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Everything posted by sydneyboy1

  1. It’s very good to read these positive reports about Lagoa. Sounds like old times!
  2. In so far as I can decipher this comment it is unnecessary rudeness.
  3. A very encouraging report.
  4. My thoughts exactly about São Paulo over Rio. Mind you my view is coloured by the fact I was once mugged in Rio but have been to São Paulo 9 times unscathed. I have not visited since Lagoa moved. Can you give me your thoughts on the “new” Lagoa and how it compares with the old?
  5. The likely new Prime Minister is cute.
  6. A very positive report.
  7. Visit the rent boy saunas in Rio and São Paulo. You will think you have died and gone to heaven.
  8. What were the boys wearing at Dreamboy and Hotmale?
  9. Anyone who would drive in Thailand deserves a medal for courage. Courage if nothing else.
  10. In the past, the old location, the security guard would hail a taxi from what would appear to have been a rank down the street or a passing taxi. I never had dramas with haggling over the tariff when I reached my hotel.
  11. A question. One of the joys of the old Lagoa was the security outside who were very obliging at organising a taxi. Do they do this at the new location?
  12. How old is he?
  13. What were the boys at Toy Boys wearing?
  14. Sometimes it’s slow.
  15. I’ve been to Thailand about a dozen times and have always felt perfectly safe. There is petty crime like pick pocketing and bag snatching, although I have not experienced it. One thing to avoid is falling “in love.” Many a gay or straight for that matter have fallen for a Thai, then gone home and the emails start. The Thai has a dying mother, sick brother, the rice field back home is flooded etc problems that can only be solved by a generous cash contribution. A friend of mine showed one of these emails from a Thai he had a fling with in Bangkok. It was a pro forma ( that he had obviously used countless times) with banking details. In this case it was the flooded rice field. My friend was sufficiently cynical and worldly wise to laugh it off. I have read countless stories on internet sites of foreigners who have had their hearts broken and their bank balances diminished by boys just after their money.
  16. Really? With the rapacious deforestation going on there you would challenged to avoid the trucks, bulldozers and heavy earth moving equipment. 🤣😂
  17. Let me assure you if you are mugged you view Brazil from a different perspective.
  18. You were luckier than me. During my mugging a group of about 10 people only metres away were just standing and staring. After my attackers fled they continued to stand and stare and offered no assistance.
  19. As I have reported here previously I was mugged once in Rio. I won’t rehash my story except to say once it has happened you look at things from a different perspective. Brazil has a serious crime problem.
  20. I know where you’re coming from. I always make a point of having destinations in written form, printing off addresses of venues from the internet or hotel business cards etc. I have had a few comical experiences where I have not followed this rule. I recall taking a taxi from Copacabana to the cathedral in Centro. After much ado pointing to and rattling the rosary beads he had over the car mirror when we got close to the cathedral finally did the trick.
  21. How was Tawan? Number and quality of boys on offer?
  22. One important point. Thailand is relatively safe. Brazil is many things, and you have listed some of the obvious, but safe it is not.
  23. I have grown rather fond of São Paulo. I feel much safer there than Rio. Tourists are sitting ducks in the Copacabana area of Rio but in São Paulo it’s a little easier to blend in. I take taxis everywhere in both cities.
  24. The travel editor of the New York Times once described São Paulo as “ the ugliest and most dangerous city you’re ever likely to love.” Having been there 9 times I think I know what he means.
  25. You write “ terribly located.” What is the issue here? Is it far out or in a dangerous area?
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