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Everything posted by sydneyboy1

  1. The “old” Hero was the best massage venue in Bangkok by the widest possible margin. My Hero never reached the same dizzy heights.
  2. The Secretary of the Australian Department of Health and former Chief Medical Officer, Professor Brendan Murphy said yesterday that he can’t see border restrictions eased this year. He made it clear that the vaccine(s) are not a panacea. His statement made the Australian travel industry very depressed. I’m afraid we just be planning and dreaming beyond 2021.
  3. “A large sauna with a night club connected.” Please names, address detail!
  4. This was precisely my point. All posts on the Phillipines are so hopelessly vague
  5. I find all the comments about the Phillipines hopelessly vague. Nobody can ever name specific bars, massage venues and comment from personal experience. Can anyone help?
  6. As I have written elsewhere on this forum, I was there 2 years ago and the place was a tragic shadow of its former self. There were no “Greek god men” only flabby tattooed ageing men. I first went there 20 years ago and it was indeed muscle heaven. I was seeking an update from those with recent experience.
  7. This is Brazil.
  8. Has anyone been to Taiwan lately? Has it improved?
  9. Those hideous tattoos. A tragedy.
  10. Thank you.
  11. I recall when there was a local backlash against Brazil hosting circuses like the World Cup and the Olympics one of the main arguments was that the money should be more wisely spent on the health care system. Apparently it’s in a very poor state and with the additional strains placed on it by COVID it is in a very perilous condition indeed.
  12. Good question.
  13. Can someone give me a clear statement as to what the new Fragata is like? Layout, facilities, quality of boys. When did it actually open?
  14. Ah the Sky Bar. I have stayed twice at the Hotel Unique and it certainly well named! A great hotel and the Sky Bar attracts some stunning looking people of all persuasions. I vividly recall an obviously straight guy talking to a girl sitting near me on one occasion and took a photo of her business card. I can say without exaggeration that he was the most beautiful man I have seen in my life. Memories!
  15. It’s a classic illustration of the saying that it only takes one to make an evening. Unfortunately, on this occasion you were not the beneficiary, somebody else had the pleasure. People often comment that a sauna on a given night was “quiet” but you may find one gem. This has happened to me.
  16. For safety Thailand is 10 (I have been there about a dozen times) Brazil is about -50 (I have been there exactly 9 times.) I normal circumstances, and the current circumstances are about as far from normal as you can get, the “action” in Brazil is like nowhere else. I have the fondest memories of Lagoa, Fragata, 117 etc. Let’s hope the good old days return in the fullness of time.
  17. He has nothing to worry about, after all it’s just a little flu.
  18. A tragic indictment of Boris Johnson’s incompetent handling of the pandemic.
  19. Quite apart from all the issues raised travel insurance is another problem. Insurance policies do not cover Covid 19 and if you had the misfortune of catching the disease and needed hospitalisation you are on your own financially.
  20. The Brazilian Supreme Court has overruled the President and ordered that cumulative statistics in COVID 19 infections and deaths be published.
  21. There is a report in today’s Sydney Morning Herald that Brazil is no longer publishing a running total of Covid-19 deaths and infections. This almost defies belief. Can Brazil now claim to be a democratic country?
  22. An interesting point. When Brazil was staging circuses like the World Cup and the Olympics I recall there was a major backlash with rational people arguing the money should have been spent on education and more importantly its apparently decrepit hospital system. With this system now stretched to its limit and beyond Brazil is not a country to get sick. Something to consider.
  23. The United States has prohibited foreigners entering the US who have been to Brazil in the previous 14 days.
  24. This is one of the lead items on news in Sydney tonight. Brazil now number 2 for coranavirus cases. One person is to blame.
  25. The latest daily toll is 1100 dead. In one day. This figure in a country like Brazil would be a gross understatement. Truly appalling.
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