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Everything posted by Riobard

  1. The rumours r true, then. U r actually totally a B-list celeb in balls-compressing tights both on and off the ice. 😉
  2. Just transfer from Pairanoiaways to the express train for Whogivzafukistan.
  3. Socks and sucks, a crew is best.
  4. Honest shortlived mistake for a pluralist.😉
  5. Just ask him. You’d be surprised. I am guessing Nicolás Ovando (?) but Caribe Colonial is a sure bet and they’ll all know what’s up as he pretty much has his name painted on a parking spot there. As you are aware any visitor will need to produce ID to the reception. There are post notes on inexpensive tryst facilities in El Condé if you search. The subforum is not that extensive.
  6. FWIW, if you use public transport, take the commuter train westward from where it intersects from the Metro (likely Central station) and get off at the large modern Bangu Shopping. Be mindful that the track directions split at some point and you want the destination (likely marked on train or platform; Santa Cruz) with the endpoint that will have brought you to Bangu. I suggest taking Über from the shopping centre even though it is close to the sauna and will be circuitous due to the complex tangle of roads in that area. I wouldn’t take the bus alone. You probably have to get off at the maternity hospital anyway and make your way from there. Drivers will be familiar with the area due to the shopping, hospitals, and Boate Casa Grande club your destination. Perhaps others will have better or alternative suggestions, for example, don’t use public transport. Also be aware of Sunday train schedules later in the day. The Feira Livre da Glória can be loads of fun and tends to spill over to the west sidewalk around Carnival time. If you get there early enough you may have an opportunity to go up to and inside the mid-eighteenth century Church of Our Lady of Glory on the Hill as it is usually only open Sundays. In fact, you might decompress there for a few minutes following the all-nighter. The aforementioned Sunday Gloria market is formally 07:00-16:00, many of the vast array of stalls winding down earlier, but extended festivities following sales closure. It would be extremely ambitious to squeeze in Bangu same day. Safe travels.
  7. It is now partnered with The Waterside Inn in UK and Chef Alain Roux. I needed no antidote to great local cuisine but it hit the spot as part of a broad range of options and alerted me to Baan Phraya at the hotel’s spa across the river.
  8. Erratum: remove the word for, 2nd from last line above post.
  9. Paradoxically, in the above research PrEP users had higher rates of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis, all but Syphilis statistically significant, but perhaps an artefact of more frequent behavioural risk events among those on PrEP because greater condom use for STI mitigation among those not on PrEP for would not explain that subgroup’s higher HIV infection rates at 5% or 1 per 30 person-years.
  10. Re: HIV The prevalence of HIV in key populations is so high that the average at-risk person, in incidence terms, will theoretically have seroconverted by the 20-year mark of their sexual activity. Obviously, in contrast to the aforementioned STIs, this is not subject to recidivism. —— Evidence in a recent Bangkok and Pattaya study reveals HIV negative sex workers can certainly obtain and reap benefit from PrEP uptake. Of course, those that are poz can go the antiretroviral TasP route with transmission prevention based on viral suppression.
  11. Re: STIs outside of HIV, though co-morbidity is common … There are a lot of published epidemiological data if you know where to search. Various peer-reviewed journals thematically related to Infectious Diseases; IAS conference oral and poster abstracts; consensus development initiatives comprised of experts gathering together (aka customized Delphi process) pooling data findings critically appraising statistics, impressions, observations; estimating progress towards 2030 global goals, etc. The STI incidence and prevalence among key risk populations (eg, MSM, TG) is staggeringly high and up to minimally a hundred-fold if not the higher end thousand-fold the general Thai population depending on the bacterial or viral pathogen. Prevalence is established cross-sectional-wise at point-of-care testing among candidates presenting for routine screening and/or based on symptoms precipitating assessment. The denominator is the absolute number of those tested. The positive rates are extremely high. Incidence is established where time duration is available, tending to be subgroups willing to enrol and be followed in programs, within which surveillance of infection incidence is tracked. Incidence is depicted as number of infections within a cohort per 100 person-years. This enables an estimate of the average number of new infections for any single high-risk person, say, over a 25 year period of sexual behaviour, example age 20-45. The trend reveals a new infection every few years among key at-risk population individuals. Co-infection is not uncommon. It is likely that gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis are more routinely treated compared to HIV that requires more focused and sustained adherence.
  12. Hahah. Living here, you’d know. Gotta be a better place.
  13. Hunhhh? You are the meaning of patronize if one were to need an apt illustration.
  14. Excluding SARS-CoV-2 time frame wherein most deals were off for uncomplicated travel anywhere, Brazil has had an aggregate of all of two years of visa exemption across decades, hardly a meaningful duration and no appreciable difference in tourist stats June 2019 to March 2020, or 2022 -ish on. But when smoke is incessantly blown out of jackasses blighted by Dunning-Kruger it is bound to obscure the landscape of reality for themselves.
  15. You don’t say …
  16. Funny thing is, nobody I know would go to Thailand based on your content here. One would need, in fact needed, to suspend assumptions about the destination’s merit if relying solely on your perspective. That said, there are chaps here without your degree of emotional disturbance that don’t question my visit history and material resources.
  17. And don’t you exemplify it? Yes. That among the worst candidates someone would hold themselves out as a role model? … what a stinking load of hooey.
  18. The chat board is structured in such a way as to easily access those details in a few clicks. You can also access your own.
  19. Not long before COVID Barcelona enforced strict rental platform licensing. It drove down inventory that naturally inflated prices. The city is not fooling around. The license code must be on a listing. Inspectors, a few dozen, armed with apps to track and find attempts at illicit listings.
  20. For some the demand has exited. Sleep is accessed well. No need for nodding off reading. If struck with insomnia I can request the endless ledger depicting his strangely conceived check marks about who has actually been where they say they were.
  21. I think it’s more likely you’ve never been to you. U read u.
  22. Commiserations about the stroke, though I cannot be sure it’s not the result of a barebacking STI obtained at BHz’ 1097. This place.
  23. Unfortunately, for some.
  24. Based on customer demand exits over your head.
  25. We all have our price limits. But you are also asking about guest privileges when the differential between Thermas and out-call rates is quite pronounced. So you are juggling choices among accommodations central vs outskirts, accommodations quality level (often better dollar for dollar further afield), tolerance for commute (bearing in mind Thermas peak hours won’t lead to being stranded outside subway hours), Thermas escort rates vs out-call, and to add to that, many ad-based guys can host (in-call). Midday fixed price meals are often excellent deals, leading up to Thermas entry, and I eat light at night anyway so an early night is typical. Even the typical late evening dinner playbook won’t result in missing the subway deadline. I wonder about peculiar hysterical chucklehead trolls and their capacity to organize transit; there may be a trend in which they are inclined to steer your choice to a confined area. It’s hard to manage multi-tasking when afflicted with communal narcissism masquerading as helpfulness. I am not pushing for any particular model and everybody has their own unique version of a satisfactory trip. My bottom line is that I must have a one-bedroom (enclosed separate BR) dwelling and kitchen facilities. That is not required or feasible for many. They are often unavailable and booked solidly months ahead, even if expensive. The way Barcelona is laid out, outskirts zones are (as the crow flies, or via Metro routes) often only a few kilometres distant. I have found that many local hosts recommending specific travel routes to their guests are not really up to speed on actual geographical dimensions. They may look at a subway map but assume that a set number of stations represents composite distance; that is not the case. My upcoming visit apartment (Booking dot com) is under 75 Euros. I couldn’t get the pricier one I have previously liked a few minutes walk from Espanya.
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