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Everything posted by Riobard

  1. I have arranged the safety net a few ways, until my repeat visits eventually resulted in establishing solid connections with hosts of a given destination. I occasionally double booked a second inexpensive Airbnb unit so as to avoid getting stranded, albeit unlikely, but that backup only 3 days to enable reorganizing. It happened once due to a host failing to show, as in to err is human, extremely embarrassed and apologetic. The charge was naturally reversed. You need to pay attention to exorbitant cleaning fees for short stays, as some hosts wish to dissuade guests from making brief bookings that may block longer stays. At that juncture when you are actually there some prospective hosts hungry for business will even show you the place in person before commitment, in the event the backup place is merely a sheltered base that spared you homelessness on arrival. In my case the mishap was serendipitous because the 3rd place, the one subsequent to the back-up, turned out to be a gem and I have lodged there for months at a time ever since. I have found these infrequent hassles to be more inconvenient than costly but some people regard any unexpected expense as a stick-up at knifepoint. On balance, particularly for longer stays, Airbnb options have been both cost-saving and better fitting in terms of daily living. Alternatively, a hotel room prebooked for one night but retained, not cancelled, in the event that the Airbnb is not formally cancelled but check-in turns out to be a nonstarter. Again, this is more apt for first-timers content with trading off some cash for piece of mind related to a secure arrival. Hotels don’t fuss about single-night bookings and the wifi quality may facilitate the task of rebooking an Airbnb in the same city. If you have satisfactory host communication right before the threshold of hotel backup cancellation, the prospect of your Airbnb booking fruition is good. Crickets would be the red flag. I realize it may sound exhausting without even yet touching on sex tourism privileges where you shit shave shower. LOL
  2. The closest you can get to a forecast is by communicating with the host ahead of time. But there are 2 levels of entertaining. One is an overnight guest; the other is a briefer visit by your guest. This difference calls for a different kind of inquiry on your part. You can ask whether you are permitted to have an overnight guest that is not on your booking. That may trigger the more stringent requirement of a formal registration, depending on the house rules. I certainly would not expect that I could have a few different guys sleep over during a trip. It is unlikely that you would be able to produce evidence to a concierge/security that a host endorses a free-for-all type of entertaining. Your capacity to hold a host to their word would be reduced because the host may not fully grasp your ask, and is not in charge of a premise’s overall security. My experience is limited because I sleep alone. One may also have a favourite place to book repeatedly and not wish to jeopardize a host’s receptivity to subsequent bookings, in the event that your sex tourism agenda is surmised. If you only plan the prerogative of a short visit by a local “friend” from time to time I would frame the inquiry very differently. Simply state that you have no plans for a group party but that you may want to have a friend in for a drink. Most hosts would likely be reluctant to restrict such an option. Explicitly ask if this type of light entertaining requires any formal step. Most hosts support the idea that, in contrast to a hotel, your stay is your home away from home. Naturally, they would also have likely scanned reviews about you, as a basis for trusting the innocuous and respectful nature of your use of previous bookings, but you may not have any precedents as a novel platform user. As one host put it to me regarding a visit of a few weeks, I am considered as a home renter and the conventional landlord-tenant terms of reference apply in spite of the platform intermediary role. This messaging was spontaneous, not at all connected to an inquiry on my part about 3rd party visitors I might invite. However, make sure that you record the mutual understanding of what is acceptable, eg screenshot of the internal messaging component of the app, in case a concierge or guard challenges you. Of course once you have spirited your friend into the unit there is little to stop you from entertaining until the next day. Any reputation liability would depend on the lodgings infrastructure. However, I would suggest seeing him off the premises the next day. It is unlikely the visit would have been tracked unless there had been a formal signing in. Many places are gated at the street entrance both entering and leaving anyway and you may need to use a key or fob to let him out, or cue a concierge/security to release the barrier, or you may decide to both go out for breakfast. Of course be aware of the optics in terms of what you look like (age, etc) in relation to the total unspecified quantity of nephews, grandsons, etc that enjoy a beer up in your unit when local drinking holes are typically an option.
  3. But you are spread out one floor at a time I would think, in successive rotation. Every place has that one guy.
  4. As also expressed by many a presently skittish nervous kitty cat in Sampa.
  5. I wish some of them would discover rentmasseur, more a happy medium between explicit labour-defining ads for them and needing to second guess and sort for us. Most of them are thematically oriented to the salutary benefits of fitness, nutrition and pampering to begin with. They have more control over what can transpire on the table. Reviews therein tend to be very cryptic and a bit better support the avoidance of unfortunate commercial sex work stigmatization.
  6. Though I warrant the libidinal warranty never seems to expire, as many here will warningly attest, en route to the final stiffie. You may relate to this: once a slut, always … 😉
  7. Hmmmm guy from Recife I met on my recent April trip? Not too many from that neck of the woods. Have we finally shared the same DNA? Blood punters now? If so, will wonders never cease? Can’t fathom it. 😲😮🫢🤣
  8. Your overall impression is similar to mine. Several weeks in Rio each of past 2 winters. I need to get away from northern cold and there is always the hope that a nice volume of impressive looking trade will make the travel distance worthwhile. Fortunately, the cost of living for extended vacationing there is very manageable and nonsexual aspects are fine, though getting rather same old same old routine. Expectations for access to guys that appeal has required some adjustment. Fewer and farther between but generally positive exchanges. Nobody that I absolutely need to repeat with. Not much evidence of “new crop” phenomena. I no longer experience withdrawal upon return home, no longer immediately look at flights to help in coping with missing the opportunities that used to have more ‘wow factor’ and contribute to the regret of leaving. If my home base was Europe I doubt that I would go to Brazil other than for seasonal southern hemisphere climate. I have no strong desire to return to Rio. That level of indifference would have been inconceivable several years ago.
  9. Given a drink. 10 feet deep into a man hole. Shirtless. Covered in sludge. Account not adding up. Sounds like a clear cut case of ‘good night Cinderella’ imposed by a slutty local bottom on hapless tourist.
  10. You pay venue costs when you check out, so you have not paid anything up front in your example. Your locker key number is tracked throughout the entrance trigger, bar, and room booking attendant’s computer systems. In contrast, you pay the escort in cash when your business with him is completed. This might be from cash you have on your person in the example where you prefer to be clothed when obtaining a room with him, or cash in your locker in the event you are wearing a towel unless like some clients you also carry a satchel, kit, etc, or from cash you keep in your locker even if clothed. Some of the escorts remain clothed in the common areas particularly in cooler weather there. I have never had a problem and in my experience the escorts are honest, but I wouldn’t flash a lot of cash in the private room and then leave all that to tempt the escort if you enter the shower cubicle while he is adjacent to your belongings. If you plan to shower in the room bring the towels issued upon entrance as most venues won’t have additional clean towels in the room. I start at R$100 escort fee for 55 minutes at Lagoa, as the attendant insists on a shower suite even if a 30 minute basic room is open. Oddly, the escorts push for the 55 minutes even after having agreed to a foreplay programa. Perhaps reflects confidence; typically not diffidence. For all I know it’s to assist the venue to uptick profit. I don’t mind the room upcharge and the shower is convenient for me and particularly the escort if he is in clothing and hadn’t used the public shower. I keep enough additional cash for optional upgrades depending on whether I want to progress beyond foreplay. I maintain enough overage so as not to kick myself for shorting an experience ultimately desired. This is all not to incentivize, through perhaps it does, as the foreplay is not lacklustre, and it’s not a workaround for possible erectile unreliability or for his goal to speed to conclusion. It’s more a case of being spared the hassle of determining the programa in a priori mode as opposed to in situ. I will go with a guy if I know foreplay at a minimum is desirable. Some of you may prefer to plan and evaluate an experience based on whether everything defined ahead of it rolled out satisfactorily, knowing upfront a scaling/cleaning and cavity drilling is the irrevocable intent. In my own business life transactions were always dyadic, not driven by arbitrary governance. I certainly never prevailed upon third party input to establish a one-on-one deal.
  11. ?He didn’t want it get dirty on any of the hotel furniture?
  12. Is there a clang clang clang ding ding ding zing zing zing en route to St Louis? Have you ever made it past the park on your way to prayerful intentions?
  13. Oh I think the rooms are for decaffeinated drinkers as they are more likely to need a nap. Everybody here has such a dirty one-track mind. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be named The Coffee Grindr?
  14. And that’s why you are most likely to be nominated as specifically representative for Sampa Gay Pride parade flag-bearing each year.
  15. More than that, you obviously just simply have the capacity to get it, at an adult developmental level, not just following suit. If my little niece has 20 smarties and asks me for an Oreo cookie, a teachable moment arises if I present 2 equal cookies. One costs 2 smarties; the other 10 smarties. Why? she asks. Because one is made at a Milwaukee factory and the other is made at a factory in a Brazil city. So? It is explained that she gets an allowance of $5 weekly for her piggy bank. Kids in Brazil get $1. Big Macs cost the same in Brazil (for the purpose of the discussion … they are actually 20% less). If she saves for a month she can buy 4 hamburgers. If a Brazil kid saves for a month, 1 hamburger is possible. Factory workers in Brazil are paid $3 per hour and those in Milwaukee $15. Whether it’s Milwaukee or Brazil the same number of cookies are made per hour. Who worked harder to make an Oreo cookie before you? Will you thank the Milwaukee factory worker more than the Brazil worker, or the other way around? Closing the loop. You can pay 2 smarties for the Brazil cookie on your left or 10 smarties for the Milwaukee cookie on your right. However, you may pay between 2 smarties and 10 smarties for the cookie on your left. It is your choice. Each cookie is the same, and yummy. Brazilian factory bakers get paid $1 to your $5 and their kids get an allowance $1 to your $5. Which cookie do you wish to trade smarties for? Brazilian factory workers accept if you pay 2 smarties. Many kids, many of your friends, would pay 2 smarties. Some will pay more because they think that is fair. For example, 3 smarties, donating 1 smartie, or you can keep 18 smarties and not just be lefts with 17 smarties. Extending optionally: Sweetie, if each cookie is given the same value, how many smarties are they worth? 2, 10, or a number of smarties in between. Optionally: Who is more likely the Hamburglar in this lesson.
  16. Respect. You’re too modest to claim but you irrefutably have it down to an art, a complex and nuanced cut above, and actually don’t need to read or report on 💸for 🍆
  17. [delete]
  18. I like gym-built guys, physique competitors but ripped competition shape not needed. There have been very useful clues on this forum about accessing that breed of hire-ables. Cost is not an issue but it’s helpful to know what is unfair to them or unnecessarily exorbitant for me. I have no interest in musculoskeletal massage be it amateurish or professional. I’m not known for stream of consciousness and prefer crystalline clarity (😏😉) but I will reach out prn according to your kind invitation. I like your creative writing style and play on words is always fun. I think the secondary ‘glossary’ aspect will be manageable thru communication. Imma def track your historical content before long. My trip is 4th quarter. I hadn’t actually intended to add so much volume on transit inquiry.
  19. Okey-dokey, grasping the reason for the name given to the transit pass. Frith help us.
  20. Error
  21. My last London was Oyster card some years ago. These new systems seem almost dystopian. I’m going to figure out my MRT and BTS needs and have my lodging hosts walk me thru card purchases at the BTS station where they will meet me, a few steps from the lodgings. To sum up the first trip though: a single ticket for airport train, right? Then switch to BTS system, within which I need to make a transfer, with new ticket booth payment at Phaya Thai and will need to go from one BTS line to another BTS line at Siam. (I only first need the red line rail link trip downtown-bound) At the point of ticket purchase at Phaya Thai communicate the final BTS destination, right? At the within-BTS transfer point at Siam it’s just like any major city Metro line transfer, right? No second BTS purchase, correct?
  22. Imma cruise right thru without breaking composure or a sweat and ain’t nobody gonna know. https://giphy.com/clips/topgun-top-gun-maverick-2021-zdoEnwt1jTlsyYrM3g
  23. Right, a “session” means exclusively one invariant single or 2-tier priced erotic experience. The provider, never the punter, launches the communication about the price. The punter never opens the cost discussion other than in interrogative format, but his reactivity may adjust the price. The session’s 2-tier constituent elements mirror, for example, the 2-tier price hierarchy of the same venue’s local brew vs premium imported beer. Lock in this rigidity and you will do just fine. Never ever dare to reveal an idea that contradicts the playbook. Obviously, no topic is discussed in perpetuity because its underpinnings may be unsubstantial. Obviously. In this case they are rock solid and the endless referencing is geared to herd consistency, to assuage anxiety and prevent nervous breakdowns at the ATM. You simply look at the drinks card or inquire about prices and that’s all there is to that. That the session provider, in contrast, may err in reflecting the invariant session price card simply illustrates that it is incumbent upon the punter to pursue the broadly understood and consensus-driven invariant tier-based price. To do otherwise, to deviate from the operational manual irrespective of reciprocal provider-punter flexibility capacity, is to upset a very precarious interpersonal transactional system. Kiss, suck, fuck, cum in that order in the same way you’d drink your brew in four successive swigs. Cum is premium. Any AASECT clinical fellow worth their salt will corroborate that sex is sex; it is one circumscribed phenomenon and defies the notion of partializing. (Not.) Oh and try not to get too caught up in the absurdly referenced tier-based price differential that springs from nationality. You can bet your bottom dollar that this talking point will emerge again before long, if not in this thread wait for it. You may go broke in one deviation direction or, on the opposite path, leave escorted and handcuffed in a shuffle of shame. Adhere to the above. My own response, as follows below, to the obligatory oligarchical nature of these directives is but idiosyncratic and irrelevant. Thank Cristo Redentor I discovered this forum well after having visited Brazil multiple times spared run-ins with bossypants myopic Waystar Royco circus clowns pacing endlessly in the same circle. And you might be surprised at the true relation between temporal length of experience and legitimacy and merit of guidance specific to trade compensation. Do what works for you, bottom line. That it’s tailored to you doesn’t connote superiority. The only claim that can be made is that fluidity may trump the rigidity of arbitrary dictatorial edicts. There are lines that you can colour outside of without stampeding the horses. How you do it won’t impact on my experiences. This is all just an open discussion of principles related to transactional structure and autonomy. FullSizeRender.MOV
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