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Everything posted by Actionforyou

  1. There is currently a great airline fare from Miami to Sao Paulo and I am trying to talk myself into making the trip. While I have visited Rio many times, my only experience with Sao Paulo was changing planes while headed to Rio. It is good to hear that Lagoa is in a safe neighborhood. Does anyone know if the subway is close to Lagoa? Does the area near this sauna have hotels/restaurants? I would rather find a hotel near Lagoa that allows guests than look for a Taxi/Uber but don't know if that is reasonable. Is there a "gay" area of Sao Paulo that would be best for finding "gay-friendly" accomodations or does anyone have a specific hotel suggestion?
  2. We are planning a trip to Mexico City. In the past, we have stayed at the Room Mate Valentina in Zona Rosa. We liked the fact that it was easy to bring guests into the hotel. In trying to reserve a room we keep getting the message that the property isn't taking reservations. Does anyone know if the hotel is under renovation or if it has closed? Suggestions as to other hotels in Mexico City that are gay friendly and allow guests without a problem would be appreciated. Thanks!
  3. This is a question for BlkSuperman ... and please forgive me if you have previously covered this question. We are interested in making the trip to the DR. From what you have written and what I have been able to read on the internet it would seem that the best place to stay would be in what is called the Colonial Zone. My assumption is that most of the young men come to you rather than your going to their place. I assume that the larger hotels would be unhappy if you were to bring in "guests." Is that a good or bad assumption? Are there specific hotels that you have found that have a "guest friendly" reputation? In Cuba and in Brazil there are a few "sex hotels" where you go for an hour or two but not to stay overnight. Do you know if there are sex hotels in the DR? We would prefer to stay in an area that is safe to walk. As an aside, if I were to travel to Mexico City then I would NOT drink the water. Can you tell me if water/ice is drinkable in the DR .... or would you suggest buying bottled water for brushing teeth, etc. I would like to end with my appreciation for having provided so much information in the past ... that information is appreciated. Thanks!
  4. I am definitely not saying go out to super-spreader events but I am saying put in perspective it hasn't made the world way more dangerous than it already was. I think we simply have different perspectives. I do believe that COVID has made the world a more dangerous place and I believe that many lives have been lost to this air borne disease. I am not in agreement with those that think COVID is "fake news." I also don't find COVID to be a "new sexy buzz word" in fact, I find it to be the exact opposite (a buzz kill word). While you say you are not advocating going out to super-spreader events, you have failed to give us a definition of what a super spreader event looks like in Brazil. Here in the US, I have heard the term super-spreader used for birthday parties and weddings (typically where there are 10 or more participants). If I use that as a jumping off point, then how would I view a visit to the sauna where I would expect to find far more than 10 people? You indicated in an earlier post about masks used in the saunas: Obviously that would be ridiculous to accomplish while having sex or drinking and eating. You wear a mask to enter but not afterwards, unless you feel you want to. But to be honest those clothe masks that 98% of people are wearing only have a 10% efficacy. I can't speak to mask efficacy as I am not (nor claim to be) an expert. I wish you continued safe travels.
  5. It was announced this morning by Modema that the Covid vaccine they have begin working on shows 94% protection! I can wait a few months before making a trip to Brazil to help insure against contracting Covid. The BBC news article says ... "Only five of the Covid cases were in people given the vaccine, 90 were in those given the dummy treatment. The company says the vaccine is protecting 94.5% of people. The data also shows there were 11 cases of severe Covid in the trial, but none happened in people who were immunised."
  6. On 11/12/2020 at 9:49 PM, bcdaron said: You honestly have nothing to worry about, the U.S. has as many Covid cases as Brazil. I have been in Brazil since September 1st and am currently in Rio now. With a recovery rate of 99% should we really consider it a real issue when you have a higher likelihood of getting in a car accident. Perhaps if I were young and in peak physical shape, I might consider a trip to Brazil. The likely recovery from COVID is not known (nor is recovery from a car accident). If I were to break a leg or arm in a car accident, I could fly home but that is not the case should I contract COVID. Without language skills, I might feel isolated in a Brazilian hospital and I have not studied to determine the level of care given in Brazilian hospitals versus the level of care offered here in the US. Obviously, I am far more risk averse than you. It would not surprise me to learn that you have previously had COVID and were asymptomatic. I truly hope the remainder of your trip goes well. Regards.
  7. I truly appreciate all the information that you have provided on your trips to the Dominican Republic and have been making notes. My husband has been climbing the walls because of our COVID isolation. I hear daily how his boybox is not being used. He has started to claim that he has turned into a virgin at this point. We look forward to planning a trip to Santo Domingo when we feel COVID is more under control. From what I have read, I gather that you may use AirB&Bs rather than hotels. I assume that it is because it is easier to bring "guests" back. Is that correct? Have you used hotels and found "guest polices" to be a problem? When looking for an AirB&B or hotel are there certain areas of Santo Domingo that you prefer? I guess that I am asking if you choose an area that is closer to where Manny is located ... on a more direct route to the airport, etc? Finally, your hot videos show the guys wearing condoms. My husband is on PrEP and prefers bareback sex. I am unsure if they are wearing condoms to possibly reduce COVID transmission or HIV transmission or other sexual diseases? And, who supplies the condoms? Since he prefers bareback sex he doesn't usually carry condoms when we are on trips. In Brazil the "boys" bring condoms to the room when we go to one of the saunas. If we need to bring condoms with us ... I assume we will need to find extra large! ;-) Thanks for providing so much information in the past ... my notes from your previous visits will certainly help in planning our future trip. PS: We live in Fort Lauderdale ... not that far from your Miami location.
  8. I have been fortunate. I have never had a problem in either of the saunas I visited while in Rio. The locker areas are generally quite active with people either coming or going, so I would think it would be difficult to pull off a theft. I typically return to my locker after an "engagment" to obtain the funds to pay for the encouner and my impression was that many follow that same routine. I would expect management to take an interest when a theft from a locker is reported to them ... so that they can make certain that it did not happen again. My guess is that most people would inform the management if money were removed from their wallet when they expect to pay for their visit from those funds. I think it is unusual to leave enough to pay for that evening and not take all the funds. I would worry more about the loss of my billfold (credit cards) than my cell phone while out of the country. I typically pay my bill with a credit card ... the boys in cash. My cell phone can be permanently locked as soon as I make it to an internet connection. I do have the advantage of not buying new cell phones yearly ... so my phone is older and not worth much on the open market. I am most sorry to hear of mvan1's experience.
  9. It is beginning to appear that it may be difficult to get a professional massage while in Rio! Thank you Riobard for the information on Wellington ... he may be a very busy guy if others are not available. I don't know how the economy in Brazil works but it would appear that giving massages would be good work paying a decent wage. Hopefully, Pointe will be able to hire new masseurs soon. Thanks for keeping me up to date with what is currently happening in Rio .... best regards to all.
  10. Riobard and Tartegogo .... I sincerely appreciate the massage information. I will ask for Victor at Pointe 202. I am really looking for a good massage (rather than sex) and prefer those formally trained. It sounds like 117 also has a single trained masseur so perhaps it will be best to go early, before they are booked up for the evening. It has been over six years since we last visited the "wonders" of Rio. I am still hopeful that I might find a gay photographer.
  11. My spouse and I are planning to arrive in Rio on September 18th for a week. We have previously visited both Pointe and Club 117. Some of the posts are several years old and I am unsure if things have changed. From my reading, it would appear that the cost has remained stable in Rio at $100R and that tipping is discreationary but should be kept modest ($20R) for good performance. After reading the posts, I am someone confused if leche should be discussed or not .... I gather not to discuss it and see where things go (I really don't want a problem with one of the boys since I don't have the skill to speak in their language). My spouse is younger and will want to play with several guys each evening. I, on the other hand, am 11 years older and no longer have his stamina. He prefers that I accompany him to the sauna even if I become exhaused after the first few days of playing. I do enjoy a good massage and have had some in the past at Pointe. As I recall, they only had a single massuer and he was often booked. We have only been to Club 117 twice and I don't recall if they have real massuers. It sounds like Tomcal is far too busy to know much about this particular subject! I should add my thanks to him for much of the wisdom gleaned from his posts! So, my question is ... do all the saunas have massuers? If so, does anyone know the price for a massage? Does one tip a massuer (I find that it may be different from an agreed upon price negotiated between you and a rentboy)? I am typically more oral and enjoy poppers. Can someone tell me if they are sold in Rio? In the past, I have not found them used by the guys at the saunas. Naturally, I would love to get the real thing from a pharmacy ... is that possible without a Brazilian doctor's prescription? My spouse loves good photos of himself. Does anyone know of a gay photography in Rio that does nude shots either in a studio or outdoors? Many thanks for any information you can provide.
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