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  1. Thank you! Super helpful. Definitely going to make sure to go the PCR test route.
  2. It’s so fun! yeah all of this lack of clarity is super frustrating. Dedicated to being as safe as possible and following the guidelines as much as possible. That’s of course made difficult when the guidelines themselves are unclear.
  3. Trying to plan a quick trip out to Rio soon. It's been too long, and y'all's experiences there during COVID have been encouraging. Anyone currently in Rio or going soon have a plan for getting the negative COVID test soon to be needed to enter the U.S.? Any recommendations on rapid test places in Rio good for non-Brazilians?
  4. Not that I am advocating for anyone to engage in sex with anyone under 18, however, the restriction for U.S. citizens pertains to prostitution specifically. It is illegal for a U.S. citizen to *pay* anyone under 18 for sex regardless of country or local law.
  5. hahahaha. I’m 100% with you on that. Sometimes carrying that initial conversation on Grindr is too much for me.
  6. @floridarob Do you typically pick up guys in the hustler area or grindr, etc?
  7. @AdamSmith, I appreciate you checking how the interaction may be different between folks of skin tones. This whole thing is way too weird. I don’t entirely believe Jussie, but I don’t entirely believe the police (particularly CPD, which has fabricated evidence in the past). I also just don’t believe the brothers. Who easily could have both accepted money from Smollett for his workouts, and beat him up because they had a dispute and used racism as their cover, and then threw Jussie under the bus. It’s all so weird.
  8. Really glad you’re okay! I just arrived today, and am already thinking about how I may have to be even more vigilant than my previous trips. Your account affirms that. Stay safe and thank you for the update!
  9. I’m missing you all as well and would have loved for a chance to connect. I’ll be in Rio 14th - 18th. @numazu1when will you be in Brazil? Would you be in rio?
  10. Thank you all for the advice so far! I certainly wouldn’t go to someone else’s place, but had seen other members mentioning brining guys to their place while taking proper precautions. Certainly agree it’s probably best to stick to saunas for first solo trip.
  11. Hey y'all, This will be my fifth time hitting Brazil, but first time really going for the fun and action everyone's detailed here. I'm excited to report back and add to the conversation, but wanted to come to you all for wisdom. Firstly, I'm choosing between hotel and airbnb. If I wanted to bring a guy back from grindr (and abide by all the safety tips I've seen here) are there particular hotels anyone knows of that have great/not too stringent or judgmental guest policies? Would you recommend an airbnb over hotel? I feel like the hotel is safer particularly with this being my first time traveling to Rio alone. Lastly if I just take someone to a sex motel, are there any in particular you recommend? Other question: Any particular advice on finding/picking up younger twinks? Are there any particular saunas that are better than others or any other options? They don't have to be effeminate. I just like em smaller and younger Thank you all for your help. I apologize in advance for any future questions - I try to search through the threads first for clearer answers. I'm excited to report back!
  12. Love it! Can't wait for more. Definitely making sure I make return to Rio asap because of you.
  13. I am truly jealous of your connection to Gabriel if he looks like this gentleman here. Absolutely the pinnacle (in my opinion and taste) of Brazilian beauty and the mixed genes.
  14. Please continue! I've just read your other posts and it has me so excited for trips back to Brazil. I've been a few times since studying there for some time during college, but only on my last trip a year ago did I visit a sauna. But reading your detailed posts of different cities and towns in Brazil are awesome. Looking forward to reading about this journey!
  15. Thank you for sharing this new site! It's going to be very helpful
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