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Everything posted by Riobard

  1. Wish fulfilled! Thank you, Letsile for besting silver. Congrats Kenny. The Ark didn’t sink; bronze is impressive. SARS-CoV-2 always a bad break. You’d think with such stakes and resources, 3 events on the line, it would have been on the radar and avoided. Wonder if he has isolated since diagnosis some days ago or screwed up his relay team co-members’ health and chances. How BIG? Pretty.
  2. I have no basis for comparing with Peacock. That platform hosts a few shows that pique my interest. I have been tentatively planning a one-week trial option, if still available, to binge through of a cold dark winter week.
  3. I view in real time or tape and watch both NBC and CBC coverage. They have taken to sometimes miniaturizing events on the screen during a plentiful array of commercials. I get that sponsors are essential and I don’t mind, though usually fast-forwarding from recordings. My app streaming choice came down to Peacock or CBC Gem. I already have the latter for a few bucks monthly, so the obvious choice. Live full events then archived for later attention. Organized by sport and day, no ads, total unbroken event coverage rather than jumping around, and capacity to forward the recording at 10-second intervals or using the time bar during slow parts, or slowing or freezing the speed over some parts worth fixating over. Less excitable broadcast announcers but sometimes it’s preferable to just judge quality through one’s own personal lens. And no, not gonna post my Bell Fibe credit card receipts lest they get irreversibly caught in the cracks and crevices.
  4. Looks rather small and undeveloped at this point. Maybe it’s high tide.
  5. I think he just snatched an unclean jerk of a flying bug into his gaping mouth. I hope it didn’t transport too much e coli to wrestle with.
  6. One language example is “Where d’u plant this?” Just because you want thissa man do take a hard run and plant his long bendy pole tip into your strategically located and powdered vault box doesn’t make him the handsomest among hundreds. What poll is your source? I would like to be given a choice to be rigorously polled. Cum Mondo I adjust the standard down if he is to clear it? Mais oui.
  7. Riobard


    I’d say once or 1.x where x is 0-0.999 …, by average, but you need to ask the right person. Be advised, though, that it must be a well kept secret because it has been asked the same way yet answered differently a number of occasions to infinity.
  8. If you’ve ever met a four course dinner and been bowled over it’s simile.
  9. Maybe he’ll get to eat simile for Turkey Day.
  10. Sister’s social media and go from there. You’re the one that provided the first lead, Nancy. You have her name. I’m not your personal secretary. Get Bess, George, Frank, Joe, Bert, Nan, Flossie and Freddie, and the showrunners of the Viennese tubs spa doc to help you look up the info yourself. That last part actually added relevance.😂 This is far more fun. The wrong people go off grid, inn’t. If you like, get the father’s name, mother’s name, UK missing persons coastguard data, the actual name and media handles of the BKK airport official involved, extended blended family tree, what have you. It’s all at your fingertips within a few minutes. Thai translator app may extend the effort a tad. My interest is clinical, convergent integration of various components into a narrative, the same type of process that guides how to manage difficult people. Then possibly seeing the degree of coherence, of commonality, between my interpretation and any true outcome summary evolving beyond emerging puzzle pieces … should they actually be available. These missing-person stories often fizzle out faster than my inclination to accommodate absurd requests. For example as well, we shouldn’t need travel receipts to demonstrate to obnoxious entitled second-rate influencers where we’ve been, as you well know. Behind every troll’s demand lurks psychological impotence.
  11. You devil you, you like travel, so go to Helsinki yourself in a tub and try to chill a spell.
  12. I would say that a much clearer gay connection is that an actor named Robinson plays Simon in Love, Simon. On a more serious note apparently the mother that was reported missing (not the Jennifer Garner one) was dead by the end of the same year (2020), but with no bridging info indicating foul play or whatnot, just mentioned as predeceased in the father’s notice of sudden death at home at age 65 at the end of that year. Though of course also COVID’s inaugural year. Having done a clinical rotation in suicide intervention, I fear the worse for this young man. If a pertinent factor, family history may figure in their present anxiety.
  13. Getting Corrie St enough yet? And yes, same guy posting at about Day 4 of missing parent.
  14. The original location component of the story is now Finnish. Perhaps that makes it more relevant, or not.
  15. Good point. Oh the Queen's Gambit of it all. Would that the intended tripping up works out.
  16. Favours the classic Ye Old Mill state fair ride but capable of mastering the Slingshot challenge thingy, with Hope.
  17. As Walz doesn’t likely bring in more electoral votes, did she trade off Penn or Arizona votes that might now elude her? He does look rather old for his age but otherwise the antithesis of “weird”. He might come across as benignly paternal, benevolent coach to scattered student, if pit against Vance in debate; I believe Vance was essentially fatherless (?) Of note, the Waltons (sp) have a challenge/success narrative reproducing with Mayo Clinic IVF intervention yielding two children now 17 (18?) and 23. Cancels out ‘shirker’ criticism re: bio offspring? Merges nicely with self-determination medical assist concept. Otherwise, normal as all get out and I believe moderate Christians. It is what they aren’t that may have been a key factor. (Trudeau was a teacher before PM, but not not nepo-ish.) Wife Gwen, also a teacher, can likely do the following Minn twin-city move without looking like an ass. She perhaps also somewhat subs well for Jill B exiting the scene by default.
  18. Agree wholeheartedly. Netflix’ Never Have I Ever a prime example. Paxton at age 16-18 played by an actor aged 30-32 over the recent seasons. And Julien (f) on Gossip Girl pushing 30.
  19. Is it that one retired and a sea of smoke is the next best option for chasing the dragon?
  20. Final last night. Cliffhanger again. I like this series although cannot keep track of all the relatively minor characters and keep going to wiki as new dragons’ names pop up. Convincingly changing a few key characters’ agendas and my sympathies has been a particular skill. I think I can still unspoil the plot by predicting that the first wild dragon rider claim deviates from the books, though I haven’t read any, because it would mean the showrunners confusingly adding yet again a new character. Premiere too late to the party for this year’s Emmy consideration.
  21. Now we wait for a second illustration of posting cherry-picked examples to support a ridiculous and offensive stereotype. Opa, there it was already. Does anything get filtered? A clear bias unless prepared to match denominator neglect with the false assertion that Japanese male tourists in general are naïve. And two stories irrelevant to the majority of a broad membership’s interest. More than 2 such examples needed for a stereotype of blistering capacity to read the room … will 74 do?
  22. Actually, Bogotá’s small Laureles district is but a few kilometres west from Venecia, a vibrant commercial and residential area into its own, where Spa Sexto Sentido is located. I believe I wrote about it.
  23. So was The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency, which reminds me to catch up with later additions to the book series.
  24. There there, dear. You’ll find the way. RPReplay_Final1722818930.mov
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