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Everything posted by Riobard

  1. Is this new news? Mentioned in another thread? Location? I am finally going to spend more than just a couple of says in SP late summer.
  2. This is a short low-key residential block (and Othon Hotel) overlooking the extensive green space and bay/marina. One of the apartment buildings is quite upscale. There is not much colorful and varied human sidewalk traffic to "absorb" a parade of young rentboys coming and going, and I expect the majority of people outdoors in the evening are dwellers walking their designer pooches. I would not be surprised if staff from consulates in the area, or the local high-density municipal management, reflect some of the occupancy. In contrast, the other clubs are more segregated structures. I doubt there was much acceptance of the whorehouse on the ground level. How are the well-heeled property owners going to take to the realization it is now a M4M brothel? And the folks living on the level above it are going to tolerate the ear-splitting volume of stage shows bleeding into their evening relaxation? I think not. It may be the last straw. I hope Accyr did not draw a short one.
  3. But NMM will be shuttered, no? Tom?
  4. Good writing and suspense, though the salmon overcooked is predctable BTW ... Über to bus terminus by Central Metro about 25 reais ... transfer to all-night bus to Sao Gonçalo.
  5. At considerable cost and inconvenience I experientially researched by apartment hopping every 3 nights on earlier trips. Eventually found THE one ... URL hidden . I had uninterrupted sleep there and I would have paid double for that feature alone. I do not lose sleep at home wondering if I will be "cock-blocked". Random booking guests there already pose a hassle when choosing my dates.
  6. Tom, you mean Cinelandia Metro stop ... Candelaria is the VLT stop near New Meio Mundo. The nearest VLT stop to 215 Beira Mar is Antonio Carlos if you are hitting the club after sights further north on the VLT line. Anyway, interesting.
  7. Why use lidocaine ointment for stretching pressure if there is no other topical discomfort such as a dentist's needle jab, or some other condition such as pruritis? And to the extent that the anal sphincter is intact skin, over which lidocaine is ineffective, and to the extent that appropriately using a water-based lubricant on top of it simply dilutes the anaesthetic concentration? A liberal application of lube alone may be just as good an option for the discomfort of friction. I tend to think of anal intercourse as more challenging for musculature (minimally absorbing the active ingredients) than dermis. But then my prick is not as prickly as my opinion. It may be that lidocaine use assist's a GP's mentalizing, though ... 'I am not gay, getting fucked should be uncomfortable, this ointment tube is one additional way to symbolically underline my straight orientation, it may attenuate this client's enthusiasm for topping me.'
  8. I prefer to wear some clothing as well but appreciate that, unlike in Brazil, the fingers can be much more proficiently schooled in stickiness, and a towel or panties is thus protective. I will skip BCN when in Europe this Spring but will try out, for the 1st time, Adan in Madrid as well as Paragonya in Zurich.
  9. I hope the psychiatrist's family's story arc is interesting because I find the Robbins/Hunter family contrived ... there has to be the something wierdly supernatural to rescue it. It will be a challenge to top the Fishers, and Brenda and Billy, etc.
  10. Hi, pauleiro, if you come up short, it is reasonably simple and completely safe by bus, at least getting there and back. I did it two months ago on my own. The main thing is to have good footwear, as often you have to walk on considerably protruding cobblestone sections. And almost every step you take will involve an up or down change in altitude. I got a tourist map at the bus station and they alerted me the Conceiçao church was closed, but there are other notable ones. A map is essential unless you have an acute sense of direction. Or location tracking and map on your smartphone. For the town itself, a local guide likely best unless a guide in BHz can demonstrate advanced familiarity. PM me if you wish, though I have not been able to figure out how to add attachments in the PM option.
  11. Erm, Boate (Boite) 1140 is one of the main LGBTQ nightclubs but it is quite a bit inland, in an area a little upscale for me, and clowns of all types terrify me ...
  12. I am a bullshitter when routinely asked that seemingly inocuous question ... "I am in Rio indefinitely", as I swoon and gaze into their sexy puppy-dog eyes. After all, we are to be married It has never compromised anything. I have never had a bad experience over several months and dozens of GPs cumulatively. The erotic descriptions are fun to read. Hope you had a safe Corcovado descent.
  13. Mon Jan 1 was one of the worst days at a sauna ... 202. I popped in for a drink before it got busy, not sure what to anticipate but low expectations. About 6 PM, an enormous crashing sound: a few square feet of the thick ceiling plaster gave way in huge heavy chunks and landed on one of the red vinyl banquettes (at 3 o'clock, given stage is 12 o''clock). Good thing nobody was perched there. Before long about 25 tourists had arrived but slim pickens, about 5 working guys, not surprisingly. It is reasonably hygienic there but structurally dicey and the vibes from excessively loud subwoofers do not help. Jr was contacted immediately and by Wed it was repaired. I doubt their liability insurance is impressive.
  14. What new mayor, pray tell? He is 15 months into his term. This was discussed here a long while back. "Crivella da Villa" is now in the spotlight as he took a bogus expensed business trip to Europe during recent festivities and it has been shown to have been personal ... big surprise. I doubt any of the multitude of brothels will be targetted. They help keep sex trade structured and off the streets. Fingers crossed, though.
  15. Funny story, some of you may agree ... I try out different gyms (day or month pass) when longstaying Rio. Late Dec on 1st day at a Lapa gym, 25 min walk from apt, immediately spot this enormous stacked 6'5" mainly Afro-admixtured muscle-stud on the weights level. I try not to get bogged down by hesitation, so promptly introduced myself, which is easier in Brazil, to "Rafael" and asked if he competed ... no. A few friendly looks exchanged working out. I thought: OK, I like this academia and I have 5 weeks to flirt to possible fruition ... but it would be a gay-for-pay situation. I am 2.5X his age. I tend to get a little obsessional and fixated. Second gym visit, happens to be a Tuesday, Jan 2. Rafael is wrapping up and we greet each other as he departs. Imprinting complete. I have to have this massive hunk. There are a few somewhat similar to him at 117, but I like a challenge and varied contexts. That evening I check into 117 and see this new sauna guy standing up the few steps from reception at the staircase landing. I am a tad confused and impressed. I don't know him from the saunas, but he looks so familiar, but with 50% more skin. It is Rafael !!! We both burst out laughing. Minutes later this sweet-tempered power-top is fulfilling the few days of fantasies I had gotten worked up over. Big but knows how not to destroy. He is an infrequent attender, I later vaguely remembered possibly seeing him within the previous 3 years, so either he intuitively read me as a sauna tourist or it was a stroke (erm, several strokes) of good fortune for me!
  16. The speedo or briefs really narrows it down ... Max (sauna handle), Thiago, Reinaldo from Parana state, Djalma who recently returned, tall Wesley from Ceara state, and your guy I recognize from description but who's the one bathing beauty with whom I have not interacted (yet) and whose name escapes me. Maybe next time I am back. I am curious as hell and the build-up is suspensefully erotic, even if he is a dud!
  17. I noticed this year that some of the working guys bleach their hair temporarily for New Years (white garments have significance as well), or Carnival. Even the notorious Fernando. It either grows out quickly if short and is buzzed off, or some dye it back dark soon after.
  18. It is mandatory to be able to produce photo ID. If a xerox copy of passport is what you carry it is advisable to accompany it with another original document such as student, health, driver lic card. But it should have picture, name, and date of birth corresponding to passport copy.
  19. What a good idea! I usually carry my passport as I use Metro ... next time I will bring my photo health card and see if it is accepted. I have no drivers license. A color copy of passport has occasionally worked. Anyone know the language nuances PT of "cash reward if returned to owner, no questions asked". And you add your phone # ('zap)?
  20. ... but then Bruno sees you headed to 117, not 98, jumps out of the Chevy, proclaims he is horny as hell, and you both check into Alameda where you fuck like animals before you get into 117 for your 1st "paid" encounter?
  21. Gotti, I skipped Pnt202 this week. What was this new entrance charge/add-on? I have been paying R60 for any night all winter.
  22. I almost immediately rewatched LG's I Am Love (2009) on Netflix after viewing CMBYN. Definitely worth a look particularly if you missed it. Interestingly, the story begins in snowy winter Italy and ends in summer, with camera on main character outdoors during endroll.
  23. Bear in mind that you and hundreds of thousands are landing in Rio, Tex. If you leave, finding a domestic flight, or bus for that matter, to return will be a big challenge unless it is after the peak. I already ran into a transportation jam-up recently due to a preC bloco. For strategies getting around, Rio Times (online) is one way to likely get the street fest dates and locations (not strategies). The schedule might also help you to clue in what nights might be sleepless where you are lodging.
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