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Everything posted by Riobard

  1. That hotel is located in bottom centre of Teusaquillo, considered to be among the safer districts, but most of us are inclined to stay a few kms northeast in Chapinero. Either way, if you are taking in tourism venues you will need car transport and will not likely be walking around the hotel area except to get food.
  2. This should go well. Montreal riot police in training exercise near McGill U encampment that Quebec Premier wants disbanded. Today first day of large binary counterprotests, 7th day of quad occupation, with police presence and the two factions separated by two fences, one for each belligerent. “You’re an asshole, Professor! On another note, did you grade my term paper yet?” My Movie 11.mov
  3. … or HPV-generated oropharyngeal cancer. And some may opine that “his being a …” is more correct grammatically.
  4. Condom-protected insertive intercourse is a wise move on his part in order to reduce STI incidence, particularly as I gather he accepts condomless insertive (he being ‘top’) oral sex, in which case his risk of urogenital gonorrhea refractory to standard treatment is high (especially given high incidence in Paris). Deep kissing is always a bonus given the virtual impossibility of behaviourally mitigating pharanygeal-pharyngeal transmission. Although I suspect that being on daily PrEP your STI screening accompanying HIV testing for renewed dispensing is very regular. IMHO there is no payment sufficiently compensatory for complicated gonorrhea infection (or pleasure on our part, for that matter), and Doxycycline is now out of the running for that STI’s prophylaxis at a substantial level. I don’t know if you have been vaccinated against HPV; see next. I myself feel relieved that my own inoculation reduces the overall gifting of HPV from punters to sex workers. Perhaps somebody would be agreeable to reaching out to him, preferably face-to-face, in order to review Human Papilloma Virus including its oncogenic subtypes and associated vaccination options. I am not about to message him on RM, Hunqz, or WhatsApp out of the bleu. He and his spouse have unlikely been vaccinated with Gardasil9 as its rollout in Brazil has been late to the party and appears to have been limited to school-age children/adolescents. He and she still have a long way to go temporally in which urogenital, anal, cervical cancer etc can manifest owing to HPV infection. Him being a sex worker escalates incidence probability.
  5. If you think it’s a novel gig in general then you haven’t been following half of the post content on this board.😉
  6. Error: duplicate
  7. I believe the Health & Safety Executive calls that a strip-o-gram. Is it your birthday?
  8. So Todd from the Emmy-nominated series The Jury , a show with ultimate blindsiding, was really onto something, although if you have a vehicle acceptable footwear in this case could more easily be stashed. I agree it should have been a foreseeable contingency to which you had been clued in ahead of time. Seems like you bit your tongue, not a barefoot cuntessa. This is a Candadian point of view.
  9. Your intentions were good but I was just wondering what the impact on the fellow would be in terms of his views about you if a local clinician were to later reflect that the drug and dosage of his initiation was incorrect. In actuality, he might be more inclined to seek PrEP at this point and that is not a bad thing. He might not know enough to realize the medication disconnect if and when Truvada is dispensed. Anyway, as you indicate, now you know. It’s certainly not egregious to sub one for the other in a pinch according to the idea that having some prophylaxis is better than none. However, the prospects for eventual on-demand Descovy appear slim. There is no registered trial assessing its non-inferiority to event-driven Truvada. There is minimal interest in additional innovative on-demand regimens and the strategy of trading off specific drug toxicities in reduced uptake may be less paramount. One proposed study has not achieved lift-off. Even if it gets off the ground the endpoint is about 2028. It is no longer feasible ethically to have placebo-control arms, so how to approximate a gold standard method is more complex. Although the Descovy comparator is Truvada, the control group idea is substituted with background HIV incidence in non-recruited MSM. That itself reduces the analytical rigour. Moreover, the methodology described is the usual Truvada 2-1-1 but Descovy 1-1 (reduced lead-in dose loading as well as absent the final post-intercourse ‘for good measure’ dose), counterintuitive relative to the logical assumption of equal number of tablets one would expect in study arms. Demonstrating daily Descovy for vaginal intercourse PrEP efficacy is probably of greater importance.
  10. AFAIK Descovy, in contrast to Truvada, is not indicated anywhere for on-demand / event-driven 2-1-1 HIV PrEP either formally or off-label, as corroborated by NYC Health, IAS, CATIE, etc. One can switch from daily or on-demand Truvada to daily (but not on-demand) Descovy, or from daily Descovy to daily or on-demand Truvada. Descovy has not been studied for oral uptake timing surrounding sexual intercourse events. Not that I would consider giving a “starter kit” to a Brazilian national in Brazil because I would more likely steer them to their local provision option, but I would recommend accurate educational guidance. Also, unlike Truvada and Apretude, Descovy for PrEP is not yet authorized in Brazil. If the guy were to eventually seek PrEP formally he might reveal that a visiting gringo had provided a controlled prescription-dependent drug not ANVISA-approved in Brazil and with an incorrect dosing regimen instruction to boot.
  11. For sure, and water ration packages charged extra to boot.
  12. Who really wants to enter robust pushback against travel advisories, as safety cannot be guaranteed? All I can share is that my post-pandemic trip to Medellín and DIY side excursion to Guatapé was a very positive experience. Easy to get to major arts/culture venues by Metro or walking. Great food. Well-heeled locals milling about. Stays in Poblado and Estadio/Laureles in unexpectedly upscale surroundings. My only comment would be that 12 days is a bit long and in that time period I combined Medellín (gateway location) with a trip to Bogotá via Satena Air. That said, I would personally likely prefer a European river cruise over a return to Medellín, if hires were to be out of the equation, because I prefer novelty to retracing sightseeing steps.
  13. Could have been IRIS, the sobering, paradoxical, not uncommon sequelae of HIV drug treatment. Surprisingly not very much on the awareness radar of higher HIV risk-taking populations even though known about for decades. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK567803/#:~:text=Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS,of IRIS is still unknown.
  14. It’s a question of lead-in dosing, depending on what is predictable and practical, for sufficient mucosal drug concentrations. On-demand or event-driven method 2-1-1 (and then daily ongoing or repeat 2-1-1 depending on activity break durations) with the double dose 2-24 hours before first sexual encounter will provide initial protective drug concentration. Alternatively, a week of daily single dose while celibate with respect to risk: essentially [1-1-1-1-1-1-1] - 1-1 … I have greater hesitancy for the on-demand method until a few days of the single dosing are done and dusted, but use condoms for anal anyway. The pharmacology investigators of drug concentrations based on 4 doses weekly (not to be conflated with 2-1-1) nevertheless consider daily dosing to be a more robust recommendation as that regimen has more routinization and affords drug concentrations expected to persist in the protective range in the event of missed doses.
  15. Slurpers overheard: “Shall we head to 7-Eleven to off a few Slurpees?”
  16. … as announced this evening by Brazil’s Ministry of Tourism and Official Gazette of the Union with a few hours to spare. The revised start date had previously been set for midnight for American, Canadian, and Australian visitors.
  17. All indications are that the topic is scheduled further for government Plenary sessions, including today, although the legislative website suggests that today’s planned Plenary is not being held after all. Nothing is certain come Wednesday.
  18. Back to Brazil following the Venezuela excursion. All over the news is the requirement for the visa commencing April 10th. It appears to be on after all. The discourse continues to be tension between reciprocity and tourism wellness. It seems that the one-year postponement agreement was a bluff, a stall, and has not been ratified. Apparently a vote to revoke can still go forward but time is running out.
  19. Actually, according to several news sources there is a distinct possibility that the requirement will be postponed to April 10th, 2025 as opposed to entirely revoked, supposedly a concession made to circumvent an immediate vote to scrap it or maintain it, immediate defeat for one or the other side of the issue. I think it could play out for a few more weeks.
  20. Some bakeshops offer it.
  21. No placebo control group or crossover treatment-placebo arms for either Futura study on which the efficacy and authorization is assessed. The comparator study indicated oral tadalafil 5 mg (lowest dose) worked better. Endpoint of sustained erection for intercourse: 47% of subjects that did not meet this goal at baseline reported achieving it at follow-up. Outcome of erection sufficient for penetration was a little better; 64% that could not at baseline could achieve this at follow-up. The premise is evaporative action, cooling then warming effect that apparently increases the smooth muscle relaxant nitric oxide; effective local levels of nitric oxide need to be achieved. It is unlikely that applying the gel alone would do much; it must be combined with the usual measures that promote arousal. What is unknown about public domain reviews is whether some consumers apply the product without concomitant sexualizing. That said, I am skeptical about Eroxon. It seems to me that after a brief time any temperature effect would wear off and any initial additional burst of nitric oxide and blood flow would be shortlived.
  22. Technically it’s not medicine, medication, or a drug. It is classified as a medical device, the bar set lower for authorization.
  23. If you want to impress me as a company you need to decide whether it is success or sucks, and spell correctly.
  24. Also the lyrics brought physically to life even without dance or sound. I’m thinking My Christmas, for example, by Menotti (Barber’s partner). Really, though, a justification is necessary? The tone deaf attend everywhere.
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