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Everything posted by BlkSuperman

  1. This is the beautiful woman. My BH had his way with. 22 voluptuous and very sexy. Use your translator to see how he wanted to fukc her after I sent him her first pic.
  2. 45 minutes before my driver was scheduled to pick us up, I got a message that our flight was delayed. My time in SDQ wasn't up so it was time to do what i do best. #GetMoreDominicanDick
  3. This is like a never ending saga. there was just so much to unpack with this last trip and there is so much more that i havent even revealed. ok, you guys know the ground rules. 1) there will more than likely be grammatical errors and misspellings 2) A bitch will have receipts to substantiate any claims that sound outlandish in this story now that weve gotten that out the way, here we go! after the incident outside of my bh son's party my husband and i met my good judys at our favorite restaurant. this is saturday. we were headed there to plan the sex party for later on that night. while walking through the colonial zone a sexy chica walking by was staring at me and reached out and graabbed me. now i know some of you mabe thinking, "this bitch be lying," but yall know imma post the receipts, right? ok, so she grabs at me and i smile and speak. she was a beautiful young lady with a banging body as you will see in in the video i will post. i told her that i had a big dick dominican friend that i wanted to watch fuck her. she said "yes, i will do it" i asked for her phone number and then asked could i take a picture of her. again, she replied yes and i took the picture to send to my bh. i sent him the picture because i wanted to see if he knew her as i didnt want to make either one of them uncomfortable. i told her she would hear from me in about an hour or so. as im walking to the restaurant to eat with my good judys i sent her picture to my bh. he agreed and said she was beautiful and he would fukc her. i asked him for a time and when he sent me the time, i told her what time to come to the apartment and that i would send my location once i settled in the apartment. i told her what i would pay and asked to see her identification because she looked very young, she said ok to the price and send a pic of her cedula. she was 21. at the restaurant, my good judys, well let me give them more appropriate names. the sluts = ts. the sluts were going on and on about the great time they were having and saying that they see why i come over so often and how the sex with these sexy guys had been so amazing. not the single slut in the group and i used to always host sex parties at an annual gay event in miami called sizzle over memorial day weekend. we would purchase alcohol, have lube and condoms there and actually charge about $20 per person. he had experience in throwing sex parties because we threw so many. my husband and i had talked about it earlier and he explained that these were my friends and although i had sex with all of them before i met, he would be uncomfortable having sex with the guys because hes not into any of them like that and he only knows them as friends through me. i told him that i understood and we didnt have to go. so the guys laid out their plan for the sex party while at dinner. there was 3 of them and they invited 5 of the guys from the gallery to come have sex. they said that they wanted to start off with the guys dancing and having them kissing and playing with each other before any of them engaged, i asked them did they tell the guys this because you dont want to make them feel uncomfortable. they said yes,we ate and they went and purchased alcohol for the sex party. i told them i would come over just to see some of the guys as i had not seen a few of them since meeting my bh. my husband and i left to go back to the apartment so that we could watch bh and the woman have sex. on our way to the apartment i texted them both. now here is the funny part. i sent my bh a picture and video of the woman so he knew what she looked like. apparently, on his way to the house he saw her walking and offered to give her a ride, but she declined. when they got to the apartment he told her that he was the guy on the motorcycle and was trying to bring her to the apartment. they were loud and starting laughing with each other. he then asked me for a beer. i gave him the beer and all four of us went into the bedroom. they disrobed and showered separately. my husband and i grabbed 2 chairs and put them in the corner of the room. with the sheer curtains pulled enough light from outside shined through so we could see the action. while she was showering bh had asked me how i knew his friend? i told him that he used to come over but he was a bad person and did some not so nice things. he told me that his friend told him the same thing about me. i told them if i was such a bad person (grabbed my phone and showed him) then why has your friend been calling and texting me since i left your sons party. i keep ignoring him and he calls back to back and text back to back begging me to send him my location so he can come over. he even dropped the price that i usually pay him and was sending nudes of himself. i told him that i never reached out to your friend while i was here but since he found out i was here hes calling and wont stop. now his friend had me smitten when we first hooked up and we had gotten very comfortable with each other. pre covid i told you guys about him. he was the guy who i used to buy groceries for and the first time we went into the supermarket he didnt know that he had to load his groceries on the register belt. im not bragging but during covid my husband chose a guy to buy groceries for once every 2 months and i chose a guy. he was the guy that i would western union money to my driver and my driver would go pick him up, take him to the store and drop him back off to where he lived. thats y i couldnt understand why he started acting funky. he was actually one of the models that i paid more because his body is flawless and the sex was absolutely amazing. so my bh and the lady finish showering. there is a lamp by the bed that we kept on as well. she begins to suck his dick. im already hard and grab by bottle of fukc juice. my husband and i are both aroused as shes sucking him and playing with his huge balls. he starts to play with her tits and begins to thrust his dick in and out of her mouth. by this time im so fukcing turned on. he bends down and starts to suck her tits and starts to have digital sex with her. he moaning, shes moaning and im sniffing y poppers and losing my fukcing mind watching this unfold before my very eyes. he stops sucking her tits but continues to have digital sex with her and begins to speak to her in spanish while they are looking eye to eye. at this point i thought my dick was about to explode because it was and my mouth was gaping watching all this ish unfold in front of me. this woman had the most amazing body and this was some of the most hot erotic ish ive ever been apart of. he stands up, inserts his dick back in her mouth and reached for a condom. he gets the codom fitted on his dick, she positions herself on her hands and knees then he starts to penetrate. im slowly watching his dick disappear in her hole. shes moaning and he begins to massage her back. im sitting there like wait a fukcing minute, how cum i never get a back massage? lol after about a minute r so he is completely in here and his thrusts begin to get harder and deeper. hes got his eyes closed, head shaking from side to side and they are both in their fukc groove. im sitting there, mouth agape, dick hard and ready to bust my own nutt but they had just started. he take his dick out of her, she flips over and he reinserts and goes to work again. at this point i just couldnt take it anymore. i stood up, walked over to the bed and started to suck her tits. afterwards my husband said to me, 'bitch, i thought you were finna fuk her.' i dont know what came over me, but i had to engage. his dick was looking too delicious going in and out of her pussy. as i down sucking her tits, shes sucking my nipples and the shit felt amazing. i continued to suck her tits and had begun caressing her body. within second, my finger was touching his dick as he was going in and out of her. now i dont like pussy but this felt amazing. probably because his dick was rock hard and that turned me on massively. while sucking her, i played with his balls, put my finger in and around her pussy and massages his dick with her pussy like the women do in the videos. she rode him and then i started to suck his nipple and he let out a loud moan and nutted. she rode her him until she got every drop of milk out of his dick. he laid there with his body shaking as she slowly moved in an upward motion to release his dick. we all laughed, they washed off and she left. im so sorry guys. there is SO MUCH MORE to this story, but i dont have time to finish it tonight. stay tuned. our flight that was supposed to leve at 3 on monday was delayed until 7 p.m. THERE"S SO MUCH MORE THAT I NEED TO TELL YOU. I will include the attachments for this post in a few minutes.
  4. InShot_20230627_232152096.mp4 The video is of the sexy guy who was standing outside of marlowes. He was clever because he whipped out his phone and played this video. IT was in that moment that I realized I had found TRUE LOVE. the screen shot is from a social media guy who follows me, sends me pics of the guys he has and brings the ones I like to me for a monetary fee. Part 4 of this story will be posted before sunday
  5. OK, I hope i can get through this without there being a part 4. @Axiom2020 i apologize that the font from the last post was so small. i see you're like me, "THE BIGGER THE BETTER!" again, this post will probably have misspelled words and grammatical errors so if that matters then "stop reading now." ok, now that weve gotten all that out the way, let me continue from part 2. I wanted to mention another great source to find hot guys in sdq and its Marlowes. WE walked in the club Sunday. Now some of you fact checking SL-ORES (slut-whores) are probably saying, "Bitch, didnt you say you were at the airport on Sunday?" I was, but i wasnt leaving. it was to drop one of my buddies off. The couple stayed behind with my hubby and i and around 1115 we had gone to marlowes. the owner actually saw us walk in and approached us. as usual, the outside of the bar had a lot of guys, but ive never seen the inside so crowded. the owner is a very nice, welcoming guy. he greeted us and you know me, the minute i stepped in the club my eyes was cruising the room for dick. while talking to the owner i saw a very sexy guy against the wall and asked the owner about him. the owner replied, "why dont you buy a drink and go over to talk with him." I did just that. gave this hot stud my phone and scanned the room while he put his number in my phone. there were lots of working guys in the club so my husband and i got a few numbers, told my buddies good night and walked out the club. when we walked out the club we made a right into a crowd of sexy dominican men. we spoke and within seconds were surrounded by about 5 or 6 guys. one guy in particular stood out from all the guys because he pulled out his phone and showed a video of his fukcing amazing body and dick. i just checked my phone and i have his video in my phone that i will attach. unfortunately, i will have to edit his face out but when you see the video, you will be blown away. so we got his number, but never hit him up because it was our last night and between my barber husband = bh, manaconda and master penis, my hole couldnt take anymore dick. as a matter of fact the last dick i took was manaconda. i guess the FUK JUICE poppers i was using had me thinking that i was going to fukc him until he nutted. not this time. no matter how much of that ish i sniffed, his strokes were deep and more powerful than the sensation i got from that small bottle. he actually did some damage and when i say damage i mean when he pulled out i was hurting and my husband asked was i ok. to put it nicely, lets just sayyyyyyyyyyyyy, "i should change his name from Manaconda to Phlebotomist. Manaconda is the guy from the video i posted in part 2 of the story. hes sitting on the bed in the white tank and the hard dick. listen, when he gets his dick hard it is a sight for sore eyes, will have your hole sore and should be deemed a weapon of mass destruction. now youre probably thinking, "bitch, i thought you were in love with your bh. chile, i am but some whores cant be reformed. Alright, there is still a lot to unpack from this last trip because honey i havent even gotten to saturday nights sex party. now lets go back to friday because i think i ended the story with me sucking my bh dick while he watched straight porn. wow. this guy has a big thick delicious dick and i enjoyed sucking every inch of it. he knows that my nipples are key to me giving him the most amazing bj i can possibly give. while he watched his porn my left hand played with his balls while my right hand was clinched in a fist around his dominican dick and i sucked his dick while expelling spit from my mouth unto the hole at the top of my fist. i made sure to get his dick nice and wet and used my spit as lube while i stroked his dick with my clinched dick. hearing him moan with pleasure made me suck a lot longer. the more he made noise, the more spit i created and the more i used that spit to massage his dick. after about 5 minutes i stopped, lifted my head and reached for the condom. he grabbed the back of my head and out it back on his dick so i went back down on him again. all this time, my husband is in the room with his guy as well. when i was done sucking him, he put the condom on, i got on the bed on my hands knees and was ready to receive him. when i heard him finally put the condom on, i took a whiff of my fuk juice. i knew his dick wasnt going in one the 1st, 2nd or 3rd attempt. even as we used more lube it seemed harder and harder to take him completely. after about the 5th time he got most of his dick in me, but i still wasnt comfortable because of the pain. finally, he slowly inserted himself in me, i hit the fuk juice and went to work on his dick. while we were fucking he did something he never does and began to bite my neck and ear. it was so passionate and made fukc his dick even harder. he and i are always in sync when we fukcs. when his stoke is in the outward im moving my ass to the tip of his dick and when he thrusting forward, my ass is sliding to the shaft of his amazing dick. we went at it in that same position for about 20 minutes while hes watching his porn. i could hear my husband and his guy in the hall and out of nowhere my bh lets out a huge moan and pops a load in my ass. he wasnt the only one to let out a loud moan because when i felt the force of his cum in the condom, i grinded my ass on his dick and let out a loud moan myself. that why i love the trojan bareskin raw condoms. they are fukcing amazing. my husband opened the door when he heard the commotion coming from my room, i look up, wink at him and say, "Im in love with this man!" we both laugh, my husband says SLUT then closes the door. Here's where ish gets interesting. after my bh showers and puts on his clothes, he tells me that its his sons birthday this weekend. He told me he was having a party for his son, the party would be in the colonial zone and i should CUM. i really wasnt going to go, but when he asked for a beer then told me again that his son was having a party this saturday and i should CUM. I told him ok. So i told my husband what my bh told me and he thought that we should go. i said fine we will go for a few minutes. friday night, we get together with the boys at dinner, now i had posted on my social media that i was in santo domingo. im going to tell you why you should always post when youre there. its simple, you start getting text messages from guys who want to make extra money by busting your hole wide open and thats exactly what happened. i started getting text messages from a few of the guys. one guy in particular is a i had met 2 years ago. i was introduced to him by one of my friends in miami. my miami friend told me that he had this guy who knows a lot of big dick tops and would get me these guys for a small fee. now this isnt the same guy that ive never met, but send me guys. this is someone completely different. this other guy has actually brought guys to my apartments in the colonial zone. he charges a small fee, but always delivers. i just checked my phone again and our messages are still there so i will show you our text exchange. i dont know how or where this guy gets his guys from but he has a gallery of sexy men as you will see in the attachments. ok, im going to tell you what happened when i attended my bh sons party then i will have to finish this tomorrow. so i go to the colonial zone to grab a few nice things for the kids party. my bh sent me directions to the party. i just love the dominican culture. it so simple and they are so happy with having the basics in life. as we were walking to the place where the party was, i texted bh and told him that i would be there in a few minutes based on the my phones gps. as we approached the building, i told my husband that i wanted to go to the other side of the street so i could fix my eyes on my bh before walking in. after i spotted him in the venue, we crossed the street, walked in and i shook his hand. he didnt have to tell me who his handsome son was because the kid looks exactly like him. i wished him a happy birthday, shook my bh hand and he introduced me to the lady in his life. i smiled and in my mind thought to myself, "lord have mercy, we are both sucking the same dick" we stayed for about 5 minutes and i hadnt noticed anyone familiar at the party. i went over to tell my bh good-bye and we left. while we were in the middle of the street a voice from behind us said, AMIGO. before i turned around, i thought it was my bh, but it wasnt. remember the guy who i had to physically throw out the apartment? it was him. when i saw him, i didnt want any parts of this guy. he has an amazing body and is and amazing fukc but the last time he acted like a fool was actually his 3rd time behaving that way. when he crossed the street to speak to us, he had his hand extended for a hand shake. i threw my hands up and told him no. no. im not interested. he continued to try to talk to us but i told him no, im not interested. from across the street i could hear someone saying AMIGO again. this time it was my bh. he crossed the street and asked was everything ok. i told him yes shook both their hands and walked away. i told them both thank you and told my bh that i would see him tomorrow. as we were walking to meet our buddies to eat my husband says to me, "oh slut! your man came out his sons party to defend your honor." i told him, you are so damn stupid and we laughed. Theres still more to unpack with this story. As it gets very interesting with my bh after this encounter with his cousin/friend. I will tell you why i refer to them as counsin/friend in my next post. It's getting late and i want to add those 2 attachments to this post from my cell phone.
  6. This isn't the barber but he is one of my faves. I can only take him for about 8-10minures. Once he's all the way he, he starts to banging. More to CUM InShot_20230625_164553993.mp4
  7. Movie starts soon but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging. Here is just a few receipts from my weekend in sdq. Stayed tuned. There's more to CUM! InShot_20230625_162149687.mp4
  8. Hey tramps!!!!!! There is so much to unpack form my last trip to the DR. A bytch has been very busy since returning to Miami. Hence the reason why I hadn't posted since last week with regards to this trip. This post will more than likely be a long one so there might be a lot of grammatical errors. If youre looking for perfection then stop reading now because a bytch aint proof reading. Im typing from my computer but the pictures and text that will accompany this post will come from the images on my phone and you all know that a bytch always CUMS with receipts. Now i have 3 of my GOOD JUDYS (girlfriends) to travel with this trip so there were 5 of us in total including my husband. theyve always wanted to CUM to sdq and finally made the trip. of course, i didnt stay with them but they stayed together in an apartment in the same building as ours. i told them hoes to not show up to my apartment unannounced as we would probably be busy getting our freak on. this was their first trip there and so i walked them through everything that needed to be done like the eticket and sdq customs. now since it was their first time there a few weeks before the trip i started a whatsapp group chat with us all and sent them my dominican hombres gallery. this gallery consists of about 50 guys with their face pic, name and a pic of their dick. i told them to choose which guy they wanted, let me know and i will set up the fukc date. these sluts were actually in awe of how hung these guys were which is baffling to me because when im in sdq, i send them videos of the guys pissing or in the shower bathing. those whores decided on the guys they wanted, the times they wanted to fukc and even wanted to throw a sexy party with about 5 of the guys. sexy party? im game! lets make it happen. 2 of the guys are a couple and the other guy is a single friend of mine who ive known for years. i didnt tell them about my barber husband = bh, because were madly in love with each other. lol. my bh knew the exact date i was CUMMING and hit me up with a count down. this guy has truly blown my mind or at least i thought he had blown my mind. i will tell you why in a minute. So my bh is funny ah. he sends silly ass cute text messages weeks and days before the trip to and tells me that he cant wait to see me. im going to post those text here once i edit some of the info out. what i like most about this guy is that he doesnt texts and ask for money when im not there. and of course because his dick and balls are HUGE. now the reason i said that i thought my bh had blown my mind is because for the past month someone has been texting me and sending me pictures and number of some of the most beautiful men in sdq. yall know i dont lie and i will attach those texts messages with the blurred pics. i mean my husband and i were at the gym one night before the trip and he was sending pic after pic after pic, but he wont reveal who he is. i mean these new contacts are legit and the guys are sexy af. i wanted to send him money via western union but he wont send his cedula or identification. there was one guy in particular who has a video and the guys dick was very long and extremely thick. mu husband saw the pic and said, LETS FUKC WITH HIM FIRST. I thanked the guy for sending me the pics and for the entire 5 days we were there he continued to send new guys. even after we left and i was tired of sucking and getting fukced, he was still sending guys. A few of these guys have very good jobs with the government and were skeptical to speak until i proved to them that I could be trusted with their face pic and would never share it with anyone. Once you have the trust of these dominican guys DONT EVER BETRAY THAT TRUST. if you do that, they will bring friends, cousins, fathers and grandfathers to meet you. This is my husbands favorite place to travel over brazil. its slowly becoming my favorite place because of the guy sending me the new contacts and also when we share a guy i always ask the guy were sharing if he has a friend or someone he can bring with him. when he brings his friend, thats another hombre in dick that goes in my dominican gallery. Another thing you should do is build your social media pages. this is key. a lot of their friends who mess around are friends of theirs on social media. go through their list of friends politely and simply say hello. you will be surprised at how many of their friends play also. now i know there is someone in this group who is gonna say, bitch youre stalking peoples pages and telling people in this forum to stalk those guys. no hoe! all im doing is giving advice on how members in this forum need to move in order to build a legion of beautiful dominican men to play with. ive been going since 2017 and up until about last year i needed a procurer to help me find some of the most beautiful men there. now with the contacts i have and the methods i use, i can be a procurer. speaking of procurers, if you dont know too many guys, you will definitely need a procurer. when we arrived, the colonial zone was dead. im mean slow as hell. you guys know the procurer that i recommend so seek him or go with someone else recommended by the group. but you will need one for sure especially if youre not going on a holiday weekend when there is a lot more guys walking and looking to sell sex. pacos is a great place to grab a drink and eat but if you are looking for a place to cruise, sit in front of La Roma cafe or it might be Roma cafe. the guys at paco charge so freaking much. they damn near charge the same prices over here in america. sit in front of la roma and order drinks and those same guys you can have for $50 - $100 less. trust me, i know this to be fact. those beautiful hunks start off at pacos and when they arent picked up there, they walk the colonial zone. when we arrived, it was hot af. i mean it was a sticky, nasty heat. we were dropped off to the apartment and i rushed out to get my bh a 6 pack. i showed my good judys around the colonial zone, plaza espana, colombus square and the gay park. i told them before we left florida that i wasnt going to be a tour guide because i had planned on fukcing the entire weeked. again, were all whores and they understood and was ready to fukc as well. my husband and i had both set up our sessions to come over at 6 p.m. they both arrived and we took them to our separate rooms in the apartment. i was so happy to see my barber husband. as always i gave him a half of viagra, he asked for his beer, went on the balcony to smoke, showered then came in the room with his beautiful dominican dick stiff and hard. he sat on the edge of the bed, i walked closer to him and he started to suck my nipples while i reached down and played with his huge dick. the laptop was playing straight porn that he sent me the week prior. i dropped to my knees licked his hard dick then started to go down as deep as i could on his huge johnson. he moved his hands to my chest and starting playing with my nipples. im moaning, hes moaning, the woman in the video is sucking dick also and her guy is moaning also. i have to take break guys. were actually going to see THE FLASH in a few minutes so i will have to bring this story to a close now and tell you more about this trip wednesday before 6 p.m. i will attach a few of the texts and maybe one short video clip to wet your whistle.
  9. Oops! Forgot to post the video! InShot_20230618_161415879.mp4
  10. Headed back to Florida now. Will have a FULL REPORT by the end of the week. Here's some insight to what my trip was like.....
  11. A deplorable? I can deal with that. As long as I'M NOT CALLED A SLUT OR CHEAP WHORE. Had I been called those things then the gloves would have come off and i would have gone into a tirade because WE ALL KNOW IM NOT EITHER OF THOSE! Lol! Have a BLESSED AND AMAZING WEEK GUYS!
  12. No, I didn't think anyone was "COMING 4 ME" and I didn't think anyone was being rude in their responses. I just went into my explanations because many ppl here live through our posts and a few years ago, we didn't have all of the negativity here. This was and still can be a really nice place to come for information to help plan and navigate trips that were being taken abroad. I laugh cause I had searched hundreds of sites before my trip to Brazil, but when I came across this site, I knew I had to join because of all the like minded sluts who had posted and detailed their sordid Rio sex-capades. After reading this forum, I was turned on and ready to swim to rio. We all have had different experiences when we travel abroad and this forum helped me plan and have a successful trip to Brazil about 6 years ago. I understand that there will always be contrasting points of view and I welcome that because you can learn a lot from someone else's experiences. As a frequent contributor here, I have to put on my BIG GIRL PANTIES and be able to roll with the comments and views of others even if they're not aligned with my thought processes. It's a part of life. The responses are usually done in a respectful manner. When they're not, OH WELL! WHAT CAN WE DO? Thanks for the compliments. I'm glad you like the posts and videos. Take care, my friend.
  13. Escorts in Florida, Atlanta, Cali and NY are $300 -$500 an hour and when they get to your home they don't so half of what you asked them to leave you asking, WHY TF DID I WASTE MY MONEY ON THAT BS? People who know about South America and these sexy Beautiful men will travel to SDQ and GIG to GET THEIR LIFE and sleep with the men of their dreams. It's not just gay men. In the straight social media groups, men fly to colombia to do the same thing. When I first joined this site, there were posts telling me what the going rate was in SDQ and Rio. I appreciated that info because as a newbie I had no idea what I should pay in the saunas or walking through the colonial zone. If anyone wants to go to those countries and pay $100 to $150US then that's their business and that's fine. MY husband got pissed with me last time we were there because he wanted the tall sexy cop so bad. When we turned back around to talk to the cop, my husband told me to tell him $75 per person. We actually got Into an argument because I told him $40 per person. He declined at first and we left with my husband being hot under the collar with me because he wanted to be with the cop. One hour later The cop texted and said he'd accept the $40 per person, a total of $80 to have sex with us in our apartment. It's not bragging. I don't need to brag and have never made a disparaging remark about any of the men in SDQ or Rio. It's informing others the way I was informed before I took my first international trip. I could never look down on or talk bad about these guys because my ex and i escorted back in day and had ads advertising our services in Hot spots, David and Black inches magazine. Who TF am i to look down on someone when i did the same thing for years? Do I do more for the ones who deliver? Hell yeah! Some come in the apartment and ask for shoes, socks underwear, cologne, condoms, lube or a shirt that I'm wearing and I have no problem giving it to them or buying it for them when I'm there or back home. I do it often because I know the struggle first hand. One guy even told me that it would take him 5 hours or more to make $40US dollars in his country and was very thankful that he made that much. Because my sex drive is so high, the guys who gave me exemplary sex were even hired multiple times in a day and made $120 -$160 a day. Same thing with my barber husband. He comes over 3 times a day, each day im there and makes more in a 3 hour time frame than he would standing on his feet all day cutting hair for $10 a head. When I read some of the posts here and ppl say they agreed on $75 to $100, those are the prices that the guys at Pacos ask. Catch those same guys in front of marlowes or walking the colonial zone and he won't be asking that much, I guarantee.
  14. People save THEIR MONEY and travel for various reasons. Some travel for the culture. Some travel to get a break from their everyday routine. Some travel for business and some travel to fulfill their sexual fantasies. Who am I to judge or be concerned with why anyone travels? Especially, if it's their money that their spending? to tell you the truth, it's really none of mine or anyone else's business. Live and let live is my mantra. In SDQ I've taken the Cho Cho colonial tour, manny given me a tour years ago. we've also done a horse back riding tour and also taken a tour of boca chica so I'm good on tours with regards to the Dominican culture. I always reside in the colonial zone so I walk through the streets day and night, hear the music, stop to dance, and watch their ppl play dominoes in the streets.i love their culture. Not just for the sexy men walking around, but also because they seem to have so little, yet they're so content and make the best of what they have and they all have such a strong love and pride for their country. As long as I'm not financing anyone else's trip, then it's really none of my business what they do when they get to SDQ because we all have different reasons for wanting to travel to SDQ. I'm a HYPER-SEXUAL whore so my reason when I go are to FUKC! FUKC! FUKC! and FUKC AGAIN.
  15. Me? Put on airs? Self-absorbed? I'm a black man from the pork and bean projects in Miami. One of the dangerous neighborhoods in Dade County. Honey, I couldn't put on airs if I wanted to. Im not ashamed to say that the only reason I can travel the way that I do is because I travel on points accumulated through my SPIRIT CC. Someone cracked about me flying COACH to Rio in December, but babyyyyyy at that price, I will fly COACH EVERY SINGLE TIME! PUTTING ON AIRS would be me lying and saying that I'm flying FIRST CLASS and I don't have to lie about that. I'm a bitch that's financially aware of what I can and can't do and I will NEVER live OUTSIDE OF MY MEANS to IMPRESS ANYONE. NEVER HAVE AND NEVER WILL! It's just not that important to me. I'm also not ashamed to tell you or anyone else that I'm a SLUT, WHORE AND A NASTY FREAK. When I take my trips those trips include sex parties, watching my barber husband have sex with dominican women while i watch and suck my husbands dick or having multiple sex partners while im abraod. HELL, it's my money so shouldn't I be able to enjoy it like I want to. AND AGAIN, I'm a SLUT, WHORE AND NASTY FREAK! I've said that in almost all my post. It's not in my character to mistreat anyone or make anyone feel inferior to me. It's never that serious for me because anyone can do like I did and that's go to school, study hard and make your life better. We all have that right and ability and I encourage anyone reading these forums who vicariously live through our stories to do just that (get in school) to make a better life for yourself so you can be AN INSATIABLE, NASTY SEX CRAZED SLUT LIKE ME and a lot of other ppl in this group. There are thousands of people in this forum, but only a few main contributors. When I joined this group, I read, learned and was entertained by these forums and took the knowledge that the contributors were dropping and used it to my benefit. When I post, it's never for clout or make someone feel inferior to me. I post to educate the 300-500 ppl who visit my posts so that they will hopefully learn how to move when they travel internationally. We're all WHORES and all sleeping with some of the same men and swapping the same DNA when we travel so that would make us all brothers. LOL! As Jerry Springer would say, "Take care of yourself and TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER!"
  16. Locking the boys up? You mean the guys who cruise the colonial zone?
  17. I've always been against traveling to another country to just settle down with one guy. Especially when traveling to brazil or sdq, but after meeting my BARBER HUSBAND, I seeeeeee why one would settle down with one sexy guy. Especially is they are COMPLETELY SATISFYING your EVERY DESIRE. I think MY BARBER HUSBAND has turned this WHORE into a HOUSEWIFE! LOL! The barber truly has me smitten to the point to where im taking Spanish classes at night 2 nights a week. I guess its true what they say, "NEVER SAY NEVER!" Stay safe and well, my friend!
  18. ABSOLUTELY! That's the only reason we are able to travel there so frequently. Working hard and using our Travel Rewards Credit cards. And remember, every guy there has a brother, friend, uncle or acquaintance they will happily bring to add to the fun!
  19. OMG! I am the BIGGEST HATER when i see you guys post about rio. I'm so addicted to that Brazil Forum. It's my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE country to slut out, but my husband is the SDQ fanatic. We are blessed to be able to live so close to SDQ and fly on our SPIRIT points for free, but my HEART, HOLE AND POPPERS belong in RIO. LOL! I Like my guys very hung and have been lucky to find quite a few hung ones in SDQ. Especially my BARBER HUSBAND.
  20. Ummmmmmm, EXCUSE ME! "SOFT PORN!" I'm insulted! LOL! I thought it read like HARD CORE, PORN-HUB PORN! I'm not sure if I snapped any pics of him. I will have to check my gallery. If I didn't I will be sure to do so when I'm there in the CUM-ing weeks. My stories will probably be boring AF now that I have and MAINLY spend time with my BIG DICK BARBER HUSBAND! Continue to be blessed and well!
  21. https://linktr.ee/riotourguide.manupeclat This guy is AMAZING. He also has some of the HOTTEST BRAZALIAN men of every flavor in Rio. My husband and u have some Fuck-Mazing MEMORIES from this past NEW YEARS EVE because of him. Blk beauty is what we nicknamed the guy in the photo. His sex was MIND BLOWING.
  22. @buttercawan use Google flights. They will keep track of you flights and send you email alerts when the price dropped. I just purchased tickets for that same time you're looking for and paid $1800 total for 2 tickets. Last year we paid $3100 for 2 so this year's price was way cheaper and I immediately snagged it when I was averted to the price drop. Now finding a reasonably priced airbnb with decent reviews will b a challenge also for those dates. I did find out last NYE that a lot of the hot guys from sao paulo flock to Rio at that time because of they can make a LOT MORE MONEY in the rio saunas than the sao paulo sauna. Hope you get the flights and airbnb at the cost you're looking for. See you in 7 months! Good luck.
  23. Ok! Ok! I really don't hate you guys I'm just JEALOUS AF reading all your stories about Brazil. With each and every word you guys type, I'm praying for December 25th to quickly get here so I can be there. Hope you guys are all having a ball, or 2 or 4 or 6. You nasty, fukcers! My husband loves SDQ and swears that's its a MUCH BETTER travel destination than brazil. I tell him all the time, YOU'RE FUKCED UP IN THE HEAD! THERES NOOOOO COMPARISON. 2 weekends ago we were in SDQ. on social media I read about Olympic Park. Apparently, this is where a lot of the Dominican athletes train for various sports. A lot of there athletes have sex on the side for money. Til this day, I've met 3. One baseball player and 2 basketball players. So my husband and I catch the uber to Olympic Park. We get there and withing minutes were blown away. This park has different facilities/areas for different sports. The place is huge and free to get in. Were walking through the park and stumbled upon about 4 baseball teams practicing, some were spectating and others were working out on the sidewalk. Me being the slut I am, I catch the eye of one of the baseball players sitting on the bleacher. I'm always nervous about meeting unknown guys in public like that cause you never know what their reaction will be. I glanced, smiled, nodded and turned my head. A few seconds later we caught each other eye and nodded again. I'm watching this guy and have fallen In love cause he has HUGE MUSCULAR legs and I'm a leg man and get easily turned on by a guys with BIG SEXY LEGS. a few minutes into us staring at each other, he rolls up his shorts while looking at me. I told my husband, I WANT RED SHORTS! my husband replies, these guys look very young. They look like they could be I'm high school. When he said that, I told him YOU MIGHT BE RIGHT, LETS KEEP IT MOVING. we start to wall and RED SHORTS comes off the bleachers and crosses the street and keeps turning around staring at us. As he's walking across the street he's nodding his head in a way that seemingly said follow me. We get to some trees away from the baseball teams and he speaks. My first question is CUANTOS ANOS TIENES? He replies VIENTE. I didn't want to stand and talk to him for too long so I asked for his whatsapp and he put the number in my phone. He told me to text him so he'd have my number. I texted and told him that I believed he was much younger than 20 and asked him to send me a picture of his cedula because I didn't want any problems. He didn't respond so I LEFT it alone and told my husband that he might have been right about the guys age. We continue to walk around this park and there are gorgeous athletes all over the place. We walked past the aquatic center. There is construction going on in the back of the pool. There was this one blk, beautiful, strong construction worker with bulging muscles working on the site. This guy was so blk and delicious. I love my dark Dominicans and brazalians. Theyre majestic looking to me. I asked was he a personal trainer and would he be interested in making extra money to train me while I was in town. He said YES and I asked for his whatsapp. He gave me the number. That personal trainer question worked twice this trip. I listed him as blk beauty in my phone and texted him later that evening. I just wanted to go to the park to see what it was about. As you guys know, I'm MADLY IN LOVE WITH MY BARBER FROM THE COLONIAL ZONE so I had already set up times to be with him each day. My husband was like, YOU'RE ONLY GOING TO FUKC THE BARBER THIS TRIP. I told him, THE BARBER ONLY CHARHES $40 EACH TIME HE FUKCS ME, HE HAS A BIG DICK and right before my trip he started sending silly messages that made me giggle like a middle school cheerleader. So yeah, I was content with just being with the barber while we were there. About 4 hours later were eating and the whatsapp indicator sounds. It's the 20 year old from the park. He sent his cedula to show he was 20 years old. I told my husband and asked what he wanted to do. My husband was more interested in blk beauty and as you can see from the photo I inserted blk beauty would definitely be in heavy rotation while we were there. So as I'm speaking to the guys my husband told me to tell blk beauty we will give him $150US total. I told my husband NO I will tell him $100US TOTAL for both. My husband and I went back and forth with him telling me that I always wanna do SHYT my way ans never listen to anyone else. I told him, CALM DOWN! I KNOW WHAT IM DOING. Blk beauty responds and says NO! IT'S $200 TOTAL. I then told him NO THANK YOU. YOU HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY to make $100US for one hour of work and you won't take it, my friend? He replied NO and I said FINE, we will pay you $120US TOTAL. he said NO again and I told him, NO PROBLEM, MY FRIEND YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. I then strike up a conversation with the 20 year old. He takes the $100US and comes to the apartment READY, WILLING AND ABLE TO PLEASE. This guy was AMAZING. I threw everything I had at him and I guess in his mind he was thinking IS THAT ALL YOU GOT. the 3 of us carried on non stop for a little over an hour. He was so AMAZING and so eager to please that I gave him more than what we had agreed upon. We saw him a once more that day, 3 times the next day and once before we checked out of the apartment. The day we went to the park was Friday. Friday night around 930 blk beauty texts. I told my husband, YOURE ABOUT TO GET YOUR WISH BECAUSE BLK BEAUTY WAS HITTING ME UP. He accepted the $120 TOTAL that I offered earlier and asked for our location. He comes over, we all get naked and his dick is tiny AH. I'm extremely disappointed because you know I'm a SIZE QUEEN who needs a big fat dick pounding my insides. We start sucking his nipples and playing around with this guy. His dick grew and grew to the point to where I heard harps playing in my head. He asked for porn and told us that he didn't need to see the video, he just wanted to hear the woman moaning while getting fukced. The sex with blk beauty was MAGICAL. He made sure I felt every inch of his penis with each stroke until he plastered my insides with his Dominican leche. After this encounter my husband and I ate, then strolled past Marlowes. We saw this sexy guy leaning against the car. I spoke then another guy approached us and started talking like he was the guys agent/pimp. I asked the guy DO YOU HAVE A BIG DIKC. he replied yes then opened his phone to show me pics and videos. This guy actually had videos in his phone of him fukcing his girlfriend. I looked at my husband and asked WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO. he says GET HIM. I then tell the pimp, that we only wanted the guy and not him. I told him that the other guy was the only one allowed to come to the apartment and that he'd be back in about an hour. We discussed the price and again, paid $100US total for this BIG DICK SEXY DOMINICAN. these hot blooded, young Dominicans will punish you with their MASSIVE MEAT and I truly don't mind taking that kind of abuse. The next day, Saturday, my husband get a text from a blast from our past. This BIG SEXY DOMINICAN had stopped speaking to us because he heard that we were talking SHYT about him in this forum. He heard we were in town and wanted to visit. I told my husband that I would call my barber over while he spent time with this sexy stud. The barber was last so I played for about 15 mins with our BLAST FROM THE PAST THEN LEFT the room. These Dominican guys are just beautiful and their bodies are INCREDIBLE. Especially BLAST FROM THE PAST. I go in the room with my barber husband (lol) and he asks can he smoke a joint, i tell him sure but outside in the back yard. I briefly go back in the room with my husband and play around because the guy he's with is a beauty. I then leave the room for good, go get my barber husband and we start to touch and make love. I can't tell you enough guys, buy those bareskin thin condoms that I mentioned in my last post because you can and will feel every drop of cum when the top ejaculated. Those condoms are amazing. When you go through the colonial zone, SPEAK TO THE OFFICERS. they look intimidating AF, but they are some of the coolest, horn-iest men looking for extra side money. Their cops just turn me on and when I laid eyes on this one I was prepared for him to tell me to GET THE FUKC AWAY from him. The guy was 6'4 muscular, thick blk hair and the face of a model. I said to him ESTAS MUY GRANDE, AMIGO. and I asked did he work out. I shook his hand and fell in love. I know yall thinking WELL BITCH I THOUGHT YOU WERE IN LOVE WITH THE BARBER. Chile, i am. I'm just dirty ho like my husband says. So I asked the cop for his number. He gave me the number in Spanish and my dumb ass is trying to remember my number in Spanish and slowly I putting his number. He then walks away and I told my husband to keep an eye on him because I want to make sure I had input the right numbers. Sure enough I had the number correctly because when I texted him a pic of him in the gym with no shirt on popped up. I texted the cop about asked did he want to make money. He replied OF COURSE EVEYONE NEEDS MORE MONEY. we agree on my price and he gives me a time and tells me that he will change from his cop clothes and come to the apartment when he gets off. By this time, it's storming in the colonial zone. The cop comes over drenched, tall and sexy AF. he showers comes in the bedroom then drops his towel. My husband and I go to work on him to get his dick hard. It gets hard and is very underwhelming. Truly underwhelming for his size but the guy is a total beauty so I give him a bareskin, lube his dick and my ass and let him slide inside me. For every inch he lacked on his penis, he compensated with his graceful strokes and HUGE HANDS. omg! He took his fist and nudged my lower back to arch my back and raise my ass. Once he was completely in, he grabbed the back of my neck squeezed a little and put a memorable fukc on me. When we were done, my husband asked, WAS HE REALLY FUKCING YOU THAT GOOD OR WERE YOU ACTING? I told him, THAT COP MIGHT HAVE A SMALL DICK, BUT HE CAN FUKC AND I WASNT ACTING! HIS DICK WAS GOOD. I told my husband because the barbers dick is so big, it was good and comfortable to have a dick that wasn't so big inside me. On Saturday I told my barber husband that I wanted to watch him fukc a chick. He asked did I know someone. I told him no then he said he'd bring a female with him Sunday before we left. When Sunday rolled around, I was tired of being penetrated and couldn't wait for my barber husband to bring the female over. I told him I would pay them both. They arrived on his motorcycle, shower together then walk into the bathroom. He drops his robe and she begins to deep throat his big Dominican dick. I sniff my FUK JUICE then Start to touch myself. My husband glad the lube and starts to play with himself. We stood there watching him bang her puzzy raw for about 30 mins before he nutted all over her. Both my husband and I nutted while watching. He nuts all over her then his body collapses on top of hers and he just lays there in his cum breathing heavily. My husband turns to me and was said FUKC. THAT WAS HOT. On your next trip to the DR make sure you walk through Olympic Park or Parque Olympia. I promise you won't be disappointed. To you guys in Brazil, please stop posting!!!! I get so jealous reading your stories. Lol! I'm just kidding. They turn me TF ON. You MF'ers ROCK! I'm sorry if there are misspelling. It's late and I'm too tired to proofread. Pls forgive me. InShot_20230501_215923229.mp4
  24. @scott456 I'm a low-life...what can I say?? I hope you're having an Amazing start to your 2023. Jesus loves you, beloved!!! Continue to be PLEASANT and BLESSED!
  25. Hello my slutty friends. Tickets to RIO 4 NYE have dropped to $680. BUY! BUY! BUY! Just returned from SDQ yesterday. Have videos and will give full trip report in a few days. Stay safe and be well!
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