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Everything posted by BlkSuperman

  1. Thanks so much!!! I'm not lucky though, I'M BLESSED!!! hope you're healthy and blessed as well.
  2. Black Superman in action!!! Santo Domingo is once again POPPING! The colonial zone was crowded and festive. They were actually filming a movie in front of the restaurant EL Conde, which is my favorite place to eat. Great mango smoothies and the food is simply delicious. There is a gym with hot guys going in and out for a GOOD PUMP (Pun Intended). The gym is across from Petrus restaurant. Remember to buy the Dominican Masks at the vendors on the street. I get stopped by people all the time when I return to the United States. The guy in the video is BODY PLEASER. WE had been fkcuing all day long on our first day in the DR. Not sure if I mentioned this before, but the doctor who manny knows comes over to where you are staying and administers the covid test, emails you the result and you have no problems reentering the U.S. When we arrived to the airport, there was a SEXY ASS worker who checking us in at SPIRIT AIRLINES. Of course, my nasty ass make a few complimentary lewd comments to him and within 4 minutes I had his number. He's a beautiful dominican, haitian and should be walking someones runway. Until next time fellas, STAY SAFE, HAPPY & SLUTTY! VID_20210314_113402.mp4
  3. Hey guyssssssss, Hope ypu all are well and safe. I don't have to tell you where I went because you already know or you were smart enough to figure it out from the TITLE. LOL!! The hubby and I spent one week in the Dominican republic. 2 days in Santo domingo, 2 days in punta cana, then another 2 days in Santo domingo. Of course manny had a new hot guy for us. When manny sent the picture of the guy, I was shocked and couldn't believe my eyes for many reasons. I can't go Into much about this guy or show his pictures. We will just call him TOP SECRET. when you get there and meet this guy, you will know why I nicknamed him TOP SECRET. When manny brings TOP SECRET to you, tell him you want the FULL TOP SECRET EXPERIENCE. TRUST ME GUYS, ITS AN EXPERIENCE YOU WILL NEVER FORGET. Again, we used Mannys doctor to come to the house and administer the covid test needed to reenter the U.S. Aside from the usual guys, TOP SECRET was the only NEW GUY added to our Hoe-la-dex. Enjoy the videos and pics. Video will be added soon. The guy in the SUPERMAN SHIRT is my baby, BLACK HERCULES! 20210313_192145.mp4 20210313_192313.mp4
  4. Good question. I'm sorry. I didn't even ask. I would say maybe mid 30's. body is phenomenal. hes soooooo humble and is very oral when hes fucking. his voice is very deep and sexy also.
  5. Thank you so much. That's all i have. Well, I have more but the guys have tattoos and could easily be identified in those videos. We gave the guy $12,000Rd for each night. SPECIAL K is worth it. His dick has a mind of its own. The curfew is at 8 p.m. but i love fucking late night and early mornings. I would just go down stairs, rub his back, he would turn over, the dick would grown in my hand and my hole took over.
  6. Lonnie, my childhood best friend's name was lonnie. Don't be jealous, my friend. Get over there and get some of that good dick.
  7. If you like the GENTLE GIANT and want to see some of his many JO VIDEOS, hit him up @ 8492499905. He found out about the site and thinks its a great way to meet new people.
  8. Good morning my trashy guys and gals. Hope you and your families are safe and everyone is doing well. I'm reporting live from a beautiful home we rented in the colonial zone. This jaunt was a totally spontaneous one prompted by Manny. Manny texted last week and asked when we would be back. I told him with the new restrictions, it isn't worth it to continue with out weekend trips because you have to now have a covid test done before returning to the US. I told manny that I didn't want to spend a day in a clinic in the dr to get tested. His response was I HAVE A DOCTOR WHO WILL COME TO YOUR APARTMENT. GIVE YOU THE TEST AND YIU WILL HAVE THE RESULTS AND REQUIRED PAPERWORK IN 4 HOURS. HE ALSO WENT on to tell me that he had new dick for me to play with. After confirming what he told me, I booked the hubby and I out on a flight for the weekend. Manny, as promised, had the doctor come to the apartment and administer the test. A few hours later, my hubby and I had the negative results in our email. The new guy Manny sent, we will call him BODY PLEASER. this guy came to the house with a big bright smile, cut body and a dick that wouldn't quit. Hes passionate AF. Sucked my nipples, locked my armpits, nibbled on my ear throughout the entire encounter. My body never felt such pleasure. This guy had me trembling and moaning uncontrollably. Hes the guy in the 2 videos fucking my hungry hole. He would nutt, lay back in bed, caress my body, get an election and fuck me again. He fucked up my sex-edule (schedule). Lol. After 30 mkns with him, I had to rush to my phone and push back all the appointments I had scheduled. I had lined up a few of my faves, but this guy did it for me. My husband watched and recorded him fucking me and told me that his body moved so seductively when he fucked me. We had SPECIAL K spend the night both Saturday and Sunday. This guy has a dick they won't quit. He fucks, mutts and is ready to fuck again after he cleans himself off. If you are like me and loved to get fucked throughout the night and into the morning then its best to hire one of Manny guys overnight. SPECIAL K is the perfect guy because he has a dick that won't quit. His dick is thick, long and gets rock hard. It was soooo much fun creeping downstairs in the middle of the night to ride that dick at 11, 2 and 5 in the morning or whenever my hole desired. The GENTLE GIANT is the next guy and the picture you see in this post IS HIM. HES BIG! JIS DICK IS BIG! HIS BODY IS BIG! HES JUST A SEXY FRIENDLY guy who is passionate, likes to massage and keep your hole stuffed with a hard dick. Stay well my friends. Enjoy the pics and videos. 20210214_151042.mp4 20210214_150730.mp4
  9. Dont b jealous. Get over there and get some dick, my friend.
  10. Yes they do. They do whatever you like, my friend.
  11. Lol!!! I like the way you described the video. Makes me want to change the VIDEO TITLE. LOL. Nice play on words.
  12. Hey guys, Hope you're all Having a FUCKING GREAT New Year, with FUCKING being the operative word. The hubby and I spent New Year's eve in Santo Domingo with one of Manny's new hung pieces. I should have posted this video weeks ago, but ISH got crazy at work. Now that I'm bored on a Saturday morning, I decided to post one of Manny's new BIG DICK guys in a 7 minute video. This guy I nicknamed, "The Dark Pipe." He's the same guy I posted with his dick swinging in circles in previous videos around the new year. His dick gets hard and stays hard even after he nutts. He was very playful, but when it got down to giving me what I needed, he delivered and he delivered BIG. It's not the same in the DR now with the strict curfews imposed by their government and the recent restrictions imposed by the US. After the 26th we will need a negative test to board the planes to get back into the U.S. So those little weekend jaunts that the hubby and I used to take will have to cease until its safe to do our weekend fuck fests again. One last and VERY IMPORTANT thing. When you go to BRAZIL or SANTO DOMINGO buy the mask that the vendors are selling. I have a back pack with a huge map of Brazil on the front. The backpack is what I keep my gym garbs in while im working out. I also bought a load of very cute face masks from a vendor in the Dominican Republic. These mask have different pictures, word and scenes of the DR on the front. It doesn't matter where we are, when someone from the DR or Brazil sees the masks or the book bag, I get stopped and engaged in friendly banter about either item. Both are great conversation pieces and a clever way to meet people from those countries who now live in the United States. Every time I go to the LA Fitness in Hollywood, FL with the bag or mask, some of the hottest brazalians or dominicans strike up a conversation with us. We haven't been fortunate enough to BAG any of them yet, but those masks do get their attention. I actually have ppl staring at me while I'm working out and I forget I have the mask on until they walk over to me and ask where I bought the mask. Make sureeeeeeeee you buy those masks when you go and wear it everywhere. You won't regret it. It doesn't matter where I go, someone always stops me to ask about the mask. Stay safe, fellas. Hope you enjoy the video.
  13. Hey guys, Hope you're all Having a FUCKING GREAT New Year, with FUCKING being the operative word. The hubby and I spent New Year's eve in Santo Domingo with one of Manny's new hung pieces. I should have posted this video weeks ago, but ISH got crazy at work. Now that I'm bored on a Saturday morning, I decided to post one of Manny's new BIG DICK guys in a 7 minute video. This guy I nicknamed, "The Dark Pipe." He's the same guy I posted with his dick swinging in circles in previous videos around the new year. His dick gets hard and stays hard even after he nutts. He was very playful, but when it got down to giving me what I needed, he delivered and he delivered BIG. It's not the same in the DR now with the strict curfews imposed by their government and the recent restrictions imposed by the US. After the 26th we will need a negative test to board the planes to get back into the U.S. So those little weekend jaunts that the hubby and I used to take will have to cease until its safe to do our weekend fuck fests again. One last and VERY IMPORTANT thing. When you go to BRAZIL or SANTO DOMINGO buy the mask that the vendors are selling. I have a back pack with a huge map of Brazil on the front. The backpack is what I keep my gym garbs in while im working out. I also bought a load of very cute face masks from a vendor in the Dominican Republic. These mask have different pictures, word and scenes of the DR on the front. It doesn't matter where we are, when someone from the DR or Brazil sees the masks or the book bag, I get stopped and engaged in friendly banter about either item. Both are great conversation pieces and a clever way to meet people from those countries who now live in the United States. Every time I go to the LA Fitness in Hollywood, FL with the bag or mask, some of the hottest brazalians or dominicans strike up a conversation with us. We haven't been fortunate enough to BAG any of them yet, but those masks do get their attention. I actually have ppl staring at me while I'm working out and I forget I have the mask on until they walk over to me and ask where I bought the mask. Make sureeeeeeeee you buy those masks when you go and wear it everywhere. You won't regret it. It doesn't matter where I go, someone always stops me to ask about the mask. Stay safe, fellas. Hope you enjoy the video. VID_20201230_171415.mp4
  14. Thanks, You're so sweet. I'm all fucked out. Will post more videos when I return to the states within the next 48 hours. Hope you're having a great start to 2021. 20201231_155845.mp4 20201231_155920.mp4
  15. https://dominicantoday.com/dr/covid-19/2020/12/30/curfew-will-be-from-500-pm-and-on-weekends-at-12-noon/ I'm here now and my trip is affected by these new curfew hours. I've been told by several ppl I know here that this new curfew will more than likely. E in place well beyond january 10. Weekend curfew begins at 12 noon. Thats not a vacation. Thats a jail sentence. This is a new guy manny hook me up with this trip. Very nice dick. I was supposed to come back in 2 weeks but I won't because of the more stringent curfew. 20201230_172215.mp4 20201230_172317.mp4
  16. Honey, I'm far from a Virgin. Im a shameless slut. My entire family and friends know how slutty I am. I'm always horny and in need of a good pounding frequently. I try to be a safe nasty, whore though.
  17. Hey, I hope all is well with you guys....we use aurbnb because it is cheaper and we can bring guests over anytime. Did I read correctly? You guys travel internationally and have raw sex with multiple guys? Thats tooooooooooo risky for me. There is too much shit out there that I'm afraid of. We always get a place in the colonial zone. Its a bustling area and used to have a lot of hot guys roaming rhe area, pre covid. We always take our own condoms and lube on the trips and would never think about allowing any guy to fuck raw with us. They are beautiful men, but also see hundreds of other men for sex. Thanks for the compliments and I hope and pray you guys continue to stay well.
  18. @ChristianPFC They are both straight men's groups. They pretty much do the same thing we do here. They travel the globe and have sex with women. There are hundreds of men in both groups so I'm sure some of them are bi/gay. However, having bi or gay sex is NEVER DISCUSSED in either group.
  19. Hmmmmmmm, thanks for the advice. I will upload them all next weekend. Stay safe!
  20. There is no comparison in my book. The DR is a watered down version of rio. The men in Rio love day and night in the gym. Most of the Dominican guys can't afford gym memberships and ate beautifully built naturally. Rio is a gay man's playground. So many men. So little time. I've never been to Columbia. We go to DR so much because its only a 2 hour flight from Miami and doenst take a whole lot of planning. Before any of the guys come to my apartment in the DR, MANNY fills them on on what I like sexually. Hope this helps. Stay safe!
  21. Whats a Horny, Shameless Slut to do when he has 4 hours before he needs to get to the airport? He wakes up, texts manny, and ask him to bring over the DOMINICAN ANACONDA. This guy is so sexy, and beautiful. I know I said it in the post from last night but this guy is amazing and I had to see him again. A few guys have asked how I felt traveling internationally during covid. To be honest it was nerve racking. My doctor told me months ago to do the following things to aid in the fight against covid. My hubby and I have been following this routine since March. Here is what we do each day. We take vitamins C, D, Tumeric, and elderberry all in gummy form from Walgreens. We also drink ginger tea before bed and I put a pinch of turmeric in the tea, add lemon and honey. Additionally we gargle with listerine twice a day and swab the inside of our noses with peroxide before bed. During sex, we wore our mask. On the plane ride I wore a mask and face shield. Also wore a face shield and mask when walking through the airports. We were skeptical about coming to the DR at first, but are happy that we visited for a short weekend just to get our feet, dicks and my hole wet. It made us feel good to also see the citizens and businesses of the Dominican Republic practice safety measures as well. 20201025_093318.mp4 20201025_093232.mp4 20201025_093100.mp4
  22. Omg fellas it seems like an eternity since I've share my SHAMELESS SEX-CAPADES with you guys. I hope and pray you guys are safe and well.. The hubby and I haven't been anywhere since Mid-March and my fuck box was been EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED AND ANNOYED. I've been staying in contact with many of the guys I've met to rio and Santo domingo. Occasionally sending money to the guys because I know the situation in their country is really messed up for them right now. In March, I was assigned to work from home and let me tell you, I FUCKING LOVE IT. I still missed traveling to get some of the best dick on the planet and Occasionally complained to my husband because I'm in contant need of a good deep pounding from time to time. He told me to find someone on line, but I couldn't see myself paying $250 -$300 an hour for a fuck that MIGHT OR MIGHT NOT BE WORTH THE TIME OR MY HARD EARNED MONEY. Manny, was texting me throughout pandemic asking when we were returning. I told manny we wouldn't return until 2021 because we were just so afraid of airports, planes and covid. Actually the only reason I took the trip is because I noticed a lot of my friends were still traveling via plane and taking vacations. Another reason was because I joined these 2 STRAIGHT MEN'S FB PAGES. Blackmantravel and Blackmentravel. The guys on those pages travel to the DR, RIO, COLUMBIA and fuck like rabbits. I mean you should see some of the post them have on the pages. Its very sexual, turned me on and made me change my mind about getting back to traveling for some unadulterated good sex. Manny was the other reason I gave in to getting back to traveling. I'm working at home and the whatsapp indicator sounds. Its manny and I see a pic is attached. I open the pic and the most beautiful guy I've ever seen is naked with a HUGE HARD DICK in the photo. The verbiage in the message reads, LOOK WHAT I GOT WAITING FOR YOU!!! At first I thought he was joking and asked ARE YOU SERIOUS? He replied YES and I immediately send the pic to my husband. My husband replies and wants to know who the guy was. I told him a new guy from manny. A few minutes later manny starts sending pic after pic after pic of guys. I asked who the guys were and he replies, THESE ARE ALL THE NEW GUYS I HAVE FOR YOU. I was like FUCKKKKKKK THIS WERE GOING TO SANTO DOMINGO IN 2 WEEKS. Because it was just a weekend trip, we both packed the morning of and headed to FLL. We knew all about the curfew and downloaded tons of movies to watch so we wouldn't be bored. When we landed, I gave manny the address and told him to drop the guy from the first pic to the apartment. After seeing his pic, I nicknamed him ANACONDA. This guy is AMAZING. SO fucking handsome, tall, very well built and extremely hung. I didn't know how tall he was until we stood side by side and it turned me on even more. What a Greek God this guy is. Manny told him i loved having my nipppes sucked and like to be pounded and he didn't disappoint. This guy walked into the apartment like an angel, but fucked me like the BIGGEST SINNER ON the planet. It was amazing as you can see from the videos. We fucked on the table, the terrace, In the window, the bed, shower and I enjoyed every long thick inch and every nasty pounding second of his dick In me. I didn't even have time to spend with a few of my other favorites because of all the new dick manny introduced me to. These guys are eager to please. Tonight is Saturday and our last night here. He texted a few hours ago and asked could he come back in the morning before we leave. With all the dick and pounding I've had over the last 48 hours, I wasn't going to fuck anymore, but decided to see him 1st thing tomorrow morning because he's just so sexy and makes my body and hole feel so good. If you come to the DR now there is a curfew. El conde is not what it was before covid. You Dont have guys cruising in front of pacos or walking up and down the strip selling sex. A lot of the shops are shut down, jacked and grindr are dead and cherry picking sexy guys in the various squares in town is non existent. If you come and need guys (I know I've said it before and to this day, I've never been disappointed) reach out to manny. I asked manny how he meets these sexy ass young men and he tells me he travels and talks to a lot of ppl. A lot of the guys go to bed hungry, can't afford rent and can't find jobs so they use their bodies and huge tools to scrape by. If you decide to come to SD make sure you bring puzzles, movies or work to do because the curfew on the weekends begins at 7 p.m. and you will need something to do to bide your time til the next morning. We will surely be back soon. Just like in America, you have to wear masks and the restaurants give you hand sanitizer when you walk in and in every establishment you have to social distance. They also take your temperature when you arrive in the airport. All in all it has been a great weekend trip. We wore our masks around town and when having sex with the guys. The price we paid for each guy was $2000-$2500RD. HE WAS hot at hell here this weekend. The weather and the smoking hot guys. Hope you enjoy the videos. Stay safe, guys!!! 20201023_185215.mp4 20201024_111932.mp4 20201024_112027.mp4 20201024_112753.mp4 20201024_113456.mp4 20201024_113247.mp4 20201024_112834.mp4
  23. Oops! Auto correct. Popular should have read p4p. Also, the word docked should be docked. Id rather pay $40 and get fucked 5 times a day =$200 per day. Plus the guys in SD are more accommodating. They're younger and their dicks are rock hard.
  24. Id never pay $250-$350 for any popular here in the states. We had a guy we would pay $80 but he got strung out of drugs. Before I pay American prices, I will gladly hop on a plane and head over to SD. im an insatiable whore so once I get pounded really good, I will need it again within a few hours. I can take good dick at least 5 times a day. If the guys here are charging $300 each session then I'm out $1500 a day. I'd rather travel and get docked down for $40 and only pay $200 for some big dicks and hot sex.
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