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Everything posted by Riobard

  1. If you want he will perform at your bridal shower ... Lohran +55 (21) 98134-0542
  2. But he is 28 and still doesn't know how to dress himself sometimes ...
  3. I think it might make straddling and bucking c&@k a little easier.
  4. It is about 4 km to MR, owing to required backtracking on some streets that have unidirectional portions. About 2 km back to Clube117. About 1.5 km by foot, a mile on the nose. Über drivers get the minimum fare, about 7-8 reais, decent given the short distance, and hella cheap for us. So no soak'n'poke likely in the cards. I do not belong to the Polar Bear Club ... and not a bear. Not surprised because the venue would need enormous hot-water tank capacity and may also have collective reservoir sharing with the remainder of the huge building complex. Whereas the other 3 clubs are stand-alone lowrise structures. Though there may technically be some capacity as somebody previously went to the the expense of installation of hydromassage installation. Can you switch the unit on, ie, is the current working? Any feedback on the love bench/chair feature in the suite? Those existed in the former bordello. And what about mirror features? What can you see reflected back? Flat, panorama?
  5. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the portable massage table symbol. Shows where my heads are at. Then I realized it is an 'occupation' icon. Then my heart skipped a beat when I fantasized it signifies a briefcase containing various essential oils, toys, rubbers, lube, vid equipment, various and sundry paraphernalia. On Grindr in Rio (sorry to deviate from Tinder topic) it is amusing to see some profiles specify "not a GP". I guess a lot of guys get hit on with offers. I must say my own approach there this past winter "me generous, you good-looking gym guy with training costs" resulted in minimal yield. I got some responses from young slender men I would not pay for or have sex with for free. I gave compliments to ones I liked so they might see my profile and agenda. Mostly ignored. My sense is those in that subgroup are hot gays looking for other young hot gays. Gay for pay fitness guys tend not to show up on Grindr. But there is a smattering of GP profiles in Grindr. They usually say "boy" in the handle ... short for rent boy, sauna boy, taxi boy, etc. Usually young adults with slim to average builds. You can also view profiles from afar with the Extra upgrade and the new "rocket" (geographical location to explore) link. Many of you probably already know this.
  6. For Rio google "brothels girlsheavens"
  7. I would add: not suitable for multiple longer-stay visits. An e-visa holder can make as many trips as desired within the 2 consecutive 90-day annual limits.
  8. Maybe if it were the Green Bay Fudge Packers
  9. A few more things, trying to cobble together bits of info: If you hear that it is possible for a visitor to have a 90-day allowable stay within a year but be able to go locally (in Rio it would be the airport) to apply for a fed police extension up to an additional 90, that is for non-visa visitors such as UK/EU passport holders. They can also apply for a traditional consular tourist visa in their country of origin. In contrast, e-visa holders cannot get the extension. It is designed to mimic the 90-day waiver during the 2016 Olympics. If you apply for a 5-year (Canada) or 10-year (US) traditional consular visa, your passport must expire no sooner than 6 months (I believe, cannot find the small print today) from the application date. When you have to get a new passport, you just keep your old passport with the visa together with the new one when you travel to Brazil. Obviously, they cannot expect passports to last the duration of these long periods. However, for the e-visa, I believe that the visa privilege will last 2 years or less, whichever comes first (passport expiry or 2 years). For example, your passport's expiry satisfies the initial application requirements but expires after 14 months: your e-visa period will be short-changed by 10 months. It is non-transferable. I believe they simply check your passport at time of application to determine the expiry.
  10. Forgive me if I assume incorrectly, but I believe the OP has the new e-visa, 90 days max within a 365-day period; eg, arrives April 1st, can come and go with stays additively maxed at 90 days, clock resets Apr 2019. No extension allowed. I think the answers provided here are predicated on the former (but still available) consular visa inserted in passport, 90 day max per visit, 180 days total within a year (commencing initial entry), fed police approval needed to extend past 90 days once the 90 day accumulation reached. For either visa type in terms of the 90 day rule (without extension), leaving the country for wherever stops the clock until re-entry. I THINK. Conceivably can arrive Brazil April 1st and leave 2nd week of July as long as a lengthy enough jaunt to, say, Argentina occurred, say, in May. Though I would not risk it personally, having had a confusing border experience that also differed from a friend in a different queue at the same instant, though personal circumstances the same. But perhaps mvan knows better than me ... he thinks the 90 days is reset, whereas I think it is just frozen. Again perhaps depends on e-type vs consular-issued type. The OP is inquiring about a border run as a way to satisfy the consular visa length of stay obligations, bypassing the extension procedure with BRZ fed police. Well, technically, it should be workable. I THINK. But would I personally risk it? Probably not. I think that at the border back to Brazil the customs officials would put you on the spot to provide the same documentation, proof of funds to cover "extension of stay", proof of future exit travel ticket, proof of accommodations, etc. They might think you strategically tried to bypass the procedure and might give you a hard time. I have tried to find a clear answer myself in the past by looking online, but gave up. If it were really important to me, for example if I wanted to stay down there for 6 months and break out to a neighbouring country briefly, I would probably seek clear direction from my consulate. But it's a moot point because I will likely go with the e-visa when my consular visa expires. In a similar vein, since e-visas expire after 2 years I wonder if the slate is wiped clean. If so, one could stay 90 days closer to the back end of the term and then apply for a new one and not have to wait 9 months to return. It seems strange, though, that the required elapse period between visits would hinge on your position in consecutive 2-year cycles. Perhaps other readers here have a clearer answer or have used the proposed 'work-around' consistently successfully.
  11. I notice that the site includes Pointe 202 in their list of to-do sauna establishments.
  12. Redxs, I think you left Rio over a week ago. Interested to learn how it went. As much detail as possible, por favor.
  13. I think the idea is to take the overnighter in one direction, where there are some time blocks of evening and morning scenery, but the capacity to kill some of the travel time while asleep, then arrange a more daytime travel schedule for the other direction, with less of the nostalgic amenities and less missed scenery. I believe I read recently somewhere that Scotland is rated the top destination for scenery ... I think Canada was 2nd. Also learned that a lot of Norman names are legitimately bound to Scottish clan tartans. I am not Scottish but my name (anglicized French) is one of many linked to the Campbell tartan, and is also the same as a town in Scotland.
  14. I think that the division of age groups at the type of event mentioned would tend to place you in the "client" category, so there may be some unkind reactions to your intent to sell sexual favours as a means of supporting yourself. But I do believe commercial sex workers come in all sizes and ages, and with varying menus, so that social event would be a good introduction, particularly as you have chosen to explore being an escort at the cusp of a very tricky time in terms of legalities of advertising services.
  15. Some of them do take a PDE5 inhibitor, with or without looking at the erotica to enhance erectile capability. It is not a cut and dry solution. For some men, Viagra helps to boost initial erection; for others it helps to sustain erection, while subjectively aroused, by inhibiting natural erection neutralization. But manual or oral stimulation with the drug on board may be insufficient unless SUBJECTIVELY turned on. For me personally, none of the 3 doses do a thing except side effects. I am only going to get and maintain an erection if with a person who meets my criteria. On balance, my astonishment at erectile reliability among the GP population far outweighs any misgivings related to methods they might use to guarantee erection robustness. Finally, we are relying on these fellows to have short refractory periods. That merits some leeway. Additionally, I would prefer to adjust and adapt to their reality than be a reason for them to risk priapism upon dose sequencing, though that might be less probable with Cialis.
  16. Excellent report from the OP. I do not particularly mind the video reliance and I am surprised by how accepting they are of the poor porn quality. But quite a few big hot straight guys do not seem to focus on it in missionary. In quarto, their gaze is hard to discern. Funny thing is: I have had dozens of programas at 202 and I have to admit I cannot recall if they have screens in the suites like at 117. What I would like is bigger and better strategically placed reflection. The mirror features at Lovetime Hotel, and Alameda to a point, add an explosion of visual stimulation. In contrast, at the saunas the mirrors are either too small or it is challenging to position yourself to see well. But if you go to to Hotel Alameda, ask for a room with red accent lighting ... the rooms with green lighting are garish.
  17. But there are a few love interest candidates and the viewer is left hanging, like in the final ferris wheel scene, as to the ID of the anon gay poster.
  18. Correction: I indicated a10% mortality rate ... in fact, over 1,500 cases in Brasil since July 2016, 30% death rate. I also did not know that YF vaccination in 14 interior states was already a longstanding routine procedure. The gov't plans to administer 70 million doses over the next 12 months, from perimeter n/e thru to s/e and south, so they must have a huge supply chain.
  19. If you personally benefit by saving money staying in a cheaper place I can see deviating from your stomping grounds. I and others here have stayed in hotels not too far n/w from Lagoa, east of the park (Iberapuera?). I think mine was a Days Inn about a 10 minute walk west on the same street as Lagoa. Adequate. But I prefer Jardim/Paulista ... and pretty quick to the Metro near Lagoa. If you are fully expensed, I recommend remaining in your familiar zone.
  20. I have always had a thing for Josh Duhamel. Now greying a little. Mm mm mm. Enjoyed the clever plot twists and turns and surprise ending.
  21. Just starting S4. So many programs with which to keep up. And I am sucked into discovering what new version of the quirky little pigtail Maestro pulls off?
  22. I must be less cynical. I think the message is that there have recently been hundreds of YF cases clustered in a relatively small area of Brazil, considering the immensity of the country. 10% of these have died, some of them foreign travellers. The country has been trying to arrange large-scale vaccination. Vaccination is the lowest common denominator for individual prevention and to ward off an urban outbreak, because urban spread of YF mimics the transmission patterns of Zika, Chikungunya, and dengue ... human to human via mosquito. There are enough red flags to suggest that many of the preliminary conditions for the first major urban outbreak in 90 years have been reached. Vaccination as prevention is one person at a time. It is two-pronged in that it protects you and you cannot be the source of another's exposure. Simple math, N of 1, multiply by a lot, factor in our good fortune in terms of access compared to inhabitants of the African continent.
  23. Things change quickly ... CDC just recommended vaccination for visitors to anywhere in Brazil.
  24. I got the vaccination last Fall (non-fractionated) prior to travel to Minas Gerais. A significant proportion of new infections in SP state have occurred within 15 kms of SP city; a significant proportion in RJ state occurred in Teresopolis area, within 100 kms of RdeJ city. Not a bad idea to get inoculated, as high density pop areas are hot zones if and when YF is introduced. Having had 2 subtypes of dengue, I have a great deal of respect for Aedes Aegypti buggers. Currently, the odds of exposure remain low but can be deadly.
  25. His new standup special "Humanity" now on Netflix. He has still got it.
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