldn't he have deleted them back then as a sign of being truly apologetic instead of as the Variety article stated
  6. I will admit I haven't followed this story real close but it was my understanding from his 1st apology that he was already called out for the homophobic language he used and apologized. I don't know if that's true or not but if it is how many times does he have to apologize. I know I wouldn't want to have to keep apologizing for mistakes I made in the past The below is from a Variety article I just read. He could have handled the situation much better but I don't think he should have to keep apologizing
  7. I just read the article. Very good. With McCain's & now Bush's passing and the reflecting on the men they were I hope things start to change. "The Patrician President and the Reporterette: A Screwball Story", NYT, 12/2/2018
  8. I'm not a fan and of course he had his faults but the man exemplified a class and dignity that is so lacking in today's politics so I can honor & respect him for that and the free day off
  9. there needs to be a choice for both. Like boiworship i sit if I don't want to turn light on. At work I usually go into a stall sometimes standing most times sitting playing with phone. Also not a bathroom talker and some co-workers are so that alleviates the whole situation.
  10. Thanks newbie here too from that other site maybe I should keep that private don't want start off in a negative position. Was also wondering. Glad I saw this thanks. Really like what I see so far. Much more advanced & modern.
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