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Everything posted by BlkSuperman

  1. @12is12 hey love, so sorry that you found the post ETHICALLY PROBLEMATIC. FYI : My husband and I just got back from the DR a few days ago and the plumber stopped by daily to have sex and make his money. He told us that the money was badly needed to help his family have a great Christmas. He asked when we were coming back and when I told him not again until March, he was a little Disappointed. Sorry the post rubbed you the wrong way. Continue to have a BLESSED YEAR! I hope you've been well, love.
  2. First time? Boutique Hotel Palacio is an amazing place we stayed a few times many years ago. Round the clock security and front desk. Everyone must have ID to enter. Standard rooms, clean and no charge for your guests. Get in contact with manny. He will have guys lined up for you. With a small deposit to him, he will bring a guy to the airport and you can have fun in his van while he drives you to your hotel. Have fun! Be safe!
  3. @HORNYTRAVeler thanks so much for the kinds words. Glad you enjoy my sex-capades. New to the site, huh? Buckle up, my friend. Rio in 5 weeks!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, I get horned up just thinking about what's going to happen in 5 weeks. Continued blessings to you, my friend!
  4. Ohhhhhhhhh honey, at that time the clubs will have WALL 2 WALL HOTTIES for you to choose from. I will be there with FIVE FREAKY FRIENDS who decided to go this year. This is ONE TRIP I look forward to each year. You're going to have a FUC*ING GOOD TIME ( pun intended) Although i will be there, post your pics and videos here. Let's compare notes. LOL! #HappyHunting
  5. We went a few years ago and SmartFit Had a kiosk at the front counter. we were able to purchase a day/multi-day pass. I think it was a bit pricey though. We bought a 3 day pass at the gym in Ipanema.
  6. @Mavica I think I found the moral-less whore you were speaking of. See quote by @floridarob. Lol! For some crazy reason knowing that these guys have a wife, girlfriend had children at home turns me on immensely. Don't forget, I'm that gay man who prefers straight porn and also pay to watch the barber ph-uck women I meet in the colonial zone. I think we're all kinda fukced up in this group. Lol.
  7. YOU DONT KNOW ME SO DONT MAKE ASSUMPTIONS. ITS SOUNDS LIKE YOURE CALLING ME A MORAL -LESS WHORE! You know me too well, my friend! Lol! When I read the post it got me to thinking about my guys and they all have women and children. Remember me walking into the party a few months ago and the barber introduced me to his wife? I know a few of the women know, for sure. Just like a part time job. Slinging dick provides supplemental income for these guys. And at $40 A POP (pun intended), "I'll gladly oblige them and their BIG DICKS"
  8. I'm curious to know why this was a RED FLAG for you?
  9. Well we just got back I will have a full report complete by Sunday. YESSSSSSSSS! There was drama and I know you're gonna pass judgment on me, but who give AS? I'm a whore. Lol! InShot_20230927_062019403.mp4
  10. Ahhhhhhhhh, so you've unlocked the treasure chest to endless Dominican Dick, I see. This is the easiest way to CHERRY PICK these sexy men amd their BIG DICK COMPADRES! Show them that you can be trusted by respecting their privacy and NOT SHARING their info with anyone on-line on any site. What you posted was EXTREMELY HELPFUL. The only thing you did wrong was post their faces on this site. Some people will enlarge your post, and if they know any of the guys, they will reach out to them and inform them by either showing them this post or telling them that they're being discussed in this or any other forum. Most of these guys have girlfriends and babies and will shy away from anyone they deem untrustworthy. Additionally, respect their time by not messaging too early in the morning or too late at night. Doing so will gain their trust and open the door to many of their friends and relatives who have sex with men for money. Always start your offer at $40US and let them know if they do a great job, you will hire them multiple times during the day and on your trip. Start at $40US and don't go over $60US. When reaching out to them or their friends on social media, send a simple text telling them how beautiful they are and when they respond ask them would they like to make money when you arrive in their country. Remember to always be respectful of their privacy. HAPPY HUNTING.
  11. Hope all is well. I don't have twittet anymore. It was too time consuming. The onlyfans doesn't exist anymore either. Sorry, my friend. I hope you're safe and well. Take care.
  12. Omg! Honey, pls don't mention Carnaval in this thread. I think everyone should experience that event at least once. Yassssss! The airbnbs are triple the price. The wait times at the saunas are long, but baby the sexy hunks with big dicks who who travel from all over brazil and converge in Rio Is sooooo worth it. In my slutty opinion. But I'm a whore and the only crime that I've experienced in Brazil, especially during Carnaval is PRE-MEDITATED MUREDER on my hole. Countdown to BRAZIL #88 DAYS!
  13. If you have their whatsapp just ask for the social media page. They can send you a link. They have tons of beautiful men on their page. Send them a nice message, chat and become friends with them as well.
  14. So you're LOW-KEY saying you're a WHORE like me? Is that what you're saying?
  15. @Axiom2020 thanks! It's comes naturally to me. I've always been a GIVING WHORE! Haven't you been reading my post over the past few years in the forums? LOL!
  16. This us Brazil for New Year's eve. The TOP IS AMAZING and I recently found out the bottom does porn.
  17. @Phoenixblue as promised. You do know I can do this all night, don't you? Lol! Night! Night! InShot_20230816_201623077.mp4
  18. Are you baiting me? Stop it NOW! Lol! I have DROPBOX with unlimited storage. I guesssssssss I can give you a few more snippets of the various flavors brazil has to offer. Give me a few minutes, my trashy friend.
  19. @Primeone385 why are you @-ing me and telling me this? You're making me tear up. I want to be in Brazil so badly. I'm so jealous of you right now. Please STOP! NO MORE POST! Just joking! You'd better give all the nasty, dirty, salacious details. Honey have fun..it's brazil! The men are unbelievably beautiful. New years eve can't get here fast enough for me. It's 7:30 in the States! Get your azz out of this forum and get to the sauna. We need full reports or I'm going to ask @TotallyOz to permanently ban you from the site. Lol! Have fun and be safe my slutty friend!
  20. And you would be correct in your assumption @scott456 InShot_20230816_173948984.mp4
  21. @Primeone385 although I'm HATING on you BIG TIME for being in my FAVORITE COUNTRY, I'm going to give you the name of a guy who does AMAZING TOURS AND has some of the sexiest guys in rio. Ask him to send you BLACK BEAUTY! You will fall in love with BLACK BEAUTY. Be very careful as a solo traveler about bringing guys to your apartment. Be safe! Have fun and POST PLENTY OF PICTURES, PLEASEEEEEEEEE! Tell the procurer that BLKSUPERMAN recommended him. His third are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!
  22. Here are the text messages between the sexy maintenance man who worked in the apartment complex we stayed in on our last trip. This guy is so sexy and muscular as you can see from the pictures that I posted in my last story. He was doing work around the complex and I would always stop and tell him how beautiful he was. I also asked of he would take me to the gym with him. He said said and gave me his whatapp number. When he gave me his number I continued to compliment him about his body and good looks. For the first 2 days my advances fell on deaf ears. When the water stopped in our apartment I decided to take $50 cash out to tempt him. It worked after he fixed the water situation. He went home. Showered, came back and the 3 of us had this sexy guy for $80US. The next day he came over to pick up the waterhole and I asked him to have sex a second time. And he said no, sorry I can't and then left. Then he sent an email saying how he felt bad because he has a boyfriend. I told him I wasn't going to tell his boyfriend or security or the apartment owner and that he could trust me. I then sent a photo of $80US and told him the money was his if he wanted to come over again. He told me, he would be there in 20 minutes after he Showered. Attached are the messages we exchanged. This guy has an incredible body he's 6'2 and has one of the nicest dicks I'd ever sucked. Now my husband is urging me to book another trip to sdq in a few weeks so he can be with the maintenance man again.
  23. Here is the text thread between my Haitian husband and myself. When he first came to the apartment, I wasn't sure If I was really into him. He was very playful. His playfulness actually loosened up the mood and helped us to get comfortable with each other more quickly. On the 2nd day he was actually sitting in the living room drinking beer and watching SUITS on Netflix with my husband and i. His voice is so deep and sexy and his sex is MAGICAL. because he lived so close to the apartment we were renting he was able to get to the apartment quickly.
  24. 20230812_175544.mp4 20230811_121255.mp4 20230810_163744.mp4 20230810_163732.mp4
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