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Everything posted by Riobard

  1. Plus the internet opened up a flood of info on global reference comparators, sex tourism, etc, schooling trade providers that their punters of lore were skinflint liars suppressing the true objective value of a trick. šŸ˜ Considering Ingrid died on the birthing straw, pushing out Rose at the height of the Great Depression, this may call for an IRS review, however one may blanche at the thought.
  2. Sorry, Iā€™m not trying to be difficult. What you are suggesting seems impossible. I get on at one BTS by scanning my Mastercard. I get off at a distance that is mapped to a variable charge according to the number of stations travelled. I scan my Mastercard in the train so the door opens to allow me out. My credit cardā€™s brain calculates and pays the charge? How does my credit cardā€™s internal coding do that?! I would think that only a transit fare card can do that math. A credit card only functions by paying for a commodity whose value is established at checkout. Anyway, not to worry. It will all work out as you say. Iā€™ll eventually climb up closer to the insider mastery dimension of consciousness.
  3. What card ???!!! Are you referring to my credit card or a purchased fare card? Iā€™m over 60. Isnā€™t it half price if you line up at the customer wicket? Can I not just buy a batch of single ride tickets in one fell swoop? Wouldnā€™t it be impossible to get half price from a machine that is clueless about your age? Wouldnā€™t, say, a handful of 20 tickets from the wicket be valid going forward over 2 weeks. One queue aggravation up front but obviated subsequently? Too simple? How does half price function given that distance dictates a single ride cost and scanning is both entry and exit? Does this mean you can only buy one wicket ticket at a time because you tell the cashier your exit station? Just curious. The age cost savings is not important. Sounds like the easiest method is a loaded fare card whose brain will figure out the correct ride option each time. I just confirmed I have hosts meeting me in town so I likely just need to figure out getting to their BTS station from the airport and they can assist me on the spot figuring out the next steps for ongoing transit use.
  4. Hahahaha exactly. What did OPā€™s Romeo dialogue mean? Heā€™s on his Silom balcony pining for a hot guy down below the trellis, or heā€™s using the Planet App, and itā€™s over the airwaves not Elizabethan Verona? and is it Romeo or its Hunqz counterpart? It is the east and Juliet is the Sun? Mamasan sun? And is sun Tawan? It all takes place at the sun and is hot? And are the star-crossed lovers in regular garb, drag, or is it the Tawan leather whips and chains venue? If I say to my sister, ā€œmaybe youā€™d like some Romeo dialogue on your Alaskan cruise?ā€ she second-guesses that as a Bard reference to scoring a lay, or as being on pointe set to Prokofiev.
  5. Iā€™ll take transit. Itā€™s not a matter of cost. Iā€™m a Luddite. By contactless do you mean I would scan my credit card at the turnstile in the same way as scanning the cashier doo-dad at Tim Hortonā€™s? I am skeptical because the turnstile scanner defies typing in the appropriate charge. Or do you mean first patching those options to my phone screen and using my phone up against the turnstile scanner (which I have yet to set up on my phone). Frankly, I donā€™t like trying to manage my phone out when my hands are full.
  6. Please briefly (or unbriefly) remind us of the name and location of this firmly held breakfast sausage location. Iā€™m extracting that itā€™s the Foodland also mentioned elsewhere. More seriously, I cannot always figure out the actual name of dining and club venues described here in this thread. Sometimes the location is alluded to with references that a very BKK-experienced punter can identify but a newbie is left unsuccessfully trying to put it together with whatever clues provided. Posts are useful if audience targeted includes both insiders and outsiders. The fact that there is so much change in the scene over time and due to the pandemic adds to the confusion. Example, James Beard listed restaurant. Or a club where people from other specifically named clubs happen to be present, but what is the name of the actual place this scene is going down. It would take too long for me to go back and pull out snipped passages, so thatā€™s OK. Just please going forward always identify a place when discussed. The artistic licence is fine, and fun. But please just take an additional few seconds to render the rapidly changing chessboard of any given dayā€™s outing. Please donā€™t get me wrong. Thereā€™s nevertheless a plethora of useful content here. Whoā€™d have thunk a currency note could stand in for a napkin wicking off the sweat of a cold drink? šŸ˜
  7. Dialogue with fellow as in Romeo the Planet or itā€™s romantically the East and your Juliet the Sun? I think the app perchance?
  8. ā€˜Bitsā€™ used colloquially, albeit USD-centric, and with illustrative license to simply underscore that gorjeta burdens we undertake are typically symbolically picayune for us in that context. Not intended as a guide. Ink and an arse wax, 2 bits? NĆ£o. Counterbalance to bits the playbook of some:
  9. Iā€™ll depart from Canada with some USD and THB so that I have a few purchase mode options the first day and for backup/reserve throughout. I donā€™t get too bent out of shape about exchange rates for a single trip wherein I am supporting my cash-only financial needs for merely a few weeks. In the last 9 years with much international travel I havenā€™t used one single cash currency exchange outlet abroad but, if pressed, I would be more inclined to just suck up the rate than research an alternative. However, where credit card payment is not feasible, I do prefer to regularly obtain local cash stashes through bank ATMs using Mastercard or Visa patched through to my chequing accounts, for ā€˜entertainmentā€™ purposes. I pay exchange but no interest. The most important aspect is reliability of ATM utilization. I imagine for Bangkok this is a good bet, right? Europe is fine. Brazil is very touch-and-go; you often touch commands and go empty-handed. My all-time failure record is 13 ATMs spread across 4 separate bank locations and 3 bank institutions, for one single cash withdrawal goal to cover a night out. There are a few failsafe options, if in the neighbourhood they exist, to ensure a bundle for extended coverage.
  10. Enjoyable report. Newbie questions: I am fairly fit but how exaggerated is the 1-mile walk from gate (arrival from Doha) to immigration clearance? I plan the rail link and BTS connections to get into town. Is there a baggage restriction? Iā€™ll have one legal cabin size and one duffel-type bag adhering to conventional weight/size for plane hold stowage. Both pieces have wheels to offset weight bearing. The OP alluded to a threshold of luggage type restriction on the public transit. Immigration seems reasonably close to the Metro station. Iā€™d be embarking around 07:30 of a weekday morning, probably hitting rush hour at the BTS points. I think there is a not uncomplicated ticket system for this plan called ā€œrabbitā€? I have plenty of time to look into it.
  11. IMO ā€œgerontocracyā€ is also semantically ambiguous and defies one reductionist meaning but donā€™t get me started, donā€™t even get a befuddled aging guy started, let alone someone less befuddled, be they head of state or not, rolling in their grave.
  12. Sheesh. I do have something to say about paradox. Irrespective of the very questionable legitimacy of your example, your example describes a dilemma not a paradox. A paradox might be something like the assertion that all thread post contributions have merit because no post contributions lack merit. Or letā€™s say you yourself instruct the reader to not pay any attention to you. You dissed the Russia example, the content of which is actually paradoxical as opposed to a dilemma because a situation with only one possible side is inherently untenable. It was rendered succinctly and beautifully. The writer had everything to say about the American situation because the contrast and polarity track.
  13. A tiny bit of cash goes a long way. It covers a broad range of service dynamics. Broken down at the get go: 2 bits to an attendant to acknowledge paltry pay and rote mind-numbing routine day after day; 2 bits to later situationally ask for assistance if needed for an unusual issue (eg, misplaced item) from an attendant you had overtly acknowledged as having been ā€˜seenā€™ according to the above, or for a touch of favouritism navigating that dayā€™s spa outing; 2 bits for their contribution to your prerogative to transcend the restricting option of routinely mind-numbingly jacking off to porn at home thousands of clicks away; and for good measure, 2 bits as prophylaxis against the outrageous behavioural phenomenon of a gratuity overtly solicited because the concept and principle of equity may have simply slipped your mind when the little head took the reins. Thatā€™s a lot of coverage for the cost equivalency of a rubber.
  14. ā€¦ But unfortunately late to the party viz vaccination deployment. In contrast, ANVISA authorized Tecovirimat early Sept, very quickly based on FDAā€™s 2018 greenlight. The 2022 USA clinical trialā€™s protocol re: lag from illness onset to initial dose would be consistent with the window within which an individualā€™s infection morbidity commenced in August. Again, timing is everything, and this line of narrative is no more than speculative.
  15. Hell no to the umpteenth no. Ducking out ā€¦
  16. Same as the outbreak in our faces last year. Orthopox is the overarching label for the class of virus that includes Monkeypox and Smallpox (aka Variola). Tecovirimat is indicated for expanded orthopox applications, as was the intent of MVA-BN vaccine uptake many of us pursued last year, some older among us having then received broader sequential prophylaxis by virtue of generational product progression. The term Monkeypox is comparatively tone deaf when misappropriated for stigmatizing, and non-Simian classifications such as rodents are susceptible to infection and potential vectors of transmission. I donā€™t expect everybody to align with particular labelling. However, it might be easier for some infected folks anywhere to have shared, when pressed, the news of being ill with what the clinician termed as orthopox. As anywhere, in Brazil ā€œvariola dos macacosā€ is loaded, for anybody, let alone a married man in the public eye for whom getting backed into a corner is more plausible. Interestingly, Brazil to its credit launched early on a preparatory ā€˜be on safe sideā€™ awareness campaign, paediatric targeted.
  17. [error; delete]
  18. No, incipiently misogynistically ā€œShirley, more than 10ā€.
  19. Like I said, digressive. In one breath you emphasize the incumbentā€™s legitimacy, and that former presidentsā€™ title prerogative rests on democracy and individual choice autonomy. In another breath the outcome has apparently undermined democracy and an absurd made up descriptor for national principles is pulled out of your hat based on an amateurish ungrounded psychodiagnostic formulation that itself is driven by myopic cherry-picking. Further to that, you erroneously assume that, for the readership here, sentiments about one particular person having stunk up a town hall dictate alliance with the comparator you pejoratively refer to. This is beyond convoluted, talking points all over the map. FullSizeRender.MOV
  20. Who are you talking about, then? For somebody so rigidly and fervently insistent on the correct title privilege nomenclature, your weak and digressive attempt at shade on the incumbent would accurately employ the term of address President Alzheimer. No less absurd. However, consistency lapses may connote neurocognitive impairment and a GPS tag for dithering wandering may be in order.
  21. It would, but capitulation on the way there is not the call. Surrender is not an option on the way down. Do what you can and hope that collectively enough tide turns against him. Iā€™m not saying that passive acquiescence overrides the futility of engagement. But countering information fallacy has its limits. Such challenges can only be directed to a real person. He wonā€™t concede to any correction. A widespread lack of critical thinking and an abundance of Dunning-Kruger affliction among him and his base militates against significant headway achievable by steadfastly putting your shoulder to the stone. ā€œMr USAā€ is not a real person but unfortunately runs things; DJT is the epitome that Mary Pipher described (and portended) years ago. It is a manifestation of deep societal pathology. I suggest reading Pipherā€™s astute related essay in Writing for the World. The diagnosis doesnā€™t guarantee a rendering of clear strategy but it is imperative to understand the dynamics at multiple conceptual levels. She insightfully personifies and caricaturizes history, crafting it within the structure of clinician-client exchange. A Trump could only have emerged from the ashes of a well-intentioned but failed therapeutic plan within her analogy. Mr USA wouldnā€™t stay in the room or commit; the current manifestation was always inevitable. At this level, no surprise should be registered. He represents reality and its malaise.
  22. You cannot run an intervention and appeal to reason with somebody that lacks both internal and external locus of self-regulatory control, that refuses to be in the room. They need to hit bottom and that inevitably includes collateral damage towards and at that bottom. He wears a rubber ball suit with deployable parachutes. Only the chips will fall.
  23. Sad news. Sepsis. Any otherwise healthy gay male with sudden onset acute illness admitted to a Brazil hospital last August should have been properly assessed and given the antiviral Tecovirimat for the Orthopox infection widely circulating among thousands of urban MSM there at the time. Cue the hyperventilating with accusations of rumour-mongering and specious short-sighted diagnostic formulation from afar. Put a paper bag on it. All Iā€™m saying is that it would be unfortunate if such treatment would have had its place, presumptively or categorically, but the opportunity possibly missed because the trend was new and standard management practice not yet gaining full traction, not to mention the impediment of denialism and the counterproductive babbling of misguided ā€œactivistsā€ regarding stigmatization when the clinical community was already fully engaged and deployed along with hypervigilant sensitivity. It would have been a first line differential applied by my Infectious Diseases clinical colleagues up in my neck of the woods. Obviously we are getting the tip of the iceberg, less than the full story known or unknown, and privacy is an important consideration. The central theme is loss and whatā€™s done is done.
  24. Foundations are as solid as bricks and mortar. Hitler lost to Hindenburg in 1932 and within a year had usurped the presidency based on populism and growing popularity of NAZI ideology. Didnā€™t storm any capital but federal votes occurred in follow-up iteration. Hindenburg handed over leadership the same year. šŸŽ šŸ Itā€™s what the majority wanted and steered, superficially democratic. Sound familiar? Sure, all justifiable, right? No reason at all to pull out a history lesson and turn a seeing eye.
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