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They are not controlled substances and the physicians name on the pharmacist bottle label or box should suffice. However, if you have to attend a clinic to acquire more PrEP you should probably have as recent as possible an HIV test result. Whether a local physician prescription is needed is unclear. Cost unclear. I believe Pulse STI clinics in major areas have been recommended in other threads. It occurs to me that one workaround might be a one-month supply of TDF+emtricitabine (Truvada) for first month, and if your uptake is daily, substitute with TAF+emtricitabine (Descovy) or Cabotegravir tablets for the second month. Silly tail wagging the dog to have to manipulate this way but your physician may get onside with it for preventive reasons. You may need a few days of standard lead-in doses for adequate prophylaxis at the juncture of switching to Cabotegravir and be prepared to not be able to tolerate possible side effects if newly introduced. Stringing out PDE5-inhibitor medication substitution is obviously easier.
Thailand is taking proposals for a single product manufacturing plant for domestic use as well as export.
No excuse for this heinous crime committed by a group of fuckwads, some of whom stupidly showed others out of the circle videos of their misdeeds, leading to apprehension, but bear in mind that Grindr’s terms of service require age 18 for use. In spite of age of consent 16 in most states, a person thinking with their big head would recognize a 🚩. The location is a few miles from states where age of consent is age 18. Notwithstanding age of consent in Maryland, a minor is defined as under age 18 in cases where an adult solicits sex, that is, encourages sexual interaction with the young person. In fact, it could be as low level as touching for sexual pleasure without oral sex or intercourse. I doubt for example, “well, the 17 year old kid started it by coming on to me” is a strong defense. This also helps to explain Grindr’s age standard. The point is, hate crimes are intolerable, but above all know the rules to a fault when engaging in the hook-up world.
Riobard replied to Bingo T Dog's topic in Politics
It is expected that your intense surveillance will influence the outcome. RPReplay_Final1730848621.mov
Since monarchy is not super popular their super complicated bind requires putting a super level of thought into whether to put in a showing, however super appropriate or super inconsiderate such is labelled according to the super polarized expression of public opinion. Super damned if they did or super damned if they didn’t. Either way they’d take a super drubbing on the chin, in a super literal manner as it happens. The king actually speaks for renewable energy at meetings related to challenging climate change. But I guess he used his paper towel roll to wipe his face rather than toss it in a super insensitive way to the mob.
https://www.minsalud.gov.co/salud/Documents/FIEBRE AMARILLA(ANTIAMARILICA).pdf
Or at the very least present at Brazilian check-in the summary statement from the Colombia health ministry that suggests contraindication over age 60, although discretionary vaccination age 60-65. (Link embedded, less blurry, in following post.)
It’s a precaution or relative contraindication as opposed to absolute contraindication. I received my vaccination over the age of 60 even though it was to satisfy the requirement rather than anticipating the likelihood of yellow fever exposure. I wouldn’t risk travel to Colombia from Brazil without a contraindication certificate.
And he does so insistently.
Things that make you go Hmmmmm... (Brazil question & Answers)
Riobard replied to bucknaway's topic in Gay Brazil
Just imagine the tightwads here frantically clutching one of these single deuces for dear life when paying their tricks, desperate to keep the maned wolf from the door. Sad for them but no violin small enough. -
Hanoiing if you can’t, as the trip will have been pho nothing.
Hmmmm. Wonder what Project 0850 underwear line had in mind for chest harnesses. I believe that this is a prime example of wearer-worn dissonance. It would indeed be an audacious floor captain daring to quote 850 baht ST. Swiping west.
Lufthansa denies boarding to Jews, fined $4 million
Riobard replied to unicorn's topic in The Beer Bar
I also recall there being a thread on personal injury due to not being buckled in during an unexpected altitude change. I think that any congregate activity that involves a group standing as opposed to secured in seats where possible is going to be frowned upon and the crew potentially backed into a corner regarding what exceptions are legitimate. The general rule seems to be to approximate vehicle seatbelt compliance short of inhibiting necessary movement in practical terms. The seatbelt sign activation differentiates obligation to safety from preferred behaviour that unambiguously promotes good measure safer-than-sorry security notwithstanding the outlier rarity of mishaps. -
Lufthansa denies boarding to Jews, fined $4 million
Riobard replied to unicorn's topic in The Beer Bar
I certainly don’t mind the phenomenon of structured prayer in flight and I agree based on the photo image that it was neither unacceptable nor disruptive in this case. It doesn’t nearly make the list of passenger behaviours that invoke in me homicidal fantasies that typically involve a garrotte from behind, there being obvious limits to methods on a plane. Indeed, there may be some tension between a practice that is religiously obligatory and a context in which dispensation or improvisation is warranted due to obvious obstacles. It turned out to be not a good idea due to the discriminatory profiling of an identifiable yet innocuous and improvising homogeneous group that ensued. Granted, the gathering would not have forecasted such a ridiculous consequence. I think that the threshold for common sense rule violation is lower in flight. I expect that I’m not the only one with an urgent bladder waiting in line for the toilet and being snapped at if not immediately complying with a seating command due to spontaneous turbulence. The crew constantly making judgement calls. It can go one way or another depending on the attendant, and I won’t back down, but I’m trading off compliance for a need out of my control that must be satisfied. However, the etiquette of structured group prayer is not without precedence because accommodation is made in most large airports and on some airlines inflight. I think that the rule of thumb in the absence of structured in-flight accommodation is to pose the request to a crew member for improvised dedicated space accommodation, or at the very least communicate the intent to gather unobtrusively for formal prayer and alert the crew member regarding the playbook details. It would be impossible to determine whether the request, if in fact denied, or responded to with “we’d prefer not due to safety considerations”, was tinged with discrimination. But the group would have a solid secularly governed basis for a hall pass and would not be restricted from substituting an improvised version of the religious observance, probably seated. It appears (not sure) in this case a complaint made it to the cockpit and a compliance order was made regarding seating, perhaps unheeded, or the profiling had already been irreversibly anchored. Surely any revision in airline best practices, while condemning the unique cascade effect in this case based on the incontrovertible discrimination on the part of a few rigid and stupid staff, would need to consider complex decision-making regarding such structured subgroup prayer gathering. It’s not just preventing recurrence but I would think need to formalize inflight religious practice terms of reference. That’s the $4,000,000 question. All I ever had to do was not eat meat on Friday and not suck cock without the subsequent sacrament of confession. With veg meal options only the second urge must be subdued inflight. -
Lufthansa denies boarding to Jews, fined $4 million
Riobard replied to unicorn's topic in The Beer Bar
It gets even better. YouTube had apparently banned the video because it interpreted the content as disallowed “hate speech” rather than seeing it as an example of discrimination that should be aired. Brilliant. It’s obvious the airline representative was being called out. -
Lufthansa denies boarding to Jews, fined $4 million
Riobard replied to unicorn's topic in The Beer Bar
https://www.dansdeals.com/more/news/airline-news/outrageous-german-airline-bans-jews-flying-lufthansa-supervisor-jewish-people-mess-made-problems-everyone-pay-couple/ -
Lufthansa denies boarding to Jews, fined $4 million
Riobard replied to unicorn's topic in The Beer Bar
The fine is a later chapter in a story about outrageous treatment. Trying to put the pieces together. It appears that the crew reported to airline security that there were some passengers exhibiting noncompliance in that they congregated standing up as opposed to the crew preference that they be seated, and there may have been some noncompliance with respect to a mask mandate at the time. No acting out as such, though I’m not sure that grouping in the exit space whether it be prayer, cheerleading practice, or hopscotch is a very good idea. Most of the large number of Jewish passengers on the short-haul flight were headed to a pilgrimage. Story at the time posted below. RPReplay_Final1729014981.mov